Haha Sarah - brilliant about getting rid of all Steve's old clothes!

I'll have to try and do that with OHs stuff , but it still won't make a dent in his hoard. Not clothes so much, but he is a hoarder, and it drives me NUTS!

Our house is already stuffed to the brim, and then when i cleared out the living room, got new bookcases, and sold a couple of peices of furniture, so that Roh could have some play space, and i could have some sanity, I came home from taking Roh out one day, and he'd totally filled the gap up with stuff!! I asked him why, and he said "there was a gap"

Seriously its like he can't live without there being no space in the room at all!
I also went through all my books, and took about a 3rd of them to the charity shop. My books are about my only really prized possessions, anyway, i left the boxes by the door, and OH was going through them going "oh , this is a good book, you can't get rid of this" he's read a total of 3 books in the last 15 years i've known him!

Seriously, its a nightmare!
I got a bit offended when my Mum commented that we still lived like students when she was here on Saturday.... my answer "No, OH lives like a student and i bang my head against the wall"
H&F i hope everything is ok and you get checked out again properly!
Amy - Do a test! Then you'll know and you won't have to keep worrying, you can either relax, or just deal with the outcome, depending on the result
Hannah - About the weaning. There is nothing wrong with giving Amelia little tastes of things. Maybe stir a bit of streamed apple puree into her porridge or something, or just one little spoonful of a mashed banana. Roh was sucking on apples and bananas that i was eating well before i gave him porridge or anything for the first time. Oh and also, Roh has his off days with eating too, most the time he loves it and is a greedy little monkey, but then some days he's just not really interested in any food i offer him, even if its his favourites. I guess i have days when i don't feel so hungry either

, i wouldn't worry about if, and just carry on offering her little tastes of different things
Well i had a lovely day yesterday with my Mum. We went into town and to a pan asian restaurant, which was lovely. They do really nice spicy prawn crackers there, which i love. The waiter put them down right infront of Roh though

before i could stop him he'd grabbed one with each hand and crammed them into his mouth! Seems like he likes spicy food, although i wasn't going to let him have any more than he took, as i know chilli can irritate babies tummies a bit. Anyway, he wasn't very impressed that he wasn't allowed any more

I love my Mum to bits, but she did drive me a bit mental yesterday. I ordered some ice cream for dessert, and as soon as it got to the table, she grabbed the spoon and fed some to Roh. Now, i don't have any problem with him having a little taste of ice cream at all, its not like i'll feed him it every day, but it would have been nice if she'd asked, and come to that, i would have quite liked to have fed him his first taste of ice cream

Anyway, not a big deal i guess, but then she kept grabbing the buggy off me so she could "drive". Again i wouldn't mind, but then when she asked where we were headed and i said to the family room, as he needed a change, she handed the buggy right back!

Hmph, well if you want the feeding ice cream and the driving the buggy, you can damn well deal with the nappies too in my opinion!

Bless her, she gets very excited. If it was my MIL like that i'd probably get really pissed off, but luckily my MIL is a midwife and an NCT teacher and quite sensible, and knows the boundries.
All in all i've had a nice birthday weekend, although Roh was a pain today, thats probably from all the excitement in the last couple of day though, and OH came home tonight early, and he's managed to get 3 days off!

i was very happy to hear that!
Right, i'm off to get a hotwater bottle, because the

has arrived. Its the first time since my MC, and it feels like its going to be an evil one!

to all! x