May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Lucinda-sounds like a good plan to wait, especially if that's what the RE advises. I'd hate for you to go through this again if the implantation issue hasn't been resolved. I know 3 months sounds like a while but it will probably go by pretty fast with the holidays. And great number of fertilized eggs!!!

Hmommy-sorry you're feeling a bit sad about being at square one. I can imagine that would be hard, but hopefully this will be the last time you're at square one. Do your docs think the hematoma is what caused your loss? Do they say it's likely to happen again? I'm definitely hoping not!!! Keep us posted on your progress!
Lucinda, sounds like you are making the right choice and listening to your FS :hugs:

Hmommy, Sorry your feeling down but all this heart ache will be worth it in the end :hugs: xx
Hey ladies...

Just wanted to jump in & say hello! I've been stalking away :)

Yey Aimze!! :happydance: How are you?? Any news on the adoption front?

Stacer, when I told my RE about the hematoma, he felt that it was probably the beginning of the end when that developed because bleeding can cause uterine contractions that can sometimes aggravate a pregnancy and change the outcome. However, he said there are women who get hematoma's twice the size of mine and deliver healthy pregnancies, so it could also have been a chromosomal thing or just a case of a weak egg and sperm combo. Since I didn't have the fetal analysis done, we'll never really know- a big misstep on my part. :nope:

Today went fine though. Baseline ultrasound and back on bcp. Hubby and I are both on strong supplements. (and I've also been on Royal Jelly and Co Q 10 now for a few weeks) and I'm feeling ready. I actually had more follicles at this baseline ultrasound than last time (well, like 2 extra ones LOL) :wacko: So, we'll see.

Stacer, how big is the bump? Lots of maternity pants? How many weeks are you now? :hugs:
Hi Aimee! How are you??

Hmommy-glad your baseline went well! 2 more follicles is a good start!! Especially since we're hoping for more eggies so you can freeze some! So are you on bcps for 2 weeks then injections begin? Or will you begin injections sooner? Good luck with all those supplements! :) we'll I've definitely got a bump, or looks like I've just gained weight in my belly and boobs are bigger. At work I was still hiding it but now I don't care if they know but not really announcing it or wearing tight shirts so they can tell. But I'm definitely almost completely in maternity pants. I bought 2 jeans and 2 pants so far, and only bc motherhood was having a sale online bought some sweaters because I don't want to spend $30 on every shirt I buy. I'm 18 weeks 2 days. Seems unreal still but starting to set in. Everytime I see friends/family they bring something for baby so that's exciting! Go In for the anatomy scan in 2 weeks! If I can figure out how to post a pic I'll post one of my belly!! I'm always on my phone when i post though!

Hope everyone else is doing good!!
so i ended up in the ER yest and i guess i was too loopy to post correctly. i ended up having a cyst burst and there was fluid/blood in my uterus causing excruciating pain.
Hmommy glad to hear you are starting up again and that there are already 2 extra follies showing up.

So I was given pain meds through my IV and went home to attempt to eat take out and to sleep. I was told not to return to work until next week, which unfortunately is my last week and messes up termination with my clients ☹ So I thought I was better until I attempted my Starbucks run this am(I was bored and thought I was okay. So when I mean attempted a run, I mean that my local starbucks parking lot was so full that I had to park on the sidewalk and the line was so long that the line went out the door…no patience for all that. I then drove 2.5 miles to another Starbucks and got my fix but at the price of pain coming back all over again… I get it now…stay put!

More importantly I have news on my embies…so RE made a mistake and all 23 embryos retrieved were mature…yey! So out of the 23, 21 fertilized normally. Today…Day 3 update: 4 are Grade 1, 14 are Grade 2, and 3 are Grade 3. They only freeze Grade 1 and 2…..i will have another update on Monday as to how many were frozen. The plan for now is to get my first Lupron shot on Tues and the Second a month from that… last Lupron Shot would be in Dec!
Lucinda!!! You need a serious break! Wow! Hope you're feeling better! Great news on the eggs though! Sounds like you'll have a lot to freeze which is great!! Try to take it easy and have dh get your Starbucks for you for a little while! :)
That's awesome! 18 weeks already...jeez, time flies! Are you feeling good? Tired? Love how cute maternity clothes are now. :) definitely post a pic! Good luck at the scan next week and post a pic of baby boy!! :)

I'm doing two weeks of bcp but not sure about the stimming yet..get my calendar next week. It's scary to do this right before the holidays..the results will have such an impact on how much I love Christmas! Lol...

Hi Aimee! How are you??

Hmommy-glad your baseline went well! 2 more follicles is a good start!! Especially since we're hoping for more eggies so you can freeze some! So are you on bcps for 2 weeks then injections begin? Or will you begin injections sooner? Good luck with all those supplements! :) we'll I've definitely got a bump, or looks like I've just gained weight in my belly and boobs are bigger. At work I was still hiding it but now I don't care if they know but not really announcing it or wearing tight shirts so they can tell. But I'm definitely almost completely in maternity pants. I bought 2 jeans and 2 pants so far, and only bc motherhood was having a sale online bought some sweaters because I don't want to spend $30 on every shirt I buy. I'm 18 weeks 2 days. Seems unreal still but starting to set in. Everytime I see friends/family they bring something for baby so that's exciting! Go In for the anatomy scan in 2 weeks! If I can figure out how to post a pic I'll post one of my belly!! I'm always on my phone when i post though!

Hope everyone else is doing good!!
Lucinda, can you spare any eggs? Lol.... you are an egg making machine!!! :happydance:
Stacer not feeling any better and I learned my lesson through my starbucks run :/
Hmommy I don't know how I got all those eggs as my previous 3 cycles I made under 10 as my right ovary tends to be lazy....also I stim ever so slowly. I can thank RE's suggestions for this awesome result !!!! That being said I trust her opinions and that's why I'll wait the 3 months :)
Almost forgot...I have a accupuncture initial consult tom....they are located at the office where my transfer would take place. I figure ill try everything I can this time around ;)
Lucinda, oh my goodness! That sounds miserable and I hope that you start feeling better soon! Great news about your embryos though, definitely keep us posted. It sounds like your FS has a good plan.

Hmommy, good luck with the bcp! I'm so sorry you're feeling like you're back at square 1 :hugs: Hopefully this cycle will go great, it's definitely a good sign that you had lots of follies at your baseline ultrasound!
Lol Hmommy!! I could use some of Lucinda's eggs as we'll!!! And totally understand about the holidays. I'm hoping Amd praying that you love them this year though!!! I feel fine, can't complain this has been pretty easy so far minus the loss of a twin. :( I just have lower back pain, and I sleep about 9 hours a night so not too tired during the day. I'm so afraid I'm going to be huge!! :/ my stomach looks pretty big already. I was doing squats tonight to keep my legs in shape! ;) You're right though, the maternity clothes are super cute. Destination maternity by millenia mall has some super cute stuff! We'll I hope these 2 weeks of Bcp go by fast so you can be an egg making machine too!! Make us proud!!!

Stay hopeful-how are you doing? Still getting sick?

Lucinda-glad your RE has regained your trust. That is huge! She seems like she knows what she's doing, that's for sure!!! After your back to normal, do you and dh hVe any plans to occupy your time for the next 3 months? I've done acupuncture before, for anxiety...although I think the needles only made my anxiety worse! Lol however I did like it when I was finally able to relax. Let us know how you like it! I've heard it definitely helps!

Silver-you doing ok?
Lucinda poor you, rest up Hun. Well done on the eggs amazing no s !

I started buserlin on Monday and doing ok. Only symptoms achey lower back and sore boobs?? Didn't get that last time. Keeping positive!

Hmommy i only wanted to do another cycle if it didn't finish at christmas, cos didn't want be upset over that time. But figure the end of the year could be amazing for both of us x :happydance:
Ladies today the pain killers did something or was it the acupuncture???? Well today is day one that i feel less miserable but not well enough to drive. Cant say i really loved the acupuncture but maybe that was because i had a flyer for free consult for patients of my clinic and when i finished i was charged the full price...i tried to debate it but was told it was only for consult and i had treatment too? So i called later in the day and asked for itemized bill as its covered under DH insurance....i was asked if I'm coming back in 3 weeks and i said yes but only because i want the receipt lol.....aint no way I'm going back there. Plus the man said it would be every week until after transfer....that is 3 plus months.....lets do the math here: sessions after consult are 95 each!
Silver-achey back and sore boobs could be a sign that you're producing more follicles this time? I'm hoping so! When is your scan??? Good luck!!!!!

Lucinda-glad you are feeling better! And holy expensive for acupuncture! When I went I went to a school so it was a LOT more affordable, however I don't know if i'd trust them to work on me for something so specific... Maybe you could just do it 2 times a month or 1 time a month? I think you'll still get some benefits from it doin it less frequently? how many embryos did you end up freezing?

Hmommy-hope you're hang in there?!

Okay so I have to vent, hope you don't mind. My sister just told me she is pregnant today. Now I'm way more happy for her being pregnant, than I'm not,,,,but I can't help but be upset. They had only been trying for 5 months and of course being the good sister I am I gave her pointers, and they worked. Shes super early, like 5 weeks but still. I can't help but feel like the incompetent one when everyone around me gets pregnant so easlily-and I know all of you can relate. Its just NOT fair. I don't wish this on anyone, but yet its frustrating that it has to happen to us. Now I'm extremely greatful that IVF worked for me and that I am pregnant, so Its not that, its just the principal of it all!! UGH! and I Know I'd rather experience this with her because I wouldn't want to be having a baby while she's looking into fertility treatment, but it still hurts. Thanks for listening...I hope I didn't offend anyone.....just upsetting. I cried all morning feeling like a failure.

Well hope you ladies are enjoying fall! I'm thinking about going to find a pumpkin patch today as the weather here is still hot so its hard to get in the fall mood! But I LOVE fall!
Lucinda, I know my acupuncture was definitely expensive. I think I did $75 per session and I did do it weekly for the 3 months before the transfer. What really upset me though was that my acupuncturist came for the transfer and did a session right before and right after in the doctor's office, but then she told us it was $300 and we hadn't been expecting that at all! I don't know if it helped, but I'd like to think it did.

Stacer, don't feel bad about venting! That's frustrating and the way you're feeling is completely understandable.

I had a scare last night, when I went to the bathroom at about 10 I noticed that I had just started bright red spotting. I'd gone to the restroom about an hour beforehand and hadn't noticed anything and I didn't have any pain, but I still freaked out and called my OB's after-hours number. She said to go ahead and go in to the ER just to be on the safe side, so we did. They did bloodwork, which evidently came back normal, and also did an ultrasound. The baby looked good and is still measuring big and his/her heartbeat is right where it has been. The ultrasound tech said that my placenta is near my cervix, which could be causing the spotting, and it turns out I also have a UTI which might be causing it too. I didn't spot too much, not even enough to fill up a liner, and it had pretty much stopped by the time I got to the hospital. I maybe had a tiny bit of pinkish spotting while we were there and then a little bit of brownish spotting this morning. The ER doctor told me to take it easy today and follow up with my OB tomorrow, so I'll call her in the morning. I know the baby was fine on the ultrasound yesterday, but I'm still freaking out a bit.
Stacer- hole ur feeling better Hun. You are not a failure just human and totally get why your upset. :hugs: I'm only a week into down regging so symptoms bit random really...

Stay hopeful- hope the bleedings stopped and ur taking it easy x
Feeling rubbish today, sore boobs, occ abdo pain, dizzy/spacey.. Boo this better not last. Survived work so gonna treat myself to a lazy evening x hope u ladies have had a better day xxx

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