Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

I hope we do!! Her husband is deployed in Afghanistan right now. I don't know how she did it. She is a really tough, level headed girl. She's a great rock for me when I'm having problems.

He gets to visit in May to meet his son! Her husband and mine are good friends, which is how I met her, so I know we will visit at some point. Just not sure when he will be back for good.
Oh wow... Kudos to her for being brave enough to have the baby without her DH there... :shock: I couldn't do that... I wonder where in KY she lives... I live in Indiana so Louisville is about 2 hours drive from where I am.
Oh they are in Fort Knox. So somewhat close to Louisville? I just now looked at a map to figure it out. Doesn't look toooo far.

The owners of the coffee shop I work at moved here from Muncie, Indiana. I'm in southwest Virginia. They seem to absolutely love it here.
Oooh Muncie, Indiana!!!! Sweet... Small world I guess! Heard of Fort Knox but not sure where it's at so I shall have to peek at a map too. I was just in VA the other day (for spring break). I visited Wytheville, VA. Bummer I didn't meet up with ya but I was only there for like 24 hours and then dad had to drive me back home and my brother went on home to North Carolina.
TOO weird!! Wytheville is only 30 miles from me!! How'd you like all the mountains?

I lived in Texas for a bit when Will was still in the army. Such an ugly landscape!! I was miserable!
Jess- I loved it! I wanted to stay and NOT leave! Next time I'll have to come back to that town! :thumbup: I love the view of the mountains especially- when you throw in a view of a beautiful lake too like the mountains of Montana... :blush: I can see myself retiring to the mountains some day...
Whenever I live or even visit some place with no mountain scenery, it's just not the same. The worst part was when I got older and was able to realize what I had taken for granted all my life. I spent pretty much all of my childhood on my grandparents' 63 acre farm with mountains all around.

Of course they got divorced after 39 years together and everything was sold and split down the middle. Ridiculous. And then my grandpa died.

But yes, I couldn't imagine anywhere else. The coffee shop owner I told you about went to Indiana this weekend. When she got back, this was her status update:

"Home in Virginia.. the drive was beautiful. I can't explain truly what it is like being greeted by the Blue Ridge Mountains upon my return. I just know that it is grand."

I feel so proud when outsiders come here and love it so much :)
Jess- I love it when I take road trips because then I see the beauty of nature out there- especially with mountains on my drives... It really speaks to me and it just reminds me that life is too short so it's good to appreciate things I can see... I relate best to Kentucky- they have a beautiful hilly landscape that I just adore it and it says it's home to me even though I've never lived in the state my entire life. I love the mountains in other places more though so I can understand why you would choose to live in VA and why DH's sister moved out to Montana... Next time I go east, I need to visit/tour the Blue Ridge mountains, I haven't seen all it has to offer yet and I've already driven through/past the mountains at least twice now... :dohh: I think I have honeymoon pictures on facebook still (and DH's sister's wedding pictures) they are gorgeous!
Oh I'd love to see them.. want to be facebook friends?

This is me if you wanna add me

If you wanna keep things just on the BnB boards I understand that too :thumbup:

I'd really like to go see the mountains further out west.. Montana, Colorado, etc. Honestly, I've never been farther west than Texas. I have been to Maine once and the rocky coastline is beautiful, especially with the lighthouses.

Realizing how much I haven't seen of the US makes me wonder where I should go for our "honeymoon" trip.
I added ya... As for honeymoon- it depends on where you really want to go. I went to National Glaciers Park and omg, it was beautiful. We stayed in this motel in the middle of the park so had quite a nice view of lake and mountains and everything! I would suggest you try to go to a national/state park that has a good mountain view for your honeymoon (somewhere out west of course so you can see some of the western states). :thumbup: We took the train out there so it was quite a long trip. :)
I need to go see Maine, I haven't been there yet- my DH has... I need to tour more of the eastern states and many of the southern states. My parents never could afford to take the family on road trips to see the country when I was growing up so I'm making up for lost time now with my DH. We try to do it once a year so I can have a chance to see someplace new.
Yay new facebook friend! I will look for the mountain pictures. Right now I am looking up the glaciers park you mentioned and the pictures are breathtaking!!! I definitely want to consider somewhere amazing like that.

I have never been into the beach very much and neither is Will. Especially now that I am not exactly thin anymore, lol.
Oh also! Wanted to say that when I was pregnant, we had a girl's name picked out right away - Natalie. :)

I just think it's so cute yet classy!!
:thumbup: I am honored that you want to name your lil girl Natalie when you have one someday... I agree it's a very classy and cute name.

My DH has never been a beach fan I think. He'll visit places but he's not much for swimming- from what I can tell. He doesn't spend his summers swimming and I used to spend my summers swimming so I miss that kind of but like you said we're not as thin as we used to be. :haha: My DH prefers hiking in the parks and mountains and places of the sort so we will do that or visit museums.

I hope I helped give you ideas for your honeymoon. I really enjoyed the honeymoon at the Glaciers park... It was DH's idea and that was one of his favorite places to visit when he went as a kid/teen with his family. Ironically enough we got a pic of the same tree at the park he got a pic in when he was a kid.
I'm definitely going to keep something like that in mind. We took a weekend trip last Memorial Day to Gatlinburg, TN. Have you heard of it?

Memorial Day timing was a total accident, we both just randomly had the weekend off and decided to do something fun. Then we get there and start seeing motorcyles and flags. It was SO crowded.. We still had fun though. Saw Ripley's Aquarium. They had the penguin playhouse going and the penguins were SO cute. It was a lot of fun. So I definitely think something similar is what we need. On a non-holiday weekend! Crowds piss me off. :haha:

I really fell in love with the name Natalie. And I really like K names and J names but here's my problem:

My mom's name was Jane, so not only do I really think that name is super cute and I'd love to honor her but I can't! It rhymes with my new last name since we got married!! And as for the K names, I can't do a K first name and a K last name! It sounds too pornstar-ish, lol.

For example, I love the name Kylie. But Kylie Kain?? Sounds horrible!! :haha:
Omg I've heard of Gatlinburg, TN. Haven't been there yet but definitely need to make a trip out there someday. I've seen pictures and been wanting to go there. You must be reading my mind... I don't like crowds either. I froze up when we went to Chicago recently to visit the Field Museum. It was so huge and there was lots of people (more than I expected) so naturally I was overwhelmed and pretty much froze up. DH had to take me into an exhibit and get me doing the "can you find" game in different displays to get me out of that mind set... :haha: I eventually came out of it and forgot all about the crowd and started enjoying myself.

Yeah :haha: Kylie Kain- no way... That's setting her up for bullying/teasing later... I see what you mean about names. Is there a way you can use "Jane" or "Kylie" for a middle name maybe? Just an idea... I don't know if it'd work out better that way but it's an idea.
Probably about 1% of me wants to consider Natalie Jane Kain.

But it still just sounds way too ridiculous. I decided to accept that as badly as I want to honor my mom, I'm gonna have to find another way to do it.

Crowds are the worst! I honestly just don't like people, haha. Walking through Gatlinburg was so annoying because people just wanna walk so slowly or take up the whole sidewalk. Absolutely NO self awareness.

And even though I work with the public for my job, they annoy me so badly.

The way our coffee shop is set up, there are paper menus for you to grab and pick out what you want and the drinks are on big menus on the wall. So instead of people stepping aside or deciding what they want while they wait in line, they spend the entire time in line just staring at me or grumbling, or talking on their cell phone. And then of course when they get up to me at the register, that's when they want to decide.

I could go on forever with my complaints about people. I'll stop there and get some rest for tonight. If you are working right now, hope it goes well!!
:dohh: I know what you mean... People are so inconsiderate now days- I think they need to give classes on proper manners especially when it comes to lines or stores. I try to make up my mind about what I want before I order so I don't hold up the line and I try not to let myself be on the phone texting when it's my turn to order/pay.

I don't mind if people walk so slowly but at least don't take up the whole sidewalk in case I want to pass you by and see more. Yay- just accepted your friends request on FB.

Maybe Jane can be your personal nickname for your daughter to honor your mom? Or something of the sort. I don't know I'm just trying to think of ideas. Obviously I have too much time on my hands at work right now. :haha: I don't mind though cuz I can find time to read books or whatever while I check on the kids all night. I like sitting by the computer cuz then I can see down the hallway where the kids' bedrooms all are.
Hey ladies! Been crazy so haven't been on. Glad the vitex is working for you Jess! I used to live in TN and miss it so much. I live in SW Florida and I can't bear to leave now but maybe one day we'll buy a cabin up there. The drive was the best part :). So its 8 days until I test and its been so crazy that I didn't even realize that DD surgery is the same day! Omg that would be awesome to have a :bfp:. DD is getting cochlear implant Jess. Hopefully she will hear afterwards. No one knows for sure because the doctors have not dealt with her unique disability AND profound hearing loss. Ahhh im stressed but in a good way. My weight keeps going up and down tho which sucks. I do believe its water weight because I haven't been eating bad. I know i'm definitely not drinking enough. My MIL is pissed at me too right now and is pissed at DH for ststicking up for me. Ugh...bitch. hope everyones good!
Mousey- my weight's doing the same yo-yo method... It stays between 165 and 167 which drives me nuts because at least go under 165 so I know I'm doing good job losing the weight but then again :blush: I haven't been doing my walks/exercises so that's probably the reason it's stuck at that weight right now.

Not too much longer til your DD's surgery for CI. :thumbup: I hope you get your :bfp: the same morning of that. I should be getting ready to ovulate around that time too when you get all that done. :dohh:

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