Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

H&F - I forgot to say - sorry to hear about your argument, the broken glass, the cut and the application turn-downs :hugs: you must be due something good now :hugs::hugs:
amy i wish i knew :shrug: i said to him 'you'll only be happy if i am on the go til midnight without a break!' he said i was missing the point! what f***in point? :growlmad: he said that when he came in today i was sat on the sofa. hello i was playing with erin!!!!! he said that parents dont sit around playing with their kids!!!!!!! WTF????????? i dont spend all day playing with the kids but i do believe in playing with them. he said 'life's not a fairytale' :saywhat: AGH!!!!!
Maybe - I hope your husband wakes up and smells the coffee soon! Geesh. I'm sorry he's like that.
Sarah - eating is one of the highlights of our day too :) I hope you manage to get out today even if it is only for a short walk to blow the cobwebs away. I found mint matchmakers, what did you find? :winkwink:

Maybebaby - I am shocked and appalled that your hubby would let his mother and his injured wife clean the windows while he sat and watched :nope: I hope your back is not worse for wear today :hugs:
I am a sci-fi and fantasy addict when it comes to fiction. When I read something I want it to be far-fetched and unlikely to occur in real life, its like the ultimate escapism :mrgreen: I have just finished Green Rider by Kristen Britain. It was her debut novel, I have read it quite a few times already but not for a couple of years which was long enough to forget quite a few details and be suprised and excited while I was reading it this time :thumbup:

Hannah - I hope you managed to get some calpol in to Amelia eventually. We always struggled to get it into Joni with any utensil right up until a few weeks ago when she got the hang of spoon feeding. Now if she needs it we administer it using one of her weaning spoons :haha:

Emera - :hugs: I am sorry it was a challenging bedtime and hope you enjoyed the :wine:

H&F - I hope you slept well and your hand is healing ok.

Amy - I am glad you managed to get out a bit, even if it was to ASDA :winkwink: Cheeky Kerry :growlmad: What I "love" is how I spend all day trying to tidy and clean as best I can, then when hubby gets home he leaves his pocket contents, work clothes and general belongings strewn about the house giving me something else to do :rolleyes:

OK now I am replying as I read each post individually and I have just got to 'you only want to bf as it's an excuse to sit on your arse' OMG :grr::growlmad: :gun: that is all I have to say :growlmad:

OH and now I have got to 'parents dont sit around playing with their kids' 'life's not a fairytale'.......................................................... by the way the dots are my way of expressing I, waffly gigantic posting me, am actually lost for words on the subject :nope:

:rofl: Joni is in her playstation and there is a globe with little balls in it she can spin with her hand except she has put her forehead against it and is edging it around slowly :haha: PRICELESS!

Joni is still waking 3 times a night at the moment although last night she settled herself at 10pm :thumbup: which is a step in the right direction. Then at 4am she needed a top up feed even though she fed well in the day (milk & solids) :shrug: We did stop using the goodnight milk last week as it is thicker than regular formula and she was struggling to drink it before falling asleep particularly while be so congested while poorly. I think we might go back to it for a few days and see if it has any effect on the other two wakings at all. I have to say even though I am up at least twice in the night Joni's sleep is still much better than it was so any improvement she makes on the current situation is a bonus :thumbup:

RIghto, time to go and feed this little lady some breakfast before naptime arrives. Have a lovely day all :hugs:
frufru - i hope joni drops her 4am feed for you soon.

erin's currently replaying over and over again her portable north pole message from santa :haha: cute :cloud9: i love how they believe in him and hope i can keep the illusion going as long as possible!!!
Illusion?! What on earth are you talking about Maybe?!?! :haha:

Frufru mmmmm mint matchmakers!!! I found chocolate pudding which I warmed up and had with cream, nom nom nom!!!!

Amy I'm sorry your oh is so unreasonable :hugs:

Maybe my goodness, honestly your oh never fails to amaze me with his dumb comments! All I can say its that its lucky for him that he's in Gib or we would all be around with our frying pans :haha:

Gosh I just can't imagine Steve saying that I do bugger all all day. Maybe its because he's here (but in bed). I spoke to him the other day about what you ladies 'put up with' and he said 'maybe I'm doing it wrong then', cheeky sod lol! But although he is messy and doesn't do any house work him self, at least he doesn't say anything about what I do - or don't - do. And our house is no show home, and I can't imagne what it would be like with three kids!!!

Frufru I'm glad you are enjoying your reading! I love discovering old books and rereading them. I absolutely LOVE Mary Wesley's books, and I am currently reading her kind of autobiography which is so, so good and absolutely fasinating. What an amazing woman. I'm now itching to re read all her books, its been a while since I last read them and I really, really want to read them all again!!!

Well we just had breakfast, Oliver didn't eat much but has had a lot of milk this morning so that's fine. I made Ready Brek which he didn't like, but then neither did I :haha: I think we might go and play for a bit. I remembered that 'Joules' (one of my fave shops) has a big sale in Harrogate this weekend so idepending on how the roads are we might go up there later. I'm not getting my hopes up though :dohh:
Hannah: I hope Amelia is feeling better :hugs: I always find it easier using the syringe.

Frufru: Glad Joni is getting over her cold and she ate your meal. I am going to try the melba toast too (thanks Sarah!). Glad you are enjoying reading again, I have been reading books on my Ipad. Hope you have fun on your night out next week! Hope Joni drops her night feed soon :hugs:

Sarah: I really hope you have managed to get out!

Maybe: Two word one smilie: your OH :growlmad::grr: Of course you play with your children. You will never get these days back!

Amy: I hope Alex gets more settled at night :hugs: I can't believe how unfair your OH was :growlmad:


Bobby eat really well today! He seems to be getting a lot better at holding food and putting it his mouth. He is def eating some now! I load some pics on fb today.

Hannah do you have a facebook account?
I really think that Amelia's getting her first tooth, she's been really really cranky all day these last couple of days and I swear that I can see white on her gums, weird thing is it's not one of her bottom teeth it's the one next to the top front on the left I'm pretty sure :wacko:
Hannah - Amy has had little white bits for a few months but still no teeth ... really hope this is Amelia's teeth coming through tho!

Well me and Dave are having a bit of a nightmare at the moment ... money is so tight and he doesnt seem to realise. Also he just isnt helping enough the house is a complete tip I really need help to sort it out I cant believe how disgusting it looks. Also my nan was admitted to hospital yesterday ... she has to have a pacemaker fitted next week which is apparently a small operation but I really want to go visit her tomorrow but Dave has decided he is going out and I cant take Amy to the hospital and have no-one else to look after her so I dont know what to do.

Anyway I am going to stop moaning and go and start tidying the house as I was hoping to get a bit done tomorrow whilst Dave looked after Amy but now he is going out I wont get chance.
:hugs:maybe - :grr::trouble::gun: I get the same stupid comments :growlmad: we are clearly gluttons for punishment!

frufru - its good joni can settle herself sometimes, Alex still cant drift off without booby :wacko:

sarah - we finally got out today! :happydance: it rained and washed away quite a bit of the snow! did you manage to venture out? alex doesnt like ready brek either, I'm never really sure what to give him for breakfast. I've tried mini weetabix's that i soak half of in milk so he can hold the other half and he just grimaces and throws them on the floor :shrug::hugs:

modo - I love your fb pics - Bobby looks like he's doing really well :thumbup:

Hannah - Alex had white in his gum before his tooth popped through but it was the opposite side that came through first :haha: hopefully Amelia's tooth wont be long :hugs:

H&F - money always causes tension in our house :hugs: I hope things get a bit better for you. Sorry to hear about your Nan, could Dave not postpone going out so you can see her? :hugs:

We bought our christmas tree today but we didnt get time to put it up so we'll do that tomorrow :happydance: we normally get a 6-7 foot tree but this years is only 4 foot so we can keep it out of lyra's reach! x
God i'm knackered again after putting Roh to bed! I thought of a load of stuff to type, but its gone out my head now mostly :dohh:

Its not Roh's fault that bedtimes are tough at the moment, he's trying really hard bless him. He fell asleep all by himself in his cot 3 times, but kept waking up again crying and pulling his legs up :( He's got a dodgy tummy from the antibiotics i think, he's doing funny poos and is very farty, its making him really uncomfortable :( At least its only one more day on the antibiotics, and then hopefully he can get comfy again. He's still so stuffed up though, and it sounds to me like its on his chest too, if it is it must be something viral i guess, because otherwise the antibiotics would have sorted that too :shrug:

I was thinking about possible BLW breakfasts. What about toast fingers with butter and fruit puree? Or you could make proper porridge, just make it really thick, mix some fruit puree in and then put blobs on a plate to cool down, that would be easy to pick up, as it would set a bit...could be messy though! :winkwink: I did Roh dippy egg with toast soldiers last week, i know you're not meant to give runny egg, but it seems such a shame when its so yummy! Plus my eggs are good quality, and i had them runny whilst i was pregnant too! Hah, take that food safety paranoia!..... :blush:
Roh loves his weetabix, he has a whole one for breakfast :shock: then usually i have to give him half a banana because he's still looking around for more! :haha: Thought i'd make my own readybrek by just putting porridge oats into the blender, i'll let you know how it goes. Also going to make a batch of my sugarfree flapjacks tomorrow, then Roh can have one too :thumbup: I'm oats obsessed at the moment :haha:

I still haven't left the house, i've gone past the stir crazy now, and really enjoyed just staying in and having lots of cuddles with Roh today :thumbup: He's been super lovely all day :cloud9: I'll have to go out tomorrow though, as i really need to buy my secret santa present to take to the work christmas do on monday night. I don't even know the girl i have to buy for, as she started after i went on leave, i did meet her on wednesday though, and discovered she doesn't have a bath, which sort of ruined my i have no clue what to get :shrug:

Anyway, OH just got home, might pop back later

I'm pretty sure it's a tooth might not be but it does feel hard!

Had a great evening went to see the christmas light switch on where i lived from where i lived with my dad, was really good and was surprised that the fireworks didn't scare Amelia, the lights were amazing and they grow each year :) Only problem was that it was tipping it down but that didn't stop us :)

Going to see my in-laws tomorrow looking forward to it as they haven't seen Amelia in a while :)

Hope everyone has a peaceful night :hugs:
Thanks for the birthday wishes I had a lovely day. We were going to go to the zoo but it was too cold so we took Oliver to see Santa at a garden centre (it does a Christmas grotto and has an outdoor ice rink too, as well as lots of lovely decorations) and we bought a few decorations too. My meal with friends today was lovely too, the poor people in the restaurant as we totally took over with pushchairs and highchairs and people! O was a very good boy and spent the time sticking his tongue out, blowing raspberries, smiling, eating and trying desperately to get his hands on my cuttlery! :lol:

Maybe your OH needs a wake up call! I get so mad reading about the things he says to you and the way he treats you.

How do I find you all on Facebook?

Edited to add what things we do for breakfast. Redybrek with expressed milk, mini Weetabix dry or with expressed milk, fruit (banana, mango, satsumas), grated apple or pear in natural yogurt. A piece of savoury muffin, a piece of potato cake, toast cut into quarters (with unsalted butter/mashed up banana/dry). For his sore gums he often has a cucumber stick to gnaw at. He always has his cup with filtered water in it too but i need to hold that, although the little monkey doesn't like that and tried to bat my hand away then he gets annoyed because he can't hold the cup at the angle it needs to be at for the water to come out :lol: For the cereal, yogurt or anything else that needs to be on a spoon I just load the spoon and hold it out and Oliver snatches it and shoves it in his mouth (on the way there some goes on his hands/face/in his hair too).
things have been awful tonight. am on fone so cant post properly but basically i ended up bringing down the christmas tree and doing it on my own with some 'help' from the kids whilst he sat in another room in a strop as i stayed later than planned at my friend's house for her son's bday and i didnt cook him any dinner! i'd :cry: but simply dont have tears left! off to make my bed now. yet again i have had it thrown in my face that i do nothing all day! i ate my lunch standing up and supper has been 2 crumpeys now!!!
muddles i'm anne saxby and my profile pic is the same as my avatar here
Maybe- Seriously, what is your OH 5 years old or something?!?! Can't he cope with fixing his own dinner? Honestly, just.... :grr: !!!
i give up emera i try to bend over backwards to show him that i am trying my best to be a good housewife but nothing seems to prove it :cry::sad2: earlier this week i went to morissons in the rain with owen (dylan and erin were asleep) to get him some wine as he'd finished a bottle and fancied more. i dont know what else to do

Amy breakfast at our house is normally english muffins with butter, cut into fingers (so one half muffin cuts into four fingers). Oliver LOVES these! Or sometimes its toast, or mini pancakes, or fruit toast . . . but basically something toasted :haha: Oliver eats those fine on his own so I can have a cuppa and eat the same as what he's having at that point. Then he usually has some 'baby brekkie' which I think is an Ellas Kitchen thing? One of those little pouches? He has half of one of those, sometimes more :dohh: They are in various flavours, and he loves them all! I spoon feed this bit, or have two spoons and Oliver has one while I load the other one up - if I only have one spoon Oliver cries every time I take it :rofl: Then breakfast usually ends with a little stars yoggy, generally shared because I can't resist :haha: Oh, and sometimes melon and mango, which I buy ready prepared from Asda, its only a quid a pack, and its all in strips ready, so I just nibble bits off the melon to make a handle and cut the mango in half. I hope that gives you a few ideas! I love breakfast :rofl:

Emera I really hope Roh is feeling better soon, bless him! I'm sure the egg will be fine, I am tempted to try it with Oliver tbh since they are our Chickens so I know exactly how old the eggs are etc?!?! Oh, and for the secret santa - wine? chocolates? A scarf? An umbrella?

Muddles I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday! The garden centre sounds good - ours does a similar thing! We are going to take Oliver to see all the displays - hes obsessed with lights :haha: If you find me on Facebook I will point you in the direction of the others - Sarah Wan, and the picture is of a pink my little pony at the moment :haha:

Maybe :hugs: Really hunny can you go on with things like this? He doesn't treat you like a wife babe, he treats you like a hired help, well tbh he wouldn't get away with treating a hired help like he treats you. Can you really go on like this? From reading your posts its like things are getting worse and not better . . . . you deserve to by happy and he's just not allowing that to happen! I can't tell you what to do, obviously, but please don't think that a) its okay for him to treat you like this and b) there aren't options for you. You sound like such a super, hard working mummy. Your gorgeous kids are all you need.

Oliver is awake so I'm off to bed, I will post again from my phone in a mo :haha:
Maybe I think you need to do LESS for him-do the things you need to do for the kids and around the house but do nothing for him. Surely when his breakfast,lunch, dinner is no longer made, no clothes washed/ironed, no essentials he uses (razors, deodorant...etc), no cups of tea made, none of the things he has used washed up...... he will notice that you do so much for him, never mind all the other things you do for the kids and around the house too. I know that's a bit petty but it's nothing less than he deserves!

Sarah I've sent you a request and that would be great if you could help me find the others! My profile picture is of me holding Oliver who is standing on my knee.

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