Amy - I sympathise alot with the biting, we've just finished a week long phase of biting here, one of them actually broke the skin, but fortunately its healing up now

I've just started taking Roh off the boob as soon as he starts to play, rather than properly feed, seems to have stopped it
L-C - My hands are the same with the cold, all cracked and dry

I've been using some Lansinoh overnight on them, it really helps

And i'm the same, i'm still trying to squeeze Roh into my favourite 3-6 outfit, just because i don't want to put it away

Luckily its quite stretchy

I've taken to rolling Roh's sleeves up and then using a big bib and a muslin tucked round his lap. He still manages to get food on his clothes, but not quite so much
Sarah - About the humidity in the room at night. You use reusable nappies still? Because, i just hang all the reusables over the heater to dry in the bedroom at night, and i find that humidifies the room really well, and the nappies are dry in the morning!
FruFru - I really feel for you with the insomnia

I've suffered from chronic insomnia on and off since i was a teenager and its really not fun spending hours trying to go to sleep, especially when you know that your time available to sleep is limited. I saw a sleep specialist for mine as it got so severe, and they put me on a sleeping regime, which cured it within a month

I'm not sure how possible it would be for you to follow one with Joni about though

I know i used to lie there getting more and more annoyed, with images of putting a pillow over my husband's head and leaving it there until he stopped snoring going through my head!
Hannah - You just wait until Amelia starts crawling, then you too can go to babygroup, have to change a nappy and have your baby crawl off naked and leaving a trail of poo across the floor!
Modo - Harrods sounds lovely! So cute about the lettuce

Roh loves sucking on lettuce too, although him eating mango is the funniest sight so far
Well our night last night wasn't too bad, Roh slept well in our bed

Shame i didn't really, but hey, can't have everything. He doesn't seem too bad today, although i was at work today, so thats second hand info from OH. Saying that he seemed fine this evening. He's had 2 x 2 hour naps today though, which is unheard of for him, so he must be under the weather.
I got to work today, and after about an hour there i suddenly realised that i actually was feeling really crappy

I think i'm going to have to take it as easy as possible for the next few days. Luckily OH is off tomorrow too, so at least there is another pair of hands. He wants to go have a meeting about getting a buy to let mortgage on this flat, so we can buy somewhere bigger, but with me and Roh ill, i think he'll have to go on his own.... thats sure to bug him

to you all!