Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Erratic, right deafgal? Do you think maybe I didn't ovulate on day 13?

Only thing is, I get mittelschmerz too. So right around and after day 13, I had my usual symptoms, cramps, CM dried up and my nipples were sore. So I'm sure I ovulated at least close to then.

Worst part is this is my vaginal temps! Last month with my oral temps was much more stable. Definitely going back to oral as soon as AF shows for this new cycle.

I just don't want to get my hopes up. I know some people don't get BFP's til well after AF is late. But then I worry that if I am gonna get my BFP, it implanted late and that could be bad? ARGH!!!

My cervix is so high and soft right now, I can barely reach it!

:shock: it is erratic for a vaginal temp. Now I gotta google up what Mittelscherz means. Yeah good idea, go back to orally for your next cycle since that's more stable for you. I never check my cervix cuz I haven't figured out the difference between all the different feelings lol... It's hard for me to say whether or not you ovulated.
Thanks for looking anyway, deafgal :shrug: AF still hasn't come and its almost 9pm. I'm really crampy again. We tried :sex: because sometimes that makes AF start. Nothing happened.

Waiting is awesome!! :dohh:

Mittelschmerz just means "middle pain". I get sharp pains and cramping in my lower abdomen, I guess my ovaries? It's kinda pinching.. I always get it when I ovulate. I mean it doesn't seem possible that I would have that and then the sore nipples and the CM dry up after when FF says I O'd if that really wasn't my O date.

Anything good going on this week? It's Mardi Gras. Worst one ever! If I was bleeding profusely like I was SUPPOSED to be, I could be drinking so much right now :wacko: haha.
Not much going on this week... It's been rather quiet on my side of the country. I was supposed to have a friend come visit this weekend from St. Louis but that's not happening cuz she doesn't have money for it this weekend so we're pushing that back to April. I do have a baby shower to go to this Saturday- it's my friend's 5th baby i think (I lose track) she has a few kids already... Blah... I rather stay in and not go but I never went to any of her baby showers before cuz I wasn't invited so I guess I'll go, maybe some of her luck will rub off on me and I get my bfp this month.

Sorry that you can't drink so much right now for Mardi Gras cuz of waiting for something to show up. It is awesome to wait though and the longer you gotta wait, the chances for bfp is better I hope... Not always but no news is good news... Good luck!
UGH It would have to be a really good friend for me to stand to go to a baby shower right now lol. I hope you have fun though. You can get excited because you are right.. each BFN cycle gets us closer to our BFP!

At the coffee shop where I work, we have a really nice conference room that people rent out. We cater some things, so one of our girls had made the cutest little egg/nest cupcakes with baby birds for a baby shower. I went to go see them and it surprised me how hard it was to look at everything all set up. I thought of how I'd know the sex of my baby by now and wondered if we would be picking out things in pink or blue. It was really depressing and caught me off guard how upset I got.

You remind me of one of my friends, deafgal. She's so mature (on the outside, at least, as you said haha) and was able to wait until her period was 6 days late before she got her BFP. It took them 3 cycles to conceive.. and she's very laid back. I met her through my OH, when he was in the Army. She's his friend's wife. Her hubby's deployed right now and she's due at the end of this month. Her strength and ability to hold it together all the time really inspires me. I couldn't imagine how hard that must be for her. Spazzes like me need girls like you to listen to us and keep us sane!! :haha:
So Mousey, is this your last cycle til July you are saying? Taking a break sounds nice. Once I figure out what the heck is going on with me, I might do the same.
Me? Laid back? I guess I could be considered that. I think my friend Brandi's more laid back than me. I tend to be a planner. That's gotta take a lot of courage and strength to be hold it together all the time like that... I don't know how I would handle having a hubby in the service. We will get our bfp soon... We just gotta hang in there and hope.
My OH was deployed for 1 year to Afghanistan.. We have a weird story. We were.. let's say verrry good friends in college, lol, and then he graduated and joined the Army. We decided to go our separate ways, but I always felt like he was the one that got away. He even got married!! Lucky for me, that didn't last even 2 months. We kept in touch while he was stationed in GA and TX, and finally he came to visit me 2 years later. It was amazing, we were the same people but it actually seemed like we could make this work. So that was in May and by June he was gone to Afghanistan for the whole year.

I'm so glad he didn't stay in. That was terrible!! I think it was easier the way things happened so fast and then he left. If he were to leave now after we have lived together and I'm so used to him being there for me, it would have been way harder. So I have so much respect for career military wives.

OH is still in the national guard, but made sure he would be considered non-deployable before he signed the contract!
That is a great story. Yep, this will be the our last cycle actively trying until July. Here's hoping this month works out for us. Still no LH surge so who knows what the heck is going on. I wouldn't be surprised if with all the drama lately that my ovaries packed up their eggs and went on vacation heehee. I'm having more mittelschmerz though which usually only happens during my surge. It's not too bad so I have a feeling my surge will either be overnight or tomorrow. But I've got EWCM so we :sex: and who knows, maybe I'll get lucky this month! Hmm...I'm part Irish so maybe I just needed the ol luck of the Irish! If it doesn't work out this month then I would rather wait and get back into shape like I was before and maybe it will help. Deafgal-this is what helped me with learning what my cervix feels like. I read that you can check it after you wipe after using the bathroom but that didn't work for me. Another way you can check that worked for me was put your right foot on the toilet (kinda like your gonna be stretching out calves/thighs) lean forward, press your left hand against your uterus and stick your in your index and middle finger and go as far as you can, the cervix will actually feel like the tip of your nose. Mine was to the right? Weird but it might help. You'll feel it get lower and lower until you ovulate, then it goes higher. They say you should check it everytime after using the bathroom. Well, nothing new with me other than I killed some time and went to a new tattoo place that I heard about on the radio and it was soooo awesome! They actually booked an appointment for me just to talk to the artist and get a design drawn for my cover up tattoo. I probably spent like 2 hours in there just talking to one of the girls and looking at different art and speaking to the artist. He's actually Japanese so it was pretty cool. He's a bit odd with tats and piercings and wears lipstick at times? But he's married and has a child so I don't feel so weird about it now, lol. I really could care less what he does in his spare time as long as he's a good artist. So my hisbiscus tat is waiting because I've decided on a Koi to cover my old one, they said it would be a better cover up tattoo. It's really symbolic too and I didn't even know :) They said if a Koi is swimming upwards it means that they are going the hard way, swimming against the current (which is totally me) and all the koi tats have Lotus flowers and they explained to me that the lotus can grow wherever, muddy water, dirt, anything...and it can be planted anywhere and no matter where it came from, it grows into a beautiful flower. Pretty awesome! Good TTC tattoo hehe. Hope all is well! Going out with fam tonight for my birthday and telling my dad and stepmother we are trying to have another. They kinda have an idea, just don't know we are actively trying so at least it won't be too big of shock for them. Have a nice night all!
Fingers crossed for ya! Thanks for the tip on the cervix. I'll try that soon. Have a good dinner with your dad and stepmom.
Glad you girls enjoyed my story. Going through all of it was tough but looking back I think of how we truly know what it is like to be without each other. I could never put the words together to explain what it was like to have him home safe and alive when he got back. I just don't know how anyone can do that every couple years! Very strong women.

So today still sucks. My temps went further down, but still above the coverline. So I tested again tonight and the test was really weird. I've been using all first responses.. Target here has the 2 pack + 1 free, and each box has a $2 coupon. So I end up getting a 3 pack for about $7, so it's not that expensive.

Anyway, as soon as I took the test, the test line turned solid white and stayed bright white until I guess about 10 minutes later. By then I don't think I could really see anything, and results would've been invalid anyway but it drove me crazy because I've never had that happen before. It was like pink control line and white test line. I know it means nothing. But I gotta confess I'm holding my pee again and in an hour it will be four hours and I'm gonna try again. I'm hopeless!! :cry:

I just don't know what else to do!! I'm doubtful I ovulated late. But where are you AF?!?! :brat:

Kois DO make excellent cover ups, mousey. The scales work really well for that. I hope it turns out awesome, you'll have to keep me posted. I hope dinner goes well, and most importantly, Happy Birthday! :flower:

deafgal, what she said about cervix checking is how I learned. It fascinated me. There's a really GRAPHIC intense website called if you haven't checked it out. That really helped me to know what I was looking for. My position changes throughout the day so I'm struggling with that but now I have learned when it is open or closed.
Hey those are the same tests I buy but I get mine at Wal-Mart. But I always get the 2 pack that gives you an extra one. So I was right about my LH probably started overnight because I took a test around 10:30 this morning and voila--smiley face! I'm a bummed though because we BD yesterday in the evening before going to dinner and my whole day was relaxing and nice and I'm really hoping that it wasn't too early before ovulation. Yesterday seemed perfect with my CM and EVERYTHING!!! I don't think it was too early but I just don't know. The directions say that I will ovulate 24-36 hours after getting a positive, but like I said, it could've started last night for all I know. So now, just to be sure, I'm visiting hubby at work to maximize my chances. Don't know how much it'll do because neither one of us are in the mood, both dead tired from being out late and our area of Southwest Florida currently feels like a hurricane is coming with all the wind, rain and lightning. Dear weather- Guess you didn't get the memo....THIS IS FLORIDA!!!!!! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE WARM WEATHER, NICE WEATHER!!!!!! Ugh...have a feeling that his little swimmers might just swim away from my egg today because it's a "hostile environment". DH kept poking fun at me yesterday and I told him that I probably cant get pregnant because his little swimmers are being assholes to my egg and she's telling them to leave her alone. Ohhh it seems that amusement is the only thing keeping me sane today. Hope everything is going well with everyone and wish me luck!
Mousey- there's amusement happening all over. :haha: especially in some of the journals I've been reading on here... :blush:

I hope you get the swimmers to get in a egg... That'd be awesome- to get preggers.

I hear ya about the weather. I know it's still early but I'M READY FOR SPRING WEATHER (that means they need to stop talking about snow in Indiana's forecast).
It's monsoon season here in Virginia, too, Mousey. It's been raining for what seems to be two weeks straight!!

BFN again today but another temp spike. The only thing I can think is I really did ovulate later than I thought. My body's a broken piece of crap. I'm just gonna give up.

That's hilarious about the swimmers being assholes. Like that movie look who's talking too, haha.. If you had great CM then the swimmers are probably pretty cozy in there!! I hope they're being suave and making your egg happy lol.
Ohhhhh it was so nice seeing your replies, girls! It put a smile on my face and its totally what I needed after today. Sheesh...snow in the forecast?? It gets in the 30's and I freak. The weather has been so nice but so hot. (80 degrees in a February???). Don't feel bad about your body Jess...mine's broken too I think. My cycle is out of control yet again. First month, 4 days late. Second month, AF comes on time but ovulate on day 16. This month I ovulate on day 17 and no clue when AF will come. Sheeshhhhhhh!! I was in a crappy mood when I went to visit DH so it just ruined the whole mood. And of course after working tonight...I am exhausted. So no :sex: today. Hopefully the lil swimmers will do their job even if I was a bit early. I know they can live up to 4 days depending on conditions. I've upped my calorie intake without even knowing it the past few days and eating healthy so maybe they'll be okay. Dear swimmers- I'm a good person, I can be moody, I can be bitchy but PLEASE...I swear I'm not hostile so please stay and enjoy yourself! I took another OPK when I got home at midnight tonight and I do believe it was negative so I'm guessing I should be ovulating now, tonight or tomorrow. So the swimmers SHOULD live. Whether they feel like doing their job is another story. We will see what happens...tomorrow should be a relaxing day for me. Its my "personal" birthday day. DH is working, daughter in school so I'm going to get my tattoo designed and and maybe a manicure?? Finally off work for a weekend until Monday so I am going to make damn sure that I enjoy it. Hope everyone is doing good!
Mousey, enjoy that manicure and your birthday! I love it when you get days like that where you can just relax and enjoy yourself without worrying about everyone else. I'm gonna have a good weekend... I just know it but I will have a few things I need to talk over with DH... I finally figured out a good theme for the blue bedroom and want his opinion... :blush: I also want to discuss the possibility of a get away trip on a weekend later this month in between his and my spring break...
Thanks deafgal! I'm going to try and have a good day (good thoughts!!) bedroom? Are you thinking Team Blue?? Heehee...well if you are, I'm in the same boat. I've got the color blue and trucks on my mind. We set up our spare bedroom with DD's baby furniture. All we need now is the most important thing...(baby??) Lol. Ehhh I always do things ass backwards so why stop now? Hope you get your weekend away!! It'll be awhile until we get one with his work. He gets a week vacation every year and thats it AND it costs him money too! This year it'll be in NY for a cousin's wedding. I keep thinking that I would look so cute in a maternity evening gown. I've even gone as far as to start looking at maternity wear :dohh:. I think if you take a a trip away, you'll get preggers in no time. Just time away with you and your DH :) That's my plan for July if nothing this month. Note to self...will have to get separate hotel room from family when we go into the city for a few days since I'll be most likely ovulating that week sometime and I am not going to miss it!!!! So tomorrow is the start of my two week day wait.Who the heck knows. I'm gonna try really hard to not test until the day after when my period is supposed to start if it's a regular 28 day cycle. NO SYMPTOM SPOTTING for me...we'll see if I stick with it. Have a good weekend girls!!
Well, I'd like to have 3 kids... But I made a compromise with DH cuz he only wants two- the deal is if we have only 1 girl and 1 boy, I'll be happy. So we live in a house with 3 bedroom, ours is the yellow bedroom. Then we painted the extra bedrooms- one purple and one blue. Obviously the purple one will be for the girl and the blue one for the boy. I have butterflies and flowers theme ready for the purple bedroom, just got to find time to put up the wall stickers and all that. As for the blue bedroom, I need to find cute solar system/star stickers and stuff to put up after I run that theme idea past DH this weekend.

Yeah, best get a private room for DH and yourself... You'll want to have some privacy for baby making time... True, maybe that's just what I need to do... I'm so glad I ran into you on here too... It is so hard to not symptom spot... I confuse the pms sypmtoms with pregnancy ones... :wacko: It's enough to drive any sane girl to insanity...
Aww thats sweet with the rooms :) We just set up our other spare room with DD baby furniture and got her a new set. dad was mad that we spent money and got her furniture when her old set was still fine. I basically had to scream at dinner "Well ya know I've been trying to get pregnant for 3 months and ya know it's not working and we put the bedroom together because we thought we would be pregnant by now!" Then my stepmother very nicely told me to stop thinking about getting pregnant and it'll happen. I usually don't mind advice from my stepmother because my own mother is not in my life but she's never had kids nor did she want kids so I don't think she really has any room to tell me what to do to get pregnant or makes it like it's not a big deal. solar system theme is so cute! I picked out the theme forest. They have an adorable crib set for a boy called "Enchanted Hollow" from Eddie Bauer that has baby foxes and what not. Haven't picked out a girl set because I'm kinda hoping more for a boy. I have 2 lil nephews and their sooo cute playing with their trucks and tools. If it's a girl...probably flowers or butterflies. Got my tattoo designed yesterday and picked out colors!! I kinda went a bit different since it's a cover up tattoo. It's still a Koi but it kinda has water underneath that is black and gray and it has a beautiful lotus flower next to it. Got the appt for Wednesday. I've been doing so much research if its okay to get tattoos when TTC and they said unless you have a positive :bfp: your fine. Even then they say there is no more of a risk of getting a tattoo while pregnant but haven't been studies but I'm not taking any chances. Either I get it Wednesday or don't get it until I know if I am pregnant or not. I'll only be 5-6 days dpo. They also said that it doesn't affect implantation so that is good news! Btw Jess, haven't heard from you in a few....:bfp: yet?????? Or did the :witch: show? Ugh...if she did show you should send her ass back. Hope all is well girls!!
Heyyy girls. Argh, Mousey isn't that the most frustrating advice anyone can give? "Stop trying so hard!!" Makes me so crazy. Sorry if pinpointing my fertile days and having sex during that time is "trying so hard". Seems reasonable enough to me!!

I get way too excited imagining different themes for babies. It's all SO cute. I have thought about a million different ones and every time I go out shopping I see things I think would be perfect, but I know if it takes me any longer TTC I will accumulate so much stuff haha. I really like the idea of nursery rhymes.. I had found one once of the cow that jumped over the moon, for a boy. With a big mural on the wall and a nice bookshelf so I could start collecting all the children's classic books right away.

As for me, I don't know what to do. I'm so devastated. I didnt start AF and I tested again today, still BFN. I try to look at my chart, and nothing makes sense because I agree with FF when I ovulated, but that puts me at 18 dpo. There is absolutely NO WAY I would not have had a positive test by now. And there's no way anyone would have a luteal phase that long, so maybe I ended up not ovulating at all yet, or ovulated much later. My cervix is still really high, soft and closed. I've read that's what it does in pregnancy but how would I not have a BFP by now!!

My temps are still crazy

I mean like I said before, I had all my post-ovulation symptoms with sore nipples, cramps and CM became creamy right after the day it says I ovulated. So I think there's something really wrong with my cycles and I don't know what to do about it.

I'm just so upset because I said I thought the BFP would come in time so my main focus was that I was really excited to have a regular cycle again. Now I have neither. :cry:

The weather is awesome today and I don't have to be back at work until Monday so I'm gonna try to distract myself from everything. Hope everyone's having a great weekend!!

Awkward update: Now I'm spotting? Please let this be AF!! At least I could figure out when I ovulated!!

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