May Munchkins 2019

Thank you so much ladies!

Hoping I hope your scan goes beautifully and the time flies getting there. I am so glad the extra fiber helped and can't wait to see your numbers :happydance:

Bella love the shared DD/birthday. I'm sorry you have to wait but I hope it goes by quickly:hugs:

Sporty awesome attitude! I'm sorry they're there, but seems like you have a strong rainbow! :hugs: Sorry about your wait time.

Tigs congratulations on 7weeks!:happydance: So happy to hear your LO is being kind! Can't wait to see what Monday brings for you.

I forget if this was mentioned already but is anyone considering the Harmony test? I have a niece , with Jacobsens or 11q, and was asked if I wanted one. For some reason my insurance doesn't fully cover but I'm considering it.
Good Morning Ladies! WELL morning here. lol Good Afternoon to some of you. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Conundrum- I never had any kind of gene testing done for diseases/conditions with my other pregnancies and unless they tell me my risks are higher because I am 31 then I probably wont with this one either.

My HCG level came back at 325 MIU. I will repeat it on Monday hopefully it has double twice by then. :)
Hoping Congratulations ! Awesome numbers! Its been a fantastic day here , hope it has been for you as well.

I did the screening with my first since no one told me it was optional. Decided against it for my other 2 but if this baby were to have the disorder it would be nice to be made aware. As there is only 1 hospital in our state that can treat infants with it. A bonus would be finding out the gender super early so I'm not sure :shrug: I'm personally leaning towards but who knows.
Conundrum- If it can't hurt why not? :) I am torn on whether I want to find out the sex or not. I have a girl and a boy already so this one is a bonus lol but this is my hubby's first child so I think he wan't to know... The day has been good. I am at work right now :p
Just got my 2nd beta test results back. I went from 225.20 on Monday to 810.40 on Thursday. So happy to see my numbers growing. I probably did a crazy thing today and changed my first appointment from Oct 1st to Oct 15th. The doctor started talking about doing an U/S at the first appointment and I just wanted to be sure I could see heartbeat and I wont quiet be 6 weeks at that point. Unless she calls me and tells me otherwise that's my next appointment.

I am telling my husband tonight and of course time is just dragging for me.

I didn't do any of the genetic testing with my first 2 but like Hoping if they really push for it because I am 30 now then of course I will do the testing.

Conundrum- Your scan looks beautiful. May 6th is my youngest daughter's birthday and my oldest is May 25th...apparently I really like the month of May haha or I am super bored Aug/September....
jl-Woot! Your numbers are better than mine! I am pretty sure I am actually only 4 weeks 3 days today. Will change ticker once I confirm with scan though. I know I start out with low HCG but we will see what happens to my number on Monday. Hopefully it doubles two times from yesterday til then.
I was so shocked when I saw how high they were. I was only expecting them to be in the 450 range maybe 500. I keep telling my mom I am pregnant with twins. I know the numbers don't mean that. Its just funny I had dreams the week before I even knew I was pregnant that involved me finding out we were pregnant with twins and now high numbers.

Hoping when is your scan again? I am pretty sure I am close to what I was thinking and am 4w1 today. So crazy we made it 1 month already. Now the fun part comes
Jl- My scan is October 8th. I think I will be exactly 7 weeks at that time. I am pretty pretty sure I ovulated Sept 4th. Period would have been due sept 18th if so. So I am not that far along. I will just have to wait and see. My ticker is set by my last AF day of august 16th so that is why it says 5 weeks.
Hi Everyone!

I got my BFP on Monday night!
My boyfriend and I were not trying and we didn't think it was even possible for us to get pregnant! (He's on testosterone injections, which is supposed to make them sterile)

We are both super excited and both very nervous! We are first time parents and can't wait for what this journey has in store for us!

Congratulations to all of you ladies! :)
Hoping- My LMP was Aug 23rd. Pretty sure O happened Sept 5th and next period supposed to start the 19th so we are really close!
First time (future) mama here!

I sincerely hope I don't ruffle any feathers with this question, but I was wondering what is everyone's input on hospital births vs OBGYN Birth Centers vs Free standing Birth Centers?

After watching a documentary called, "The Business of Being Born", I decided to give girth centers a chance, but want to know what some of the moms who have already given birth think about these options.

I am still trying to figure out what I want to do, and would greatly appreciate any feedback. :)
Hi ladies I am currently nearly 7 weeks pregnant with rainbow number 2. I am due on the 12th May. Still trying to take each day as it comes and have only just plucked up the courage to book in my first appointment with the midwife, on the 4th October. I had complications with DS, gestational hypertension which led to being induced, failed forceps delivery so ended up with an emergency c-section. So I might be also under a consultant this time round. But overall I am really excited to be pregnant with number 2!
Hoping thanks hun. Glad to hear you had a good day. That so exciting though, it being his first. You may be surprised and him being fine with waiting. Either way I'm excited for you both, and if you can, let us know what you decide. The 8th is right around the corner though, can't wait to hear about your scan:thumbup:

JL you're numbers are amazing! I can understand pushing off the appointment, no need to stress yourself out. With numbers like that twins may be a possibility, I hope you get exactly what you want :hugs:

MS I am so glad you found us :happydance:. I'll get you added now, sorry for the late reply my kids were something else today lol. You're first is an amazing experience, enjoy it and if we can help in any way just let us know. As for your question I'd personally much rather have an OB birthing center but we don't have the free standing option so am not sure. Hopefully someone can help you more on that.

Flou congratulations and welcome hun! I'm sorry you had a hard first go but they do tend to ease up with subsequent pregnancies so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Wishing you a safe H&H 9months

Edited to add
Jl I forgot to ask how did it go with hubby :dance: ? Mine always goes comatose at first:haha:

Princess I put you down for the 10th if that changes just let me know
First time (future) mama here!

I sincerely hope I don't ruffle any feathers with this question, but I was wondering what is everyone's input on hospital births vs OBGYN Birth Centers vs Free standing Birth Centers?

After watching a documentary called, "The Business of Being Born", I decided to give girth centers a chance, but want to know what some of the moms who have already given birth think about these options.

I am still trying to figure out what I want to do, and would greatly appreciate any feedback. :)

Im in the uk so I’m not entirely sure if things run the same way here to there but from what I’ve seen and heard of America births in general are very heavily medicated compared to here in terms of c-sections etc. What I mean is that it seems to be “the norm” in the US to go straight for a c section as opposed to vaginal birth. I’m going off mainly birth programmes I’ve seen on tv so of course I could be totally of the mark so apologies if that’s the case.

That being said, with DD1 I had her in what’s called here “a labour ward”. It’s mostly midwife led but drs come in and out to keep an eye on everything and drugs in general are readily available if needed and administered without much hassle. I had a low risk pregnancy and labour and a water birth and although I wasn’t displeased with my labour I felt the after care was a little rushed. She was born at 6.07pm I was home by 8pm the same day, first baby, not a lot of knowledge, it almost felt like I was taking up the bed by just being there.

With DD2 I gave birth in what we call a birthing centre. It’s a midwife led unit but only available for what are considered low risk pregnancies. The only drug available is gas & air, anything stronger would require a transfer to the labour ward. Given that everything goes well with this pregnancy I will definitely be going there again. The care both during and after was phenomenal. The rooms are 100x better it is literally a home from home. Partners and family are allowed in and can stay as long as they want or you need them too whereas on the labour ward visiting hours are heavily restricted even for the fathers. The midwife that delivered DD2 stayed an extra 4 hours over her shift to make sure she was the one to deliver her and stay with us for the first couple of hours. It was just a fantastic experience and so much more relaxing
Conundrum- him finding out went well although he told me he already suspected it. He came home to a gift on the couch. I video taped him opening it as I was hoping to get a really good reaction to bad I didnt. His first comment as he pulled the onesie out was, "What is this?" I told him to keep going as the bottom of the box had a note and my test in it . He's next comment was "Is it a good one." Back story to that, I either am able to make first response test positive even if I'm not pregnant or I've had chemicals for the last 4 months. We honestly will never know. I just told him thats why I waited to tell him, as I was waiting for my 2nd blood test results to come back and the nurse says they look amazing.

Welcome Ms and Flou. Congratulations and happy & healthy 9 to you ladies.


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Hey guys!

I was hoping that I could join your little group with my EDD of 26th of May (Subject to change) <3

We got our BFP exactly one week ago today, and I needed that first week to just gather my thoughts and let the news sink in, as we thought we'd take a while to fall pregnant, however, 5 months after coming off the pill & with my last FRER our little jellybean announced itself!

Had absolutely zero symptoms in my TWW, in fact it was supposed to be our 'rest month' where we sort of didn't even think about it, DTD once after my positive OPK, and only took the test on 13dpo because it was a Friday night, I wanted to get some beers in to drown my sorrows before AF and did one just to be safe, and there was a hint of a line on my IC, so I used my FRER the following morning and clear as day. BFP <3

Symptoms so far are;
Horrid taste in mouth through the night and in the morning,
Feeling super lazy,
& getting hungry real quick.

Not really suffered from anything else so far, half the time I don't even feel pregnant, if it wasn't for the DR confirming it on one of her pee sticks, and my clearblue going from 1-2 weeks, to 2-3 when I checked today, I'd swear I wasn't!

My next appointment isn't while the 11th of October to 'Book in', not really sure what to expect but it says it's going to be a 60 minute slot. We're keeping the news to ourselves till 12 weeks so it will be nice to have people to talk to about it since it's my first pregnancy. <3
JL I'm so glad it went well. I'm sorry about the rollercoaster the last few months put you through. :hugs: from the picture he looks so excited. Congrats on your results, with those numbers I think this bean(s) will keep you both excited this go.:happydance:

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