Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Weight is frustrating isn't it?? I was at 165 when I worked out and then started doing lower calores (about 1600-1700) a day and lost another 5lb and once I stopped doing the calories counts...went back to 165. Today I was near 166 and I'm like "WTF???" I think I'm going to get a regular scale instead of using my Wii Fit because it does NOT help when my lil Mii gets rounder :blush: and the stupid wii board says "Lets see why you gained 1.8lb!" Makes me want to throw it :growlmad:. We'll see if I get :bfp: this month. Instead of every other day :sex: during my SUPPOSED fertile period... we :sex: everyday during my fertile period once I started having mittelschmertz and I know from experience I start having the pain about 2-3 days before I would get a positive opk. That's great that you'll be ovulating around then!! :dust: We're debating wether to tell DH parents when we do get pregnant...its not that we don't want to but with everything that happened with DD...we don't want to stress anybody out. Just in case something goes wrong with the pregnancy. I think if I do get :bfp: on the same day as DD surgery I would tell his parents since they will be there for the surgery...don't think I could hold it in!!:wohoo: Hope everyone is well!
:haha: I have a wii fitness board too... :blush: I have been neglecting it but i'm sure with the free time I have this summer, I'll use it some more... :shrug: You should definitely have a separate scale. I have one in the bathroom I use frequently.

Yeah, hope you get your :bfp:. I understand about telling DH's parents and not wanting everyone to be stressed out.
I just remember what everyone went through with DD and it was a very emotional time for the entire family. My MIL and SIL are the ones who came down the day I found there were problems with DD. I was about 5 months along and just found out it was a girl. The specialists were urging me to abort asap. Had to have an amniocentisis to check the chromosomes and it was a few days before Hurricane Wilma was going to hit us so we wouldn't get test results for a few weeks but I only had 2 weeks to have a legal "abortion". We had no idea what to do and I was a wreck. I couldn't function whatsoever. We had a follow up appointment a week later and the office was in our old city which is about a half hour away and at the time there were only two ways to get there. Either take the interstate or another road. Well...we are about to turn onto the interstate and they're not letting anybody on and traffic is at a standstill. There was a bad accident so we could forget taking that road. We turn around and are about to take the other road and it's totally blocked off from an accident too. We then decided that there was a reason that we are not supposed to go to the appointment and that was when we decided that no matter what, we were going to keep her and love her and take care of her. I felt that if I wasn't supposed to have her, then something would happen. I wasn't going to be the one who decided if she lived or not. Fast forward 5 years later...she is here and has disabilities but I wouldn't have changed my decision about her. She's our miracle. I do feel different with a second pregnancy though. Unfortunately, if our next child has the same's not something that is found until 4-5 months gestation. Good news is though that all her doctors say they are very confident that this won't happen again. I know doctors can be wrong but I've asked all her doctors and have done my own research and it would be very rare to happen again. If I had a high risk, I would not try to get pregnant. This time around though, I don't think I could go through the entire pregnancy and raise another child that has disabilities. Truthfully, it wouldn't be fair to DD or to that child. My biggest fear is what will happen to her when I'm not around anymore. That's one of the reasons we want more children. I'm not expecting my future children to take care of her but I do believe if I raise them correctly, they will do what they can to ensure she is taken care of and safe. Plus, I see how DD is with our nephews and with other kids. She does so much more than she usually does. She pushes herself even more. And I know this may sound horrible (I feel guilty about this), but it kills me that there are things I can't do with DD. Like play with barbie dolls, or dress up, or buying her certain toys. I want to still do that.

Sorry about the long story. I've been feeling a bit blue this evening. I've just been really emotional the past two days and I just want to curl up in a hole. Between my MIL getting pissed off at me, and realizing that the only family I have is my father, stepmother and my grandmother, and really wanting that :bfp: this month...I'm just going crazy. I started getting in touch with my mothers side of the family but they have all just moved on and don't talk to me. I had a great aunt I got in touch with and who I started caring for like a mother and now that I don't have FB, I get the occasional email forward with a joke but thats it and it hurts. Put all this with DD upcoming get the drift.

Btw, love the name Natalie. Its one of my top names. I like Lucy, Gemma, Anya, Elizabeth for girls.

For boys, I like Vincent (ummm...Vin Diesel anyone??), William, Julian, and Matthew.

Jane is awesome! I loved the name Zoe Jane...(daughter of lead singer of Staind) but DH said no way since his friend has a daughter named Zoe. Boo....Oh well....

Thanks for listening guys!

PS. Still got tattoos on the brain and looking for one on my arm. I found these on ya'll think???,BNF-00004,DFF-00097,GSF-00132,CHF-00210,,BNF-00004,DFF-00097,GSF-00132,CHF-00210,,BNF-00004,DFF-00097,GSF-00132,CHF-00210,
I love the 1st or 3rd tattoo- those are cute designs!

That's understandable. I agree with the drs- the chances of having another child with the same disabilities as your DD is not high. I'm sure her brother or sister would keep an eye out for her when they come along. My sister and brother both have no disabilities whatsoever. I'm the only one with a hearing impairment in that family. I'm sorry your mother's family has moved on and don't have any interest in keeping in touch with you.

I can feel blue with ya tonight... :hugs: I'm on the emotional train right now... Blah. :thumbup: I love the name Natalie too... I would have to :blush: These are all good name choices... I need to think about names for mine... I have no idea what I'd name mine when the time comes.
Hey girls.

Mousey you are so inspiring. The love you have for your daughter is incredible. I love that she truly is a miracle. I also love how wise you are for coming to the decisions if it were to happen again. You and your daughter are amazing!! I hope that the surgery is a huge success and even better would be to throw in your BFP! I can't believe what a stressful thing it must have been to go through when you were pregnant. You are so strong!!!

I can really relate on the family issues. I have NO immediate family. No siblings. No grandparents. My mom didn't know who my dad was and she was all I had then she killed herself.

So now I have only two cousins and my aunt I try to keep in touch with. I will occasionally get phone calls from my uncle. My cousins are teenagers and I try so hard to get them to visit so we can become closer. I tell them I'll go get them (2 hours away), pay for our entertainment and food and they just always blow me off. It hurts so bad to try so hard. And because they are teenagers and teenagers are pretty much assholes (lol) I worry about them thinking I am annoying. Not to mention one of them has the most precious baby boy and is forever complaining about how hard it is to be a (fat lazy uneducated) teen mom.

GOSH I think that's probably the meanest thing I have ever said. I can't help it though!! I try to help her with certain things with the army because her husband joined to take care of them.. And she just rejects my advice and does the complete opposite. I encourage her to exercise or share different ideas for healthy foods and she just wants to sit at home and eat chicken wings all day! She has no job yet still complains about being so bored or fat. It drives me nuts!!! Anyway, I hope if I have children of my own I can always be there for them.

You're amazing too deafgal!! :flower:

So sorry to hear that you two are feeling emotional.. I know what that's like. Sometimes you just gotta do it up right and have a good cry. Or watch a really sad movie. Gets me every time.

Stupid scales!! I haven't been on mine. As long as my clothes are fitting better I am not even going to weigh myself.

That random bit of bleeding I had was it :shrug: We had BD'd right before that so I don't know. It kind of worries me. I hope the Vitex is working though, I have some crampy feelings in my lower abdomen and my breasts feel kinda tender. I researched it and it could be caused by my progesterone regulating to bring on my AF. I HOPE!

Those tattoos are super cute. With the wispy designs, I wonder if your artist could just free hand something for your arm? I know in our shop that's how they did the tribal and sometimes women would get floral designs and the artists would just sharpie the vines/stems to fit their exact shape.
Jess-:hugs: :flower: Sucks that your teen cousins are being asses even when you offer to pay for stuff. I never was close to my mom's side of family but now as we're all older and care about keeping in touch, we keep tabs on each other. I'm most closest to my cousins on dad's side of family seeing as to how I see them frequently. There's one or two cousins I'm close to on mom's side now so I contact them once in a while too (one of whom can sign and he's engaged to a beautiful deaf lady too so I'm excited about that). Hope that when your teen cousins become a young adult, their attitude and perspective will change and they will attempt more to keep in touch with you hopefully so don't give up on them.

Hope you get your answer soon, whether it be AF or a :bfp:!
Thank you. I am trying to be very understanding with them. When I was a teenager I didn't realize the importance of time.. so I understand that they are caught up in life and I hope that it will change as they get older.

A BFP.. well you know that would be a dream come true but all I ask right now is for my cycles to regulate. As soon as my new good health insurance kicks in, I am going to head to a doctor. I really hope they care more than the gyno I went to last time who suggested my weight was the problem.

When we lived in Texas, we visited Austin and went to a bar that was having deaf night. One of Will's friends could sign and so we were able to communicate with everyone with him interpreting and also the lip reading. It was my first experience being around a large group of deaf people. I thought it was so great that the bar was able to host something like that and have a huge crowd attending.

Although, the bar kept playing Iron Maiden which is my favorite band. I didn't know whether to be happy or be offended because they played it on the night no one could hear it! :haha:
Don't assume that deaf people can't enjoy music too. :winkwink: I can actually feel the vibrations of the music if it's being played loud enough or vibrating through the floor or something. I'm glad you've had the experience to meet a large group of deaf people at bar night- it might have been deaf professional happy hour or something of the sort.

:hugs: Hope your cycles regulate then. That would be good if you got your :bfp: but yeah, need to get those cycles to regulate and insurance. Sucks that your last gyn dr suggested weight was the issue. I hate it when drs think weight seems to be the issue with trying to regulate cycles or getting pregnant. One of my girlfriends said she had irregular cycles when she was growing up - she's always been underweight and after having it checked out, it somehow regulated itself. :shrug: I don't know how or why but at least it's regular for her now.
It's true I shouldn't assume that.. There's a whole world out there and I don't even realize it. I could see my weight being an issue if I was 400 lbs. Otherwise, as long as I keep up exercise I will refuse to take that as my answer. The reason I like the idea of Vitex so much is because it's not just more artificial hormones being put into my body like birth control pills. Which could be why my cycle's so messed up today.

My mom told me once that the doctors told her I may have reproductive problems, something to do with my cleft palate. I hope that's not true. She didn't get any details since I was a baby and no doctor I've been to has really tried to get to the bottom of the issue yet. I do know I can conceive though so I am trying to be hopeful about all this. :dohh:
I think you have as good of a chance having a :baby: as I do. I don't think you would have any issues with reproduction. Things have changed a lot over the last decade or two. How many times have you been able to conceive? I have no idea if I'm able to do so yet at this time.

Yeah- perhaps using Vitex would be better for your body (than using birth control).
Well just the one time I know of. I miscarried but at least I know that I was able to get pregnant once.

I think when you go to the doctor for irregular AF or not ovulating, they just put more hormones in your body. Provera to induce AF.. Clomid to make you ovulate. Progesterone to help you sustain a pregnancy. etc.etc. I love that these options are there. It's very reassuring and I hope that if someday I need to go that route that they will work for me.

But I also like the idea of my body being able to do it on its own with a little TLC from herbal supplements. The Vitex "supports menstrual health". Of course I just started taking it so we will see.
Jess- fingers crossed that the Vitex helps with your cycles. Yeah I know what you mean- it's nice to know there's options out there to help with certain things if I should need them. At least you know you're able to get pregnant. I've never even been pregnant so I have no idea if I will be able to. My sister and mom both had easy time getting pregnant (I'm assuming for mom because she had 3 kids) and I asked my sister once, she said she got pregnant the first month off after stopping use of condom (she's had 3 kids- 1 miscarried though). :shrug: I'm on my 5th cycle of trying so I guess it takes me a bit longer since I'm thinking about it too much?
I truly am not sure what would be taking so long? 5 cycles isn't that long. I think it will happen for you very soon. If not, I can let you know all about how my doctor trip goes!

The book I told you about suggested problems and solutions I NEVER even thought about! Some women can have certain bacteria in their CM that kills sperm and got pregnant after a simple round of antibiotics. It was overwhelming reading about so many causes of infertility.

Also, something I think about.. when I did get pregnant, it was right away off of BC. I was not even really trying and I never thought in a million years I'd get pregnant so quickly. I got up right away after BD each time to go pee.. No pre-seed.. I really did nothing out of the ordinary.

Also the book says that missionary is the best position to get pregnant in. I saw a lot of ladies on this forum mentioning doggy being the best.. Apparently it's not so.
Maybe it just varies from person to person. :shrug:

Yeah, 5 cycles isn't that long so we'll see... You may be right- I may be pregnant before long. Just a matter of being patient and not thinking about it.
I hope it happens for you soon!!

Tomorrow, two of my friends are coming to visit. We worked together a few years ago and I rarely get to see them. I'm really excited. One's pregnant and one has a daughter.

I'll be happy to see them but I just hope me TTC just does not even come up. I HATE talking about it with people who can just think pregnant and it happens right away. I know we will have a great time but I just do not want any reassurance from them when no one really knows what's up with me.

I was thinking about how I've only ovulated ONCE since I miscarried almost six months ago. :cry: I'm assuming that's the case since I only had one real period since then. The other times it's been extremely light or just randomly spotting, so I don't think that means I'm going through a full cycle. I feel really bloated today and my boobs are still kinda sore.. I've got a really gross breakout going on all over my face. I really hope that means AF is coming and the vitex is working.

Which reminds me that I've been doing a bad job taking my vitex the past couple days. I hope that doesn't mess me up!! :dohh: I have to work in the morning but I'm going to try to stop by the courthouse and get a copy of my marriage certificate so DH can get that super good health insurance going for me.
Be good to visit with your two friends! It'll be hard to address TTC if they bring the subject up with you (on when you plan on having kids). Do you have an answer ready in case they do? It might help. I wish I had expected/planned an answer for when my mammaw asked me that. :rofl: I was caught off guard and speechless that she had asked. :rofl:

ovulated one time out of the whole past 6 months?!?! Girl, I hope you're able to conceive somehow... Yep, get that marriage certificate so your DH can get ya on his insurance.

:hugs: I hope you get your :bfp: soon and that it happens for me too.
Yeah I know. Birth control pills and miscarriage really messed me up. Plus I was always irregular before but the doctors never tried to see what was wrong with me. Just put me on birth control pills. Yeah, it got me my AF every 28 days, but it did nothing to say why I wasn't having real cycles or anything. Now I'm 27 and right back where I started.

Whenever close friends ask me if we are still trying, I just say yes that we are and they say something generic and annoying. You know.. stop thinking about it.. Itll happen.. Your time is coming.

Same old crap. :growlmad:

I'm just worried about finding a doctor that really cares. I've read some horror stories around here! And being in a somewhat rural area worries me.

What's up for your weekend?
:hugs: Awww I wish I knew the right thing to say but I know deep down all you want is for me to listen.

Yeah- got weekend plans- gonna walk in race for the cure (breast cancer) saturday morning. Then Saturday afternoon gonna check out a flea market near home (I heard it's big and cool and good to check out) so we will see how that fares. Oh yeah, DH got dinner plans with his coworker tonight for us so we'll be eating fish at his coworker's house (I'm lookin' forward to that cuz he cooks GOOD fish!) I'm hoping it's salmon from Alaska but we'll see... That's pretty much all I got planned for this weekend besides putting up that painting and buying new lamps for the living room.

How about you? I'm sure eventually you will find the right dr who cares enough to investigate why you're not getting regular cycles.
Hope you all have fun this weekend!

Jess-I understand where you're coming from with people asking about your TTC journey. My SIL asks me every so often and I get a generic answer too. It eeks me even more since she had a hard time TTC her first and gave people the third degree for saying the same answers.

Deafgal-that is truly amazing with feeling vibrations. Are you concerne future children being deaf? (Sorry if im overstepping boundaries). Ahhh I want to be fb friends but got rid of my fb! Booo.

Currently in sunny Miami for DD pre-op. Ahhh so tired! I don't think this will be my month. No symptoms other than eating more and VERY emotional. I got told by a nurse to take Geritol to get pregnant...any thoughts?
Mousey- I don't mind the questions- people are naturally curious. As for me being concerned with future kids being deaf, no... the chances of that are pretty slim (I think 1 out of 4 possibilities). Plus I don't have deaf genes- my family doesn't carry deaf gene so I'm the only one deaf and just happened to be deaf. I know other friends who have generations and generations of deaf family members so they're more likely to have deaf kids than I am. Then again, I could :dohh: still have a deaf :baby: even though the chances of that is slim but I'm not worried cuz DH and I know how or what to do to raise a deaf :baby:. The stats say that most deaf babies are born to hearing parents- 90% of deaf kids are from hearing families. I don't know where the stats on that came from. :shrug:

Hope your DD's op goes well today. Geritol? What's Geritol? I have not heard of that. :shrug:

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