Evening ladies,
My laptops playing up a bit so I hope I get to post before it dies!
CG - glad you had a lovely day with Che
maybe -

to another bad night. I dont know how you manage! you are a true super mum!!
frufru - yummy, I'd like to try your cakes

glad you enjoyed baby yoga
Hannah - poor Amelia, I hope she settles down ok x
emera - poor you

have you got antibiotics? dont worry about housework when you are feeling rough, you need your energy for getting better
sarah -

for your bad ish night last night. Alex's gums were a bit swollen/raised the day or so before the teeth popped through. I had to sign a form to say when I'd go back to work last week and then my manager rang me to confirm there would be no changes to my contract. I felt a bit pressurised to make a decision when I'm lightly considering dropping a day. Its just horrible trying to work out what best isnt it.
Katie - your sister is very lucky to have you there for support and guidance. It will be lovely for Daisy to have a cousin so close in age
H&F - hope you are ok xxx
Lyra seems a lot better today. Her tummy was really swollen last night and she was passing a lot of blood. the vet said to rest her tummy so we didnt feed her last night and DH had to come down to her a few times in the night because she was crying but she's full of beans now and eating normally. As for me still no

I couldnt get a test today as no-where near shops but I did tell Kerry that I was worried because he asked me what was wrong with me, he thought I was in a mood because he was off work and disturbing my me time! eejut. I had to ask my man of 14 years if he ever leaked a bit before the rest (TMI sorry

) - you'd have thought I'd know the answer to that!

he said he doesnt think he does but I would say I am preg from the way I am feeling, I feel sicky and hungover and i've got a funny taste in my mouth. I'm still hopeful its just a bug and that its the domperidone thats increased my prolactin levels enough to inhibit my periods. He did say it would ruin everything if we had another baby and he'd want me to abort. I bet he buys me a test, he likes me to face up to things whereas I like to hide