Maybe you really need to take it easy!! If the windows need doing so badly tell your OH to do them, if you keep trying to do things you'll end up worse and it will take so much longer to get better!!
Modo Harrods sounds lovely!! We were hoping to get down to London before Christmas (Steve's favourite gallery has a show on) but with this snow we haven't had chance so far and I can't see it happening now

Bruge is lovely isn't it? My parents go every Christmas. We have also gone for the past two years but decided to give it a miss this year, maybe we will go next year when Oliver is a little older.
L-C I'm exactly the same! I'd rather be at home with my baby, even if he is in bed

When we couldn't go to Lee Mack I have to say I wasn't that bothered, oops! I would have enjoyed it I know but I'm more than happy at home. Steve has been out playing poker and things a few times which I'm fine with, but I have no desire to go out. I am sure you will have a nice time when you get there though and if you are just going to a meal, so you don't have to stay out late
Well Steve managed to get my car dug out and started and everything, then when he set off for work a few hours later he got everything into the car, and then it wouldn't start!!! Argh!! And his car is soooo snowed in so we couldn't even use that one to jump start mine! Luckily Steve has one of those jump start pack things which only had a tiny bit of power in it but it was enough to get it going, so he has managed to get into work. Bless him I sent him with a big 'emergency pack' with spare clothes, water, food, sleeping bag, etc!

He looked at my like I was bonkers but still took it, to keep me happy I think

Still its going to be -8 in Leeds tonight, so I'd rather he had it just in case he gets stuck anywhere.