May Marvels 2018

Chi OMG that’s amazing!!! My baby wasn’t engaged at my last mw appointment but as I’ve had so many she doesn’t need to be, she’s head down so that’s good enough for me lol.
Few more weeks and will have babies!!!
Wow everything seems to be moving forward with these babies!! Getting close now!

I must remember to buy some red raspberry leaf tablets, have taken them with both my previous pregnancies and it is really meant to help with labour.
Arnica is good too for natural pain reflief and brusing so I will get some of that.

I've picked up the car seat, the new mattress for the pram arrived today so it's feeling more real 😊

I think first babies engage quite early don't they? The midwives said to me quite often 2nd, 3rd babies etc sometimes only engage once labour has started.
Yazzy I think I’ve heard that too.

So DH had a couple man projects he wants to do around the house and I told him that’s fine, but really we have some priorities before the baby comes that come before his man projects. So he was totally motivated and deep cleaned all our bathrooms today!! Which I’m so thankful for because I would’ve barfed if I had to do it. All the baseboards and floors haven’t been done in ages. So now we have sparkling clean bathrooms!! He’s going to build me a little table for beside our “side-carred” crib for my little lamp and diapers and wipes and receiving blankets for the middle of the night feeds and then get the car seats sorted in the van this week and then he can move onto his projects ;)
Wow good for dh Reiko! My dh last wk had a ‘honey-do’ list that he mostly got checked off. It was a bunch of little things that were just lingering but man did it feel good when they got done. My own list I seem to be struggling with but slowly am getting things checked off.
Tomorrow I’m cleaning the car seat, baby seat, anything I can to do with the play pen. Today I finally ordered my cart of post partum stuff from amazon and packed my ‘just in case’ bag. Dh needs to pick up the bassinet from his parents and I think we are pretty much good to go.
This week I’m going to prep some freezer meals...fingers crossed I actually do it lol.
My DH doesn't have a 'to-do' list to do before baby comes. Unless its to get achievements on his ps4 haha. I'm the DIY queen of our house and my only to-do is to put up the curtain rail in baby's room.

I do want the house deep cleaned though, gunna have to bug him to help me with that though. Because I can't do it all myself and it needs doing.

I took the plunge tonight and dealt with the lady garden. My lord was it overgrown down there :haha: I feel so much better now. It was really getting me down and making me feel unclean. (Obvs not saying pubic hair is dirty or anything. I'm just a bit of a weirdo)
Broken I’m the same I like to be tidy down there and feel “cleaner” too.

Gosh I just don’t have the physical energy at the moment, everything hurts and it feels like I’ve been kicked in the doo dah!!
Hello, everyone. We're getting close, aren't we?

Baby is head down (and has been since 28 weeks). She's not engaged yet, but has been sitting really low all pregnancy. Lots of pressure on the cervix, and she punches it sooooo frequently. Someone at work this week noticed that I suddenly started walking funnily. :haha:
The PGP is still going strong. I ended up visiting the osteopath, and that helped a little. I might go back again sometime in the next couple of weeks.

I'm not ready at all. I just did the first load of laundry today. Everything is still sitting in suitcases and boxes. Gah!

Reiko - Very pleased about your scan :)
I agree about the midwives. With the less experienced midwives, I come away feeling quite sore.

Yazzy - happy to hear about your scan, and hope the next one goes well :)

RnW - I used hypnobirthing with my first, and it really made a difference. I've been really bad this time around, and have just started practicing, but am not that worried about labour. I dont know why, but I've got a "done it before, can do it again" attitude. Maybe it was so long ago that I just don't remember :haha:

Broken - I'm happy you found a midwife you're happy with. I haven't seen the same midwife twice this time around. We just get appointments with whomever is doing the clinic that week.
I'm putting DH to work next weekend. He gets to do all the vacuuming, and setting up crib, etc. Re lady garden :haha:, I get waxed semi-regularly. Have to say that pregnancy makes it much more painful!
Broken funny that you tended to your bits today, I did yesterday. First of all something so simple was a major challenge. Secondly I hacked the crap out of it and thirdly I was not so pleasantly surprised at what this pregnancy has done to the appearance of it lol. No more inspections until long after birth and body has had time to recover. Haha
Broken I did the exact same thing today! I have a massage tomorrow and want to be tidy just in case she accidentally flips the sheet or something. Boy was that hard!!

I have done a lot of my to do list today. Setup the crib and changed over to summer bedding and packed up a lot of stuff to go in the garage. So this week it’s just normal cleaning, vacuuming our upstairs and tons of laundry and general tidying. Hospital bag is done and just need a few baby things from the garage and we’re ready.

I need to do my freezer meals yet too. This week I’ll try! Any good recipe links?
Anybody have any suggestions for snacks for the hospital bag? Last time, I didn't feel like eating or drinking anything, and ended up with a PPH.
This time, I've asked DH to force me to drink (and will be taking some lucozade sport and ribena), but am looking for snack ideas that don't take a lot of chewing.
People have suggested cadbury buttons and honey. Anything else?

I bought some dates today.....forced myself to eat 3, and couldn't take any more :)
Im so glad others are with me in the lady garden maintenance. Thought I was a weirdo. Glad to know I'm not haha.

Ready I didn't even look at it any more than I had to. I don't wanna know what pregnancy has done to it. I'll check it after birth if I dare :haha:

Reiko I hope your massage was nice. I'm gunna get DH to rub my feet. They are soooooo swollen and ugh.

Agcam I've been thinking about labour snacks too. I'm going to take in some orange juice (dilute , not pure) but don't know about snacks. My mum took biscuits when I had DS for me, then I got yelled at for eating them. I remember being hungry, but not really wanting food.
I might take some crisps and plain biscuits, just to nibble on.

Anyone else got swollen hands? I'm getting scared I'm going to have to take my wedding ring off, it's so tight now. I wear a ring on my other hand that is a tad loose, but now it's leaving an indent because my fingers are swollen. I don't want to take my rings off. But also don't want to have issues and have them cut off or anything awful like that.
Reiko- I was on here last night making my list of meals. I think Wednesday I’m going to make some but first I have to clean out my freezer. I’m also going to take a trip to Costco and grab some stuff to have on hand (frozen foods).

Agcam-I like clif or larabars as they have a good source of proetein and good sugars to give you a boost. Dried fruit also works for me. I’m not really able to eat in the throes of labour but I try to ‘stock’ up when the first contractions start.

I got my amazon order today with all my postpartum stuff...nursing bras, pads, granny panties, ab fun lol.
Broken- who yelled at you for eating biscuits? Eating is essential while labouring and don’t let anyone tell you differently. I haven’t had my rings on since about 28 weeks. I wear them on my necklace. I was having terrible indents and was afraid I would wake up one day and wouldn’t be able to get them off. I tried them a couple of weeks ago but obviously still too tight.
Broken - I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring in months. My hand feels so naked without it! Maybe put your rings on a chain around your neck? That way you will still have them with you.
My hands haven’t been too bad this time do can still wear them comfortably, they swell up from time to time but not often it’d my feet and ankles that swell by the end of the day!!
My hospital bag is nearly complete I need a few toiletries and baby formula and something to wear home which will likely be a maxi dress.
Feeling a bit down and tearful today, my dad went to Spain to live today and it feels so strange that he won’t be round the corner! I lived with him since I was 14 and I’ve always been so close to him and have seen him 3-4 times a week for the past 5 years and now won’t see him for months 😢 he’s coming back to see the baby then he will be off again. Not a good day.
Ha ha everyone tidying up down there now we are getting close...I did the same thing lol!

I still haven't got anything out of the loft yet argh! I did buy a new maternity bra though so that's one thing off my list.

I took lucozade in my hospital bag but I don't think I took any food but with both of my labours I went in at night and they were born before breakfast so I wasn't hungry. I'd probably take some flapjack and choc/biscuits, maybe dried fruit.

Was looking at some newborn baby clothes in the shop cute and makes me want to go shopping 😁
My labours have been too fast to ever eat anything, and one was at midnight the other was 3 in the morning so it wasn't super normal times to eat anything... and I have treats in my hospital bag for after I deliver ;) This time I'll pack some low carb granola bars though, who knows it might be a long one. I would say some dried fruit/nuts/granola bar or protein bar type things would be the best for energy but maybe just something that you know will appeal to you in early labour. Or like Ready when you're in early labour just make sure to eat something that will keep you going for a while in case you don't feel like forcing down snacks in between contractions ;)

Massage was absolutely heavenly, I feel like a million bucks now and don't know why I haven't been doing that my whole pregnancy (well actually it's because I can't afford to haha). Also mw today said she thinks OB should fully transfer care back to them since no insulin and she's going to call him to inquire about that.

I don't usually wear my wedding rings because I'm a massage therapist and I just have to take them off all the time and I forget to put them back on. I saw them in my drawer the other day and tried to put them on, I could but they were a little to tight for comfort so I though since I've got a few more weeks it's safer to leave them off!

Ricschick I'm sorry about your dad. That is really hard. We've talked about moving before since our cost of living is so ridiculous here but we just couldn't ever leave family. So hard when they move away!
So at this morning's NST I was registering contractions every 5 minutes. They did an impromptu ultrasound. Cervix is 2/10th above small to barely be the right size. Cervix still closed. So I was put on some blood pressure med that stops them. I can only take one every 6 hours. The one at 5:30 helped to decrease it but they are still popping up. OWCH.

She told me today, due to my age (today is my 41st bday!), she won't let me go over 39 weeks, so 5/11 is my new "due" date! Can't say I'm sad...he can come at 38, so long as he's healthy and no ICU is needed. I'm so over this.

Work threw me a shower today! We got lots more clothes, diapers, wipes, etc. and over $400 in gift cards!!! I just ordered all the rest of our amazon cart with the 15% off.

Hubs took us for pedicures (so badly needed) and he's brushing and drying my hair tonight for my birthday, lol.
Ricschick sorry to hear about your dad moving. That would be so hard.

Reiko- it would be great if Care was transferred back. Will you still have to Go to the hospital or could you go for a home birth?

Chel- happy birthday!
Chel your babe will be totally fine at 38 weeks, even 37... 37 weekers can be difficult to breastfeed since theyre missing out on a bit of sucking practice in the womb ;). But I know of plenty of healthy 36 weekers that don’t have more than a few days stay in the hospital. We’re they ok with what your cervix is doing?

Ready it almost seemed like the mw wanted us to switch back to homebirth. I think because my labours are so fast she’s quite worried about us making it to the hospital, she didn’t want to let on but I think she is. At this point we’re just set on the hospital because we likely have less than 2 weeks and to get ready for a hb wouldn’t work for my frame of mind. But mw was adamant do not get in the car if it doesn’t feel like we’ll make it to the hospital, even if we’re not set up for hb they have all their stuff. I just don’t know how fast it will be! If it’s 45 mins we will make it, and shorter and we won’t! She also said for baby’s blood sugars, they’re not going to be dropping dramatically in the first hour, so we have lots of time to get to the hospital after the birth if something does go wrong with them. So if she ends up being born at home then it is what it is but officially we are doing a hospital birth again and leaving as soon as we can lol.

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