May Munchkins 2019

Hoping - Thanks! I don't want to trick the test, maybe I sound like I do... sorry about not being clear! I guess what I'm more concerned about is getting a false positive if I don't really have it. :shrug: I guess I just want to do what I'm "supposed to do" and not have anything to blame it on but actually having GD, you know?? Like, tonight I'm supposed to get Chinese takeout with my DH. If I get a carby meal, is that going to mess with my results?? I guess it shouldn't.... but that's what I'm worried about. Hope that's a bit more clear. Def not trying to trick the test if I do have it! <3

Flou - Thanks! I've had it happen a couple of times in isolation, but nowhere near the amount of times it was happening with my son last time... so crossing my fingers! That's exciting about your DS's baby clothes! I can't wait to go through our old baby clothes too :cloud9: I'm sure your DS will be excited to help! IDK about my own DS :haha: but my DD will DEF want to help with EVERYTHING! She actually ASKS to wash dishes, wash windows, do laundry... you name it! :rofl: And she's just SO excited about this baby.

I am a bit concerned about DD... everytime I've asked her if she wants a boy or a girl she says, "It doesn't matter!" adamantly. So, this morning, I asked her (as I do periodically). And she said, "I want it to be a girl - Ava Rose!" And now I'm worried that she'll be upset if it's a boy. Oh well, I've gone this long being #TeamYellow, not changing that now... but that was one of my reasons for wanting to find out in the beginning. :wacko:

Another random thing.... any US ladies having issues getting your insurance covered pump?? It was so easy with my son, and now the pump I want (that I got free with my son) is no longer covered by my insurance; at least not through the same company I used last time. My insurance is directing me to use a company that I will have no control over the pump I get - it's one of 3 (and one of which is the one I want) but the company doesn't allow you to make requests. Let me be clear - I HATE PUMPING. I find pumping AND breastfeeding uncomfortable (moreso pumping than breastfeeding) - I have super sensitive nipples (TMI sorry) and although I love breastfeeding for the bonding I have with my child, the actual feeling of it is something I have to constantly work through. Point being, I want the pump that I want - the one that will be the most comfortable for me. Because I will have to go back to work, no question. I just wish this wasn't so darn hard. Sorry.... there are def worse things in the world.... just frustrating. <3
@BellaRosa8302 You know what. As soon as I read back what I wrote I was like nooo that doesn't sound nice. LOL I did not think you wanted to trick it! I chose the wrong word I am sorry. I should have changed it but I had to go yesterday after I typed it!! For the 3 hour test they made me fast at midnight (I actually stopped eating at like 7pm though). Did they tell you to fast?
Breast pump update: contacted my insurance again & it sounds all settled! I can go through the company I want to, because it turns out that company is in association with the one that my insurance company told me to use! Good news :happydance:

How is everyone else??
Hoping, I didn't think you were being mean! It just made me think that maybe I was unclear. If I have GD, I def want to know. I just don't want a false positive :flower: Thanks for your input regardless! :hugs:
@BellaRosa8302 Tomorrow is your test right? You should not be eating after midnight tonight if you have the same rules I did. I bet you will pass and you wont have to worry about all this crap anyways. I was in denial myself about it a little bit too since all my numbers had been okay but I had 1 pancake earlier for a work pot luck and at 1 hour my blood sugar was over the 140 limit :( Sigh. Guess I really have it lol
Yes, it's tomorrow morning. Crossing my fingers that I don't, but from what you've shared it doesn't sound like it's TOO terrible to deal with it you have it. Have they said anything about inducing you? Sorry, baby brain, I can't remember. I was reading up on GD a bit and read that induction at 38 weeks might be done?
Kay, we are due date buddies! I am also having a little girl :)

Man Bella, I kick back for a few days and all sorts of stuff happens! :haha: Best of luck on your 3 hour test! I have never had to take it before, but friends have told me that they were incredibly sleepy after.

My son was actually adamant that this baby be a girl, luckily for him, he got what he wanted. He claimed he wouldn't love the baby if it was a boy, but I suspect he would have gotten over it.

Hoping, I have quite a few friends who have had GD and it didn't complicate their pregnancies whatsoever. :)

jlmeans, I feel you on looking forward to being done! My body has never ached this much before in a pregnancy.

flou, you are such a sweet heart <3 I am doing alright, but moving around for too long is still producing a lot of pain. My pubic bone feels so brittle and sore. They have said to rest and keep activities light so I am still doing that. :) My scan is on Tuesday and I am looking forward to it. I really want to know what is going on in there. She gets so low sometimes that it's hard to pee. Probably tmi, but half the time my pee goes sideways as if she's blocking it. :haha:

Right now, I am dealing with a bout of walking pneumonia which is really fun. My first born brings home the best germs. :haha:
UGH you guys... I just got the call. I have GD. :cry:

Calling the endocrinologist now. Will keep you posted. I will say, I felt AWFUL during the 3 hour test. Heart was racing, and after the 3rd blood draw I thought I was going to pass out. Thankfully didn't. Went home and slept for 3 hours afterward. Then actually slept through the night that evening also.

Home with DS who woke up with a fever this morning.

Sweet - Noooooo! Hope you feel better soon <3
@BellaRosa8302 So sorry to hear! They have not talked about inducing me yet and I wasn't brave enough to ask at my first appt. I have another appt this next monday March 25th with a growth scan to see if baby is measuring bigger than should be.
Hoping - Thanks hun. I got my appointment but it’s not til Thursday. I wish I had more information.... :( kinda surprised they’re not sending me to a nutritionist... I thought (from google and/or friends/family who have had it) that a nutritionist was part of this process? :shrug:
@BellaRosa8302 I went to a diabetes nurse that is part of the group at my OB/GYN office. You should have an "education" visit with an endocrinologist/RN/or something like that. It takes 1 hour (mine did anyways) I read some ladies get sent to an "educational" class that is like 3-4 hours at their local hospital but I am glad I didn't have to do that.

My instructions was this: You will check your blood 4 x a day. Fasting, 1 hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner. My fasting blood has to be under 95. My 1 hour blood has to be under 140. (Some doctors offices seem to have different levels. Some more strict than others) *Some ladies are told to check at 2 hours instead of 1 hour and blood needs to be under 120 at the two hour mark. I have to eat every 2-3 hours to keep blood levels stable. I am to eat 2-4 snacks a day.

My meal instructions were: 15-30g Carbs for Breakfast and snacks. Lunch and Dinner have to be 45-60g carbs. No less and no more then that level.

They will provide you with a meter or give you an RX for your insurance to cover a meter. I was given the meter and then had to go pick up the strips and lancets from the pharmacy.

I am being given a growth scan at 30 weeks. They like it to be done before 32 weeks when you have GD at my office so at least I get another ultrasound :)

Let me know if you have any other questions :)
Everything is going to be okay Bella! It's an extra, unplanned thing but just like Hoping, you will make it through perfectly well <3 The only thing big that may change is that they sometimes recommend an induction.
I am doing my best to feel well! It will be nice to pop this baby out and have a real immune system again :haha:

I had my scan today and everything actually looks really good. She is a bit tall, but so were her siblings. Otherwise, baby Emma is right on track. My cervix is staying together so they are not worried about premature labor anymore :)

32 w 1.jpg 32 w 2.jpg 32 w 3.jpg
Awwww beautiful pics!!!!

So bad, but I'm hoping to be induced a bit early... just to be sure that I'll be able to make it to my DD's dance recital (on my due date) :haha: Of course only if baby is well/ready! I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt him or her <3
Thank you!

I don't blame you at all. I want to go at just over 38 weeks. I plan to get a sweep on May 1st and then go crazy with every trick in the book to get her out. :haha: I just don't want to give birth in April because Jasmine is an April baby. So as of May 1st, it's baby time. I don't want to wait any longer than that :haha:
I also wouldn't mind being induced if medically necessary but my babies always come after 40 weeks lol. Once I get to 38 weeks though it is like what is 2 more blah haha! Atleast I will be out of work at 36 weeks and able to just chillax!

@xSweetTartx Love the scan pics :)
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Hoping - that's awesome! I have to work up til the end :cry: Oh well. I'm limited on sick time anyway. I'm just hoping NOT to have that go like it did for my daughter... I worked a full day on my due date and gave birth to her that same evening. EXHAUSTED doesn't even begin to cover it! :haha:
Bella sorry for the diagnosis but I hope you get the care you need.

Sweet lovely scan pic. I have a scan tomorrow. So looking forward to seeing my little man!

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