I just remember what everyone went through with DD and it was a very emotional time for the entire family. My MIL and SIL are the ones who came down the day I found there were problems with DD. I was about 5 months along and just found out it was a girl. The specialists were urging me to abort asap. Had to have an amniocentisis to check the chromosomes and it was a few days before Hurricane Wilma was going to hit us so we wouldn't get test results for a few weeks but I only had 2 weeks to have a legal "abortion". We had no idea what to do and I was a wreck. I couldn't function whatsoever. We had a follow up appointment a week later and the office was in our old city which is about a half hour away and at the time there were only two ways to get there. Either take the interstate or another road. Well...we are about to turn onto the interstate and they're not letting anybody on and traffic is at a standstill. There was a bad accident so we could forget taking that road. We turn around and are about to take the other road and it's totally blocked off from an accident too. We then decided that there was a reason that we are not supposed to go to the appointment and that was when we decided that no matter what, we were going to keep her and love her and take care of her. I felt that if I wasn't supposed to have her, then something would happen. I wasn't going to be the one who decided if she lived or not. Fast forward 5 years later...she is here and has disabilities but I wouldn't have changed my decision about her. She's our miracle. I do feel different with a second pregnancy though. Unfortunately, if our next child has the same thing...it's not something that is found until 4-5 months gestation. Good news is though that all her doctors say they are very confident that this won't happen again. I know doctors can be wrong but I've asked all her doctors and have done my own research and it would be very rare to happen again. If I had a high risk, I would not try to get pregnant. This time around though, I don't think I could go through the entire pregnancy and raise another child that has disabilities. Truthfully, it wouldn't be fair to DD or to that child. My biggest fear is what will happen to her when I'm not around anymore. That's one of the reasons we want more children. I'm not expecting my future children to take care of her but I do believe if I raise them correctly, they will do what they can to ensure she is taken care of and safe. Plus, I see how DD is with our nephews and with other kids. She does so much more than she usually does. She pushes herself even more. And I know this may sound horrible (I feel guilty about this), but it kills me that there are things I can't do with DD. Like play with barbie dolls, or dress up, or buying her certain toys. I want to still do that.
Sorry about the long story. I've been feeling a bit blue this evening. I've just been really emotional the past two days and I just want to curl up in a hole. Between my MIL getting pissed off at me, and realizing that the only family I have is my father, stepmother and my grandmother, and really wanting that

this month...I'm just going crazy. I started getting in touch with my mothers side of the family but they have all just moved on and don't talk to me. I had a great aunt I got in touch with and who I started caring for like a mother and now that I don't have FB, I get the occasional email forward with a joke but thats it and it hurts. Put all this with DD upcoming surgery...you get the drift.
Btw, love the name Natalie. Its one of my top names. I like Lucy, Gemma, Anya, Elizabeth for girls.
For boys, I like Vincent (ummm...Vin Diesel anyone??), William, Julian, and Matthew.
Jane is awesome! I loved the name Zoe Jane...(daughter of lead singer of Staind) but DH said no way since his friend has a daughter named Zoe. Boo....Oh well....
Thanks for listening guys!
PS. Still got tattoos on the brain and looking for one on my arm. I found these on TattooJohnny.com...what ya'll think???