God i'm knackered again after putting Roh to bed! I thought of a load of stuff to type, but its gone out my head now mostly
Its not Roh's fault that bedtimes are tough at the moment, he's trying really hard bless him. He fell asleep all by himself in his cot 3 times, but kept waking up again crying and pulling his legs up

He's got a dodgy tummy from the antibiotics i think, he's doing funny poos and is very farty, its making him really uncomfortable

At least its only one more day on the antibiotics, and then hopefully he can get comfy again. He's still so stuffed up though, and it sounds to me like its on his chest too, if it is it must be something viral i guess, because otherwise the antibiotics would have sorted that too
I was thinking about possible BLW breakfasts. What about toast fingers with butter and fruit puree? Or you could make proper porridge, just make it really thick, mix some fruit puree in and then put blobs on a plate to cool down, that would be easy to pick up, as it would set a bit...could be messy though!

I did Roh dippy egg with toast soldiers last week, i know you're not meant to give runny egg, but it seems such a shame when its so yummy! Plus my eggs are good quality, and i had them runny whilst i was pregnant too! Hah, take that food safety paranoia!.....

Roh loves his weetabix, he has a whole one for breakfast

then usually i have to give him half a banana because he's still looking around for more!

Thought i'd make my own readybrek by just putting porridge oats into the blender, i'll let you know how it goes. Also going to make a batch of my sugarfree flapjacks tomorrow, then Roh can have one too

I'm oats obsessed at the moment
I still haven't left the house, i've gone past the stir crazy now, and really enjoyed just staying in and having lots of cuddles with Roh today

He's been super lovely all day

I'll have to go out tomorrow though, as i really need to buy my secret santa present to take to the work christmas do on monday night. I don't even know the girl i have to buy for, as she started after i went on leave, i did meet her on wednesday though, and discovered she doesn't have a bath, which sort of ruined my plan....now i have no clue what to get
Anyway, OH just got home, might pop back later