May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Silver-good luck!!! Fingers crossed for you! And hopefully you can stim less than 14-15 days this time! I stimmed for 13 days and that was enough! Let us know how it goes!

Hmommy-can totally understand! Sucks bc you get extra jabs, but the money is pretty much worth it! Good luck!! You're going to be on suppositories this time instead of pio though right? So that should help a little. I didn't mind the progesterone, I uses it in the morning yet still not much discharge.

I must say I'm pretty impressed with myself as I haven't bought much. We did buy a crib last week after the 20 week appointment and put it together. But no mattress yet. Other than that just painted the room with a beach/surf mural. Im thinking about doing a registry this weekend just to kind of keep track of things, and update as we get closer, but there's so much to research. Our next purchase will be rocker, mattress and curtains. :)
Scan went perfect- all shut down! I can normally do this bit well. Can start stimming tomorrow with 4 vials menopur daily x excited and keeping the positive vibes going xxx
Yey Silver!! :happydance: Excited for you :hugs:

Stacer, so exciting to set up the crib... can't wait to have a crib set up myself. You must love looking at it in the nursery :hugs::cloud9:

Girls, the follistim makes me very emotional.. omg,, I wasn't psycho at all on the gonal-f, but this stuff leaves me feeling like AF times 10! lol...

Start the HGH tonight.. god only knows what effect that stuff will add :wacko:
Hello ladies sorry I've been MIA....i couldn't remember my log in info and I've just been a hot mess. Im starting to give in....dont know how much of this emotional and financial drain i can take. With this lupron shot thing....i won't get AF until on or around 2/15/13 and so FET would be end of Feb 2013.....i just don't know anymore. I wrote a lengthy email to RE and her assistant about quitting as I'm pissed about having to have purchased a medication that they last minute decided i didn't need....i ran out of work to get it(got in trouble for that), drove an hr for it, and paid money for it only to have to buy another medication.
Lucinda, sorry you're having such a hard time. Maybe you just need a break. You've been through a lot over the last few months...take the time if you need it to just breathe. I hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted, I definitely want to see you achieve your dreams!!

Hmommy-sorry the follistem is causing so many hormones...I didn't really notice too much when I was on it..but then again my dh was away during those 2 weeks so I was alone with no one to be moody at, and I am sure if i was emotional/moody i blamed it on going through IVF alone while dh was How is the HCG treating you? You got to be getting closer now...keeping everything crossed for you! And yes, I am in shock that we have a crib in the house, seems unreal!!

Silver-hope the stimming is going well so far!!
Lucinda, hang in there pal. I know it sucks right now... but you'll look back on this time and know that nothing worth while ever comes easy. Enjoy the holidays, deep breaths, and keep crossing days off the calendar... February will be here before you know it! :hugs:

AFM, going in tomorrow morning to see if my uterine lining has improved and maybe get an idea on when we may be doing retrieval. It's such a different scenario this time around because I'm back at school. I keep telling my kids I'm getting there late because I'm at 'teacher workshops' omg...

Looking foward to the holidays... either because I'll finally have a bun in the oven, or because of the wine induced, partying distractions! :wacko:
Good luck, silver and hmommy! Hmommy, I can't imagine doing that during the school year. It was hard enough for me trying to get away when I did the IUIs. The kids were pretty clueless, though... They pretty much believe what you tell them when it comes to why you're out.

Lucinda, so sorry you're having to go through this! :hugs: Maybe having a "break" during the holidays will be a blessing in disguise. This way you can relax and enjoy time with friends and family, then refocus on ttc in the new year.

We had our gender ultrasound last Thursday, but we're doing a gender reveal party on Nov. 16 and waiting until then to find out. The nurse wrote the results in an envelope and I gave it to my best friend, who's planning the party.
Lucinda sorry your having a rubbish time Hun hugs x

Hmommy hope your u s goes well tomorrow

Stacer glad ur getting on with the nursery so exciting

Stay- 18 weeks that seems to have gone so fast. Enjoy ur party

4 days of stimming down for me and I've had one electro acupuncture session, got one more acupuncture on wed and then scan on thurs x fingers crossed ladies xxx hope everyone has a great week
Stayhopeful, LOVE the gender reveal party!!! Do you have any woman's intuition about the gender? A secret preference? :)

Silver, already 4 days down for stimming..jeez, that went by fast! :)
Woke up with awful head cold... Boo! Hoping it won't do anything bad to my ovaries efforts ( this process really does make u paranoid).
Hmommy thinking of u today for your ultrasound x
You ladies are moving right along!!! That's exciting!

Hmommy-hope your scan goes well!

Silver-sorry you're sick, but it shouldn't interfere, I hope!!!

Stay hopeful-you're brave waiting another 2 weeks to find out, we could only wait another 2 hours! Lol that will be so great though! Any idea what the gender is? I was right on with my guess for ours!
Scan went fine today. Follies doing their thing...about 10 right now and my lining is beefing up a bit too which is a huge relief! Another scan on Wednesday then my guess is I'll be triggering that night or Thursday!! Excited and scared!! :)
GL, hmommy! Glad to hear that the scan went well today and sending lots of :dust: your way!

I really am not sure what we're having... I guess that if I had to take a guess, I would say girl. But it seems like what I think changes daily :wacko:
Hmommy-that's great! Glad you've got 10 follies this time! I'm really excited for you and praying everything goes well!!! Grow follies, grow!!! That would be great if you got 10 eggs! Keep us posted!

Stay hopeful-that's funny that you're thinking changes everyday, mine did too but for some reason deep down I just knew it was a boy!

Lucinda and silver-hope you're doing well!!

We found out this morning that all genetic testing came back negative, which is a huge relief! I would've loved him just as much either way, but glad he's doing well! I gained 20 lbs this far at 22 weeks, which my doc says is fine but I'm just nervous bc I don't want to gain too much! I still work out though, so I guess I'll just keep at it and see what happens. My friends on bed rest right now with edema at 35 weeks, so I think that's why I'm scared! But she gained more than 20 lbs in the first tri, so definitely different scenario!

Well good luck ladies!!
Congrats on the great test results Stacer! :happydance:

It's awesome that you're working out...staying strong is key for sure!
Hooray for the test results, Stacer! I'm definitely packing on the pounds too... I think if the doctor doesn't seem concerned, I'm not going to worry about it.
Well ladies, it looks as though I'm all set for triggering tomorrow night, Saturday will be retrieval, and for some odd reason, the IVF nurse already told me that I'll be doing either a 2 or 3 day transfer... which kind of bothers me because they're not even considering trying to take any embies to blast??!! Are they just assuming my eggs suck so lets get them in fast? lol.... they're probably right. :(

Ran out of follistim tonight in the middle of a shot, so had 25 units less than I'm supposed to (probably not a good thing), but other than that, hoping this time is the one. Nervous and scared.. trying to be positive but it's hard.

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