May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Hi there ladies! How is everyone doing?!?

Lucinda-only 4 days until your transfer!! YOu must be feeling all sorts of emotions! I sure do hope everything goes well! In just a couple of days you will be PUPO with 3 embies!! Keeping everything crossed for you!

Hmommy-how is bed rest? Are are the twinnies? I hope you 3 are doing well!! When is your next appointment or did you just have one?

Stay-how are you doing? HOpefully your cough is better so you don't need those drops and are able to stabilize your sugar?! My fasting sugar is still 100-110 every day no matter why I try. I'm not sure if they are going to put me on meds or not, I guess I'll know Tuesday after they do my ultrasound! Are your finger tips all bruised from the testing? Mine sure are, but I guess thats nothing compared to the abdomen bruising we've all had.

How is everyone else?

I had my first labor and delivery experience today! I thought I was leaking fluid so I went in bc one of the ladies I work with was a l&D nurse before and told me i should get checked. So she called her friend who still works as a triage nurse at the hopsital I'm delivering at, and asked her to look out for me. She was super nice and took good care of me. Well turns out i'm not leaking fluid which is good, but i Have a bacterial vaginosis which is most likely due to me being 2cm dilated and 80% effaced! That is pretty crazy considering i'm 35w3d now. so they are giving me antibiotic for the BV and then telling me to take it easy this weekend and Monday until my appointment on Tuesday. They don't want me progressing anymore just yet. I'd like to keep him in another 2 weeks, if not 3, but I guess we will see what happens. They said he looked great and that I had one contraction while hooked up to the machine. Mom/Sister/DH are all excited as we are getting closer. I am too of course!
Omg Stacer!! I can't believe how close you are until the big day!!! It's great that you were proactive and had that connection over at Winnie! I know you had a scare but how are you feeling otherwise? Excited, nervous? Baby is on the way!!! :happydance:

As for bed rest, it's boring but babies looked good on the ultrasound this week and I've not had spotting in a couple if days so for me, that's a big accomplishment! Lol.., :dohh:
Stacer had lining check and I'm all set for Tues in the am ....I'm beyond excited and nervous!
How exciting that your almost get to meet your lo soon!!!
Hmommy sorry that your bored but glad that there's no bleeding!
Hmommy-that's great that you haven't had any spotting and the babies look great!! Yay!!

Lucinda-so exciting!!! Enjoy your last weekend before Pupo!

Im actually feeling fine, just always tired. I sleep like 9-10 hours a night but then again I'm always up 2-4 times using the restroom in the middle of the night or trying to turn over to get comfortable. It's not as easy to turn over or get out of bed anymore, takes a lot of energy actually-but not complaining. Then Monday and today I took a 2 hour nap and will still get the same amount of sleep at night! We are so very excited, it's all I can think about! I just can't wait til you ladies are this close! And it's going to happen, I just know it!!!
So excited for you Lucinda!!! Keeping everything crossed for you!! [-o<
Lucinda fingers crossed for you. Hang in there

Hmommy glad to hear you and babies are doing well. Just keep resting and grow babies grow :)

Stacer good thing you went to get checked. I can't believe how your progressing. Time is really flying. Hope you feeling well

Well I'm in my 38th week. I'm trying to enjoy the last few days but I can't wait to meet my little man. My last appointment is Tuesday and then the 18th is my pre op appointment and the 20th is my c section. Just want to say thank you to all of you. Everyone has been an amazing sound board and support system for one another. This is not an easy journey and you can only truly understand when you go through it. Thank you again and lots of prayers sent to all of you.
Hey gorgeous ladies, been working loads so not had much time to pop on. Lucinda good luck, hmommy keep thinking how bored u must be but ur doing fab and stacer so excited things are so close.
Loads of love
Just wanted to say Goodluck with your csection on the exciting that ur almost meeting your lil man....did you pick a name?
QUOTE=bbblues;31598341]Lucinda fingers crossed for you. Hang in there

Hmommy glad to hear you and babies are doing well. Just keep resting and grow babies grow :)

Stacer good thing you went to get checked. I can't believe how your progressing. Time is really flying. Hope you feeling well

Well I'm in my 38th week. I'm trying to enjoy the last few days but I can't wait to meet my little man. My last appointment is Tuesday and then the 18th is my pre op appointment and the 20th is my c section. Just want to say thank you to all of you. Everyone has been an amazing sound board and support system for one another. This is not an easy journey and you can only truly understand when you go through it. Thank you again and lots of prayers sent to all of you.[/QUOTE]
Oh my goodness, so many of us are getting close! So exciting!

Lucinda, I am so excited that your transfer is finally almost here! GL on Tuesday and keep us posted. I'm keeping everything crossed for you! :dust:

Hmommy, glad that bed rest is going well and that both of your little ones are doing well. Hang in there!

Stacer and bblues, you're so close! Good luck with your last few weeks and with labor and delivery.

I'm doing well, my cough has gotten a little better so I'm not having to use cough drops any more. I did go to my GP and found out I had an upper respiratory infection, so she put me on a round of antibiotics. It hasn't helped completely, I think mainly now my cough and drainage is allergy-related, but it's definitely better than it was. And yes, Stacer, my fingers are definitely getting bruised! Honestly, I think the finger pricks hurt more than the abdominal shots I had to do, but maybe that's just selective memory... :wacko: I'm not super uncomfortable yet, but starting to get more uncomfortable at night and definitely having to go to the restroom all the time. I technically have 8 weeks left, but right now the plan is to induce me at 39 weeks. I'll have an ultrasound at 36 weeks and see how big our little man is, then go from there. DH and I took maternity pictures this weekend, so much fun! The one time in my life I'm not worried about my waistline in pictures...
Stayhopeful that sounds like a lot of fun!!!! You too are getting close ladies are all so close!
Ill keep you guys posted as I will start to POAS sun or Monday (5dp5dt/6dp5dt)
Lucinda-everything is crossed for you tomorrow and you'll be in my thoughts!!! Please let us know how everything goes!!!!

Hmommy-did you ever find out of you're going to be taken care of financially while you're out on bed rest? And by bed rest, are you only getting up for restroom, etc? Or are you up for other reasons?

Stay-you're getting close too! It must be nice to know you're getting induced at 39 weeks, as opposed to it being up in the air. You know it's funny about the abdominal injections! I too have forgotten about them and feel like I don't even know how I did it!! Lol! Anyone else feeling the same way?

Silver-how are you doing??

Aimze-any updates on the adoption?
Good luck Lucinda!!!!! :happydance::hugs:

Stacer, the board did approve my sick leave application and are giving me full pay for the remainder of the school year... Sooooo happy about that!!

As for bed rest, since the bleeding has stopped (knocking on wood right now) I'm on modified rest which means I can shower, make myself lunch, sit on the patio etc,. But if I start bleeding again I have to go back to strict rest... Horizontal all day except bathroom breaks :(

I have a fetal Doppler and I think I'm going to bd brave and use it soon... Just for peace of mind because other than a heavy, big belly, it's hard for me to believe I have two babies swimming around in there!

For all the 30 and above weekers: when did you start to feel the first movements of your baby?

I started feeling movement around 19 weeks, but I didn't realize what it was until about 22 weeks.
Lucinda-how did your procedure go? I hope you're feeling good about this cycle!!! I sure am crossing everything for you!

Hmommy-that's good that you're not bleeding and can do certain things. It might be hard with your Doppler since there's 2, but you can definitely try it out. Just don't get discouraged if you can't find one. I remember even my nurses having a hard time finding baby's HB.

Well ladies you are never going to believe it, but my water broke Monday night at 1130pm, and after not even knowing for sure if that's what it was, dh and I left for the hospital with very minimal items. The contractions began right away and I had then without an epidural for almost 3 hours. Which was the worst part. Then finally got transferred to labor and delivery at about 3am Tuesday morning and ended up getting the epidural which was a huge life saver! And delivered baby Cobin Lewis at 5:03 am Tuesday feb 11!! He was 3w6d early!!! He weighed 7lb13oz and was 20.5 inches long! So being pre-term, they took him for all sorts of tests for 4 hours and dh went with but everything checked out. He did have a fever when he was born though bc turns out I had an infection in my uterus. But we're both doing great now! He is the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen and so precious! We're in the hospital til Thursday morning but he will get released to go home with us! If was super crazy! We had to have mil go and wash baby clothes for him (which I planned to do this weekend along with installing the car seat and taking breastfeedkng/newborn care class) and bring car seat and everything as we didn't bring anything. I had thought Friday last week I was leaking fluid but they said it was a BV and to take it easy until we had our 36 week appointment 2/11, but we obviously didn't make that appointment bc that was the day he was born! I'm still I'm shock! So lesson learned, once you hit 30 weeks, make sure to have everything in place! :)
Ladies as far as I know transfer went well....I was under anesthesia! I will talk to RE today as she always calls me the day after any procedure to see how I'm feeling......ill ask about the difficulty of the transfer when we speak......a very seasoned RE did my transfer! I'm actually feeling awesome about the transfer as my 3 expanding blasts looked great and they thawed without any i still have 7 remaining blasts!
Now my torture begins!!!!! Will test either sun mon(5dpt/6dpt)....blood test is next wed and Fri .....with results given on Fri !
Hmommy-I think I felt feeling around week 19, then week 20 or 21 dh was able to feel him
Move. My sister us 22 weeks and she said her dh just felt baby this week. She had felt flutters for a week or 2. In my opinion it feels like bubbles rising to the top and then popping at first, until you actually start feeling legs, butts, etc. how far along are you? You need a tickler one of these days! :)

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