Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Modo your trip to Harrods sounds lovely!! I can't believe Bobby likes lettuce, bless him. Will have a look at the pictures on facebook, Will always looks grumpy in his photo's because he so interested in the camera which makes him look quite stern x

Amy - I sympathise alot with the biting, we've just finished a week long phase of biting here, one of them actually broke the skin, but fortunately its healing up now :thumbup: I've just started taking Roh off the boob as soon as he starts to play, rather than properly feed, seems to have stopped it :winkwink:

L-C - My hands are the same with the cold, all cracked and dry :( I've been using some Lansinoh overnight on them, it really helps :thumbup: And i'm the same, i'm still trying to squeeze Roh into my favourite 3-6 outfit, just because i don't want to put it away :haha: Luckily its quite stretchy :blush: I've taken to rolling Roh's sleeves up and then using a big bib and a muslin tucked round his lap. He still manages to get food on his clothes, but not quite so much :haha:

Sarah - About the humidity in the room at night. You use reusable nappies still? Because, i just hang all the reusables over the heater to dry in the bedroom at night, and i find that humidifies the room really well, and the nappies are dry in the morning! :thumbup:

FruFru - I really feel for you with the insomnia :hugs::hugs::hugs: I've suffered from chronic insomnia on and off since i was a teenager and its really not fun spending hours trying to go to sleep, especially when you know that your time available to sleep is limited. I saw a sleep specialist for mine as it got so severe, and they put me on a sleeping regime, which cured it within a month :thumbup: I'm not sure how possible it would be for you to follow one with Joni about though :( I know i used to lie there getting more and more annoyed, with images of putting a pillow over my husband's head and leaving it there until he stopped snoring going through my head! :rofl:

Hannah - You just wait until Amelia starts crawling, then you too can go to babygroup, have to change a nappy and have your baby crawl off naked and leaving a trail of poo across the floor! :haha:

Modo - Harrods sounds lovely! So cute about the lettuce :flower: Roh loves sucking on lettuce too, although him eating mango is the funniest sight so far :haha:

Well our night last night wasn't too bad, Roh slept well in our bed :) Shame i didn't really, but hey, can't have everything. He doesn't seem too bad today, although i was at work today, so thats second hand info from OH. Saying that he seemed fine this evening. He's had 2 x 2 hour naps today though, which is unheard of for him, so he must be under the weather.

I got to work today, and after about an hour there i suddenly realised that i actually was feeling really crappy :( I think i'm going to have to take it as easy as possible for the next few days. Luckily OH is off tomorrow too, so at least there is another pair of hands. He wants to go have a meeting about getting a buy to let mortgage on this flat, so we can buy somewhere bigger, but with me and Roh ill, i think he'll have to go on his own.... thats sure to bug him :rolleyes:

:hugs: to you all!
Emera, just quickly as I'm on my phone again :doh: I have been thinking about the whole buggy / ice / dressing gown thing :haha: as its something that worries me too. I worry that I could slip and the buggy could end up in the road or anything. My SIL acutally had her buggy slip into a lake - her baby wasn't in it thank god but still a horrible experience and her buggy was ruined. Anyway, so I've sat tonight and made a proper strap. Its made from a really nice and very strong ribbon, and just loops aroung your buggy handle and then goes over your wrist. If you PM me your address I will send you one, and then you can have your dressing gown belt back :haha: if anyone else wants one again just PM me your address. I can do colour requests too lol, I've made my own in red to match my foot muff!
Emera that's a good idea about the muslin, I'm going to try that tomorrow!! I'm such a div why don't I hink of these thngs. Hope you are feeling better soon..

Sarah that's a great idea!
evening all!

LC - my hands are like that too - I actually need to pumice stone them or something. They are hard and cracked all over, they're not nice feminie hands at all. I cant use my thumb at the moment because its so split round the nail :cry: hope you got your prescription sorted!

modo - I love your fb pics of Bobby with Santa and I'm glad he loves him greens so much :thumbup:

emera - thanks for the nip tip :thumbup: good plan of your OH's to get you into a bigger place :thumbup: I hope you and Roh get better soon, try to get as much rest as you can :hugs::flower:

sarah - did you put up your xmas tree? xx

Hannah - I'm glad Amelia is enjoying her food nom nom :hugs:

Alex was very clingy again today, he cries when he cant see me. Anyone know when separation anxiety is supposed to get better? :shrug:
LC - I forgot - I get really really sad when Alex grows out of clothes because he's my last baby :cry: the good thing is I give them all to my sister which is nice because she really appreciates them and I love knowing they are going to a good cause. I have kept one special outfit from each stage :cloud9:
I keep a special outfit for each age group too, I hate packing away his old stuff!!
Emera - That made me laugh like this :rofl: I think she's going to be crawling earlier rather than later I think she tries to when she's on her front at the moment but she can't get anywhere :haha:

Amy - I think she loved it hehe, she polished off a quarter of a jar :shock: I'll attach a piccy hehe :)

Sarah - I haven't packed any of Amelia's newborn clothes away, and some of the things I think I wish she would still fit in that because they're so cute, just can't believe how much bigger she is now, she's still in some 0-3 clothes at nearly 5 months!!


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Amy no, we didn't put the tree up yet, its all in the loft and I think Steve thinks it will be too cold to be messing about up there :haha:
Evenin all ...

1st time time I have had chance to get on today.

Sarah thats a really brill idea!

Emera sorry for your horrible day hope you had a more relaxing day today.

Amy - OH's arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh so I have to say any more!?!

Well we have had a super busy day ... went to baby yoga and then to lunch with the girls I then decided as I havent done any christmas shopping yet I needed to at least get a few bits and I have come home 4 1/2 hours later with about 90% of the presents I need! Just a couple of boxes of chocolates, a jumper for Dave and order a pint and half pint t shirt set for him and Amy! and a secret santa pressie and I think I am done! I then decided to wrap everything I bought so I am just fininshing off the last pressie. I have also been to weight watchers and lost 7lbs this week! so that 25lbs off so far and I reached my 10% goal so very happy! 3 more lbs before christmas to readh my christmas 2 stone goal!

Uh oh Amy has just started grizzing I best go and investigate!
H&F - 7lbs!! :shock: - woooohoooo! well done lady!!! thats fantastic!! :thumbup: and well done on all the shopping too! I bet thats a satisfying feeling xx
Well done H&F, thats an amazing weight loss! :happydance:

Finally got round to sorting my cloth nappy ticker out, and i'm totally in shock with how many nappies it says i've saved, and that's with still using one disposable overnight too! I can't even imagine what that many nappies would look like all piled up! :shock:
Good job emera on the Cloth Diapering. Not something I would ever attempt myself - but i admire those that do it!
Here's me thinking Daisy is getting closer to 'normal' 6 month old size- she's been in 6-9 for about 2 months but hasn't got much longer left :nope: 9-12 is huge though.
Emera- Daisy tries to crawl away when I'm changed her too. Or dressing her. Or cutting her nails. Or anything really :dohh: I usually give her a toy, if that doesn't work I trap her with my feet :blush: I can't hold onto her legs as she can still flip over :rofl:
Well done on the weight loss H&F!
I'm going to finish my Xmas shopping over the next few days I think. I've got to order all Vinny's :blush:. Actually think the only one I've finished is Daisy.. And I keep seeing more for her :dohh:
Morning! Argh we have even more snow and its just started snowing again :( I just ran up the garden to defrost the chicken's water and the snow on the garden comes over my wellys by quite a bit. My mum and dad were due to go to Bruge last night but got stuck for three hours behind a jack kniffed lorry. They have managed to swap their booking to tonight, luckily they have a land rover so they should be able to get to the port if the traffic is okay.

At least I guess I will get a few jobs done in the house - with no laptop and not able to really go anywhere I have started writing my christmas cards and I think I'll start wraping pressies tonight.

HandF well done on the weight loss! That's great!!! And on the shopping :)

Emera well done witht the nappies! I don't use mine all the time, I did for a while and then got out of the habit but I think I will start to use them again. I really should. I don't have enough to be full time but I guess that doesn't matter.

Well Oliver and I just had breakfast, I'm almost defrosted from my 'chicken run' :haha: I think I'll do some tidying up before Oliver and I snuggle up in front of the TV for his morning nap. I hope you all have a good day!
Well done with your weight loss H&F that is fantastic!!!

Emera - you are ace doing the reusables, I am ashamed to say I'm just too lazy!

We have about an inch of snow and everyone has gone mad and stopped. I secretly love it, an excuse so sit in and be all cosy.

Hope you are all warm and not too hampered by the snow, have a good day xx
I'm feeling very proud of myself, my Mum was due to come up today and I was then going to walk the dog. She couldn't come so me and Will wrapped up and took him out ourselves!! and we didn't slip over once - thank god!!! :cloud9:


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Found some more cute pictures on my phone :cloud9:


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Aww LC your pictures are lovely!

Sarah - wow you really have had a lot of snow ... we have had a little bit and its snowing now but not settling.

Well so much for a good weight loss ... OH is at home and has decided we need to get a few bits from the shops and while we are there we should go to pizza hut ... I know I should say no but I really really really want pizza! Maybe I will just eat a little bit!

Right i'm off to get out of my pj's and go out for lunch.

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