May Marvels 2018

I would love to have a baby next week (39 weeks) but how can we choose? Haha
RnW 1st : 37+6 (waters broke)
2nd: 41+1 (sweep the day before)
3rd:39+6 (waters broke)
4th:39+2 (waters broke)
5th:40+5 (induced)

So I think I’m more likely to go nearer 39 weeks but you never no!!
Look at that 2nd baby being all sneaky and staying in for an extra 3 weeks Ricschick. I bet you were climbing the walls haha.

It would be awesome if I could go into labour and have baby on Friday the 4th. Because the Monday is a bank holiday, so DS wouldn't need any time off school and we'd have the weekend to relax and start getting used to being 4.
RnW 1st : 37+6 (waters broke)
2nd: 41+1 (sweep the day before)
3rd:39+6 (waters broke)
4th:39+2 (waters broke)
5th:40+5 (induced)

So I think I’m more likely to go nearer 39 weeks but you never no!!

So there really isn’t any pattern! Baby is going to come when she wants to lol. I was hoping that maybe with each one they get earlier and earlier haha.
I have been bouncing on my ball for the last 2 days, I think it’s time to start walking. I wish it wasn’t so damn uncomfortable to do so.

Broken-I hope for you baby does come Friday. My ds so wants baby to come on the 4th for the whole Star Wars thing lol.
Ahhhh the suspense is killing me! When will our bubs be born?! With my first I hit 40 weeks, had an NST, and nothing new seemed to be happening. Got in my car and on my drive home, had my first REAL contraction. 14 hours later, I was holding my bub! This time around, my body seems like it’s revving up, but then nothing happens. I’ve nearly checked everything off my to do list, so I’m happy whenever baby wants to come (soon please). Went to my Centering group yesterday and one of the women there had her baby 2 weeks ago and brought her to the session. All us pregnant ladies were crying! LOL! And my due date twin was having lots of contractions and wound up having her baby yesterday evening. I’m so ready for it to be my turn, as I know you ladies are too!
Yes I totally thought that most people carry to the same gestation every time. But I’ve had one 41 weeker and one 38 weeker. Now I’m at 39 weeks... I’m so hoping I don’t go past 40! Wednesday this week would be ideal... that’s May 2.

Anyways I think I’m done doing all the things for a few days and will just wait t out. Sweep on Tuesday and then we’ll Dtd but I’m pretty done walking, I feel too swollen down there. And I ran out of my mw homeopathics because I was doubling up (shhhh) and I don’t want to pay for more. I guess I’ll keep doing Evening primrose but I’m not sure that’s doing anything to my cervix at all!

My pubic bone is starting to get really painful so that’s another thing to add to the list.

Eek who will have our next baby!?! So many of us could be at any time!! Let’s get this baby show on the road!!

Ps. I don’t know how to post pics here, like where I can upload them to to get a URL?
Viera, congrats!! So excited to hear more when you're ready!!

Agcam, oh, when I said "first stretchmarks" I most definitely meant multiple. :laugh2: I thought I just had an adorable little trio above my bellybutton (I am tryyyying to drop my judgment about them!), and then I looked in the mirror and ... they've got a lot of company! Husband finds this darling, of course. He's a peach.

For cervical ripening, the sheet from my midwives says:
* Regular acupuncture from 36 weeks onward helps
* Nipple stimulation from 37 weeks onward helps (either with a pump, or by hand; you can massage them using a small amount of massage/olive oil, and rubbing/pulling nipples lightly). Studies showing a positive effect used ten minutes on each breast, twice a day, whether pump or manual.
* Membrane sweeps (I see a lot of us are on this train already).
* Herbal supplements if you want (EPO, RLT, blue/black cohosh). Apparently no one's done good reliable research on this, so our midwives' stance is "Some may help. We just don't know. The midwives cannot recommend for or against these herbs because we have limited research data about their effectiveness or safety in pregnancy."

(They are very science-driven and safety-minded, which I love, but if I could remember to get some dang raspberry leaf, I'd be downing that stuff right now. My herbalism classes made me feel super great about that one. Not EVERYTHING requires solid research for me to trust it, personally. And one of our childbirth class teachers, who's an ND/CPM/CNM [!!] has a bunch of nettle & raspberry leaf tea in the office and encourages us to help ourselves.)

So no pineapple on their list, but it IS delicious regardless! :D

And I have also been running into things in the past couple weeks. Lots of doorframes and table corners (whoops), especially. Starting to cover the table edge with my hand when I sit down...

Mostly I can only tell which side this baby is on when I get a foot poking out (always on the right, so their back is probably on the left?). But their back is always, always to the right at midwife appointments now. I am fine with a million side-to-side swings since they've kept their head down! From what I've read, as long as their back isn't to your back (putting their head on your sacrum, giving you back labor, for one), it's great. Easiest if their back is on your left. But also babies move around during labor. Shrug!

Chibi, what IS it about toe acupuncture points at this point in pregnancy? They've been some of the most ridiculously painful ones I've ever had!! Also DEFINITELY spilling all kinds of things on my belly now (I'm usually quite a tidy eater!). I've been calling it the "catshelf," as our cat won't stop climbing up on my belly now, but it also appears to be the foodshelf.

Reiko, my husband has lucked out...he's worked for a company in town for 14 (?) years now, and the owner is Romanian and has more European inclinations about time off. They fiiiinally solidified parental leave a handful of months ago, and so he gets 12 weeks (!!) off, paid. Our plan is to take the first month off together, then I'll take two months off on my own while he goes back, then *he'll* take two months off while I go back (although I work from home, so it'll be an interesting transition). So we get five months before we need any regular childcare from anyone else, which is...I'm still just amazed.

Rosie, ugh, I had one of those "THEY LOOK SMALL" scans, too! (Femur length was one of the things they were most concerned with. We were not even supposed to get measurements that day.) Got really worked up, then talked to a bunch of friends & professionals we know, and basically ended up at "this baby is probably related to their parents, who both have short legs, and also shut up." Same story with abdominal circumference (fine, 47th percentile or something), and anatomy scan at 19w was also fine. Kid, your legs are just short; sorry!

Yazzy, so impressed that you were running around with your pup this far along, and congrats to you both for doing so well!

Ready, I was talking to a friend-of-a-friend who's a doula last night, and she was talking about a midwife friend who said "I have no research to back this up, but I do have years of experience that have taught me some things." One of them was "first babies are slow, second babies are fast, third babies are wildcards." I suspect this is true, if other midwives say the same thing!
Ps. I don’t know how to post pics here, like where I can upload them to to get a URL?

It's a bit of a terrible (i.e. not user-friendly) process which as far as I can tell hasn't changed on forums since 2002 or so. But! You can either upload them to another website, then grab the URL of the image (and pop it in using the little mountain/sun icon), OR you can click the paperclip icon here.

If you do the latter, you choose the file, scroll waaaaay over to the right in the little window that's popped up, click Upload, and then you can use the arrow *next* to the paperclip to insert it wherever you'd like. (Or if you don't select where in the post to place it, it'll just attach it at the end.)

Beep! (This is us the day after our wedding a couple years ago.) small liene and nathan at bridal veil.jpg
Kitten that paternity leave for your DH is amazing!! Holy heck!!

I honestly wish dads got more time off. Here in the uk they get up to 2 weeks "paternity leave" which pays dreadfully. But dads need to bond too, and mama sure could use some help.

I know my DH is thrilled with his month off, but I know how devastated he's gunna be when he goes back and starts missing stuff.

But I know in the US you're still fighting for decent maternity leave. So 1 step at a time eh.
Ladies, dates (about 6-7 daily beginning at 36 weeks) are supposed to be helpful for labor! It was considered an Old Wives Tale, but I guess as of recently there is some limited data that they can actually shorten the duration of labor. I’ve been eating them like mad and drinking RL tea daily. I agree, this Wednesday would be the perfect day to have a baby!
Thanks Kitten!

I'm getting so excited to hear about all these May babies...they will be here soon!!

My first was born at 39+6
My second was born at 40+6 but by my dates he was pretty much bang on time so no idea for this time around...I'm thinking around 39 weeks will be good.
My daughter's birthday is May 9th so it needs to be a little after that lol!

I'm still walking a fair bit as I have the dogs that need to be out walking everyday and my little boy is generally racing around on his balance bike so I'm always chasing him...however I feel like I'm definitely waddling more and am getting a lot slower ha ha!

I finally got the baby clothes down from the loft so this week I will be washing it all and now feeling a lot happier I have plenty and don't need to buy anything.
GAH!! I think I'm in promodal/pre labor.
Started some serious contractions way down deep in the lower abdomen. Every time they come, I feel it in the lower back too. :wacko:

Averaging every 10-25 minutes since yesterday afternoon. Kept waking through the night with the pain. Husband turned around to take me back home this morning going to church, I was in so much pain.

Seeing OB in morning. If I'm not dilated or showing some progress, I will cry.
Chel you’ll be dilated! That’s what the contractions are doing! If they’re really unbearable though I would go to the labour ward and not wait for your appt.

I’ve never had prodromal labour but I would think it would be a lot more like severe period cramps? If it’s really painful it might progress really quickly and need to be close to where you’re giving birth?
Chel, if the contractions are that painful go in once to get checked out?

So DTD last night and then had some painful contractions but nothing that lasted. Will ask for a sweep at my appointment in another 40min. I think. Ready to have that baby!...Actually not, from a practical point of view, haha. Car seat's not installed, hospital bag isn't packed, stroller hasn't arrived yet. I just couldn't be bothered until now. 😂
Hello ladies!

Finally able to get onto a computer!

Went in on April 25th at 10am to check in for my c-section at noon. They got me hooked up to an iv, told me what was going to happen and then wheeled me over to the OR. The part I was most nervous about was getting the spinal block, but it actually wasn't that bad. I didn't feel the needle go in, and I felt a slight burn for like two seconds before I started to go numb. I was surprised at how fast it worked! The anesthesiologist took the needle out of my back one second and the next I could not feel my legs and needed help to lay down.

The surgery itself was fine. I felt it even less than the one I had with my first (probably the effects of using a spinal block vs an epidural). My doc pulled her out and the first thing she said was that she was a biiig girl. They brought her around to show us, and then took her over to be cleaned with the promise of bringing her right back so we could hold her while they put me back together. Except that they didnt, and an alarm started to go off. One of the nurses explained to us that her oxygen was low, and that they were calling in some extra help. They said it might just be her taking a little time to adjust, and that she would probably be ok in a few minutes, but 10 minutes later, they were wheeling her out of the OR to the NICU (my OH went with her) while I was still in the OR with them finishing up on me.

After they were done, they took me to recovery where I had to stay for two hours while they watched me, checked my vitals, pressed on my uterus (ouch), and all of that lovely stuff. I had no service in that room, so I couldn't text my husband for an update on our little girl. He eventually came in because I hadn't been responding, and told me that they were keeping her on a cpap, because every time they took her off of it her levels started dropping. Other than that, she was perfectly healthy.

After my two hours in recovery, I was wheeled into the NICU (still in a bed) to see her. I wasn't able to hold her, but they lowered the side of her little bed and I was able to hold her hand and spend some time with her until it was time for them to take me up to my room. OH came with me to make sure I got settled, and as soon as everything up there got taken care of, I got in a wheelchair and went back down. She showed improvement over the course of the day. They had started her out on 50 oxygen, and by the time we went back down again, she was on 21. By the time we went to bed (at around 1am) she was off of the cpap and they were going to see how she did overnight. If she did good, she could get out of the NICU and come up to stay with me.

I was so nervous on the way down to see her the next morning, and was relieved to find they had put the cpap away and she had been breathing on her own all night. After they put in the orders, we took her up to my room.

We had her in our room for one night, and then we were sent home the next day (to our suprise. We were expecting at least a week).

Genevieve Lynn :: 9lbs 11oz :: 20.4 inches long ::


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Ah viera that’s beautiful. I’m tearing up!! I’m so sorry it was a bit dramatic and you didn’t get your bonding right away... that must’ve been really hard.

But holy cow she’s absolutely STUNNING!! What a beautiful girl. And lovely and chubby. I hope your recovery goes well and you’re in pure heaven with her!! Her name is so beautiful!!
Chib did you get a sweep? Let us know if anything happens tonight! And Dtd again after the sweep!!
So, cervix is really soft and short but still closed. However, she didn't have any problems doing the sweep for me. 🖒 Will repeat on Wednesday if needed. If nothing has moved until Saturday we will do another ultrasound.
Thanks for posting your birth story Viera! All the best to you and your little girl. Her name is so beautiful. 😊
Viera she is BEAUTIFUL! So much hair! Sorry to hear you didn't get to bond straight away, but so glad you are home now. She certainly is a big girl as well. Nearly 10lbs. Heck!

Reiko you've less than 7 days left! Any signs of anything.

Oooo Chibi keep us informed if the sweep kicks anything off!

I have 3 days of school runs left to do. Then I'm on 'maternity leave' :haha:
If I'm not dilated or anything by Friday I think I'm going to cry. It feels like bubbas head is on my cervix every time I stand up.

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