it's just my opinion. i have no opinion against those who don't. just that personally i don't want to be responsible for her getting sick and passing, or her god forbid getting someone else's baby sick that wasn't old enough for the vaccine and that child passing and it being my fault. i'd rather not risk it.

ETA: i do appreciate you respecting my decision though!

MB Comment: The CDC is out with its latest disease-mongering fear campaign: ‘The United States has had 118 measles cases so far this year, the most for this date since 1996, and close to 90% of them are linked to cases in other countries, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported today … none had encephalitis and none died.’

Sounds scary and makes you want to run out and get a MMR vaccine shot, doesn’t it? The only problem with that hysteria is that there have been 698 FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports related to MMR, MMRV (MMR plus varicella) and measles vaccines in 2011 — including 4 deaths and 280 emergency room visits. 698 VAERS reports are almost six times more than the number of measles cases. Keep in mind that former FDA Commissioner David Kessler wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association that “only about 1% of serious adverse events are reported to the FDA.” (JAMA. 1993;269(21):2765-2768. A New Approach to Reporting Medication and Device Adverse Events and Product Problems). So 698 adverse reactions to measles vaccines in 2011 may be just the tip of the iceberg.

But (of course) the FDA and CDC couldn’t care less about VAERS reports or vaccine adverse reaction victims. In fact they would read my comments and declare that all those adverse reactions are coincidences. That is why parents need to do their own homework on safety before getting any vaccine. You can duplicate these VAERS numbers and cases yourself at A few sample 2011 VAERS reports from this analysis are posted below. Please read them and consider the victims. These are probably tomorrow’s autistic kids, as you will notice most of these reports show severe neurological events (encephalitis, meningitis, seizures) shortly after vaccination. This is exactly the catastrophe that parents of autistic kids observe before their children descend into autism. Encephalitis is deemed a coincidence when caused by vaccination, but is declared a public health emergency when caused by a disease. Many of these VAERS reports involve multiple vaccines, which does NOT absolve the MMR vaccine from neurovirulence, rather it indicts the authorities who recommend (and doctors who administer) simultaneous vaccine combinations without any safety studies regarding the consequences. An analogy is: You were the victim of a multi-vehicle, chain-reaction, hit-and-run accident on the Atlanta freeway and you don’t know which CDC official, drug company executive or pediatrician driver caused the accident, because they all fled the scene of the crime.


Found 593 events where Vaccine is MMR and Submission Date on/after ’2011-01-01′
Found 97 events where Vaccine is MMRV and Submission Date on/after ’2011-01-01′
Found 8 events where Vaccine is MEA and Submission Date on/after ’2011-01-01′

Total 698 total VAERS reports related to measles vaccines in 2011

VAERS ID:** *417993 *** Age:** *1.2

MMR** *MERCK & CO. INC.** *0446F** *0** *UN** *UN
Symptoms: Death, Otitis media, Respiratory tract infection bacterial, Sepsis

Write-up: Case of fatal outcome received from the health authorities (Lareb) on 25-FEB-2011 under the reference number NL-LRB-117632 (reference number: RIVM201001397). Case medically confirmed. Initial source was a physician. Case reported as serious by the Lareb (criterion: death, hospitalization). Upon internal review, the company added the following seriousness criterion: Other medically important event (septicaemia). A 12 month (1 year) old male patient had received the first 0.5 ml dose of MMR II (also reported as rHA) (Batch# NE03580; Lot# 653951/0446F) and a 0.5 ml dose of NEISVAC-C (Lot# VNS1A03C) on 21-JAN-2008. There was no information reported on medical history and on concomitant medication. The patient experienced otitis media, respiratory tract infection bacterial and septicaemia. No latency was reported. The adverse events were respectively reported with the following outcomes: “not recovered”, “fatal” and “fatal”. All MedDRA LLT have “primary source reaction: death 13 days after the vaccination” (i.e. death on 03-FEB-2008). Other business partner number included E2011-01248. A lot check has been initiated. Additional information is not expected.


VAERS ID:** *417438 *** *Vaccinated:** *2011-02-07
Age:** *1.0 *** *Onset:** *2011-02-10, Days after vaccination: 3

MMRV** *MERCK & CO. INC.** *0693Z** *0** *IM** *RA
PNC13** *PFIZER/WYETH** *E80083** *0** *IM** *RL
Symptoms: Blood test, Computerised tomogram head, Lethargy, Somnolence

SMQs:, Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Dementia (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad)

Write-up: Mom referred that patient was lethargic, difficult to wake up. Event happened 3 days post vaccine.

VAERS ID:** *417978 *** *Vaccinated:** *2011-03-01
Age:** *4.0 *** *Onset:** *2011-03-02, Days after vaccination: 1
MMRV** *MERCK & CO. INC.** *1364Z** * ** *SC** *LL

Symptoms: Computerised tomogram head, Computerised tomogram normal, Convulsion

SMQs:, Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad)

Write-up: Generalized seizure within 24 hrs.


VAERS ID:** *418088 *** *Vaccinated:** *2011-02-21
Age:** *1.3 *** *Onset:** *2011-03-01, Days after vaccination: 8
Gender:** *Female
MMRV** *MERCK & CO. INC.** *0184Z** *0** *SC** *LL

Symptoms: Blood albumin decreased, Blood creatinine decreased, Blood culture negative, Blood glucose increased, Blood potassium increased, Bronchiolitis, Bronchitis, Chest X-ray abnormal, Convulsion, Cough, Febrile convulsion, Granulocyte percentage, Influenza virus test negative, Lymphocyte percentage increased, Monocyte percentage increased, Neutrophil percentage decreased, Otitis media, Protein total decreased, Pyrexia, Respiratory syncytial virus test negative, Respiratory tract congestion, Staring, Tympanic membrane disorder, Unresponsive to stimuli, Urine analysis normal,
White blood cell count decreased

SMQs:, Anaphylactic reaction (broad), Haematopoietic leukopenia (narrow), Hyperglycaemia/new onset diabetes mellitus (narrow), Interstitial lung disease (narrow), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Guillain-Barre syndrome (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Eosinophilic pneumonia (broad), Hearing impairment (narrow)

Write-up: Febrile seizure on 3/1/11.


VAERS ID:** *418265 *** *Vaccinated:** *2011-02-23
Age:** *4.0 *** *Onset:** *2011-02-24, Days after vaccination: 1
Gender:** *Female
MMRV** *MERCK & CO. INC.** *0187Z** *0** *SC** *RA

Symptoms: Abdominal discomfort, Anxiety, Crying, Drug screen, Drug screen negative, Electroencephalogram, Electroencephalogram normal, Formication, Hallucination, visual, Injection site erythema, Injection site pain, Injection site rash, Injection site warmth, Irritability, Malaise, Mental status changes, Nightmare, Psychotic behaviour, Pyrexia, Screaming, Vaccination complication

SMQs:, Peripheral neuropathy (broad), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Dementia (broad), Drug abuse (broad), Gastrointestinal perforation, ulcer, haemorrhage, obstruction non-specific findings/procedures (broad), Psychosis and psychotic disorders (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Extravasation events (injections, infusions and implants) (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (narrow), Hostility/aggression (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Depression (excl suicide and self injury) (broad)

Write-up: Child became anxious and stated not feeling well around 12 a.m on 2/25/11. Around 1:00 a.m. started hallucinating seeing people who were not there, snakes and lizards crawling on her and biting her, screaming and crying lasted approximately 10 hrs. On 2/27/11 right arm became red with rash to upper arm and warm to touch.


VAERS ID:** *419422 *** *Vaccinated:** *2011-03-22
Age:** *1.0 *** *Onset:** *2011-03-22, Days after vaccination: 0
Gender:** *Male

MMRV** *MERCK & CO. INC.** *0648Z** *0** *SC** *UN

Symptoms: Atelectasis, Blood culture negative, CSF culture negative, CSF glucose increased, Chest X-ray abnormal, Chills, Computerised tomogram abnormal, Computerised tomogram head, Convulsion, Culture wound negative, Dermatitis diaper, Diarrhoea, Fatigue, Febrile convulsion, Headache, Irritability, Lymphocyte percentage increased, Musculoskeletal stiffness, Neutrophil percentage decreased, Otitis media, Otitis media acute, Purulent discharge, Pyrexia, Red blood cells CSF positive, Respiratory tract congestion, Rhinorrhoea, Sinus disorder, Sinusitis, Skin discolouration, Status epilepticus, Tonic clonic movements, Tremor, Unresponsive to stimuli, Urine analysis normal, White blood cell count normal

SMQs:, Haematopoietic leukopenia (broad), Hyperglycaemia/new onset diabetes mellitus (broad), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Pseudomembranous colitis (broad), Dystonia (broad), Parkinson-like events (broad), Guillain-Barre syndrome (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (narrow), Hostility/aggression (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Conditions associated with central nervous system haemorrhages and cerebrovascular accidents (broad)

Write-up: Complex febrile status epilepticus lasting over 30 minutes, generalized, requiring medication to stop seizuring.
But why do you think there are so few measles cases now? Because people are immunised!
Six times more people were effected adversely by the MMR vaccine, four dying, than there were measle cases. None infected with measles died, though. Interesting. I can tell yoy which seems the riskier choice to me!
Yes, but there are so few cases of measles because of the vaccine in the first place....
The vaccine that is causing all these adverse side effects?? That depends on if you believe in herd immunity or not, I don't. Herd immunitt is a theory, not a fact. These are facts. I think the MMR is doing the opposite of protecting your child from harm, if it kills them!

There were ZERO deaths from mumps.
Yes, but there are so few cases of measles because of the vaccine in the first place....

but how do you know for sure when the rate for measles was falling LONG before the vaccines were introduced

and hw is my comment that the single vaccines were combined to save money wrong?
can you tell me WHY they were bunched together if you think differently?
No, it's nothing to do with herd immunity, it's to do with the fact that if you have the MMR your chances of catching measles are slim to not existant. Because the majority of the population is immunised, cases have fallen.

Herd immunity is to do with protecting those that are not vaccinated.
Exactly. Take a look back at the graph in the link I posted. Measles mumps rubella fell drastically before these immunizations were evey introduced. They always make a very timely appearance at the end.
well what do you think is the reason that there is less measles??

i've said my bit. i won't say more because i don't want to be rude.
No, it's nothing to do with herd immunity, it's to do with the fact that if you have the MMR your chances of catching measles are slim to not existant. Because the majority of the population is immunised, cases have fallen.

Herd immunity is to do with protecting those that are not vaccinated.

again, you are wrong
vaccination does NOT stop you catching the illness :thumbup:
No, it's nothing to do with herd immunity, it's to do with the fact that if you have the MMR your chances of catching measles are slim to not existant. Because the majority of the population is immunised, cases have fallen.

Herd immunity is to do with protecting those that are not vaccinated.

I do not think the vaccines obliterated measles, judging by what information I have seen as well as posted.
Yes, but there are so few cases of measles because of the vaccine in the first place....

but how do you know for sure when the rate for measles was falling LONG before the vaccines were introduced

and hw is my comment that the single vaccines were combined to save money wrong?
can you tell me WHY they were bunched together if you think differently?

I never said that was wrong???? I don't know whether that's true or not, so I didn't comment on it because I don't want to just read from one source on the internet then spew it back on here, I want to do my research properly :shrug:
No, it's nothing to do with herd immunity, it's to do with the fact that if you have the MMR your chances of catching measles are slim to not existant. Because the majority of the population is immunised, cases have fallen.

Herd immunity is to do with protecting those that are not vaccinated.

again, you are wrong
vaccination does NOT stop you catching the illness :thumbup:

I was vaccinated as a child and caught every single thing, just one example.
No, it's nothing to do with herd immunity, it's to do with the fact that if you have the MMR your chances of catching measles are slim to not existant. Because the majority of the population is immunised, cases have fallen.

Herd immunity is to do with protecting those that are not vaccinated.

again, you are wrong
vaccination does NOT stop you catching the illness :thumbup:

i'm sorry, but are you a doctor? no. do you KNOW that vaccines don't help? no. it's your OPINION. don't come on here telling other people they are wrong for disagreeing with you.

ETA: i don't mean to be rude, but this is a parenting choice. no one is right or wrong so no one needs to say they are.
No, it's nothing to do with herd immunity, it's to do with the fact that if you have the MMR your chances of catching measles are slim to not existant. Because the majority of the population is immunised, cases have fallen.

Herd immunity is to do with protecting those that are not vaccinated.

again, you are wrong
vaccination does NOT stop you catching the illness :thumbup:

Err, wtf? What the hell do you think they DO, exactly then?
And I said they were slim to non existant. I know there are people that still get these illnesses, but they still work for the majority of people. Every pregnant woman in the UK is checked for rubella immunity to make sure the vaccine worked, and most of them are!
Well, vaccines do not obliterate the odds of catching it entirely just so you know... Actually, you would be hard pressed in proving they did anything at all when they ar introduced on the decline of illnesses.
Not trying to offend though, ladies!! Lol I am just saying, believing they work and will protect your child from harm is like believing in god. There is absolutely no solid proof, only faith in the doctors that swear by them for reasons even they do not understand.
Err, wtf? What the hell do you think they DO, exactly then?

they prepare the body to fight it the next time it encounters the illness

I can assure you that although i am NOT a dr, i have looked into vaccines and the effects since my son was vaccine damaged

NO medical professional would tell you it STOPS you from catching an illness, if it did there wouldnt be such mass panic if immunisation levels fall cos the only people at risk would be those not vaccinated.

so if a vaccine stops you catching an illness why would people worry about epidemics??

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