Hi all,
I haven't been on here for absolutely AGES, but it's so good to read all of your updates. I'm 29 weeks along now. I'm absolutely massive, and getting around is a pain. I'm apparently measuring large, so they're keeping an eye on me and will send me for a scan if I cross the 3cm threshold. Funnily enough, I've only gained 5 kgs since I was last weighed at 9 weeks. I don't know why, given the amount of junk I've been eating.

On the good news front - at least my SCH has completely resolved. Just keeping fingers crossed that it doesn't recur.
RnW - You might have pelvic girdle pain (PGP). Definitely worth speaking to your midwife about it. Mine started around 20 weeks (I'm 29 now), with the feeling of being kicked in between the legs. Now it's progressed, so sitting or standing for too long is painful. I wake up when I turn in my sleep because of the pain. Daily activities like getting on/off a bus, in/out of a car, putting on trousers or shoes, getting in and out of the bath tub are difficult. I also have sciatica on one side. The MW has asked me to contact the PGP clinic in the hospital. I'm managing so far, and just hope it doesn't get much worse!
Chibi - Sounds like you had a lovely day with your friend.
I'm sorry about your supervisor, though. That sucks
Broken - I hear you on the belly grabbing. I have one particular colleague who gives my belly a rub EVERY SINGLE TIME she walks past. I don't even know her that well.
My sister also tends to put her hands on my belly very frequently whenever she is around. I think she's hoping to catch baby moving, but it just rubs me the wrong way. The only people I can tolerate touching my bump are DH and DS. I feel like telling everybody else to keep their hands to themselves.
RicsChick - Good luck with the GTT. The glucose solution was not the most appetizing thing, but definitely not as bad as lucozade. It was actually kind of funny sitting in the waiting area, looking at the expressions on everybody's faces when they got their first taste of it.

They sent my results home within a week of having the test.
Chel - sorry about the GERD. I'm just starting to have the first signs of heartburn, and hoping it doesn't get too bad.
Viera - I hear you on the walking. The school drop-off isn't that long, but after that I have to walk to the bus stop to get to work, and then walk from the bus to work on the other end. Being on my feet at work is SO uncomfortable. I've taken to wearing a support belt. Otherwise, I get this awful stitch on both sides, and pain across the top of my bump.
FYI, for those in the UK, you might be able to get a baby box.
You have to watch some video clips about sleeping, nursing, etc. It will take 2-4 weeks for the box to arrive. We plan to have a bedside crib in our bedroom, but I figure the box will be useful for baby to nap in downstairs.
Is everybody prepared? There's so much for us to do here! All of DS1's clothes are still sitting in the garage vacuum packed in bags. I have to bring them in and start laundering them for baby. The very thought of it.....

I've only made a handful of purchases so far (usually when things go on sale), but am otherwise completely unprepared. Between work, home, DS, etc, I can't seem to find the energy to prepare for baby.
When is everybody planning to go on maternity leave? I was hoping to go till the middle of April or end of May (due mid-May), but realistically don't think that will happen given how unwieldy and uncomfortable I already am!