Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

no didnt get job :nope: but was what i expected. another lot have come out today though so am going to try again!
frufru - its just before 5am and he's pooed again!!! whats wrong with him? this CANT turn into a habit :cry:
Katie - :happydance: I am really glad that the girls are home, that is super news :mrgreen:

Maybebaby - :rofl: I would post you some but it might be mouldy by the time it arrive :sick: I am going to make my banana and courgette cake :p Happy 6 months to Owen :cake:
Oh no :nope: to the midnight poops. Joni woke up at 6 today and had done a poo but has not done an early morning one for a while which is good, as like you I was worrying it could become a habit :wacko: Fingers crossed he starts pooping later for you [-o<

Emera - :hugs: for you, sorry you are so poorly :sad1: I empathise on the screaming as Joni is a screecher too. Sometimes it is so high pitched it makes my ears ring :wacko: hubby refers to those ones as ninja death squeal :rofl: Joni did actually scream so loud the other day she made herself jump :haha: I really hope you feel a bit better tomorrow so you can enjoy your spa day.

Sarah - It would be great if you could get enough business to not go back to the bank :thumbup: If anyone can do it it's you! I am so pleased that bedtime went well last night and hope the rest of the night followed suit.

Amy - I am glad that Lyra seems to be on the mend :thumbup: It is amazing that you can still find embarassing/silly questions to ask your OH after so many years, it is the same with hubby and I. You should definately test, as Maybebaby says, at least then you will know where you stand.

My Mum came over last night and it was lovely to see her. For the first time in ages she came without my brother so we could have a proper natter. My brother has really struggled since my sister died and he also had two of his friends die within months of Han over the summer :shock: He had a complete meltdown last week and admitted to Mum that he has been feeling suicidal for months and it is only the fact he could not do that to Mum, Han's girls and I that has stopped him :sad1: I knew he was struggling, as we all have been to some extent, but I had no idea how much :shrug: He has been to the doctors now and is on anti-depressants and is being referred to a psychiatrist too. I am so grateful that he has finally been able to open up and is now seeking professional help, it would completely destroy my Mum to lose him aswell as Han :cry:

On a more positive note, after the rubbish night we had Monday (once again boo teeth :growlmad:) last night Joni slept really well. She woke three times through the night but put herself back to sleep within 2-5 minutes each time :thumbup: What is even more significant is that she did not take a night feed :shock: She had her goodnight milk at 6.30pm then her morning milk at 7am. I don't mind doing a night feed until Joni is eating more but if she wants to cut it out I will not complain!! Oh and I managed to get Joni to eat some puree not on a biscuit, granted it was off my finger :haha: but its all progress hey :winkwink:

I just went to make Joni's bottles up, but after boiling and cooling the water and setting Joni up in her swing in the kitchen I realised I forgot to put the steriliser in the microwave last night :dohh: Joni has now gone down for a nap so I am going to scoot for a shower while the new kettle of water re-boils for her bottles. We don't have much officially planned today, just baby singing group for half an hour this morning at 11, I think we may pop and see a friend for a cuppa in the afternoon or maybe head to the shops to get a few bits and bobs. It is supposed to be cloudy with sunny periods here today which is not too bad but it is flippin freezing, I have already broken out my hat and gloves. I think my scarf and thick winter coat are about to make the first appearance of the season today!

:hugs: to you all, have a lovely day
frufru - boo to the cold weather. it is getting colder here too. it's curently 17degrees and forecast rain. i'm sorry to hear about your brother and hope he is on the mend soon :hugs:

i was supposed to be meeting a friend for lunch but if it rains she's going to come round here instead of us going to town. we shall see. as i have erin with me too (dylan's at school til 3.15) if it does rain and we have to sit inside it's not going to be very relaxing as erin wont sit there whilst we natter for a couple of hours, especially as she has lunch at nursery before i pick her up at 1. at least if we come back here she can entertain herslef with her toys!

right owen is currently scooting around in his walker. i'm going to tidy up and clean the bathroom, especially as my friend may come round!!! tired already. did the school run and then popped to work as some new vacancies have come out and i had to photocopy the job descriptions so i can do the application form. thn hung out a wash and put another in and now just had a bowl of cereal.

hope you all have a lovely day! :hugs:
Sarah, I've got to start properly thinking about going back to work too. 6 months just isn't long enough, I never want to leave her :nope:
Amy :hugs: I'm sorry Kerry has been unsupportive, but (shoot me if I'm wrong!) wasn't he pretty similar when you fell with Alex?
Frufru, banana and courgette cake sounds scary :lol: I often do things like forget to put the steriliser in the microwave. Vinny has been doing the bottles for me while I put her to bed lately which has been lovely! I'm sorry about your brother, losing your sister must be so difficult.
Maybe, your posts make me feel tired just looking at them :wacko:
Morning ladies!

FruFru I'm so sorry to hear about your brother - it is a great sign that he has been able to talk about it though and get help. That is so brave of him. I really hope he's feeling better soon, he's been through so much - you all have :hugs:

Maybe :rofl: re the 5am poops! Oliver has taken to pooping everytime he sits in his high chair :rofl: Sorry that you didn't get the job, I hope you see some more that you like today and that you have a nice time with your friend :)

Happy Half Birthday Owen!!! :happydance:

Our night was okay, not fab - Oliver was soooo snuffly :( I can't decide if its because of his teething or if its a cold, but he doesn't have a fever. I put the Olbas thingy on and ended up propping him up on a pillow - naughty I know, it did help but then I didn't sleep. He doesn't roll so I'm sure he would be okay but you know what its like when you are told not to do something :dohh: He did look super cute propped up on his pillow and tucked in with his blankets, bless him! He seems okay this morning, he didnt eat much breakfast but had loads of milk.

Its so bloomin cold! I have to go out later to return some (overdue) library books and go to the post office again. Brrrrr! Luckily my new iCandy footmuff arrived so at least Oliver will be nice and cosy. What are your babies all wearing to bed now? It's 17 degrees in our bedroom at night now :( Oliver doesn't like sleeping bags very much (though I am persevering with them) and kicks his covers off all the time, last night I put him in a vest, sleepsuit and then some PJ's over the top, he looked so cute and was cosy all night, so that worked well :) Do you think thats okay? The PJ's were these ones but in blue and white gingham . . .

Urgh I think my AF might be arriving soon, I feel all blurgh :( I haven't had a period since August 2009 :rofl: I started taking the mini pill this week so I wonder if thats got anything to do with it . . . who knows?!?!?!

Steve has the week off next week, we are going to do some things around the house, and maybe have a day trip or two. I'm trying to think of somewhere we could go that Oliver would enjoy too . . . . its not easy! Any suggestions? Steve has been lovely lately, he's so fab with Oliver and has been really helpful :) Oliver is so besotted with him, its very sweet, they just adore each other so much. I had made a 'Olivers Wish List' on Amazon and popped a few bits in there that I liked, thinking I might buy them at some point. Steve found it and ordered the whole thing yesterday . . . . he's always buying him things, he's worse than me!

Oh, and do any of you use Fairy? I sent off for the Timmy Time books recently (you just send a recepit showing you bought a Fairy product) and the books arrived today, they are lovely and all for free! Woo hoo! I had bought two Fairy products on the same receipt and asked for two books but they have sent three, so even better :happydance:

i use fairy but the offers arent available here :grr:

sarah - i havent had a period since aug 2009 either. it's great :thumbup: so long as am not pregnant :haha: oh and you can put the pillow under the cot matress so it raises it but you dont have oliver on the pillow. also a couple of books under the cot legs on the head side to raise it is another option.

owen just eaten and fallen asleep on me. have to tranfer him to the pram and go to pick up erin. i think i have just seen a flash of lightning bet it starts bucketing it down as soon as i leave :dohh:
oh sarah also if oliver doesnt like sleeping bags you can get fleecy/soft/furry all in ones that go over pj's or sleepsuits to add an extra layer. mothercare do them.
I was worrying about what to put Amelia to bed in as well, last night it was 18 when I put her to bed in a vest sleepsuit and 2.5 tog sleeping bag worrying this wasn't enough as when she got up this morning it was only just under 16.

Nothing much going on for me today, think it's going to be a hard day today, Amelia's been wailing all this morning think it's coz of teeth :( Have the dentist tomorrow not looking forward to that :( and the weaning talk which I can't go to :dohh:

Recently started putting Amelia in her bouncer in front of the telly with Cbeebies on, think she likes it :)

Anyone up to anything nice today?
Maybe I have some of those fleece sleepsuit thingys, I wondered when I would use them - thanks! :haha: Good tip re the pillow under the mattress too, Oliver's cot is attached to our bed so I can't put anything under its legs but I could raise one end of the mattress, I might do that tonight.

My AF is back :( It could be because I'm weaning Oliver I guess, though he's still having loads of milk and not going long inbetween? I started taking the mini pill about a week ago and I'm wondering if its that? I'm not sure if I should keep taking it or not.
It's ridiculously cold in my house. It's too expensive to have the heating on ss much as we really need it too, it's costing £40 a week and Daisy's bedroom is still under 14 sometimes! She wears a long sleeved vest, a sleepsuit and a 2.5 sleeping bag. She has blankets too.
Maybebaby - enjoy your lunch! Well despite the forecast it really looks like rain outside :( I really can;t decide whether to get Joni a walker or not :wacko: she loves being in her activity station and door bouncer so I know she would like it, its is just that we really don't have much floor sapce and also we have nowhere to put it while it is not being used BOO!

Sarah - Joni slept propped up on a pillow for just under a month :blush: it was when she had her cold and then kept rolling on her front all the time and waking herself up. We used a V pillow which kind of cradled her and stopped her turning over. I slept with her in her room for 3-4 nights at first so could see she was safe. Those PJ's are sooooo cute.
I think you are right Sarah, the mini-pill is most likely responsible for your AF returning. I had to take the morning after pill a while ago which resulted in a 3 week long AF :growlmad: I was most unimpressed. If you persist with taking the mini-pill your cycle should settle down over the next few months.
Bless Steve buying Olivers wish list :cloud9: that is so sweet. We bought Joni's first Christmas present the other day:
Hubby showed it to Joni in Argos last month and she went nuts for it!
:thumbup: on the free books, you can't beat free stuff. I usually use persil small and mighty but if I see any fairy packs on offer I may be tempted to temporarily switch!

Hannah - Joni is wearing roughly the same as Amelia at night with the same(ish) temperature and seems ok for now. Good luck at the dentist tomorrow. I always said I did not want Joni to watch tv - and those were the words of a non-parent! Joni gets really tetchy sometimes and will not settle or be placated by anything I do and it is times like those I put her swing in the middle of the rug and put waybuloo on the iplayer. We have actually made waybuloo part of her bedtime routine she loves it so much! The funny thing is she only likes certain programmes and if something is on that she does not like she will grumble and groan or turn her attention to orally abusing Sophie the giraffe :haha:

Katie - Whoah that is expensive! Could you change gas providers and see if you can get a cheaper supplier? Perhaps you could get an oilfilled radiator with thermostat to have in Daisy's room which could be a cheaper option to keep her a bit warmer? We have done that before to keep the temperature up in one room rather than heating the whole house, overall the cost was way less than if we had the central heating cranked up all the time. I am a bit worried about how much our heating is going to cost this winter. Before Joni arrived, hubby and I would both be out of the house 8.30-6 every day so would leave the heating off while we were out which kept our bill nice and low. When calculating the cost of babies I never thought about needing the heating on more in the winter all through the day :dohh:
I am still in denial about going back to work and secretly still hoping that I might be able to persuade work to give me early redundancy though I don't know how likely that is.

Joni is currently sleeping in a shortsleeved vest, babygro and a 2.5 tog sleeping bag. It is around 17-18C in her room at nights. I must buy her some 6-9mth longsleeved vests for when it gets colder still. I have had to call my leasehold company today regarding the window in Joni's room as the top of the double glazed unit has not been sealed properly. We could not figure out why Joni's room, which is 1/2 the size of ours but with the same sized radiator, was so much colder than our room :shrug: While hubby was putting up the blind he noticed there is a gap between the top of the window and the brickwork and you can actually see outside :shock: which sort of defeats the object of double glazing really :rolleyes: I feel a bit silly as we have had the windows in for a couple of years and have only just noticed but then before Joni it was always a spare/guest room and we never spent any considerable time in there. Thankfully it will still be under guarantee and the council have said they will insist the double glazing firm will treat it as urgent bearing in mind the window is in a babies room :thumbup:

It is currently naptime, I think we may brave the city this afternoon if the rain stays away. I need to get my MIL a birthday card and want to look at the baby stuff in H&M amongst other things. It is yoga tonight :mrgreen: so I am going to ache all over tomorrow. Goodness knows what state I will be in by Sunday lunchtime after 3 sessions in less than 48 hours :shock: The house the yoga retreat is being held is sooooooo gorgeous : I am really excited. My instructor says we have the option of booking a massage on saturday afternoon if we want and I think I might treat myself :blush: Also I thought I might take a really nice bathtime treat from LUSH just in case I get the chance to have a soak in the tub. I will really miss Joni and hubby while I am away but at the same time I can't wait to go!

Have a lovely afternoon everyone :hugs:
Frufru - That toy is sooo cute! :) I think I might have to invest in some more long-sleeve vests but not many places do any nice ones! I think as Amelia gets older she's going to love Waybullo, it was on earlier and she had her eyes fixated on it! :) I'm thinking I might have to buy some fleecy sleepsuits too as I think Amelia's going to outgrow her 0-6 sleeping bag soon! I don't know where to get them from really and no idea what size to get because Amelia's not properly into 3-6 clothes yet! :dohh:

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon :hugs:
Hannah I was just planning to buy some plain white long sleeved vests from tesco or sainsburys.

I got Joni a couple of nice 2.5tog sleeping bags from TKmaxx of all places, quite reasonably priced too. Bless her Joni is so tall she has not fitted in her 0-6 sleeping bag since she was 4 months old :haha:
Daisy is an actual giant. I think I need to go and get her weighed as I've hurt my shoulder carrying her, and it's just getting worse since there's no alternative. This sounds ridiculous but why is she gaining weight so fast?
Quick one!

Frufru: I really really love Joni's video on fb were she is offering "wise words"

Sarah: is it the developmental spurt? There supposed to be one at Six months with night waking/difficulty settling? It could also be teeth :hugs:

Katie: so glad your sis and Summer(what a lovely name!) are home.

Hope you are all well xxxxx
frufru - the walker is the best bit of equipment we have at the mo

sarah - boo to af!

katie - what size clothes is daisy in? owen is in some 6-9 but they are getting small so 9-12 too. his bodysuits are 9-12 as he's long.

hannah - mothercare do nice long sleeved bodysuits but they are on the expensive side IMO.

modo - hope you are enjoying dubai!

we stayed in for lunch, my friend came over. she tried him in owen's walker and when we took him out his nappy had leaked and he was soaked and so was the walker :dohh: typical!!! then we went to morissons to get a few bits in the afternoon (it's just across the road) now the kids are bathed and fed and owen is asleep. dylan and erin will be off to bed in 30-60mins and then hopefully a bit of peace. i have downloaded a few films so maybe we will actually watch one. OH is supposed to be going out with friends but said he'd rather stay here and cuddle up with a cuppa on the sofa :cloud9:
frufru - huge :hugs: to your brother, your family has been through such a lot but it sounds like you are all really close and supportive of each other :hugs: my winter coat came out today, I have decided I need a new one though as its looking very tired!

maybe - i'm really sorry you didnt get the job, fingers crossed you find something in the next lot :hugs: I hope you had a nice time with your friend x

Katie - yeah you're right, kerry wanted me to have an abortion for Alex. he's very glad to have him now though. Hope your sister is getting on ok at home. What does Daisy think of her new cousin? :baby:

sarah - I hope you and Oliver are feeling better. Alex doesnt kick off his blankets, he does like to sleep on his side though. He doesnt seem to move once he's asleep :haha: sorry about AF :growlmad: Thanks for the fairy info, I didnt know about that! I love free stuff :thumbup:

Hannah - hope the dentist goes OK tomorrow :hugs:

Alex is awake will catch up more in a bit x
Daisy is thrilled with Summer. It's funny, she usually just stares when other babies cry, but she cries when Summer does :lol: :dohh:
Sorry Amy I didn't mean to be rude or upset you, I just meant if you are then I'm sure Kerry will come around again xxx
Maybe, Daisy sounds about the same height wise as Owen, it's just her weight! She was 71cm and nearly 22lbs about a month ago but she's definitely got heavier and taller since. She's right off the top of the charts :wacko:
Glad you had a nice afternoon, and hope you have a lovely evening :kiss:
Maria, are you still in Dubai? I hope you're having a lovely time xx

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