Viera, she's absolutely beautiful. I'm so very happy for you!
I'm 38 weeks today. Can't believe it.
I hear all of you on the relatives. The only question everybody is asking now is whether anything is happening. It's sort of annoying. As if I would be on the phone or chat if labour had kicked off.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is moody. I sent DS to bed tonight without tucking him in....he took 20 minutes to change into his PJs and I completely lost patience. I feel terrible now
RnW - I'd love a spring clean!
Chel - can you have non-caffeine teas such as redbush, or other infusions? They shouldn't be dehydrating. The other thing I do is add a few (3-4) fresh mint leaves to a mug of boiling water and let them steep. I sweeten them with a touch of honey, if I'm in the mood.
Reiko and Chib - Hope those sweeps work!
Good luck to everyone with impending labour signs.
I didn't think I'd say this, but I hope LO holds on for a couple of weeks. DS1 has very helpfully brought home a virus, and I've caught it. I woke up with a sore throat this morning, and now my nose is runny, and it seems like it's really setting in.

I hope I get over it before LO arrives - don't want to pass it on to a newborn!