MAY we all be blessed with baby! May 2013 and beyond (BFFs Seeking BFPs)

Mostly great. I'm having trouble still getting him to stay latched for nursing and keep having to pump a lot to keep him fed, and still on the verge of having to supplement with formula. The big issue there is we both have autoimmune issues and food allergies or intolerances, so keeping him on exclusive breastfeeding until we start solids at 6 months is the best thing we can do. Getting his two week check up and weight tomorrow, but if he's not gaining, I think we have to try supplementing. It's so frustrating and defeating to think I've come all this way to not be able to get this one last thing done! KMFX though, that he has gained back some of his initial weight loss. How is everyone else?
:cloud9::cloud9: wow! first of all huge congrats! your son is damn too adorable, such beady eyes <3<3 i was in tears reading your story, and i cheered for no tears hehe!

I am so very happy for all of us (and especially for the last circle of first time pregnants here). TTC was very consuming. For me its a kind of surreal relic of the past but at the same time those days are a reason to feel strong at difficult fussy baby/toddler moments. I think about Hopeful, and hope that she also gets her happy end.
I think about hopeful too. I hope that she's doing okay.

I'm now 27 weeks and seem to be expanding by the second! Baby boy is extremely active, which is great but sometimes interferes with sleep. Lovely reason for sleepless nights, to be honest. Waiting for my 28 week appointment next week... then I'm heading to Rome for a work conference in a few weeks as well! Excited about that even though I won't be able to indulge in any Italian wine!
I haven't been to Rome in years. I love it there, but am very partial to Verona, Italy, where I've had a penpal for 19yrs. I've visited there 3 times.

AFM, 33 wks tomorrow. Had some pretty bad contractions/cramping last night and realized that because I never really notices BH with my daughter, I didn't really know when I should be concerned. It's really hard not to push it at work, and then last night was a gorgeous fall evening, so we went for a walk. I don't want to have to limit myself, as I know it's good to stay active, but I also can't afford to push myself into pre-term labor. I had the contractions for about an hour and half, some only 8 minutes apart, I was always able to talk and function through them, but they were definitely painful. Baby boy was just kicking away the whole time. This morning There is a lot of pressure in my pelvis, and some sharp twinges. No fluid or blood or anything like that. I just messaged my doc to get the guidelines for when I'm supposed to go in or call to be concerned. I'm kind of glad that I'm having them. Last time they told me that I was probably just not feeling them, but at 41+3 I was still 0cm 0% effaced, so I don't think I was having them at all. I'm the odd duck that feels ovulation and implantation, so I think I'm extra sensitive to some of the visceral nerve endings, and maybe that's why the BH seemed genuinely painful last night? IDK... back to work.
Have a lovely day everyone.
I'll reply better later on, but wanted to say to melann that I felt BH early on, they apparently start around the fourth month for everyone, even if you don't feel them. I also walked a mile almost every morning right up until the very end. Light exercise is super good for placenta function, unless your doc has given specific restrictions. FX no more stress for you on that front!

I think about Hopeful, too.
I walk quite a bit at work, our campus is all connected, but it's a still a decent walk around all day, and a lot of stairs. I'm an active teacher, and often don't sit more than an hour out of my day. I walk the gorgeous wooded trails here too, and chase my toddler at home. I did message my doc, and apparently I should've gone in since I was having more than 5 painful contractions in an hour. I'm fine now, had some sharp twinges down there yesterday, made me wonder if maybe I did dilate a tiny bit or maybe he just went lower and is putting pressure where he wasn't before. I plan to stay as active as I am, I just need to make sure that I'm staying hydrated and paying attention to when I've pushed it so that I can sit for a little bit.
Thanks for the words of advice.
Been so quiet around here! I hope everyone is doing well!
35 weeks tomorrow here! DD seems to be extra whiny and clingy lately, we talk about the baby with her a lot, and have for quite awhile, but I think it's really sinking in lately that she has to share. I feel bad, but I know she'll love him like crazy.
Clande - he is beautiful!!

I've heard pumping in the morning is better than evening, something about the hormones in production. I ended up producing less than 1-2 oz per day (both sides) - so we ended up having to go full formula within a few weeks of Anne's birth. If you end up needing to supplement, don't beat yourself up. It's absolutely nothing that you did or didn't do. Some just need a little boost to get the weight stabilized then go back to exclusive bf for the rest of the 6 months or year.

Have you tried using a shield for improving his latch? My lactation consultant said that normally works. You may also want to ask about tongue or lip ties if his latch still doesn't seem right.

You're both still figuring it out. It takes time.
Hope BFing is looking up for you Clande. It can seem so stressful. DD was such a quick nurser that I was worried she wasn't getting enough, even early on she averaged only 8-9minutes per session, only taking one side each feeding. Her weight gain was right on and she was always >80% for weight, so I was just blest with a quick eater! Not sure if you'd be interested, but google the Haaka pump for collecting while nursing to maybe make things a little easier for you. I haven't tried it yet, but I got one and am anxious to see how it works- there is an offbrand for only about $12 too...
Hi all, we went to see a family member today who had her baby yesterday. I think it was an eye opener for dh to see how the older women pissed off the new father and made the new mum cry because they were relentlessly giving "helpful" advice... In other words, telling her what she and her baby need and how she should deal with him. We left the room at one point and new dad told them all off and to stop talking. I told dh clearly that I would expect him to do exactly the same because he would do it more politely than I would! Fortunately, the hospital I'm going to has larger rooms where the bed area can be closed off from the visitors' area and I'll have no hesitation whatsoever of closing the doors!

Clande, I hope feeding is working out. Do whatever you think is best for you and your baby.

Miss you ladies! I'll try to post more often here.
Newbie, that's terrible! Glad her husband stuck up for her. My DH would certainly do the same, fortunately he doesn't usually have to because I have some sass myself :)
In the hospital last time I had a resident try to tell me that she was going to give my daughter formula against my wishes because she didn't think DD had peed yet. I asked her to check with the nurse first because I thought she had changed her. THe resident was adamant that she needed formula even though she'd been nursing every twenty minutes and she was only 24hrs old. I was visibly upset and my dad (former CIA) took the doc out in the hallway and quite distinctly told her not to make his daughter cry :) The attending came by a minute later and said that DD had indeed peed and the nurse had changed her while I was in the shower, and that the resident's concern over her slightly low body temp was unfounded since it was the polar vortex and -30F outside. THere is nothing wrong with feeding formula- that is not what it was about- I study endocrinology and felt completely assaulted that the doctor was questioning what I wanted to do... I actually considered whether I should write Dr. in front of my name on my birth plan this time just to stand up for myself. I'm not an MD, but I do have a PhD and I just felt like they were talking down to me the whole time I was in the hospital last time. I haven't put it on my birth plan though- I don't want to be an ass, I just don't feel like I should have to fight for what I want.
I am so sorry for not posting anything in awhile! I read on my phone and it's so hard with all the ads, etc. that I always mean to reply but haven't been near a proper computer too often.

As of yesterday -5 weeks of breastfeeding - still going strong! We did agree to add a very small amount of powdered formula only to bottles (and strict instructions not to increase the 1-2 bottles of expressed breast milk per day he was already getting). It's a formula called Neocate that is just amino acid in a carrier solid - basically as hypoallergenic as you can get. And it's had almost no effect in his weight! Little man has actually dropped off the growth curve and the current pediatrician has assured us that he's fine. He's strong, awake/ alert, developmentally normal, looks great - just gaining very slow, like only an ounce over the entire last week. We have been promised at some point he will start gaining and making up for the slow start. KMFX because it's still stressful to have something not completely perfect.

I'm also mid-packing for an interstate move. I start my new job five weeks from today and am working a few days a week at my old one, helping out with a class and closing things down.

Here's two of the photos from his one month shoot:


Melann... I have the non-clinical PhD problem also. It's partly why we are on pediatrician #2 already, as he was really pushing formula and not listening to my well founded concerns. I have been most amazed at how bad women are treated by healthcare, globally. How hard it has been to have my choices regarding my body and birth respected (even at the award-winning hospital for women and children in the area!). How super hard it is to establish breastfeeding, even with the ability to hire a doula for postpartum services (who is also a state-certified breastfeeding educator) and a separate lactation consultant to do private evaluation in my home! I am so grateful to have had the ability to effectively hire the support I needed to keep this going and feel it's a failure of our society that all women can't get the support they need much more readily than this.

I am still just blown away by how in love we are with this little guy. There's not a day that passes that I am not fully aware of how lucky we are to have him. <3
He's adorable!!! It's an amazing feeling to love someone so much. There's nothing better than being a mother.

Hi, everyone! My gyno appointment was moved to the end of this month. I haven't seen him since my miscarriage. My baby should be turning 1 November 6th. I know that I've come a long way, but it still hurts (guess it always will). I'm blessed to have my two, but I will always wonder about the one I lost. I keep having dreams that I'm expecting, but I guess those are only dreams. I still pray to God every night to help me. Ugh. Feeling down I guess.
Hugs momwithbabies. Anniversaries of important dates are always hard. This last month was the 4yr anniversary of my MC and I still think about it certainly. Prayers are headed to heaven on your behalf.

Clande- he's absolutely perfect. I hope you found a ped that you can work with. First time around I asked all the questions about whether they were BF supportive. When we moved, I never thought to ask those questions since my daughter was pretty much weaned (16mos). We'll see how he reacts with the new baby, but I feel like as a second timer I'm a lot more confident this time around and if he isn't, I will move on without batting an eye. I know one of my colleagues uses him for her kids though and she BF until 28mos at least with both her kids.

AFM: Starting to get a tad concerned. I've had random contractions, nothing like the false labor of a few weeks ago, but yesterday I was burning up all day, no fever, just like hot flashes, and woke up sweating like a pig with no covers on. This all says "HIGH progesterone" to me. THen today I have a migraine. My migraines are estrogen induced- one of the reasons I can't take combo birth control. They are always with my cycle. I had some in first tri while hormones were crazy. Haven't had one since. Today, migraine. All day. Just for giggles I googled "pre-labor hormone surge" and saw the piles of results fly in. If I continue to have issues, I'll email my doc. I'll be 36wks on Thursday, so it wouldn't be super early, but considering last time I was induced at 41+3, I certainly am feeling like my body is gearing up this time around... I am REALLY not prepared to leave work before about 38+4.
I survived the sugar thing :happydance: and terrible twos suck. what was i thinking? :dohh: two babies 25 months apart...
Happy you passed pathos!!

Things will calm down.. it will be fine. It has to be, right? ;)
Super delayed congratulations clande!! He is adorable!

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I'm sorry I haven't been on here- I've been off bnb for the last few months with posting.

I'm doing well, but looking forward to this baby being here. Still struggling with MS and trying to keep it under control with meds. SPD was kicking my butt for a bit but thankfully my doctor gave me some stretches that have been a lifesaver. BH started around 20 weeks, eased up for a bit but this past week have been terrible. Even had a legit contraction the other night that lasted almost 2 minutes and could barely breathe tbeough, let alone talk. Thankfully it was just the one. having a lot of pressure today but no fluid or blood or anything so just watching it. Just praying baby stays at least until after Christmas.

In any case, I hope you all continue to do well and am looking forward to this next batch of babies coming!
kksy, I had a brief bout of SPD, got a support belt and everything. Fortunately, it went away. Doc said that in my case, it must have just been baby pushing in a really bad position for a week or two and then moving.
I'm still have horrid acid, waking up choking on it a couple times a night. I've been getting it during the day now too, I can feel it rising in my throat and burning along with tasting it. It's completely nasty. Baby is so low that his butt is almost even with my belly button most of the time, a solid 6" lower than my daughter was- she was always kicking me in the ribs. You'd think with him being so low, I wouldn't have all the indigestion, but it must be hormones messing with the smooth muscle... I'm taking Zantac twice a day and TUMS before bed and when I wake up in the night. Swelling has dialed up significantly this last week too... Getting ready to be done with this. My sweet daughter misses my lap too... She is such a complete love. I changed my picture since the old one was a 9mos old, now she'll be three in January! This morning she got up to go potty at 6:05 and I heard her asking DH if she could come snuggle with mommy... I don't get any sleep once she's in the bed since she can't lay still and wants to talk to me, but she's too stinkin sweet to resist.
melann oh you are next, and very very soon! you will get rid of the acid soon, very exciting. And the picture looks very sweet =), you both look perfect.

i like the way toddlers are a bit more expressive, my son still cries papa!, but lately he started to show more affection towards me and i love love it.

kksy9b, contraction? wow, i hope your lo stays there a bit longer, what is his/her position? already turned? and happy 2nd birthday to your son!:cake:

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