Lovely scan pic geebug!!
I had a cyst mrs Hudson with our 4th baby but I didn't need surgery and they just kept an eye on it and it burst on its own. Is yours quite big then? X
Feeling better today but have a slow building headache boo!!
Dh wants a gender scan so we've booked one for the 9th Dec when il be roughly just over 16 weeks. And the best bit about it we can bring the children with us too which they will love!! 😃😃
I just thought that because I was looking at some pics on google and at an early stage around 11 weeks the genitals are forming but they start out looking quite similar.
Ugh having a really bad day where I'm really worrying about having a mmc. I have my mw Appt next Thursday to hear hb for first time.
Beautiful scan Geebug!
Maybe I'll post my scan pic later. I'll have to take a photograph from the report.Anyway, baby is perfectly healthy and already measured 12 weeks at 11w 3 days! Caught up quite a lot from the last scan when the size was a couple days behind. Doctor told me to try not to gain too fast as I gained 2kg in the last month. Ahem, I am hungry! Mostly for fruit and veggies so I thought it would be ok. When I don't eat, I feel sick, so not sure what to change.
Doctor also had a look at the gender...she says 90% sure it's a boy....It was quite obvious really and that at not even 12 weeks! May I confess to you ladies that I struggle somewhat with being so wrong about the gender? I was SO sure that it's a girl. Never would have thought myself the type as I am quite practical-minded. However, we will have our next appointment in a month time and will see then. Keeping in mind that it is early days yet. Having to confess as well that I mostly mourn the shopping experience. We kept everything from our son so there is really no need to buy anything if it's another boy.
Ladies help!! I have gone into panic mode!!
DH and I had sex this afternoon and ever since I have been bleeding it is not flowing out but there has been some in the toilet when I go to the loo and is bright red on the toilet paper! Touch wood no cramps but i am panicking big time!
We go on holiday on Tuesday and I am so worried now about the plane journey or miscarrying whilst abroad!
I think I am going to phone the EPU tomorrow morning when they open to try and get a scan and check with a midwife that I am still safe to travel.
Has any body else had this?
Just got back from my 10 week Scan! Eeeek.
Just got back from my 10 week Scan! Eeeek.