I spent the entire day in bed yesterday. Was just so exhausted I wanted to cry. Was kind of longing for the 2 weeks bed rest I'll need mid- end Nov (when I have my cervical stitch placed). And I was then just so moody as well in the afternoon. Just felt like I wasn't coping at all.
Then woke up to this on ovia this morning:
Hows mom?
Feeling moody? Hormonal irritability is at a peak around the ninth week, although relief should come soon - for most women, moodiness eases up around week ten before coming back in full force as your pregnancy ends. Youre also likely to feel extremely fatigued, as your body is working overtime to develop the placenta in order to most efficiently provide nutrients to your baby, and because your blood sugar and blood pressure may often move in the opposite direction as your increased metabolism and hormone levels.
it was just so spot on it was scary! And a total relief.
9 weeks today.
That thing you posted from your app seems pretty spot on for how I've been. Not quite 9 weeks yet (8+5) but I swear I've been a zombie all week. My DS has been waking up frequently at night again too. So tired is an understatement. So is moody.
Sasha92 - Your excitement is awesome!

I agree that May feels forever away.
I'm going to have to get a new stroller for this little nugget. The one we have for DS would work, but he'll only be 21 months when nugget is born, so we will definitely have to get a double stroller.
ricschick - I've had to get the glucose test during every one of my pregnancies. The 1-hr test is standard for all pregnancies and then if it comes back high or borderline, you have to take a 3 hour one. I've had to do the 3 hour one for my last two pregnancies. It's not horrible, but it's not fun either.
AFM - I apologize for not keeping up with the thread well. I check the facebook group, but DS doesn't give me much time to get online. If he sees my laptop out, he comes running.
My first ultrasound was last week and we got to see nugget's heartbeat

My due date is now officially May 16, 2018. My cycles were super irregular before getting pregnant so my doctor's office was going by my last period and was over 2 weeks off. Now my doctor and me are on the same page.