May Marvels 2018

I'm bouncing on a ball now in labour ward. My cervix isn't up to much, may sniff some sage again soon... There's a delightful pessary up my foof that is yet to take effect...
Thinking of you today Rosie, can't wait to hear that baby has arrived.

Chel... With you on the exhaustion, Thea slept for 1 hour between 3 and 4am this morning then had another 45 mins but as she did this my little boy was up at 5.30am...oh the tiredness lol!
I gave up bouncing about half two and got some rest, since I've gotten up again I've had some tightenings that seem to be building slowly. There's no imminent news but I'm hopeful that the pessary has done its job...
Oh good luck Rosie!!!

Billie is doing well she’s settled more into a routine now thank goodness so last night I put her down at 12 midnight she then woke at 3.30am I fed her she went down by 4 then I was up at 6.30 got myself dressed and kids up for school and o fed her again at 7ish. I’m back on the school runs so I’m glad shes note regular now so I can sort myself out.
Haven’t been signed off from mw yet as she wasn’t back up to her birth weight but the health visitor turned up today and weighed her and she’s just over her birth weight now so that’s all good!!
Good luck Rosie!

I hear you on being glad baby has settled into a semi routine Ricschick. Ryan has got a good routine over night, even if he wakes up between 5 and 6 for a feed then wants another at half 7/8ish. But he’s fed before we need to do the school run so he’s settled in nicely to our current routine.

I’m not looking forward to trying to do it alone though, I’m very glad DH is here.
Sloooooow progress here. I feel like if I stand up it is as though the pessary is now a solid weight I'm smuggling indelicately.

It's all going in the right direction.

I've found an ace silver lining for if she doesn't come until tomorrow; her birthday buddies will include Sir Ian McKellen and Julian Clary. The hag in me finds this a delight...
I keep checking back hoping you’ve had a baby Rosie.

Tomorrow would be an awesome day to have a birthday. You’ve prompted me to go check who Ryan shares a birthday with.
I'm too old for this, rofl. My baby has only ever had 1 feed in the night but he's suddenly more awake at night than the day. We tried woombie sack in crib again and got an hour. I'd feed and he'd fall asleep so I finally pulled him in bed by me and he was out from midnight to almost 7am when hubs came for him! I give up; I yield the fight...he can sleep by me for a bit longer, lol.
I keep checking back hoping you’ve had a baby Rosie.

Tomorrow would be an awesome day to have a birthday. You’ve prompted me to go check who Ryan shares a birthday with.

Alas no baby yet. The 24 hour post pessary check revealed a fixed head and 1cm dilation. Decent progress in my book... Slow and steady...

Gel in now and a check at 8am.

Did you find any cool birthday twins?
She’s super comfy in there Rosie. Slow and steady as you say. She’ll be here soon enough.

No I didn’t. Ryan shares a birthday with Harry Truman the US president. ODS shares with Lucy Liu, Nelly Furtado & Britney Spears. So no one as cool as your LO if she arrives today.

I share my birthday with Harvey Weinstein *vomit*. DH shares his with Jesus :haha:
Any news yet Rosie?

It sounds like you mamas and babies are getting in to the swing of things.
I keep checking in to hear of any news.
I hope everyone else is getting on ok?
I'm still working on Thea's latch as I'm a bit sore with her feeding but I'm sure we will get there.
Also checking in on Rosie. Her silence can only be good news.

I spent last night pretty much wanting to murder DH. We’re currently doing alternate nights so everyone stays reasonably rested. When it’s his night, Ryan sleeps 5 hours and doesn’t cry when he wakes, stays quiet for a bum change and goes right back to sleep. When it’s my night, Ryan cries before his eyes are open, screams through a bum change and takes 40 odd mins to get back to sleep. Then gets up 3ish hours laters. How is that fair :haha:
So I spent last night plotting murder haha.

But he did get on with housework and parenting while I napped on the sofa this morning. So I’m not too mad.
Hope everything is going ok Rosie!!

Yazzy-I’m having a crazy amount of soreness and some scabbing. Every time she latches on it’s so painful!! I know it’ll pass but man, with her insane amount of cluster feeding it’s tough.

Anyone have a baby that won’t let you put them down? The only way I’ve been able to get sleep is by sitting in a recliner all night with her and letting her sleep in my arms. Hopefully it’ll pass?! Basically every second she’s awake she wants to be nursing as well.

Our 3 yr old is driving us nuts. He’s got some sort of cold virus, so we can’t let him touch the baby. He is constantly snot nosed. On top of all that, his allergies are so horrible right now that he won’t stop itching his eyes and they’re puffy and red. All of this has made him whiney, cranky, and bossy. He’s been waking up in the middle of the night also, as if we aren’t sleep deprived enough. Argh!
Hi my lovelies! After an epic induction and incredibly gradual dilation, meconium in waters, suspicion of breech and eventual epidural, Lyra Beatrice was born at 7:25am today (26th May) weighing 7lb 5oz. 15 days past due date! She's absolutely gorgeous and was out in ten minutes once I began to push.

We are in overnight for monitoring because of the meconium/epidural elements but we're doing really well!
Mrs Ryan would 100% prefer to be in arms at all times. We can put him in his pram if we actually go out and he’s moving snd if he’s very tired/deeply asleep we can put him in his chair. Otherwise he wants to be held.
Fortunately he does sleep in his Moses Basket at night, so that’s a big relief.
I’m sorry your 3 yr old is sick and cranky. Hopefully he perks up soon and starts sleeping again.

Rosie congratulations!! She missed her day for cool birthday twins but I’m so glad she’s finally here for you. She had a beautiful name as well.
I hope you’re both doing okay and you get home soon!
Congratulations Rosie! Beautiful name and again happy that she finally arrived and is doing well.

Mrs...yep sore here but I think we are getting a bit better. Using lanolin cream for the soreness as it is good stuff.

Yes, Thea is held pretty much all the time. She settles occasionally downstairs in her Moses basket but at night I currently lay her on my chest while I cat nap!
We found her birthday buds for today to be fun too. More Boho than yesterday with Stevie Nicks, Lennie Kravitz and Helena Bonham Carter, plus the Corbs!

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