May Marvels 2018

Sorry some are sick at the moment! I've come down with a cold too!! Our ammune systems are low in pregnancy that's why we tend to pick everything up!!
I'm still waiting for an appointment with the mw hopefully il receive one by next week!!
I'm feeling really sick aswell. Just feel run down all the time. I wish I could spend the next 9 months on the sofa wrapped in a blanket! It's getting harder and harder to his this pregnancy as my work collueges are already asking me if I'm alright. Luckily we have had a cold bug go around the branch so I've been blaming it on that so far but im not sure how long that white lie will last!

I'm not sure what it's like where you ladies are but in sure in the UK any time you take off related to pregnancy is paid and not counted towards sick days! It's classed as gender discrimination or something like that.

When I had 2 weeks off due to my misscarrige it didn't affect any of my sick days and I got full pay. I know of other woman who have taken days off due to sickness during pregnancy and they have said the same.
I'm feeling really sick aswell. Just feel run down all the time. I wish I could spend the next 9 months on the sofa wrapped in a blanket! It's getting harder and harder to his this pregnancy as my work collueges are already asking me if I'm alright. Luckily we have had a cold bug go around the branch so I've been blaming it on that so far but im not sure how long that white lie will last!

I'm not sure what it's like where you ladies are but in sure in the UK any time you take off related to pregnancy is paid and not counted towards sick days! It's classed as gender discrimination or something like that.

When I had 2 weeks off due to my misscarrige it didn't affect any of my sick days and I got full pay. I know of other woman who have taken days off due to sickness during pregnancy and they have said the same.

Lucky. I'm in Florida and work for the county (teacher) and we get 6 weeks UNPAID maternity leave. That's it!
We are overworked and under-leaved in comparison to the Western world. UGH.
I'm using all my sick days (which accrue over years) to just stay put in bed...I don't handle nausea well and with it so crippling, I would be a mess in front of students.
Yeah, I feel like 8/9 weeks is when they start doing the "oh we could start sucking your blood FOR SCIENCE and also safety and knowledge" thing? That's cool and all but GIMME MAH ULTRASOUND PLZ. Oh well. That's what I get for sneaking in under the "young primigravida/elderly primigravida" wire. I know I'll get there; working on patience. (Also, wtf is up with these terms? I looked my visit notes up in my doc's online patient thing and 4 weeks ago was "supervision of young primigravida??" If I was a year and a month older you'd call me elderly! THIS IS ALL MADE UP)

I am a "geriatric mother" in our terms. Awesome. :growlmad:
Had to leave work early yesterday because I was feeling so poorly. Went to the doctor his morning and I have a sinus infection. Need to take antibiotics. Very thankful that there are some that are safe to take in pregnancy.

Boo! I had a mild UTI a couple weeks ago but my tummy was so sick I stopped the pills after 3-4 days, not the 10 he wanted!
Had them check urine on Tuesday and they saw nothing. Crossing fingers it stays that way. I try to keep up with probiotic still. Took nauseous to take antibiotic. I was given Keflex and it was pretty tame...not like Flagyl (puke).
Congrats on seeing heartbeats Chel and Mom!

Chel<<< Ramzi is truly 50/50. I still think it's fun speculating, no different than the baking soda test or the cabbage test IMO. With DD3 all these OWT pointed towards BOY for me and I knew better than putting too much thought into them yet it was still fun ;) I have no blue dust to share, but hope you get your boy.

I know, I know...but I think everyone would say girl based on the scan! Nooooo, rofl.
Hoping I have a little boy. My brother has only girls and my husband is the youngest of 5 boys. His dad died unexpectedly 2 years ago, and I really want that relationship to carry forth to him now.

you can share your bean with us, I'm not going to make any gender comments, I promise :)

Sorry to hear about your FIL passing unexpectedly xx

Can't do it. It already looks girl, I can tell, but I'm in denial. I know it's not exact. I do question the 97% accuracy. Just a cursory glance at numerous boards will show too many women having it wrong.

Yeah, FIL moved in with my hubby (we were dating) since my MIL has been passed for awhile and my hubs was single. They would drink coffee on the patio every morning...just a great relationship.
My FIL was a retired pastor and just a super nice man. The day my hubby had to put down a dog, he came home and found FIL dead at the kitchen was traumatic and the darkest time for us...that's why I want my hubby to be the "Pop" now and reclaim that relationship in the other's praying.
Congrats on seeing heartbeats Chel and Mom!

Chel<<< Ramzi is truly 50/50. I still think it's fun speculating, no different than the baking soda test or the cabbage test IMO. With DD3 all these OWT pointed towards BOY for me and I knew better than putting too much thought into them yet it was still fun ;) I have no blue dust to share, but hope you get your boy.

I know, I know...but I think everyone would say girl based on the scan! Nooooo, rofl.
Hoping I have a little boy. My brother has only girls and my husband is the youngest of 5 boys. His dad died unexpectedly 2 years ago, and I really want that relationship to carry forth to him now.

you can share your bean with us, I'm not going to make any gender comments, I promise :)

Sorry to hear about your FIL passing unexpectedly xx

Can't do it. It already looks girl, I can tell, but I'm in denial. I know it's not exact. I do question the 97% accuracy. Just a cursory glance at numerous boards will show too many women having it wrong.

Yeah, FIL moved in with my hubby (we were dating) since my MIL has been passed for awhile and my hubs was single. They would drink coffee on the patio every morning...just a great relationship.
My FIL was a retired pastor and just a super nice man. The day my hubby had to put down a dog, he came home and found FIL dead at the kitchen was traumatic and the darkest time for us...that's why I want my hubby to be the "Pop" now and reclaim that relationship in the other's praying.

Omg!!! I am so so sorry. I lost my dad this year and it’s been very hard. I couldn’t imagine finding him dead though. How horrible for your husband. It seems we lose the best men way too soon.

Feeling better today so far after relentless nausea all day yesterday. Thank god. We move in two weeks and I have barely anything done. All I want to do is lay down tho.

I thought I'd start group for those with babies due in May 2018 :flower: Let me know your EDD and I'll add it below


BFPS and EDDs:

1st May: Traveling mom

2nd May: Kuji, KyGirl12, Debi

6th May: Reiko_ctu

8th May: hope2bmother, ChibiLena

10th May: Gray001, KittenLifter

11th May: maybe_baby_, Bea32

12th May: Flourish :angel: , Boognishrises :angel:

13th May: JWC13 :angel: , Agcam :angel: , KG706

14th May: Huggles, BrokenfoREVer

15th May: emzywemzy83, aidensxmomma

17th May: Foreign Chick, ReadynWaiting, MrsSnail

18th May: cheluzal

19th May: brw2016

20th May: becsboo, ricschick, Rach87 :angel:

22nd May: Sasha92

23rd May: Pea123

25th May: Wicky78

26th May: lbourgeois

28th May: Oliv

29th May: eppgirl :angel:

30th May: CastawayBride

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Can you add me for May 23 please, scan confirmed that day
Geriatric mother haha! Am I classed as geriatric at 34?! This pregnancy is definitely harder on me than my other two. I was 26 and 28 those pregnancies and whilst I was sicker, I definitely feel crapper this time! That could just be because I'm working full time and already have two kids!

We are so lucky with our maternity rights in the Uk. IM classed as local authority and get 6 weeks 90% pay, then another 21 weeks half pay plus statutory maternity pay. Then if I want it another 26 weeks just statutory maternity pay. I'll be taking 6 months mat leave then going back full time. Hubby works part time from home so he'll be the house hubby this time! I did it the last two times so it's his turn haha

Out of interest, what do you all do for a living? I'm an HR Manager for a group of schools (a multi academy trust). I'm based on the site of my girls school which is super handy and it's only 10 minutes walk from my house! I'm also studying part time for a masters degree in Human Resource Management so my life's slightly hectic at the mo!!
I'm a sahm, used to be a travel agent.
My nausea pops up now and again but thankfully nothing to bad! I'm hungry tho!!! And very tired!
Chezual 6 weeks unpaid is absolutely crazy I don't know how you guys in the US do it!

We can have up to 12 months in the UK it's not all full pay it depends on the company you work for (mine is full pay for 16 weeks) but everybody is entitled to SMP (statory maternity pay) which is around £600 a month from the government for the first 9 months if you choose to take the last 3 then you get nothing.

I've always said I'd love to live in the USA but I don't know how I would cope lol
Omg!!! I am so so sorry. I lost my dad this year and it’s been very hard. I couldn’t imagine finding him dead though. How horrible for your husband. It seems we lose the best men way too soon.

Tell me about it.
My only sibling, little brother, died in 2011 after being in a vegetative state after going through a windshield in 2008 (wear your seat belts, people). But it was due to some drunk could not let him die (not on life support) so we took 24/7 care at my house and mom moved in.

It was brutal, exhausting, and rewarding. I could get an honorary RN after that! He died (unexpectedly as his body was very healthy and he had no pneumonia or anything) when we were on either side just talking and playing with his fingers...just quietly stopped breathing.

I wrote an article about it and got it published in a national grief journal.
I cry sometimes knowing my child will never get to meet their Uncle Chris...such a warm heart. I also want a boy so I can give him Christopher as a middle name!
Geriatric mother haha! Am I classed as geriatric at 34?! This pregnancy is definitely harder on me than my other two. I was 26 and 28 those pregnancies and whilst I was sicker, I definitely feel crapper this time! That could just be because I'm working full time and already have two kids!

We are so lucky with our maternity rights in the Uk. IM classed as local authority and get 6 weeks 90% pay, then another 21 weeks half pay plus statutory maternity pay. Then if I want it another 26 weeks just statutory maternity pay. I'll be taking 6 months mat leave then going back full time. Hubby works part time from home so he'll be the house hubby this time! I did it the last two times so it's his turn haha

Out of interest, what do you all do for a living? I'm an HR Manager for a group of schools (a multi academy trust). I'm based on the site of my girls school which is super handy and it's only 10 minutes walk from my house! I'm also studying part time for a masters degree in Human Resource Management so my life's slightly hectic at the mo!!

Geriatric is 35 and up, I'm told.

I'm a middle school English teacher and I'm working on my PhD at the university. I've done all coursework and passed the 3-day, 4 hours/day qualifying exam....just on dissertation--and I hate it! I enjoy teaching and pedagogy, NOT research.
Chezual 6 weeks unpaid is absolutely crazy I don't know how you guys in the US do it!

We can have up to 12 months in the UK it's not all full pay it depends on the company you work for (mine is full pay for 16 weeks) but everybody is entitled to SMP (statory maternity pay) which is around £600 a month from the government for the first 9 months if you choose to take the last 3 then you get nothing.

I've always said I'd love to live in the USA but I don't know how I would cope lol

Good grief! Why is everyone trying to come here then....go to the UK! It's better for your babies, rofl!
That is SUCH a sweet deal, truly.

I love the USA and it's a great place to live in 90% of the places, but "The American Dream" and leftover capitalism means we work for our way (well, most of us). Mom stays at home cooking cherry's not those times anymore but the wages and work life never caught up.
We work too much, never take off sick, etc. I don't see it every changing sadly.

My baby is due 5 days before the end of the year, which is perfect! I'm off for summer anyway so it won't change anything for almost 3 months. I can take a leave and they will hold my position with a sub (unpaid though) and once we move back in my townhome we won't have 2 mortgages and can afford it.
I'd like to finish dissertation (December 2018 is deadline) and get a different job away from teenagers, and which pays more!
Chezual sorry to hear about your losses. Looking after your brother like that you are amazing!

Yeah maternity in the UK is quite good in comparison but there's still some who would complain.
In ireland we have 26 weeks state paid leave &#8364;235 a week and then can take up to 16 weeks unpaid after that. Depending on your company some may top up your maternity pay so you get a full wage each month
I'm in the UK and with my job we get 18 weeks full pay then 21 weeks statutory which I think is really good so if all goes well I will go back to work in March as we also get all the holiday we should of been entitled to whilst we were off plus the 8 bank holidays if your maternity leave falls over them so that's almost another 6 weeks off on full pay at the end!

Oh my goodness this tiredness is hitting me hard! I try not to complain as I have no other symptoms but for the past 2 days I've hardly managed to get off the sofa. Have been trying to play games with DS that just involve lying/sitting on the floor! Luckily he still has a 2 hour nap in the afternoon so I sleep then when I'm not at work but my goodness I feel so lazy!!
May 31st for me pls xx baby#6

My tickers are all off ATM. I can't seem to edit them on my iPhone xx
In Canada we get a full year of mat leave (they divide it/label it differently so dads can also take it) at 60% and depending on where you work they may top you up. I'm self employed (caterer) and haven't paid in to it so now I have to figure out how we are going to work it. I can still get my hours in I'll just have to work more.
I'm also struggling to stay awake these days (lots of naps) and MS is all over the place. Seems if I can keep my stomach full I'm not too bad. I hope it stays this way but usually 8 weeks (ish) is when it really starts to get worse. I'm hoping maybe I'll slip under the radar.
I'm a sahm in the U.K. I think we have pretty good maternity leave even though I've never used it as I wasn't in work when my son was born.

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