Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Happy Birthday Muddles.

I am just getting ready to go out to the shops to try and finish my christmas shopping and possibly meet a friend for coffee. Me and Dave had a huge argument this morning but we have a big glass door into our lounge and as he walked out the front door I slamed it and the glass shattered every where so I spent about an hour cleaning up, I cut my hand but fortunately Amy was fast asleep upstairs.

Also my PGCE application has been declined by three providers so only one more to go. I am really annoyed as its not like I can apply anywhere in the country as I obviously need a provider that is in commutable distance of where I live.

Anyway - I hope everyone has a lovely day. x x x
Happy Birthday Muddles ! :cake:

H&F - Sounds like you've not had a great morning :hugs: Hope your cut isn't too bad! Also i applied for a PGCE course a few years ago, and no one locally would take me :( I was referred to a provider in Birmingham and got a place, but wheen i worked it out i just couldn't afford the commute, either financially or time wise, as it would have taken 3.5 hours+ to get there and back. Crazy really, as i thought they were desperate for teachers?? Fingers crossed things work out for you :hugs:

I'm going so stir crazy! I haven't been out of the house since tuesday, as i want to keep Roh indoors until he's well. But its driving me nuts not going for a walk at least. That said, i popped over the road for some milk this morning and omg its sooo cold! :cold: Think i'll try to enjoy having to stay in!

Roh is very up and down, he's not gone off his food, and napped alot in the day yesterday, which is very unusual for him. But last night he just wouldn't go to bed, i finally got him to sleep at 11pm, at which point he'd been awake for nearly 8 hours :shock: I think lying down must make his ears uncomfortable, i'm not sure... there is alot of goo coming out of them though. Poor little mite. He's snoozing on my lap right now, but i've got a nasty cough still and i'm likely to wake him up anytime :wacko:

:hugs: to you all!
Emera I love your new tickers!! Sorry to hear Roh is still under the weather, I hope he's better soon! And you too!

I am also starting to get cabin fever :( I have been stuck in since Monday with this damn snow! Its quite sunny today and isn't forcast to snow again until tonight, so I was hoping we might get out with the pram but Steve has gone to the Emmerdale studios to oversee some filming. Hopefully we can go out when he gets back, Oliver and I just need to get out for a little while! I think it might be dark before he gets home though and my pram in snowed in in Steves car :( I've got the Loola Up but I can't imagine that it would be much good in the snow. Argh!!!

Oh well, Oliver is just napping on my knee and then I might make some lunch.

I hope you are all having a more fun day :dohh: !!!
h&f - hope your afternoon goes better than your morning :hugs: that's crap news about the pgce. i know someone who didnt get in at all this year and is having to wait another year.

emera - hope roh is better soon :hugs:

sarah - hope you manage to get out.

i'd best get off and try to get a few not so strenuous things done seeing as owen is napping and erin is watching monsters inc!
Wow 5 pages :shock: Here goes, sorry if I miss anyone out!

Modo - The pics of Bobby meeting Father Christmas are just lovely :mrgreen: I was not planning to do anything like that but seeing your pictures have made me think I might. Joni has really suffered with red dry cheeks too, I think for her it is a mixture of teething, she dribbles all the time and rubs the dribble all over her face, combined with the cold weather and central heating. I bought a weather protection balm for babies by Weleda which I put on her face when we go outside. Then at night before bed I put the body shop aloe vera moisturiser on her face and this has really helped. I often put a couple of items of washing on my radiators so this combats the humidity issue and gets the important laundry dry quickly :thumbup:
Hubby no longer wakes everytime Joni cries at night when I am there so I would worry about wearing earplugs. His cold is nearly gone so hopefully his snoring will improve a little.
Goodness I can't believe your hubby woke you to change a poopy nappy!

Amy - :blush: gosh you make me blush with your compliment about my writing style :hugs: We never made the weigh in the other day as Joni was napping and her sleep has been so disturbed recently I did not want to interrupt her. BOO to the gas cylinders! I am so grateful for our CH but I dread to think what my gas bill is going to be in the spring :wacko: we pay by DD and were overpaying so hopefully that will help.
:hugs: for the nipple gbh. Two teeth shaped bruises :shock: eeeeeeeeek, I don;t think there are enough hug smily's in the world to make up for that :hug: :hugs:

L-C - Is Will's cough any better? :thumbup: for the new car seat, it sounds just the job. As for hoovering the car, my car gets hoovered once a year as part of a complimentary valet when it gets serviced :blush: :haha: My flat is not on a road and I park my car in the designated car park a couple of minutes away. So if I want to hoover it I have to take it to the Morrisons petrol station and use their pay one. To be fair I don't use my car much as I try to walk everywhere so it is not as if it gets that dirty - HONEST!!!
I hope you got your prescription sorted out ok. I too have got very attached to lots of Joni's outfits. I had bagged lots up to keep in NB and 0-3 but have had to go through them again and be more selective as we don't have the room to keep them, especially when we have no idea if we will have anymore babies.
I love the pics :mrgreen: Joni has the same bear hat except her's is waaaay too big :dohh: I figure she will grow into is some day! I also bought the matching bear paw mittens, so cute :)

Emera - I am sorry Roh is a poorly boy :hugs: Have you tried propping his mattress up a bit to see if it helps with his sleeping? One of my friends recommended a sleeping regime to help with my insomnia but until Joni is sleeping through consistently I don't think it would really work for me. Well done on the nappies, that is amazing :thumbup: I always wanted to do washables, then Joni arrived so early before I sorted anything out and everything that could go pear-shaped did :dohh: My cousin actually sent me all I need to start using them in a range of ages as she used them for her 3 girls. It was a really kind gesture but realistically I am struggling to dry our clothes in this weather let alone extra loads of nappies :wacko:

Hannah - I hope Amelia's settling a bit better for you in the evening. It is brilliant that she can roll both ways, Joni is still yet to master rolling from front to back properly.

Sarah - wow that is some snow you have got :shock: Bless you running up your own pram lead. The pram I bought when I was pregnant actually came with one which I thought was quite good :thumbup:
I am impressed Steve went to work, it sounds like you guys are proper snowed in and he would have been justified in staying home. I think the emergency pack you did for him was spot on :thumbup:
Joni and I have been getting out for little walks most days but it has not really snowed much here since the weekend. All the snow is now compacted into ice so it is more like iceskating than walking and it takes 4 times longer to get anywhere.

Muddles - Oliver sounds like he is taking to BLW so well :thumbup: Joni's new favorite fruit is blueberries, she can't get enough of them. When I am splitting them for her to eat she shouts at me to hurry up :lol: We are fans of the long sleeved toddler bibs too though they don't stop Joni rubbing her food all over her face and in her eyebrows/lashes :dohh: Thank goodness she has not thought of rubbing it in her hair yet :haha:

H&F - :happydance: for 7lbs off :thumbup: well done lady :mrgreen: I am also super impressed at your Christmas shopping effort. I really must sit down this weekend and decide what I am getting everyone and either order it online or plan a day when hubby will stay in with Joni so I can go to the shops buggy-free. Bummer about the door, I hope your hand is ok :hugs:
I am really sorry to hear about your PGCE applications. Do you get given any feedback as to why you have not got onto the course at all?

Katie - well done with your Christmas shopping :thumbup: CLothes sizing for babies is so tricky. I know when JOni was starting to grow out of 3-6 the 6-9 stuff was an inch too long, then all of a sudden 2 weeks later it fitted :shock:

Maybebaby - I am so sorry about your poorly back :hugs: how rubbish :sad1: Make sure you take it easy and no cleaning windows missus!!! If they need doing that urgently then make your OH do them.

Well its taken me all day to write this in between Joni and chores and my little baby wookiee is growling for her bottle so I will pop back later :hugs:
Urgh, we're not going. We can't find any cars that are what I want and not absolutely miles away. And now its going dark so we can't even go for a walk :cry:

I think I might actually go mad.
Hey girls :hi:

Having a bad night tonight, Amelia's been so cranky today, just gave her a bath and think she's teething really badly, she screamed the whole time she was in the bath whereas she's normally happy as anything when she's having a bath! she was out 10 minutes ago and she's still cranky, she might be tired as well but she's slept today. And I swear I can see a tooth but it's not a bottom one it's one of the top ones:wacko:
Evening all :hi:

:hugs2: to you Sarah. I always used to love snow but last year I was pregnant and constantly scared of slipping and this year I can't get out and about with Joni :sad1: BOO TO SNOW!!!!!!! Hopefully we will get a thaw soon [-o<

Joni is mostly over her cold and is just a wee bit snotty time to time now. I am still putting snufflebabe on her and a couple of drops of karvol on a hanky tied to her cot at bedtime as she seems to be more snuffly when lying down. Hubby has caught an evil cold too but thankfully I seem to have escaped HURRAH :happydance:

Weaning is going well :thumbup: Joni has a newfound obsession with blueberries and also houmous. She has also finally eaten and seemed to really enjoy a meal I made :happydance: :smug: I got a recipe for hidden veg bolognase from annabel karmels website and made it yesterday. c Joni yummed it up both yesterday and today :thumbup: I have got another portion in the fridge and frozen a load of individual portions too. Sarah I have been meaning to thank you for the tip about melba toast, Joni just loves it and it is so much easier for her to grop and manuever than regular toast.

Hubby is working late tonight so I have done the bedtime routine on my own for the first time in ages. It went without a hitch but I did see Joni looking round for her Dada a few times and she was not as lively and vocal in her bath as usual bless her.

I have only been lurking on here the last few days as I have been :book: a really good book and could only tear myself away from it long enough to read your posts :blush: I am such a nerd :haha: I finished last night and have the next one to start tonight :mrgreen:

I am going to a Christmas grease themed night at the local holiday inn with my baby yoga Mum friends next week. It will be nice to spend some time with each other when we can let our hair down and enjoy a little :wine: and :dance:

Righto, I am off to make up Joni's bottles and find some snackage to :munch: on. Have a lovely evening and weekend everyone :hugs:
Hannah I am sorry to read you are having a rough night with Amelia :hugs: I hope she settles ok for you. Is she still sleeping ok at night?

Wow about her little toothypeg. Still no sign of Joni's little white pegs and she has been teething on and off since she was 3 1/2 months old :rolleyes: One of my cousins did not get their first tooth until they were 13 months so I am preparing myself for what could be a long wait :dohh:
Hannah Oliver's teething always seems to be worse at night. Have you tried calpol or the baby ibuprofen?

FruFru thankyou :hugs: I'm glad that Joni is enjoying her melba toast, sounds like the weaning is going great!

Today Oliver had pasta and pasta sauce for lunch, exactly the same as what I had (but a baby friendly sauce for him) and it went down a treat. It was the pasta thingys with things in them (not ravoilli but I hope you know what I mean :dohh:). He enjoyed sucking all the insides out!! He then had a little stars jelly which I didn't think he'd like but he absolutely loved it! Eating was one of the highlights of our day so we took our time and enjoyed it :haha:

We HAVE to get out tomorrow, even if its just a walk into town or a trip to Asda. Its so frustrating that we can't find a car :cry: I guess it doesn't help that with the weather we cant really look very far afield. Hopefully the snow will go soon and we can find something suitable before I go off the idea and spend the money on something else :haha:

Right, well I am also going off in search of food :rofl:

sarah - hope u do get out tomorrow

frufru- i love reading! what book did u read?

hannah - owen still has no teeth despite months of teething! like sarah said have you tried calpol or ibuprofen? i also use anbesol liquid

i am sooooooo angry with OH again making comments about me sitting on my arse all day :grr: my MIL came round to help me clean the windows this evening and he sat on his arse watching us! and i'm the lazy one :saywhat: i couldnt move yesterday and i did 3 massive windows with spashed cement on them from the works on our block!!!! :wall:
Frufru - Yeah she's sleeping well at night, last few nights she's been waking about an hour earlier than normal but I think that's because of the cold weather :(

Sarah - It's awful seeing her in pain :( We haven't tried calpol properly yet, last time we gave up because she wouldn't take it and it went everywhere :haha: but now we've found a syringe so will have to try that if she has another bad night :(

Maybe - I haven't tried them properly yet but I'll have to give them ago, and yes I've tried the anbesol and it was quite good will have to use it more often, can you use like calpol and teething gel together? because it says on the teething gel box that you can only apply it every few hours but the dentinox one said to apply it when needed :wacko:

On the food front Amelia had her second taste of sweet potato and carrot and I think she liked it :) going to try a sweet squash and chicken jar starting from tomorrow :)

Argh wanted to answer, write etc. But i'm so exhausted after getting Roh to sleep i'm going to just have a glass of wine and stare at the tv!

:hugs: to you all!

Oh and :grr: at Maybe's OH!
emera i am feeling exactly the same ... i'm off to bed. Will poost properly tomorrow.

Hugs to all x x x x
sarah - I got cabin fever - made worse by being stuck indoors with the girls :haha: we did get out for a quick walk yesterday and today I made DH drive us to ASDA. I hate his car normally but its 4 wheel drive and so has its uses! we had no food left so had to get out. I'm glad Oliver enjoyed his dinner - sounds yummy! :hugs:

maybe - I have the same rant everyday with my DH :grr: I said I hadnt stopped today and he said "oh yeah, the house is immaculate" :grr: I hope your back is a bit better :hugs:

Hannah - poor Amelia, hopefully a tooth will cut soon :hugs:

frufru - great news Joni is almost better, Alex is a lot less snotty too and like Joni he only really suffers when he is lying down. Blueberries are a hit with Alex too - he hasnt tried hummous yet - one to add to the list so thankyou! :hugs:

An uneventful day here - I was feeling tired and cranky. Alex is getting more and more unsettled at night :dohh: I'm hoping its a phase, I dont think it helps that he's still in our room but there is no-where else for him to go unless we get a loft conversion and thats not happening unless we win the lottery! :hugs:
emera - I so wish I had got some wine at ASDA :haha: sounds perfect!
amy - why do they think we dont do anything all day? i told him he should live a day in my shoes then he'd see how much time gets taken up by bits and pieces. oh and i got the whole 'you only want to bf as it's an excuse to sit on your arse' :grr: he hasnt moved from the sofa all night. i was cleaning doing laundry making dinner taking him dinner making cups of tea clearing and cleaning kitchen loading dishwasher putting clothes on to tumble dry hanging out non tumble dry stuff.

hannah - yeah teething gel and painkillers are fine together. you can even give ibuprofen and paracetamol at same time.

am bf owen and then going to have some ben&jerrys and me time. OH is snoring on sofa already!
maybe - its because they are @rseholes! :haha: I said tonight that I couldnt cope with it all (after spying the state of the bedrooms) and I got "cope with what - you dont do anything" ](*,)](*,)](*,) makes me want to scream. I wish I could say "the good thing about him is...." but I'm struggling to think!!! :haha: oh, he's there for me when things get really really bad, like when I had to have CVS with Alex. Why does it take extremes for them to show they care!!! :dohh:

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