Viera, congrats!! So excited to hear more when you're ready!!
Agcam, oh, when I said "first stretchmarks" I most definitely meant multiple.

I thought I just had an adorable little trio above my bellybutton (I am tryyyying to drop my judgment about them!), and then I looked in the mirror and ... they've got a lot of company! Husband finds this darling, of course. He's a peach.
For cervical ripening, the sheet from my midwives says:
* Regular acupuncture from 36 weeks onward helps
* Nipple stimulation from 37 weeks onward helps (either with a pump, or by hand; you can massage them using a small amount of massage/olive oil, and rubbing/pulling nipples lightly). Studies showing a positive effect used ten minutes on each breast, twice a day, whether pump or manual.
* Membrane sweeps (I see a lot of us are on this train already).
* Herbal supplements if you want (EPO, RLT, blue/black cohosh). Apparently no one's done good reliable research on this, so our midwives' stance is "Some may help. We just don't know. The midwives cannot recommend for or against these herbs because we have limited research data about their effectiveness or safety in pregnancy."
(They are very science-driven and safety-minded, which I love, but if I could remember to get some dang raspberry leaf, I'd be downing that stuff right now. My herbalism classes made me feel super great about that one. Not EVERYTHING requires solid research for me to trust it, personally. And one of our childbirth class teachers, who's an ND/CPM/CNM [!!] has a bunch of nettle & raspberry leaf tea in the office and encourages us to help ourselves.)
So no pineapple on their list, but it IS delicious regardless!
And I have also been running into things in the past couple weeks. Lots of doorframes and table corners (whoops), especially. Starting to cover the table edge with my hand when I sit down...
Mostly I can only tell which side this baby is on when I get a foot poking out (always on the right, so their back is probably on the left?). But their back is always, always to the right at midwife appointments now. I am fine with a million side-to-side swings since they've kept their head down! From what I've read, as long as their back isn't to your back (putting their head on your sacrum, giving you back labor, for one), it's great. Easiest if their back is on your left. But also babies move around during labor. Shrug!
Chibi, what IS it about toe acupuncture points at this point in pregnancy? They've been some of the most ridiculously painful ones I've ever had!! Also DEFINITELY spilling all kinds of things on my belly now (I'm usually quite a tidy eater!). I've been calling it the "catshelf," as our cat won't stop climbing up on my belly now, but it also appears to be the foodshelf.
Reiko, my husband has lucked out...he's worked for a company in town for 14 (?) years now, and the owner is Romanian and has more European inclinations about time off. They fiiiinally solidified parental leave a handful of months ago, and so he gets 12 weeks (!!) off, paid. Our plan is to take the first month off together, then I'll take two months off on my own while he goes back, then *he'll* take two months off while I go back (although I work from home, so it'll be an interesting transition). So we get five months before we need any regular childcare from anyone else, which is...I'm still just amazed.
Rosie, ugh, I had one of those "THEY LOOK SMALL" scans, too! (Femur length was one of the things they were most concerned with. We were not even supposed to get measurements that day.) Got really worked up, then talked to a bunch of friends & professionals we know, and basically ended up at "this baby is probably related to their parents, who both have short legs, and also shut up." Same story with abdominal circumference (fine, 47th percentile or something), and anatomy scan at 19w was also fine. Kid, your legs are just short; sorry!
Yazzy, so impressed that you were running around with your pup this far along, and congrats to you both for doing so well!
Ready, I was talking to a friend-of-a-friend who's a doula last night, and she was talking about a midwife friend who said "I have no research to back this up, but I do have years of experience that have taught me some things." One of them was "first babies are slow, second babies are fast, third babies are wildcards." I suspect this is true, if other midwives say the same thing!