Katie - how is your shoulder today, any better? How cute that Daisy loves Summer

Joni started taking an interest in other babies about a month ago, we went out for a coffee with a friend the other day and she was holding hands with my friends little boy and cooing at him
Modo -

thanks, Joni chatting is one of my favorite things in the world

Are you feeling any better?
Maybebaby - Typical that the walker got peed on

Hopefully the seat bit is washable. Did you have a nice time watching the movies? Any of them good? I watch so much less TV now Joni is here. If it was not for V+/sky+ I would not ever get to see anything!
Amy -

about Kerry's paternity leave for Lyra

I hope you got Alex settled ok last night in the end

Lyra is a beauty
Sarah - I spent over an hour yesterday chain-drinking cups of tea to combat feeling cold and even resorted to cleaning the bathroom to warm myself up. It was only afterwards I realised the heating was off as I had not clicked it back on when JOni and I came home from baby singing

Thanks for the heads up on the JL sleepsuits

Joni has had JL sleepsuits in 3-6 and I have to say they wear and wash up really well. I have been given loads of sleepsuits in 6-9 already so I think I will buy some in 9-12 and put them away.
Hubby loves COD. He hates adverts on tv and will often turn the sound off while they are on, however the other day an advert for Black Ops was on and he actually shouted at me when I walked past the tv obscuring his view

He did apologise later. He got the game yesterday so I know what he will be doing when Joni is napping and sleeping while I am away on the weekend

To be fair though hubby has hardly played his Xbox since Joni was born, it is only in the last month and a half he has been able to find time to play.

I hope Hannah had an ok night with her sore gums
It is vaguely light outside now and the forecast is for cloud so I am considering

I doubt it will dry much but it is nice to get some fresh air through it. I've not got much planned for today really, just pottering about the house and maybe a jaunt into the city later on.
Well I have
EPIC news!!!!! Last night the unthinkable happened.....
SHe more-or-less slept through the previous night but did wake and cry a few times. HOwever, last night she went down at 6.50, we heard a couple of murmurs around 10 and she woke up at 6.30

Of course I was wide awake at 5.30

I can hardly believe it given that less than 2 weeks ago she was waking anything from 4-10 times a night, sometimes every hour and I was lucky to get 3 hours of broken sleep. When we sleep trained her I just wanted to cut her wakings down to 1-2 times a night with a feed at one of those, I never dreamt or dared hope she might actually sleep through anytime soon. SO to those of us still suffering broken nights there is hope, if Joni can do it anyone can!
Got to dash, JOni is grumbling as it is nearly naptime