Hi, ladies!
Sorry I've been quiet. I have spent the majority of this weekend sleeping... like a four hour nap each day. So I haven't had much time to do anything else other than sleep and take care of necessities. I caught up this evening and am able to post. I've missed you ladies!
Emzy, I'm so sorry to hear about your doctor visit. I hope he was just flat out wrong and that everything is okay with you and your little bean.
To all the ladies who mentioned the Ovia app - THANK YOU! I tried it out and I love it! Bonus: it only uses about 8 GB of memory
Chel, that kidney stone sounds terrible. I hope the pain remains manageable. I hear you on not liking water. I am picky about the taste of the water itself, so I don't like drinking "strange" or new tap water. So at work I use flavor additives like Mio or Crystal Light. I like Mio better because you can add as much or as little as you want, so if it's too sweet, just use less next time (or start over). If too bland, just add more. Since there isn't any nutritional value (I believe they are 0 sugar and maybe 5 cal) to speak of, it should make the drink equivalent to plain water, but water that tastes better.
AFM, I went to the Motherhood maternity store and got a comfortable bra to sleep in, underwear and some maternity pants. It feels early to do this, but DW kept telling me that if I'm uncomfortable in my clothes, it's time to make some changes. Thankfully, I haven't gotten any bigger yet in the waistline/abdomen, just super sensitive. My boobs are not sensitive (oddly, as they usually are before AF), but the areolas have darkened and gotten bigger. I'm just waiting for the boobs to get bigger and more sensitive, as I'm sure it's just around the corner. I'm also having a lot of trouble managing my glucose levels, so I'm a little worried. I've read that high glucose in the first 7 weeks can lead to birth defects. I'm hoping my RE can help tomorrow when I go in for my betas. FX that everything will be ok.