May Marvels 2018

Anyone have or use the baby armor blanket over belly to protect from emf waves?
I have my laptop on me for hours and got one just in case.

They retail over $60 (yikes) but found one new on LetItGo for $25.
Welcome back Geebug!

Regarding baby in room, I actually did hear the full year recommendation the other day but it goes hand in hand with not in room at all if either parent is a smoker as that increases the sids risk dramatically.
Welcome geebug!!

I think we will just play it to how we feel at the time with sleeping arrangements. With DS we had him in a Moses basket until about 4 months in our room and then gradually moved him into his own room as we felt ready to.

Just got back from booking appointment all went well apart from being told I had to have the GDB testing again this time because of my weight and then fainting (as I expected to) when having bloods taken!!

Really hoping they will get me in for my 12 week scan before we go o holiday at the end of October!
Glad the appointment went well gray. Fx'd they can scan you before holiday.
Just got back from booking appointment all went well apart from being told I had to have the GDB testing again this time because of my weight and then fainting (as I expected to) when having bloods taken!!

I have to do it twice because of my age.
Something about drinking something for an hour....oog, I'm not liking the sound of that, lol! I have very persnickety taste buds. I couldn't finish the dumb liquid for the CT I had years ago.
Welcome Geebug! Your fears are normal and understandable. I have had several early losses plus the loss of my son in January. I was actually avoiding getting pg (I guess it didn't work lol) as the thought of going through the pain and heartache again made me physically ill. I am surprisingly calm considering mostly because I know there is little I can do to change it if anything does happen. I also know there is no 'safe' time for me as things can happen at any time. If anything allow yourself to feel the fear when it comes, give it space and then visualize filling your heart and womb with light and love. Imagine holding this baby and allow that love and happiness to fill your body. It works wonders for me and my sanity. There are lots of great visualization/meditations on you tube that can help you through this if you connect to it.
Welcome Geebug!

My son is doing my head in sometimes. I know it's the terrible twos (will it magically stop when he turns three?) but this morning he had a 30min. meltdown because I had the audacity to actually wash him during our shower. Which he entered happily and voluntarily I might add. I was thinking "Duh, what did you THINK would happen in the shower other than washing?" Result was I only managed to wash maybe one third of him and we took him in the car with us in only his underwear and t-shirt...He deignt it OK to put his pants and shoes on later though *eyeroll*.
Told my parents this morning. I'm not good at talking about important things verbally (there seems to be a better connection between my brain and my hands than there is between my brain and my mouth - I guess it's part of being a major introvert... ), so I wrote a card telling them and put a scan pic inside. Gave it to my mom this morning with a posy of bougainvillea flowers from our garden. When she opened it she saw the pic and looked up confused saying "and this?" so I told her to just read the card. All she kept saying was "wow, oh wow, wow, oh wow" over and over. She looked close to tears. My dad walked in then and she just handed him the hard. She gave me a big hug and said congratulations and that she's in total shock. I think she was still in shock when I left (didn't stay long, was just dropping ds there for the day on my way to work). Dad also congratulated me and gave me a big hug (ouch my boobs!!!) and told me to take it easy.

THIS. Last week, we were over at a friend's, and on the way out we made our rounds to give hugs and I literally just yelled "MY TITS" at one of our enthusiastic chest-smasher-hug friends! I love a good hug, but my patience for STRONG BURLY HUGS has evaporated. My breasts are fine 90% of the time now (I can wrap a towel around myself! I can take bras off! oh thank goodness), but the chestcrushers...

I have my booking appointment on Wednesday am so excited that things are finally happening and will get my yellow pregnancy bible!! That will make it feel all more real however I am dreading the bloods!!

Okay I gotta know...what's the yellow pregnancy bible?

Thank you ladies. I was so cross and upset last night about it. She not even family. She's my dads new gf (my mum passed away a few yrs ago) I've only met her twice!!
I told her the news in a msg and straight away she replied 'lock the door I'm coming for the birth' !?!? Ummmm. No. Don't invite yourself to someone's birth for goodness sake.
I struggle with her, because she's my dads new partner and all the feelings around my mum. I didn't need this. She's now last in line for everything. She only gets told things right before they go on fb.

That is so inappropriate of her, Broken!! As for your future plans, A+ -- my mom would call that a "logical consequence" for her. If you show you can't be trusted to keep information temporarily confidential, then you won't be trusted with information that's not public!

So I am officially coming in here now, after 2-3 scares throughout I have been too frightened to post. I am 8 weeks 5 days today and have my booking in appointment tomorrow.
How can you all be so excited?! I am absolutely petrified.
Every twinge, and ache I have to convince myself it could be ok.

<3 <3. It's my first pregnancy, and I realized early on that (however things go) this will be the only one where I'll be able to enjoy this level of optimism, so I might as well "give myself over to hope," as I've been saying.

I had my first pregnancy massage last week (100% would do again), when a bunch of friends had a group booking at a local soak/sauna place, and when I told the massage therapist I knew I was still in the danger zone, she said, "oh honey, LIFE is dangerous!" She was such a cheerful hippie the whole time, and so positive about pregnancy in general, but something about her joyous recognition that the whole dang world is full of danger really helped me let go a little more. It sounds weird, right? But it was what I needed to hear from someone more experienced. I hope you find whatever you need to hear!
Oh! A thing I keep meaning to ask (especially of you not-first-timers): tell me about pregnancy pillows. Are they as magic as the internet says they are? Are there good ones? Bad ones? When will I want one? (Do I want one?)
Pregnancy pillows - I have a body pillow. I used it most of last pregnancy, I used it in labour, I used it after. I've already used it again with this one, brought me huge relief when I was struggling early on. I've packed it away again now as it started keeping me awake (it's sometimes hard to turn from one side to the next), but am pretty sure I'll be bringing it out again.
My one is long and kind of shaped like a hill top if that makes sense? It's not the super long one that curves around your bum and around your head but more like a V shape but not as tight as a V.
I would definitely recommend pregnancy pillows.
Haha kitten the yellow pregnancy bible is the yellow book they give where I am that you keep with you and take to every appointment and scan and it's where they keep all your notes and charts and things!
I had and have a pregnancy/breastfeedig pillow (Theraline Brand). It is soooo comfy for sleeping while pregnant. I have also used it for breastfeeding and to prop my son up when he started sitting etc.
Let's see what I can remember? Welcome to Mrs H and Gee! Boo to any ongoing concerns/sickness/oveenthusastic but tactless people!

I should never have said my symptoms were abating as yesterday was a sicky day. AND all I want is carbs so the bloat is real y'all!!

Rics - Costume is because I do shows :) I am in a musical next month then it looks like I need a year off!
Chibi I hate to tell you but a &#8216;threenager&#8217; is Far worse than the &#8216;terrible twos&#8217; lol. The good news with boys is they simmer with age. I have a 4.5 yr old girl and a 14 yr old boy and she far outshines in the attitude/moody nonsense. Literally right now (its 7:30am) she&#8217;s crying because I traded my iPhone 6 in for a newer phone and didn&#8217;t give her my old phone. She&#8217;s 4!!! It&#8217;s constant and tests my patience on an hourly basis.
Chibi I agree with RnW 'threenagers' are a real issue. As she says though, boys tend to simmer down faster. From about 2.5-4 my son was a literal terror. Absolute demon child. Completely different kid now. Don't get me wrong, he still throws fits and tantrums but nowhere near as bad. Hang in there mama, it get better!

Midwife in a few hours for me. Excited!!
Anyone feel like they are so far out from taking care of a baby that it&#8217;s like being pg with your first?
Things change so quickly with what the &#8216;experts&#8217; (I use that lightly) say you should and shouldn&#8217;t do that I feel like I have to retrain myself on how to care for an infant. Someone mentioned that they recommended baby is in your room for the first year to prevent SIDS! That sounds crazy to me only becAuse I&#8217;ll never sleep if the baby is in my room and constantly checking on him/her. I&#8217;m not judging I&#8217;m only thinking about myself and sleep.
I think there is far to much info out there these days and people only feel like they are bound to screw up because REALLY how can we do it all?? Having a mindf@&#8364;k of a day today!
I see some of you are 10 weeks today!! Happy double digits!!!

Ahh the terrible 2's been there done that several times lol but the best thing is to ignore the bad and praise the good and also I find changing the subject really does the trick sometimes! And I explain everything! Like what's happening next or why they can't have something etc.

Pregnancy pillows are fantastic I definitely recommend these!! When your bigger and laying in bed it helps line up all of your body so you sleep with it between your knees and it lines up your body and helps you sleep better, I've just bought a new one mine is just like a longer version of a pillow but full body size.

I am so tired today had a rubbish nights sleep again last night as our son was up with a very high temperature so took him docs today to find he has tonsillitis and while I was there I got some more 5mg folic acid which then prompted the doctor to give me the flu jab lol he just happened to have one on his desk lol. So atleast that's one thing out if the way.
My pregnancy pillow is Ahh-mazing! So much so that I've already pulled it out lol. My hips have been bothering me already so I had to. I have a leachco which is huge and ds and dh sleep in the bed too. We're quite crowded. Definitely worth the money though.

My 2 year old and I had a battle royale yesterday over him going potty before his nap and he refused. We both ended up crying. Hard to keep your cool when your hormones are raging.
Hope your son feels better ricschick! I still haven't got us all flu shots.....
It's been a few days so I don't know if I can catch up! Lol

9 weeks today! I've been so nauseous and dealing with a headache for about three days, so haven't felt like posting anything... not too much to update on though!

Congrats to those hitting 10 weeks!!

I need to get a pregnancy pillow... I don't need one yet, but I know I probably will. Gonna be looking up the recommendations!! :)

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