May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Lucinda-how's it going? Any new updates?

Hmommy-are you doing okay? I hope you're Starting to feel a little more relaxed knowing your babies are okay? When is your next appointment?

Stay-did you get your 3 hour test results back? Hopefully you passed it!!

How's everyone else?
Stacer thanks for checking feeling like this is the slowest cycle ever.....geez!!!! Today is last day of BC(took it for 10 days) and i will continue my leuprolide acetate, folgard, and prenatals. AF should be here tues/wed and i have ultrasound and bw on tues. On Thurs i start predisone and intramusular estrogen, followed by endometrial scraping on the 27th and intralipid infusion on the 31st. Transfer is looking like Feb clinic does a torturous 1 month FET cycle which if i was just doing FET cycle with estrogen and Progesterone it would have been 3 weeks until transfer.
Lucinda, hopefully the extra time means that your body will have plenty of time to get ready and make the best home possible for your little bean! Hang in there!

I did get my 3-hour results back and I failed, so I officially have GD. I meet with the nurse on Monday to discuss what changes I need to make in diet and exercise.
Stayhopeful sorry you failed but the good nes is you will get extra sonograms which equals seeing your lo more than a regular pregnant would ;)
Lucinda-yay for last day of bcps! At least you're making progress! And a feb 7-10th transfer isn't too far away! Less than a month now! Hoping that your endometrial scraping and infusion go well! And just take care of yourself during this time. Try to stay as stressfree as possible (if that's possible!)! :)

Stay-sorry you failed the 3 hour. It's no fun but I guess the good news is you'll gain less weight so there won't be as much for you to take off after baby's born! I'm kinda struggling with this as well. Had my 32 week check up yesterday and they pricked my finger and my sugar was 147 an hour after eating when it should've been 140. So now they want me testing at home 4 times a day for 4 days and submitting my results bc if everything's fine then I'm good but if it's not then I'll go to a dietician. My dh couldn't believe those 7 pts were that big of a deal! So I'm on a 2500 calorie per day diabetic diet right now. So I can totally relate. It's very stressful, especially bc I feel hungry a lot! I actually lost 2 pounds since my last visit 2 weeks ago bc of following this diet! So it's a pain, but it will be worth it to have that baby in out arms!! And luckily we've gotten used to needles due to ivf so the pricking isn't too bad!! Good luck though! Only a few more weeks!!!
Stacer thanks for the advice....I will def try to take it easy....will even take off day from work(if its on a weekday) and be a couch potatoe ;)
Lucinda, I'm thinking this Valentines day is going to be a GOOD one for you!!! :hugs:

Stayhopeful, I'm sorry to hear about the GB diagnosis, but I agree with the girls, at least this means more monitoring and a diet that might result in losing the weight faster afterward which is pretty great! :flower:

Stacer, back to those needles, huh? lol... geez... :wacko: well, at least it's not bloody folistim, right?! :dohh:

AFM, I'm trying to stay positive but am continuing to see spotting every day. I dread each time I have to go to the bathroom because I think, "this might be it" and it's a little too close to deja vu for me :cry:

However, I'm at 12 weeks today and have an ultrasound on Wednesday to check on the 'gummy bears' -- our nickname for these two, and I'm just hoping and praying for the best. One thing I notice about this pregnancy is that I'm HUGE. I didn't want to tell anyone I was pregnant this time around because of what happened last time, but sadly, I've already had to share with a number of friends who just couldn't help but notice despite the fact that I was wearing enormous shirts every day. :dohh:

No matter what happens, I just luv you guys and appreciate being able to check in with women who are truly understanding of all this... you guys are the best, and always in my prayers. :hugs:
Good luck for the u/s hmommy.

Me I had my review appt and was honest that I felt they were discounting me before trying all options. Said I would consider donor eggs but that I wanted to try something different first. After telling them I thought their long protocol only seemed to not work, I asked about short protocol, dhea and altering dose menopur. She apologised for seeming negative and offered a cycle of what I wanted... That threw me somewhat. So going to have appt in three months, to let my cycles get back to normal then try short protocol. Surprised I was ready to change centres but will stay for last one.
My best friend also announced she was pregnant and stood and cried cos I was missing this special thing in my life. Realised how good I've got at faking smiles! So pleased for her but it's hard. Anyway the pressures off for a few months xxx
Silver, I hope your doc figures out the perfect cycle for you!! And I know what you mean about getting good at faking smiles! Just know that it will happen and like you, I am all about the donor egg RE said the success rate for donor egg cycles at his clinic is 86 %!! I pray you don't need that option but it's a perfect back up plan. My issues seem to be staying pregnant and my best friend just told me she's 8 weeks pregnant and has already cleaned out her guest room for the nursery! I just don't have that much confidence anymore and it's depressing. Well, keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
Hmommy this would b the best valentines n early bday present(bday 3/7)!!!! Feeling a lil scared out AF approaching as I haven't had AF in 3 months!
I could imagine how scary spotting could be but keep faith that everything will b okay....fixed for your ultrasound on wed!
Hmommy-can totally understand why you would be more anxious around this mile marker in your pregnant. But just try to hang in there! You saw the babies not to long ago and they were doing great! So there's no reason why they're not just growing along!! Only a couple more days for a little more relief settles in! Hang in there!!

Silver-that's great they're finally listening and willing to try different options. I just really think there's hope for you, so I'm glad they are finally listening! One of the girls I work with did use donor egg and just gave birth to her baby in November! So it's definitely a good back up plan option! But I just feel if you want one of your very own, that you shouldn't give up until you really feel it's not an option (not when your doctor feels it isn't)! Let us know hoe everything continues to go!

Lucinda-that would be a great valentines/birthday present!!!

Hope everyone's doing well!
Thanks Stacer :).

Got some answers last night after spending 4 hours in the ER! I have another subchorionic hematoma grrrrr!!! This is how my body apparently responds to pregnancy :(.

Heading to see my doc this morning and honestly hoping he puts me on bed rest! Lol... The babies were both measuring 4 days ahead and baby A especially was really active, so it was good to see that they seem (for now) oblivious of the trauma their mama is going through :wacko:
Oh gosh Hmommy, not again!!! What are they going to do? Did they put you on bed rest? Hopefully they can do something to prevent that hematoma from interfering with these babies! I'm glad they were active on the screen, that is good!!!
Yep..... On bed rest for the duration of this pregnancy! Will be monitoring the impact of it on the babies and just praying for a good outcome this time.... Ugh.
Oh hmommy, so sorry to hear about the hematoma!!! Hopefully the bed rest will help though and I'm sending lots and lots of positive thoughts your way. Hang in there!
Hmommy-wow! I'm glad they're tAking it seriously and putting you on bed rest, but I'm sure you're freaking out! I mean that is a long time to be out of work, is your job understanding? You're a teacher right? But all thAt really matters is that you and your babies are okay!! Hope your dh gets you some good books/movies to keep you occupied!! Hang in there!!
Yes, I hope so. My boss was great but I'm hoping to god that the sick bank review committee approve my application so I can receive some pay or times are going to be rough!! I know all that matters right now are the babies and not money but I don't want the stress of financial struggles to effect anything, you know? :wacko:
Hmommy I'm sooooo sorry to hear....really hoping your application is approved n bedrest will help keep those babies safe!
Hmommy-I totally understand! I'm hoping they approve the application as well! Try not to stress yet...because worrying is like praying for something you don't want to happen!! Im sure things will work out!!
Hmommy, I hope that the review committee comes through for you! Glad to hear that your boss is being so understanding.

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