Scary about the duvet

Hubby yanking the covers up so far was one of the reasons I wanted to stop co-sleeping, that and Joni takes up the same amount of space I do! After Joni moved into her cot I would wake up in the middle of the night half asleep and wake hubby up pushing him off the bed, freaking out saying something along the lines of " you have pulled the duvet up too far,wheres Joni, I can't find her?"
Enjoy HP. I too am a M.A.S.S.I.V.E fan however on the basis I am sodding off on yoga retreat this weekend I figured I would wait a couple of weeks before asking to go to the cinema too
Modo - How wonderful, Joni has yet to say anything that resembles a word. However as you can see from her videos on FB she is very chatty

Glad you are feeling better.
Maybebaby - so sorry to hear that Owen is so poorly

and I hope that a couple of days of lots of snuggles and rest will see him right again.
L-C -

yay for heating and hot water

I too am someone who should NEVER be allowed a fringe, or a bob for that matter

Bono is gorgeous, not quite as hansome as Will though

Hopefully Will's tooth/teeth will make an appearance soon. Still no toothypegs for Joni either
Sarah - great news about the photographer

I bet the pictures will be lovely.
Amy -

at Alex shouting at cardboard. Sophie the giraffe is usually the subject of Joni's shouting

Happy half birthday to your little man
Hannah - I don;t know where to get personalised dummy clips from but they do have some nice general dummy chains and clips on amazon. I hope you had a nice time at your Dad's.
Katie - how is your shoulder?
Well I have had a lovely day. As I did not get in until late hubby let me have a lie in this morning

Joni did not sleep through last night, but I did not expect her too as she had a bad day with her teething yesterday and was a bit off her milk and solids so she needed a top up feed overnight which I really don't mind. We went out for a long walk around the local lake with a few of my Mummy friends and had coffee and cake afterwards. Joni had a 1/2 hour catnap in her buggy as we walked. When we got home I fed her at 3pm and she completely zonked out. I had to really work hard to wake her up at 5pm to make sure she would still sleep at bedtime

Joni has done really well with her milk and food so far today so if she takes all of her bedtime feed you never know I might get another full night, we shall see
What is even better is while I was out hubby put up all the shelving and storage in my broom cupboard in the kitchen

Is is wrong that something so mudane should make me so happy
I am so tired today, I could happily go to bed now but I have lots to do. Joni did an up the back, down the legs poo

in her door bouncer this evening so I have to wash out those clothes. Then I need to wash up, bake a cake, wash up from baking and pack for tomorrow. I am sure there are more jobs I should be doing but I am currently in denial!
RIght I best be off to get on with my chores though I would much rather lurk on here

I probably won't be on here until after the weekend so I will wish you all a happy couple of days and will catch up with you all later. Big