May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Thanks hmommy and stacer....I got it together n started stims tonight. I will freeze these embies along with my previous 3. After Retrival I will start my once a month Lupron injections for 3 months. During my transfer cycle I will do endometrial biopsy and intralipids. So here's to hoping this works out!
GL, Lucinda! I hope that this cycle has answers for you and gets you your BFP!
Lucinda-I'm amazed by you! Really really really hoping this cycle is full of answers, embryos to freeze and anything else that can come out of it!!! Gl!

Afm-gender scan excited and nervous, but more excited that nervous, just cant believe this is it!!! In less than 24 hours we will know if we're having a son or a daughter! Sounds crazy!!
Hi stay hopeful! Thanks for asking! It was great and everything went as planned. We did an ultrasound but had the tech write the gender in an envelope. Then I went to buy buy baby and had the cashier but either the girl or boy one in a box depending on what the card said. I then wrapped it up with their free wrapping and put a yellow bow on it. We went home and video taped us as we opened it up, and it was a BOY!! I knew it!! So funny that I knew all along. Seeing the little outfit that we unwrapped made it more real than it would've been to just hear the tech say boy! So I'm glad we did what we did. And I'm glad we did it private because then we went to dinner and celebrated and talked about it! It was great and memorable!!! So I'm team blue! Which is exciting! :)

How are you stay hopeful?

Hope everyone else is doing well!! Keep us posted on your progress!!
Stacer, congrats for team blue Hun. That is lovely news and such a lovely way to do it x
Can I ask about how ur ivf centre were with regards to low amh. My centre the staff are lovely ( most of them ) but really find that they over emphasis the " this prob won't work esp for a woman like you". We are starting another cycle in a few weeks and at review I asked loads of diff questions regarding diff options, all came back with no- no evidence, 20 mins in they said ok we could have another cycle. Got the letter summary yesterday and it is just so negative it's really upset me. We are offering you one further cycle but this has a poor prognosis blah blah blah.
Logic head says there must be a chance if they wouldn't b giving us another cycle and wasting funding. And I know they need to inform us chances are low so we don't just assume it's going to work.
Just wanted to know if this is normal. They are a good centre but not sure I love there approach. Not sleeping well n that's not a good sign I'm coping. Holiday in a few days holding on for that :cry:
Hi Ladies

Hope you are all doing well. I was on this thread a while ago and been keeping track of how eveyone has been doing.

Stacer, Congrats on having a boy amazing how you did the big reveal!! :hugs:

Silver, sorry to hear previous cycles didn't work glad to hear you have plans to move on. It doesn't sound very professional how your clinic is approaching the situation I know they have to be straight with us with regards to the success rate but they also should be sensitive to our situation. Hope you proven them wrong and this next cycle give you your forever baby!!! :hugs:

Lucinda, sorry to hear about your failed cycle :hugs: but looks like you have a great plan going forward. I'm actually very interested in what your clinic is doing for you. I've just had my 3rd fresh cycle and ended in a BFN so looking into implantation issues etc. What tests did you have to do for you clinic to recommend the endometrial biopsy and intralipids?

Hope the rest of you ladies still on this thread are doing well :hugs:
Silver-ugh so sorry they're being so negative. I can only hope they're not trying to get your hopes up though...but still that's rude. My doc was very up front with us and told us that while I have very low egg count and endometriosis, rather than wasting the time of fixing the endometriosis that he recommends going straight for the ivf as up not waste any more time. He never once said it wouldn't work though. He said his biggest fear was that I wouldn't respond to the meds and that if that was the case they would take a different approach with different meds and/or doses. He knew going in that he would most likely only get 6 or 7 eggs so that wasn't a surprise when we got 6. They kept emphasizing that even though I have few eggs that due to only being 30 that they should be in good quality, however, I did take co q 10 and she's 3 months prior to ivf in hopes of increasing the quality. My Amh is .18, he says when it gets below .10 your chances are very slim at getting pregnsnt though. Not sure the conversion to UK if that's where your located. Now when I went in and they told me I was preg with twins, I told him I wanted to know what he thought my chances were of getting preg again after this pregnancy and he said you just never know-although at that point with twins I wasn't as concerned so didn't push for more answers. But he def didn't say it wouldn't happen. If you don't mind me asking, what's your age? Wanting to get an idea of your specific scenario. He said he was very aggressive with meds and prescribed them to me as if I was 44 years old. So I honestly would still be hopeful, I mean you never know. Miracles happen all the time. One thing I know is he was concerned with quality so maybe ask your doc about those supplements, dnf another thing-see if they can increase your dose so that maybe you can freeze some! I wish you the best!!! Let me know if you have more questions!

Hi sandy! Thank you! Hope your well!
Thanks for your support sandy.
Stacer I've just turned 33, so egg quality should be ok just low no. But first cycle I wasn't well and only got 3 eggs, 2 which fertilised. My amh was less than 4 but said the local lab couldn't b more accurate, asked to retest and they said no point to try ivf and see how I response. So suppose I ll just have to see how 2nd cycle goes and hope I get more eggs. They are giving me 4 ampules of menopur daily like last time. I'm trying folic acid, fish oil, any royal jelly. Started co enzyme and enquired about dhea and they just said no point as no evidence. Enquired about shorter cycle- no or option of trying long stim/incr dose- no evidence???
Just hard to try and keep positive going into a cycle when they are so negative. Also something implanted but didn't last cos there was some hcg in my system. So we know it can happen just needs to stay longer.
Thank you so much for your support, hoping I ll sleep cos I'm so tired x
Stacer yey on the lil love love how u found out the gender!
Sorry I've been MIA but since I'm leaving my job I have had tins to do :/
Sandy I had a full work up as I've had the HSG, hysteroscopy, and everything is normal....we went into IVF for male infertility and yet I kept getting bfn. I changed clinics for IVF 3 as my previous clinic was just transferring with no intent to try anything diff. So my clinic did a bunch of bloodwork and everything came back normal. The endometrial biopsy is something my clinic believes has shown improved sucess rates. After my last failed cycle RE sent me for MRI which showed adenomyosis ad then had testing for natural killer cells. So RE said the treatment would be LuPron and intralipids. So I'm going to give a try ;)
Silver-your age should help for sure. I was on 300iu of menopur in the morning (4 vials) and 300ius of follistim at night everyday for 12 days. Maybe ask them about adding follistim?? That seems to be what a lot of women with low amh get prescribed! Sorry they're so negative, I'll be positive for you! How long did you stim for last cycle? And did you only have 4 follicles (all with eggs I assume)?
Stacer, congrats on your little boy!

Lucinda, GL with the Lupron and intrepalids. I hope that they are the answer you've been searching for.

Silver, I don't know much about low AMH but I'm sorry to hear your doctors are being so negative!

AFM, I'm doing pretty well. Still have morning sickness but the medicine is keeping it under control. I'm still nauseous quite a bit but not throwing up anymore. We find out on Halloween whether we're having a boy or a girl!
Stacer yey on the lil love love how u found out the gender!
Sorry I've been MIA but since I'm leaving my job I have had tins to do :/
Sandy I had a full work up as I've had the HSG, hysteroscopy, and everything is normal....we went into IVF for male infertility and yet I kept getting bfn. I changed clinics for IVF 3 as my previous clinic was just transferring with no intent to try anything diff. So my clinic did a bunch of bloodwork and everything came back normal. The endometrial biopsy is something my clinic believes has shown improved sucess rates. After my last failed cycle RE sent me for MRI which showed adenomyosis ad then had testing for natural killer cells. So RE said the treatment would be LuPron and intralipids. So I'm going to give a try ;)

Lucinda, I'm in the same position as you everything has came back clear on my previous tests and we are doing ICSI due to DH having cancer and had to freeze his sperm prior to chemo therapy.
Definitely going to ask the clinic about endometrial biopsy as we alway get plenty of mature eggs so no problem with quality and we always have a 5 day blastocyst transfer and the last one actually hatching on the morning of transfer so don't seem to have a problem there the only thing that seems to be going wrong is implanting and it doesn't seem to happen!!!! :shrug:
Stacer yey on the lil love love how u found out the gender!
Sorry I've been MIA but since I'm leaving my job I have had tins to do :/
Sandy I had a full work up as I've had the HSG, hysteroscopy, and everything is normal....we went into IVF for male infertility and yet I kept getting bfn. I changed clinics for IVF 3 as my previous clinic was just transferring with no intent to try anything diff. So my clinic did a bunch of bloodwork and everything came back normal. The endometrial biopsy is something my clinic believes has shown improved sucess rates. After my last failed cycle RE sent me for MRI which showed adenomyosis ad then had testing for natural killer cells. So RE said the treatment would be LuPron and intralipids. So I'm going to give a try ;)

Lucinda, I'm in the same position as you everything has came back clear on my previous tests and we are doing ICSI due to DH having cancer and had to freeze his sperm prior to chemo therapy.
Definitely going to ask the clinic about endometrial biopsy as we alway get plenty of mature eggs so no problem with quality and we always have a 5 day blastocyst transfer and the last one actually hatching on the morning of transfer so don't seem to have a problem there the only thing that seems to be going wrong is implanting and it doesn't seem to happen!!!! :shrug:

Yep same here....quality is not an issue and great fertilization results with ICSI....problem with me is implantation. So I'm hopeful that the lupron depot for 3 months, intralipids, and the endometrial biopsy will do the trick. I guess ill find out during my Frozen transfer Dec/Jan ;)
Yey Stacer!! Just checked in and saw you're on team BLUE :happydance: That's awesome!!
Not too bad :) hoping to be either pregnant or start ivf this month. It's daunting to think about being back at square one but trying my best to think positive.

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