May Marvels 2018

We're telling no one induction date or anything until after he's born.

Gah, in severe pain again. So much painful cramping and baby feels so low and it's tingling in my butt. I've been drinking water all day and my urine was clear--how can it be dehydration?! Will he wait until the 13th?
Ready family and friends are sort of doing the same thing to me in a kind way... they’re all saying “you know you can call me to watch the girls when you go into labour/call me if you need anything” etc. So similar but sneakily ;)

AGcam one of my friends is a NICU nurse and she has so many stories of women going into labour right after they’ve kicked a bug. I know for me I had pneumonia up until a few days before going into labour! I think our bodies know to keep them inside until our immune systems can handle delivery and won’t pass anything onto them!

I’m not hopeful on the sweep ladies. Went for a walk this afternoon. No cramping or even any plug showing up. I think my cervix is ready to go I just need to actually have some contractions to get things going and my body isn’t ready for that yet?? But maybe overnight I will since that’s when my BH have been happening. We will Dtd tonight too even though I really don’t feel like it haha XD

Chel I really hope your babe comes any day now. You’re almost 38 weeks he’ll be in awesome shape from this point so it sucks you’re waiting in so much pain mama!!!
It's 2:15am my time and we just got back from L&D.
Ladies, I cannot believe the excruciating pain I was in since around 9:30ish. It kept getting wore and closer together. It wasn't in belly but all in lower abdomen. Honestly, the pain felt like my kidney stone did but in the front, like dragon claws were ripping it apart with every movement.

Of course not even dilated anything, argggg....given only 2 Percocet (finally kicking in so I can sleep) and just told to take hot baths and Tylenol every 4 hours. They'll admit me when I'm 3cm.

How in sam hades am I to deal with this pain for possibly days on end?!?! Work is screwed up, and it's every 3-10 minutes. I'm going to cry if I can't dilate quickly! See OB Thursday morning again. :cry:
Chel that’s awful. Did they tell you prodromal labour!? It sounds terrible. How are all those contractions not dilating you!?!

Afm, no show, no contractions and my sweep was 9 hrs ago :/
I am so sorry Chel, my first labor was very similar, with long early labor. Try to rest up (easier said than done!) and try to eat what you feel comfortable with. Taking Tylenol is also a good idea when it takes so long. Everything that keeps you from being too exhausted in the end. Staying on all fours or leaning forward on a gymnastics ball or similar to keep baby in a good position is also good.
Nothing to report here as well Reiko...had my second sweep this morning and cervix was high and posterior! Ugh, so annoying. Baby boy had moved his head of my cervix, which I know happens with second babies a lot but come on! So I have been walking literally the whole day until now (it's 14:30pm here) and nothing to show for it but a few BH. Will have another sweep on Friday.
Sorry ladies that things aren’t progressing. I was so hoping to hear some baby news this am.
I have my sweep in 7 hours but with little to no signs of anything and you ladies already having a sweep with no progression I’m going in with little expectation of baby coming out today or tomorrow.
Ahh no reiko sorry it seems nothing is happening!! Hopefully your waters might break!

Cheluzal go back if the pain becomes unbearable !! Hopefully it won’t be too much longer.
RnW hopefully your sweep will work!!

Nothing to report here, just been trying to keep busy today because if I sit down too long I get sleepy and then i feel like crap! I unpacked babies bottles and milk and made space for them in the cupboard, went and bought her formula for the hospital and the last couple of toiletries I needed for my bag, dh cleaned the carpets at the weekend and had my car cleaned so that’s all ready for her.
Now it being bank holiday on Monday we would normally go down the caravan for the weekend but il be 38 weeks and I don’t no weather to risk it or not!! It’s an hour and a half from home!!
Oh FFS you guys absolutely nothing happened overnight. This baby is in there for a few more days I guess. At least it’s sunny here so we’ll be out and about keeping busy for the rest of the week. Looks like these sweeps are useless for me this time around. Hopefully you other ladies have better luck than me with the ones you have coming up. Chib that’s great you’ve got a few sweeps in a row so they’ll be more effective. My mw just offer them at your regular weekly app so I’ll have to wait until 40+1 for another.

Ricschick sorry you’re missing a holiday because you’re pregnant! That sounds really lovely right about now, I could use a little vacation!! I would probably go and risk having the baby in the caravan at this point I’m so tired of waiting for her lol XD

I’m second guessing my mw saying I won’t go overdue. I’ve never had my water break before and I feel like that’s preventing me from going into labour. First it was broken by the dr a few hrs before my dd was born and second it didn’t break till she was on her way out... there’s nothing you can do to cause your water to break is there? Like natural supplements or whatever?
RnW good luck with your sweep! Maybe you'll be the one that gets things going.

Ricschick I probably wouldn't risk it, an hour and a half is a long way and do you really wanna have to pack all your hospital stuff on top of your holiday stuff. It's half term in a few weeks, and you'll have a bubba then.

Reiko I'm so sorry your sweeps aren't working. You must be so frustrated. There's nothing to force your waters to break apart from the hospital doing it as far as I know. How long will they let you go before they offer induction?

My uk ladies, I'm still waiting for an appointment to see my consultant next Tuesday. So looks like I'm going to have to ring and chase that. I'm getting that app on the 8th though. He promised me I would see him and they would book me in. It's happening.
Don't you love the NHS appointment system though.
SO our mw do induction at 10 days past due.

That being said, my legs are excruciating this morning like I’ve done a crazy workout, my low back is hurting and I’ve had some shoe after my shower this morning so I guess there are a few signs the sweep did something... they say 48 hrs right so maybe I was rushing it a bit.
Percocet helped me sleep some, and sleep in.
They said "possible prelabor" but I worry baby is on a nerve and it's just something stupid like that. My abdomen feels shredded, like the bowels and intestines are riddled with infection or disease; a bit different than regular cramping. That's what scares me. I'm sure it's just tenderness from chronic contracting for 3 weeks, but dang...

It's sore now and I cannot bend forward to save my life. Trying to eat and just lie around, praying something happens before 11 days...
Ricschick I would feel the same as you being so far from home. Are your labour’s quick?

Chel-the pain sounds crappy!

Reiko-again I have everything crossed things are happening.

Chibi hopefully your 2nd sweep will get things moving.

Afm no sweep today. My primary MW who plans to be at the birth regardless of being on call or not is expecting a birth tonight so she didn’t want a sweep done in case she can’t make it to me. I’m super disappointed but not much I can do. I did have the MW check my cervix and it is still closed and fairly long. :( They will call me tomorrow to hopefully do a sweep Friday or on the wknd which will then become every few days untillabour starts. I do have an U/S booked for Mon just to check on things and will have weekly until baby comes.
I totally get your disappointment when you think baby will be here and shit happens and baby is staying put! So frustrating.
Not massively quick no my quickest was with joanie which was 6 hours after they had broke my waters. I just don’t no if I should risk it!!??

RnW omg that is so frustrating I would be so disappointed too!! Hopefully they can do it Friday tho!!

Fx reiko!!!!
AW Ready that’s not the nicest thing to hear, a no because your mw isn’t wanting to deliver tonight!! Bit selfish lol, doesn’t she know how desperate we are to get them out at this point ha ha! But still least if you’re long and closed it’s likely it wouldn’t be tonight anyways so that would make me feel better.

I’ve had a nap and now all the things seemed to stop so maybe they’ll pick up in the middle of the night, which is about 10 hrs from now. Going to take my girls to the park this afternoon and try and tidy the house and not expect anything for a few more days :)
Chel...I hope that pain eases up, sounds different than labour pains but everyone is different so who knows?!

Rics...if it was me I would go as it's not that far away and as long as you make a note of the nearest hospital I'm sure you'll be fine.

All these sweeps...I'm sure there will be babies soon 😁

I'm officially 37 weeks today...I might up my rlt capsules and just hope I don't go overdue. I have a consultant appointment and scan tomorrow to check babies size, then if they are happy they will sign me back to the midwives.
GL yazzy! Assuming you would prefer midwifery care vs consultant?

Ricschick do whatever will be more relaxing for you! If you’re going to stress about being away from your home hospital that won’t be helpful!! We went away at 37 weeks with my first and I was paranoid the whole time. Brought my hospital bag and all that... was induced at 41 weeks so it wasn’t necessary for me to stress and it ruined the vacation anyways worrying about going into labour haha. (As long as there IS a hospital around at least!)
So lost big piece of plug this morning (the rest?!) and have had some painful contractions since then but nothing near regular or long enough. ...I sincerely forgot how much they hurt. Why did I want to speed this process up again? On the bright side, I am not having back labor this time. 🖒
It's very scary and weird. I'm sure it's "normal" but I hate being bedridden and incapacitated by it. I took off today until Monday at least. Hope I can make some days next week. Next Friday was my last day.

With my luck, I have determined that this dude won't be budging until the induction on the 13th. Tylenol and lying down are helping. I sat in recliner to eat and it started up again. I spent all of yesterday there so I think my sitting angle might have nudged him. Trying to rock on all 4's and hubs is buying a yoga ball tomorrow.
Chib I haven’t had a real deal contraction yet!! Eek! Not looking forward to it but it doesn’t last too long! How long did you labour with painful contractions last time?

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