I thought that too! They asked me when I went to the ER for fluids, and I replied with, "Even though it looks worse, just 6 weeks."I have a rather round tummy naturally which tends to look 6 months pregnant on certain days. I normally try to suck it in as much as possible. Today I was just letting it hang and enjoying the fact that I AM pregnant! (Albeit too early to actually show).
That is so funny. I'm very thin but now with this bloat I look 3-4 months and I did the same thing when away from my town (small town; teacher; gossip, lol).
Haha! We were away for a mini vacation this past weekend, so I enjoyed letting my bloat show where I didn't know anyone lol. I was just hoping no one would ask when I was due cause I'd be embarrassed to say it wasn't till May 😂
I'm out ladiesthanks for all your well wishes and concerns. My hcg is 290 after it being 58 three weeks ago. My spotting has decreased and has been replaced by lower back pain and cramps.
I wish you all the best on your pregnancy journeys xx
So sorry for your losses Agcam and Eppgirl... Sending prayers your way.
R&W <<<< yay to your little bean... Love how you refer to baby as sheaccording to Ramzi, that's what "she" is... Are you planing on finding out gender?
Welcome to the round RP & HollyCongratulations on your pregnancies.
Grey<<< I feel as I've been keeping it a secret forever too.... Only DH knows.
Sushai <<<< fx it's nothing serious. Thinking of you
Boy lots happens when you miss a day![]()
Basketball season is about to start at our school. I have one player and one cheerleader and let me tell yah, between practices and homework ( not to mention dinner, laundry, and picking up after a 3 year old) there is not much time left for anything else... Doesn't help that I feel like I've had no sleep in 7 days, which is not the case. Yikes... Sorry for the whining, I usually don't, must be hormones. Well while I'm at it, let's complain some more about nausea... Someone said on here before that they feel like they are starving all the time and once they eat something they are nauseated, that's how I've been feeling for the past 7 days NON STOP. This is all so new to me. I've not experienced any nausea with dd1&2 and only very little with dd3 but not through out the entire day.... Ok I'm done! Thanx for listening xx
Claire<<<< missed it yesterday... Happy belated 7 weeksps love your wedding pic, beautiful couple
We have 1 baby (phew) and a heartbeat!!!!! 💗💗💗 put me at 6 weeks so back a week but they put me forward a week at last scan but she said it's not that accurate at this stage. So relieved x
We will find out the gender. Because I will be 40 when having this baby I will have the Panorama test done around 10 weeks which also shows gender.
I say complain when you need to! As women we put up with a lot especially when reproducing.
Sushai I am so sorry!
That's great Ricschick!! They put me back a week at my scan too. I'm gunna hang on til the 12 week one to get a proper edd and adjust my tickers and stuff.
Thanks everyone I'm so relieved and feel happier now.
Me too broken as she said it was accurate at this stage so il just leave it as is til my next scan. X
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