May Marvels 2018

Happy birthday RnW!

At my dads wedding I got belly grabbed 7 different times. 5 times by his wife (one of which went on for well over a minute and I can only describe it as molesting) once by my dad and once by my dads sister who looked me in the eyes, with her hands on my belly and said "I know pregnant women hate this, but I can't help myself. You must be thinking get off!"

It's like all manners and common curtesy just go straight out of the window with a pregnant woman. When I was pregnant with DS no one in my family touched me (FOBs family was a different story *eyeroll*) My own mum asked permission every time she wanted to touch the bump.

I deffo think you had a great comeback chel. It's so rude and dehumanising when people just grab you like you're a statue or something.
US leave does suck... my cousin in Phoenix just posted on FB her baby is 10 or 11 weeks old and she’s going back to work. That’s crazy!! She has a great job at a private school too so she’s probably got “good” leave comparably.

Reiko, yeah, that IS pretty good here...especially paid. 3-4 months is considered generous.

Broken — yes it’s gas and air! They don’t bring anything to homebirth for pain relief except freezing for stitching up tears. I guess the main thing they use is water which apparently works really well. Oh and they talked about sterile water injections which block the dermatomes for back labour pains. I’ve never had back labour though, hopefully I don’t this time either!

I'm so intrigued by this — ours don't bring anything like gas & air here (maybe some do? not our MWs). Too much Call the Midwife has convinced me that every other country has all kinds of great things at home!

Happy 29 weeks to me! Baby boy is the size of a pineapple! I took a day off yesterday and spent it with my pregnant friend. Prenatal massages, lunch and dessert/coffee before picking the future big brothers up from school to play more together at her house. It was such a good day. I am thinking we need to do this every month from now on. I feel so much better now.

Chibi, so glad you got such a good day with a pregnant friend! There's something about being able to share in the experience that's so lovely. And the moms around me (both strangers & friends) keep talking about how it is so, so important to make sure to foster some connections with other people!

Heartburn is starting to get bad every night now too.

I'm having GERD, where I'll burp and suddenly there is a burn or lump in my throat. No heartburn or anything in chest but last night I felt like I had food stuck and couldn't breathe...that I do not like.

Oh is THAT what I keep randomly having going on. No burning in the chest, but some days I just feel like I've got a tide of acid lurking in the middle of my throat.

So I do not have cankles! Let that be known. There is still a definite definition before my ankles and they are still chicken skinny like normal.
Today, our head custodian comes and tell me I have cankles, so matter-of-fact. I told her that was rude and she did not relent, act admonished, or apologize! I was livid and told her it is disrespectful to point out flaws (this woman is missing lots of teeth--I would never say a word). UGH

Why do filters disappear when a baby is inside? I'm angry and annoyed. She told me she was the mother hen to moms at our work. I replied, "I already have one crazy mom, I don't need another."

Bleh. Rant over...

!!! Your response was perfect, though.

I agree with Broken! I don’t really understand why pregnancy gives people free reign to be assholes!
I had dh grandmothers funeral on Tues and had people constantly touching my stomach (only 1 person asked permission). His aunt actually grabbed my boob as she went in for a hug and belly grab!! Like wtf??
I don’t like to be touched on a good day but I have been very vocal to those around me that pregnancy does not make us circus freaks for people to touch and stared at.
On a side note I turn 40 today and can’t fathom that I have reached this age that I clearly remember my parents turning. Where has the past decade gone??!!

!!! Also happy birthday! :cake:

At my dads wedding I got belly grabbed 7 different times. 5 times by his wife (one of which went on for well over a minute and I can only describe it as molesting) once by my dad and once by my dads sister who looked me in the eyes, with her hands on my belly and said "I know pregnant women hate this, but I can't help myself. You must be thinking get off!"

It's like all manners and common curtesy just go straight out of the window with a pregnant woman. When I was pregnant with DS no one in my family touched me (FOBs family was a different story *eyeroll*) My own mum asked permission every time she wanted to touch the bump.

I deffo think you had a great comeback chel. It's so rude and dehumanising when people just grab you like you're a statue or something.

!!! What is WITH the whole "I know you're not supposed to do this but I'm going to tell you I"m aware of this while I do it anyway"??
We are finally sorta making progress on our registry. And we've got a shower scheduled (I am completely out of my element, even with my MIL and best friend planning things; I have never had any kind of shower or non-birthday party, and that's through both my weddings). Husband and I get texts about how my MIL is going to email us, then an email, then a text confirming that she emailed us. And we're supposed to put together names/emails for folks. And I just...have been exhausted this week. And the constant pestering dooooesn't help.

It's not the end of the world; I'm just grumpy!
Kitten me and the sister don't really get on anyway. I'm civil, but she really hated my mum and I've got some serious daughter loyalty going on. The whole day was a clusterf*ck tbh, she was just the last person I said goodbye too and that's what she did. I kind of laughed and said "yeah I am". She didn't get the hint.

I was 23 weeks pregnant at the time. DH hadn't even felt baby move. What do these people expect! Your magical hand is going to inspire my unborn child to do the conga for you to feel!?

Planning showers sounds really stressful tbh. I, glad it's not a "thing" over here really I'd feel really stressed about asking people to buy stuff for the baby. Gifts are fine, but I feel really weird about asking for stuff. (Probably something left over from my broken extended family tbh)
Broken, oof! Clusterf*ck indeed. And yeah, so much of the random touching seems to involve expecting to feel something besides roundness. Um, nope. Not even my husband can catch a movement that easily (and he's veeeery tuned in), and certainly not a couple months ago.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaate asking people for things. Hate it! Trying to toe the same line we did with our wedding registry: "your presence is a gift; things are an option if you are feeling traditional but you're under no obligation blah blah." (Although babies need more Stuff than people getting married in their 30s and 40s...)

For me, I think the complicated feelings are leftover from being very financially independent (helped that I was lucky, too) on a shoestring, for many many years. (But I LOVE getting other people shower gifts, as long as they're specific about what they want! Coming up with ideas stresses me out. Giving people gifts is a delight. Oy. Feelings.)

Our friends who've done baby showers the past couple years have ranged from "this is open to all genders, you are not obligated to bring anything, we're not going to do creepy games, and we'll open presents at the end and you don't have to care" to "I refuse to call it a shower because this is really just a Baby Party because we're excited and we want to see our friends." So at least we're in good uncomfortable company! :laugh2:
Ahh where are the weeks going?!

Happy Birthday Ready 🎂I hope you've had a good day.

Broken my daughter was born in May and we had amazing weather from then and for pretty much the summer so she wore vests most of the time. Let's hope for some good weather this year.

Had a minor panic this week as kids in my daughters class are coming down with slapped cheek which can be bad news in pregnancy. The midwife said it is not so worrying that I am further along but they will do a blood test to check my immunity so that's good.

How are you all feeling? I hope everyone is well.
Kitten I know my feelings about asking for stuff comes from my families "you got yourself into this, you fix it" attitude.
My mum would have given me the shirt off her back, she helped me when I had DS. I was a 20yr old single mum who moved back home with my tail firmly between my legs and a big pregnant belly. She helped get me set up and sort my new house when I moved out. Before she passed she would bully my family into helping me with stuff, buying me Christmas gifts, being a normal family basically. Once she died no one offered a thing and if I asked there was always a reason they couldn't help.

So I stopped asking. I put myself in debt rather than ask. They know my situation and they choose not to offer even gifts to help out. We don't need help ofc, but it's always appreciated. I doubt there will even be a onesie bought when bubs is born. There wasn't for DS.

I try not to compare them all to my mum. They fall woefully short and it just makes me angry they don't care enough to even try.

I'm with you on the gifting though. I like gifting but I need clear guidelines or suggestions. The worst thing someone can say is "surprise me" or "I don't mind"
Just tell me what you want ffs or you're getting a cat mug.
Brains are stressful things yo! I can't keep up with all the things that stress me out these days :haha:

Yazzy we're only buying vests and sleepsuits for the first couple of sizes. The weather is unpredictable here and it's just going to be easier to have simple clothing.

That's worrying about the virus going around your daughters school. I hope you get lucky and your daughter avoids it. For her and your sake.
Our shower is next Saturday, the 3rd!!!
My two besties took it upon themselves to organize it. I just provided the guest list and addresses. I am honored and cannot wait! The last time I had a party thrown for me, I was a kid.

Guys and gals are coming, and they enlisted the hubs with some surprise, arg, lol.
I too hate asking for things but my auntie gave us £200 towards our pram and mil gave us a £100 and my dad gave us £50 ( but he does a lot for us) but they all did because they wanted to I would never of asked them or expected it.

28 weeks today 3rd trimester!! 12 weeks to go which seems like forever considering how big I am lol dh keeps saying how are you going to cope the next 12 weeks lol!! I said with a lot of help from you!! Lol.
Happy 28 weeks Ricschick! 3rd tri is getting here quick for everyone.

I'm finally starting to struggle lying on my belly. And I've got that lovely stuck turtle thing going on if I try and get straight up from lying on my back :haha:

Not long left now, it's nearly march already!
Broken I’ve been struggling to get up for weeks...months even. You must be tiny. I’m with Ricschick, just feeling massive and not sure how the next couple months are going to work.
The last few weeks I’ve been having what my gf described as ‘lightning crotch’. At times it feels like knives stabbing my vajayjay, other times it’s feels like I’ve been kicked there. Anyone experiencing this? I have a MW appt Monday so I’ll talk to her then but the struggle is real and I’m done with it lol.
Broken, it sounds like you are better off without them and I'm sorry to hear you have lost your mum.
I think I will buy a few new bits but have so much that I kept of my daughters baby things and my sons that it would be crazy to buy too much more!

Chel enjoy your baby shower!

Rics happy 28 weeks!

I start getting more appointments now, midwife next week then consultant and scan 2 weeks later to keep an eye on the growth because my daughter was so small compared to my son.
Ladies you’ve been talking a lot this week! Hard for me to keep up!! Broken I’m so sorry you won’t have your Mom around for those new baby days this time around xx she sounds lovely.

My bump is still high as can be and my growth is slowing down a lot. I was right on track still at 28 weeks so that’s good. Controlling my blood sugar means I don’t gain any weight at all so this is about as big as I get!! Today WAS supposed to be my last day of work but I added 2 more weekends because I’m feeling ok still. I will probably add one more after that too. I think knowing the end is in sight is making it easier for me to push myself a bit more. 59 days till I can get a sweep and start the eviction order XD
I wish work was over already. But that'a because of my supervisor. She gives me anxiety with how she's complaining all the time.
Thank you ladies. It will be 4 yrs in just over a week and the preg hormones are hitting me hard with it all.

RnW I'm certainly not tiny haha. I don't think I'm as big as I was with DS though. I ended up huge with him, so I'm kinda waiting to pop.

Yazzy my apps seem to still be far apart. I'm seeing my midwife next week then it's another 3 weeks before I have another app and scan etc. I don't mind tbh, I don't want to see my midwife at all.

Gosh 59 days, that seems so close Reiko. I'm not starting any eviction stuff until the 14th. Then it's all go! Get ouuuuuuut :haha:

Chibi I'm sorry your work are still not being supportive and are adding more stress. When do you take maternity leave?
Reiko 59 days is not long at all! I will start my ‘eviction’ stuff in 60 days and hopefully it won’t take longer than a week. May 3 is actually the date that keeps coming to me.
Broken I can’t imagine how hard it must be without your mom around. I’m sorry you are having a tough time. Sending you hugs!
Chibi sorry your boss is an a-hole. I don’t understand why people have to create issues for other people especially when managing. The woman I used to work alongside who was the director of the agency was a super huge a-hole and we always butted heads. She cause me a great deal of stress and the best thing that ever happens was leaving there.
Hi all,

I haven't been on here for absolutely AGES, but it's so good to read all of your updates. I'm 29 weeks along now. I'm absolutely massive, and getting around is a pain. I'm apparently measuring large, so they're keeping an eye on me and will send me for a scan if I cross the 3cm threshold. Funnily enough, I've only gained 5 kgs since I was last weighed at 9 weeks. I don't know why, given the amount of junk I've been eating. :haha:
On the good news front - at least my SCH has completely resolved. Just keeping fingers crossed that it doesn't recur.

RnW - You might have pelvic girdle pain (PGP). Definitely worth speaking to your midwife about it. Mine started around 20 weeks (I'm 29 now), with the feeling of being kicked in between the legs. Now it's progressed, so sitting or standing for too long is painful. I wake up when I turn in my sleep because of the pain. Daily activities like getting on/off a bus, in/out of a car, putting on trousers or shoes, getting in and out of the bath tub are difficult. I also have sciatica on one side. The MW has asked me to contact the PGP clinic in the hospital. I'm managing so far, and just hope it doesn't get much worse!

Chibi - Sounds like you had a lovely day with your friend.
I'm sorry about your supervisor, though. That sucks :(

Broken - I hear you on the belly grabbing. I have one particular colleague who gives my belly a rub EVERY SINGLE TIME she walks past. I don't even know her that well. :wacko:
My sister also tends to put her hands on my belly very frequently whenever she is around. I think she's hoping to catch baby moving, but it just rubs me the wrong way. The only people I can tolerate touching my bump are DH and DS. I feel like telling everybody else to keep their hands to themselves.

RicsChick - Good luck with the GTT. The glucose solution was not the most appetizing thing, but definitely not as bad as lucozade. It was actually kind of funny sitting in the waiting area, looking at the expressions on everybody's faces when they got their first taste of it. :haha: They sent my results home within a week of having the test.

Chel - sorry about the GERD. I'm just starting to have the first signs of heartburn, and hoping it doesn't get too bad. :hugs:

Viera - I hear you on the walking. The school drop-off isn't that long, but after that I have to walk to the bus stop to get to work, and then walk from the bus to work on the other end. Being on my feet at work is SO uncomfortable. I've taken to wearing a support belt. Otherwise, I get this awful stitch on both sides, and pain across the top of my bump.

FYI, for those in the UK, you might be able to get a baby box.
You have to watch some video clips about sleeping, nursing, etc. It will take 2-4 weeks for the box to arrive. We plan to have a bedside crib in our bedroom, but I figure the box will be useful for baby to nap in downstairs.

Is everybody prepared? There's so much for us to do here! All of DS1's clothes are still sitting in the garage vacuum packed in bags. I have to bring them in and start laundering them for baby. The very thought of it.....:wacko:
I've only made a handful of purchases so far (usually when things go on sale), but am otherwise completely unprepared. Between work, home, DS, etc, I can't seem to find the energy to prepare for baby.

When is everybody planning to go on maternity leave? I was hoping to go till the middle of April or end of May (due mid-May), but realistically don't think that will happen given how unwieldy and uncomfortable I already am!
I can't get off the couch without grabbing hubby's hand or leg. It's tragic. Baby is super low and kicking cervix or ovary, but I'm feeling feet! Actual body parts, which is neat and weird.

I'm working as long as I can. I'm due 5 day before school ends and am starting maternity at the start of next school year, so I have to use unpaid sick days for anything I use this school year. I ate them all up with my HG.
Baby boy has switched sides yesterday night (right to left). And now, I am feeling nauseous all the time. How can this make so much of a difference?

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