May Marvels 2018

I am a crazy person when it comes to nail clipping. We don’t do scratch mitts or swaddle and she sucks her thumb so I make sure they’re nice and short and then she doesn’t actually hurt herself when rubbing her hands all over her face. She’s definitely had a few scratches when I’ve forgotten to clip! I bite them for the first few weeks but now her nails are big enough for the baby clippers :)

Me too on the nail clipping. I find it much easier than the mitts. M likes to dig her fingers into her eyelids and pull the bottom lid down, so I am really careful about keeping those nails short! We only use the mitt covers on PJs to keep her hands warm overnight.
Willa isn't a thumb sucker, but is definitely a hand sucker! It's pretty precious actually.

M is a hand sucker, too! She keeps her thumb inside her fist and sucks either on her knuckles or her open fingers. It is really cute! She sometimes gets fussy at night if we put the mitts on her before she is "done" with her hand sucking :baby:
Anyone else get paranoid about being pregnant again??

I would be, except being in a same-sex relationship, we have to jump through hoops with planning to get pregnant. I'm relieved since I would need to do something pretty fail-proof due to my medical issues now and doctors' recommendation that we not do this pregnancy thing ever again.

But I am sad about not having another baby and am starting to think about how feasible it would be to adopt or foster, once M gets a little older. I don't know that we'd actually do it, but it helps me to have some hope that M won't be my only baby/child. But just in case, I'm trying to savor every moment (remind me of that when she becomes a threenager! :haha:)
Ahhh Wicky, Thea also sucks her hand with her thumb tucked into her fist, they are so cute.
She sounds like such a dinky baby, but doing well! My son had a posterior tongue tie and he had it snipped at 5 weeks. He had to re learn how to latch etc but then fed really well.
Oh I'm still laughing how different these babies are, honestly Thea is nearly out of 3-6 month clothes and she was only 3 months this week. She is certainly feeding well and I'm trying to up my food intake because the weight has dropped off and I think I need to stop losing it. Plus I want to stay healthy running around after all of the kids. I get hungry just thinking about food!
BOOB: I never had any redness or feelings of stuff. I had a clog in the other one last month and it took me 2 weeks to get rid of it. The breast was very red, but I've never had a fever or aches. The right boob, the bloody one, has always been sore and tender since I started. I'm just going to make it until 4 months, then set another small goal, and see how far I get.

BOTTLES: I was washing them all day long, and my pointer finger and thumb started cracking. Now I lay them all on a mat and do it at the end of the night. I have enough bottles to make it through the day. I also have about 6 containers just to hold the pumped milk. I also put my pumping stuff back in the 'fridge and just wash them once at night.

WEIGHT: Still 25 extra pounds over here. Having been 5'8" and no more than 130 your entire adult life...this is...hard to deal with. Nothing fits. The stomach bothered me more, but now the big boobs are messing up everything. I didn't realize how thick my arms were until I saw a picture. Just going to worry about it after I wean. I heard some people lose more then.

PREGNANCY: Ha! This weekend is the 1-year anniversary of Siler's conception. And the 1-year anniversary of our last sexual encounter. Until he's snipped, it's handies and whatnot....thank God for a patient, loving man who understands.
Been almost a week of is everyone?

My OB doesn't think my boob is infected but I have to get an ultrasound and mammogram just to check internally. Boo. A mamm with sore, swollen boobs? Uncool.
Oh no cheluzal that does not sound good!!

Everything is good here just trying to get back to normality as kids are back st school today and tomorrow! We’ve had a lovely summer at the caravan and now it’s bsck to school runs and packed lunch lol.
Billie is as gorgeous as ever I just love her so much she melts my heart! She’s so smiley and lovely even tho she’s cutting a tooth!!! She’s fully in 3-6m clothes now too. I need to get her weighed!

How’s everyone else? X
Everyone's gone AWOL, lol! I check daily.

We're cool here. Siler is adorable as ever (4 months tomorrow!).
He's dropped his last nap of the day so we moved his bedtime up and he's sleeping 9-11 hours straight through the night!

He rubs his cheek all night and it's red and eczema looking. Trying several creams. On Eucerin now. We shall see....doc said he will outgrow it.

I think I talked my husband into letting me take the entire school year off and return next August, not in January!
Chel...we are still here! Been busy with the start of school and nursery again. Plus I'm self employed so getting back into working again.
Have you tried Organic coconut oil for Siler's cheeks? I think it's amazing stuff and always use it. When you first put it on, it makes the skin redder in colour but use it a few times through the day and it clears up dry/sore/eczema skin.

Thea is doing great, 3 1/2 months now. She is just such a happy baby, always smiling and giggling and loves people singing to her. She spends a little time in her bouncy chair and in her rubber ring thing but generally she just likes being cuddled. I'm finding I have to keep her on Infacol as she struggles with trapped wind otherwise and gets really unsettled.
Just hit 4 months a few days ago here... and right under a storm cloud on the wonder week’s app if anyone uses that. All the sudden she’s really struggling to stay asleep for naps longer than 45 mins and for bedtime it’s sooo hard to get her to fall asleep. She cries when I rock her, she won’t fall asleep while nursing, and so I’m stuck walking around with her in the carrier and she’s often fussy then anyways. I just want her to be asleep by 8 so I can workout, have a shower, a snack, and read for a bit before bed but she’s fighting sleep until like 10! And DH is only helping for like half an hour so I can workout. Other than that I’m in charge all day and all night!!
Ah the 4 month sleep regression! I'm not looking forward to that. It never made any difference with my other 2 as they would be feeding every 2 hours at night anyway but Thea sleeps pretty well so it's going to be hard!
Was up literally all night last night, my husband has had a sore throat and cold, my little boy got it a couple days ago and Thea has been unsettled and snuffly all night argh!
We're already praying against the 4 month regression and "wonder week leap 4" in this household. He pops up after going to bed but we're able to soothe him right back in 5 minutes. I have noticed the naps shortening but nothing too crazy. We hope moving his bedtime up by hours (went from 11 to 8 very quickly) can mitigate some of it! I did read it was more a progression/schedule change than regression.

Other than that, he's smiling at everyone and getting some very high-pitched squeals when daddy munches his belly.
Do any EBF mamas pump and give bottles? I have to leave LO for the evening tonight and am leaving a bottle for her. Wondering how many ounces she’d eat. I know FF babies generally drink more ounces at this point so wondering about Breastfed babies.
Reiko sorry probably too late to reply now but 4 oz should be fine. I looked into this as I wanted to express so my OH could help if I needed to pop out or even if I was upstairs putting the kids to bed. However Thea would not take a bottle at all! I will try again just in case but I think she just wants to go everywhere with me lol.
Siler eats 6oz at a time. I've been EP since the start and have watched him cry for more as he slowly increased half an ounce at a time. We just upped it right before he turned 4 months.

I would leave 5, just in case. I'd rather leave too much than never enough since he pushes the nipple out or just chews it casually when he's full.

When we go out, I always bring a full 9oz bottle just in case we get out longer/later than imagined.
Bahaha what a waste of pumped milk. My sister said she screamed her head off and got milk everywhere. No way was she taking that bottle XD

Looks like I won’t be going anywhere without her for a few more months!
Uh oh...which bottle did you use?

I've gone through tons, in an effort to find one that actually might reduce the spitup (none do, btw-we're resigned to being wet, stinky, and sticky for a few more months, lol).

We started Siler in his crib Monday night and he's sleeping 10-10.5 hours straight through! Dude kicks and wiggles so much he does a 180 and ends up completely opposite by morning, lol!
Hi ladies!

It’s been ages since I was here. Sorry. I keep meaning to check it, but then life happens.

We’ve had the 4 month sleep regression where we went back to waking in the night and stuff. But hopefully we’re coming out the other side now. Ry gets up between 5 and 6 ish but then he will go back to bed.

I also have a hand chewer over here. I don’t let him suck his thumb though. It took me til I was 7 to stop sucking mine so I don’t want him to even start haha

We’ve starting putting Ryan to bed on his own now. Only done 3 nights so far, but it seems to be working well. He settles better, sleeps better. He’s still in his Moses basket in our room, but he goes to bed between 6-7 and we go about 10.

Ry has learnt to squeal now. It’s so cute. I love it. I love listen to him chat to himself as well. He still hasn’t got the hang of rolling over. He hates tummy time. But I’ve ordered some foam floor mats to put down. Hoping that will help him hate it less. And minimise head bumps ahah.

How are all you lovely ladies? Has anyone started thinking about Christmas? What are you planning to get your little ones?
Siler is still sleeping 7:30/8 to 6-7 in his crib. He did a near 360 last night! I have been in the nursery bed but need to move to mine, because he's waking me all night with his kicking and feet slamming.

I've also made the decision to not return to work in January but in August (next school year). I was waffling and trying to convince hubs (we have it in savings without severely depleting it). I just feel too strongly about it, and read a story of daycare abuse, cried, and finalized it in my heart. I do have a lady from church who has a home one we will look at, but still...

Christmas? Haven't though that far, rofl. Probably not much, since every penny is crucial now.

Love the squeals and talking they are doing. Siler likes tummy time but doesn't roll and I'm okay with it. He'd rather be standing anyway.

I have never wanted colder weather in all my life...until this year. FL summer needs to go so we can hit the park!
That’s lovely cheluzal that you can take that extra time off!!
Glad to hear most babies are sleeping well!! I don’t really follow the “leap” thing as I’ve never even heard of it lol I just take each day as it comes.
Billie is a very happy baby she’s always smiling and chattering away lol I had her weighed today and she is 15lb 13 oz. and still on the 75th percentile so that’s all great!! She still doesn’t roll over either but I’m not worried they all do these things in their own time.
Not thought a lot about Christmas but will get to planning soon, we will get her a stocking from Father Christmas and probably just a couple of toys from us. Can’t believe how fast this year has gone!!

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