Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Modo - hope you get on ok with Mothercare, that is crap that the rep miss sold it to you, kind of worrying really that we rely on these people to keep our LO's safe and they clearly have no idea! Mmmmm salmon and bagel, your little man does eat very well!

Sarah - That is so sweet that Oliver has had his first dentist trip, they won't register Will here yet...

H&F - Really well done with your wieght loss this week that is fab! :thumbup: My DH can't take his eyes off me at the moment for all the wrong reasons, he keeps staring at my enormous belly, he thinks it's highly amusing!

Emera - Hope Roh is getting better and better still. I hated Will going in his own room and I spent time on his floor! I think we both sleep much better in our own rooms, I definitely get a deeper sleep. I have to not think about it too much that he is in there all on his own (well he has a few friends to keep him company) in the dark. I am very proudly and compeltely obsessed with my :baby: xx

Amy - Christmas shopping, I usually love it, but this year I am completely useless, we have done so much online. It's so not the same when you're skint!

Frufru - Will has really cut down on his feeds, in fact he took so little in the mornings, I have followed Annable Karmels suggestion and he has breakfast first then his milk at about 9 am before his nap and it works better for us. If he ever goes through the night I suspect we might need to rethink that as he will be hungry....who knows? He's not doing bad on it, he weighed 19 lb 12 oz's today, what a little porker!

Hope you have a lovely day with your friend and a yummy dinner.

Muddles - good luck with the online shopping! Playcentre sounds like great fun, we need to do something like that!

Well we had a horrendous night on Tuesday, which was sods law as we had planned to meet my cousin in Bristol for lunch on Wednesday, so my Mum and Aunt could swap pressies. Will woke up at 11 pm, 1 am, 2 am and finally at 3 am when I gave him calpol, which worked so muct have been in pain with his teeth poor little man. He really isn't himself at the moment and I think they must be on their way just wish they would hurry up!

We had quite a nice day in Bristol, although I don't see much of my cousin and she hasn't replied to any of my attempts at contact, so it was a little awkward. Her LO is 6 weeks older so I thought we could at least e-mail, it's a shame. I went just to keep my Mum company and to let her show her grandson off really (or partake in a pissing contest which is probably more accurate!).

We have had a lovely quiet day today, a friend came for lunch, then we went to baby weigh in and then went for a cuppa. Will was a nightmare getting him to nap today, but fortunately has gone to bed all calpol'd up bless him.

Will is so funny he keeps forgetting he can crawl and moves a bit then, belly flops and just reaches for things. He is getting better at it each day though.

Hope you all have good night xxx

emera - I'm so glad Roh is on the mend. Hopefully it wont be too long before he is fully recovered :flower: we are like that, sometimes we need a full blarney to clear the air, my DH is terrible at not talking about stuff until he cracks. I'm sure Roh will be very happy in his own room, I would move Alex out if we had the space. I think he'll be in our room until he needs a bed! :wacko::wacko: I am also completely obsessed with my baby :kiss::hugs:

frufru - what time does Joni have breakfast? Alex usually wakes to my alarm at 7, has a bit of a BF and then breakfast at 8. Sometimes he doesnt want milk until after breakfast though. good luck with your one shot shopping :thumbup: :hugs:

modo - nom nom lucky Bobby :) Alex loves smoked salmon too :thumbup:

muddles - glad to hear Oliver is OK, any sign of his top teeth? :hugs:

LC - that is a shame about your cousin :hugs: Will's crawling/forgetting sounds so cute! I'm sure it wont be long before his teeth pop through, Alex was just like that right before he cut his :hugs:

Well Lyra has just got too much energy lately and its exhausting! she really needs to get out for walks but the vet told us she cant until a week after her last jabs so we have to wait until Sunday! I took Alex to a different parent toddler group today and I definately prefer babyclub but it was nice for him to play with some different toys.

Well Roh seemed to like his room :thumbup: and slept from 10.20pm (it took a while for him to get to sleep with all the new things to look at!) until 6.40am, so i consider that a success! He went to sleep pretty well tonight (fingers crossed he stays asleep!) and also took all of his naps in his cot today!! :shock: Although he ended up having 4 naps instead of 2 because he could only manage 40 minutes in his cot at a time. I'm hoping he'll get more and more used to it. Its great the cot being in his room, because its all fitted with blackout blinds, so he actually will sleep in the day in there, whereas he wouldn't in our room, as it was too bright i think.

His breathing seems a little better again today, although he still sounds very wheezy. The doctor did say it could take a couple of weeks for that to go though. My only worry is that his temperature went back up again this evening :dohh: Bronchiolitis only brings a low fever, and it had seemed to have passed, but then he's been pulling at his ears again all afternoon and evening, i really really hope his ears aren't infected again :( I've dosed him up with calpol and then some calprofen 3 hours after, so i hope he can stay comfortable enough to get a good sleep. I guess i'll just see how he is tomorrow. Seriously they are going to have to reserve me my own seat in the doctor's waiting room at this rate :nope: I thought breastfed babies got sick less, poor Roh seems to have sucha low immune system at the moment :shrug:

L-C glad you had a nice day in Bristol, even if it was a bit awkward with your cousin! Do you visit here often?

Amy - I hate Christmas shopping, its why i always end up putting it off until i then have to rush about in a panic :dohh: I think i'll follow Muddles example this year and hit the internet at the weekend. The only thing i've shopped for so far is a necklace for my Mum to give my not even my own shopping! :rolleyes:

FruFru - Hope you had a nice time with your yoga friends! :thumbup:

Muddles - The playcentre sounds fun! Glad Oliver was well enough to enjoy it! :)

Modo - Bobby eats far better than i do! Smoked Salmon, yum yum! :)

Carseat-wise, i'm still squishing Roh into his maxicosi one. Apparently it should last a little while longer, as his head isn't up to the top of the shell yet, and it allegedly goes to 11kg. Thing is i don't have a car, so i really don't know what i'll do when he grows out of the infant one :shrug: I guess i'll just have to try and find something that will be appropriate to use in alot of different cars, i've no idea about them though really. Probably i'll do some research when it gets a bit more pressing.

Ergh, went in to work today to organise myself for next week, when i'm back to work properly, and nothing had been sorted out for me. Both the operations team-members who were meant to be sorting it out are on holiday for the next 2 weeks :wacko: I ended up being there for 4 hours sorting out all the paperwork and stock and order sheets etc. I decided to clock myself in though, so at least i'll get paid for it. Still bit miffed that i had to do everything myself. I'm so going to ask for a payrise once i've done a month or so back properly. I placed all my orders for Monday too, so it all seems a bit real that i'm going back now. I'm also slightly daunted by the workload :wacko: I had to order 25kg of ground almonds, and 10kg of plums and thats just for looks like i'm going to be baking around about 300 cakes and traybakes (brownies, flapjacks etc) a week, and as i'm only working 21 hours a week, it seems like i'll be pretty busy! As this is a new job role created just for me, i'm sure the first few weeks will be just finding out where all the problems are. Why oh why didn't i plan this better and not have to go back until January!! :(

OH has been extra nice all day, and when i got home he'd popped out with Roh in the baby carrier and bought me a whole big tin of Roses chocolates, uh oh, i'll have whole muffins hanging over, not just muffin tops at this rate!! :haha:

urgh emera that sounds so frustrating! well done you on clocking in :thumbup: great to hear Roh's first night in his own room went well :thumbup: oooh Roses - very Christmassy. this is the month to over-endulge so enjoy :thumbup:

I have done some online christmas shopping, I'm really annoyed. I ordered a boxed Sophie the Giraffe for my nephew and the box is all mashed up and torn. i cant be bothered with going to the post office to send it back but it looks awful :growlmad: thats the only downside to internet shopping - when it goes wrong! x
amy - the trains i ordered for dylan for xmas from amazon have arrived mashed up too!

emera - glad roh is on the mend and took well to his own room

lc - i hate teething! no teeth here either and had to give owen calpol too the last 2 nights!

my laptop seems to have died so am on my phone so no big posts from me!

Just a quick one from me so I apologise in advance for everyone who I miss out!!

Amy that's rubbish about the box! Where was that from? I have ordered all my shopping online this year, mainly from Amazon. Well a few things for Oliver and one gift for my mum I bought from the proper shops, and I need a few stocking fillers for Steve and my step son so I will just buy bits when I see them.

Emera what is your job? I presume baking! I hope it goes well, they sound as unorganised as my boss. He should call me once a month or so and I haven't heard from him since I took Oliver in when he was about 12 weeks old. I hope Roh is feeling better soon, and that his sleeping continues to be so good! Oliver is still in with us. I think if Steve worked days we would be looking at moving him (Oliver not Steve :haha:) into his own room, but since I'm on my own five nights a week I'd rather have him in with me. I can honestly see Oliver been about five and still sleeping in our room :haha: its a great form of contraception :dohh:

Oh I can't remember what else I wanted to say! Sorry! I'm sure there was lots too!

Oliver and I went to baby club this morning which was nice, its the christmas party next week so that's exciting!! Then we went looking at cars. Urgh. I hate doing things like that. We went all over the bloomin place. We found a Honda CRV which Steve liked, I thought it was okay but I really wanted a Freelander. I found one thaty we are hopefully going to see tomorrow. Its more expensive but still within my budget. Steve was really taken with the CRV but he has a thing about Honda's, whereas I am much more a Range Rover girl. Since its my car (Steve will use it for work in the bad weather etc) I think I should stick to my guns and go for a Freelander. But then I know that if anything ever goes wrong with it I'll never hear the end of it. Argh I hate buying bloomin cars!!!!!!!

Oliver and I are both at the doctors in the morning, him with his head shaking and he also has a little bit of dry skin, and me with my excema which is horrible at the moment. I hope his ears aren't infected. After that we are hopefully seeing the Freelander. Then we have an appointment to renew our Gym memberships. I won't be able to go much but they are doing us a really good deal. Steve used to really enjoy going and I should be able to pop down for half an hour now and then. Hopefully. :haha:

Right, well I think I'm off to bed, night night everyone, sweet dreams! Xx
Urgh, Oliver kept me up all night again :cry:

I don't understand it. He's so good when I'm on my own with him and wakes up once, maybe twice a night. When Steve is there he just won't let me put him down. He can be really sound asleep in my arms and the minute I lay him down he starts to cry :cry: I have spent the whole night with him in my arms keeping him quiet so Steve can sleep. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. if this goes on I think I'll be eating my words and putting him in his own room to see if that helps :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm so tired,
Good morning

Hope you all had a good night, ours wasn't bad, been up since 6 am though. Will is definitely suffering with his teeth today so I am hoping they'll make an appearance very soon. Is it really 20 teeth they get?? :wacko:

Emera - have you thought about giving Roh some minidex? it's a vitamin for when they (and us) are poorly, to give them a boost and help them recover. They can have it from 6 months. I got some in for the winter, my Mum used to swear by it. We don't go to Bristol very often, we went because they live in Birmingham and we are near Exeter, it was agood meeting place.

Sarah - hope you both get on ok at the Dr and the Freelander is a good one! Sorry you had such a rough night - I think you're right, he'll be in his own room soon :hugs:

Lyra will go wild with a walk bless her. Ours is a nightmare if he misses one walk bless him. :dohh:

Have a good day xx
Very good night. Very late night. FAR too much :wine: consumed for which I am now paying the price :dohh:

Will catch up later as I am going to put Joni down for her nap and crawl back into bed and feel sorry for myself :haha:
Muddles: Glad Oliver is feeling better and he enjoyed the play centre!

LC: Sorry your for your night on Tuesday :( Its a shame your cousin didn't get in touch as well. Although I'm glad to hear that your afternoon in Bristol was nice :)

Amy: Lyra will get her walkies soon and then she will want one everytime you head towards the door! That's really bad that Sophie's box was mangled.

Emera: Glad Roh's first night in his own room went so well! What do you do? I can't believe they are not ready for you but atleast you will be paid :) It nice that you got some Choccies from your OH :)

Maybe: I hope your laptop is ok!

Sarah: Sorry you had a bad night hon :hugs: In regards to the car you are going to be the one primarily driving it so stick to your guns!!! How was the Dr.'s?

Frufru: Sounds like you had fun!!!!


Bobby had Readbrek for breakfast with some strawberries and blueberries. I pass him the spoon and he puts it in his mouth and gums it. He spits out some and swallows some. Dinner was chicken and potatoes mashed with a fork with a little olive oil (Middle Eastern mashed potatoes!) and I added a bit of yogurt in to make it stick to the spoon :)
Evening all -

Just a quick post from me as I have a very grumpy baby who wont stop crying think she is a bit poorly and very shouty.

Once I have put her to bed tonight I have about 4 job application forms to fill out. I was going to leave looking fora job till after christmas but we really dont have any money so Iam looking for some evening work so I dont have to leave Amy too much.
awww Sarah - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: poor you. I bet its his teeth. Its not surprising they get in such a state when they come through, alex's gums bled! what did the doctor say about Oliver's head shaking? Sorry to hear your excema (sp) is bad - is that due to the weather? As for cars I am rubbish and wouldnt know what to suggest - I did enjoy reading your Dad's comments on fb - he seems to know a fair bit about cars?? Hope you have a better night tonight :hugs::flower::hugs: I bought the Sophie from an amazon market place seller - they've said they've sent me a flatpacked box as a replacement so I hope it all comes good.

LC - I really cant wait to take Lyra out :happydance: I'm slightly concerned about how good her re-call will be but she is RUBBISH on a lead :haha:

H&F - love your fb pics of Amy :hugs: I hope you can find a job that fits in with family life ok :hugs:

maybe[/B - oh no, have you sent the train back? sorry to hear about your laptop :dohh::hugs:

modo- yum yum, I'd love to come to yours for dinner! Bobby is a lucky boy with all these yummy foods :hugs:

frufru - how is your poor head? :hugs:

well we got up and went to baby club but it was finishing early and I didnt know so we were only there for 10 mins! :dohh: I tried the local parent and toddler group on Thursday but it wasnt as nice :nope: the hall was freezing and all the toys were just a bit yucky. Then i went to my mums for lunch. She really upset me, she said she was angry that we've got a dog when we say we cant afford full-time childcare. they were going to have Alex twice a week but now she says she will only have him once :growlmad: :cry: it wasnt just that we cant afford fulltime childcare, I didnt want him in full-time childcare. sometimes my mum can be really over-bearing. I didnt say anything, I just said thats your choice and i have emailed my nursery to see if they can fit him in :( she never helped me when i had the girls. i used to do nightshifts and have no sleep for 48hrs and she only works part time and couldve made a huge difference. oh well, I survived. sorry for the grumble!

Kerry has just gone to get the girls from their school disco, holly was planning to show off some of her street dance moves :haha:

H&F I hope Amy settles okay! Good luck with the job applications, what kind of thing are you applying for? I hope you find something which suits you soon.

Modo lunch time at your house sounds fun!! I am going to go and buy that blw book when I finished posting on here. I am fast running out of ideas for things to give Oliver, but I'm not a great cook at the best of times :haha:

L-C has your routine changed much now you have Will in his own room? How do you find it?

Well all was fine at the doctors this morning, Oliver's ears and everything are absoutely fine. I got some cream for my excema, and some more oilatum junior for Oliver as he has a little dry skin. I took the pram and walked to the Dr's, the footpaths are still so bad. Walking there at just before 9am it was really icey, but walking back at about 11am (I did some shopping while I was out) the ice had all started to melt and it was just really thick slush and the pram kept getting stuck :dohh: the front wheels were just digging in, omg it was awful! It took me forever to get home, it was one of those laugh or cry moments - by the time we got home both myself and Oliver were laughing away - I think if anyone saw us they would have thought we were crackers :haha:

So this afternoon we went looking at cars yet again, we drove over to Oldham to see a Freelander and the guy didn't even turn up! It was a trade sale, the guy had a lock up on a little industrial estate. We called before we set off and he said it would be fine, then we called him when we got there to say we were there and he said he was on his way, we called about half an hour later and he said he'd be 10 minutes. After another 30 minutes he still wasn't there!! Idiot!! So to be honest even if he had turned up at that point I wouldn't have bought it. We have a couple more to see possibly tomorrow but they are near my mum and dad so I might see if they will go and see them for me. I'm fed up of looking now! I think we will go for the Freelander though.

I really hope we have a better night tonight!! Steve is working and generally speaking Oliver sleeps better when its just me in the bed so fingers crossed. I might have to start looking at moving him into his own room :cry: I would have to sort a few things out in there and get a chair as at the moment there is no where that I could sit and feed him etc. I would also need some more monitors because our video ones pick up a lot of interferance so the audio is quite crackly. I usually have the sound turned down and just look at the picture, and then turn it up if he starts wriggling. I don't want to move him though. Do you think it might be an idea to start off getting him to nap in his room? At the moment he generally naps on my knee. I'm actually fine with that, but maybe I should start thinking about getting him to nap on his own. I guess I am going to need to start using that time when he's napping to get stuff done. Argh I wish he could nap on my knee and sleep in my bed forever :cry::cry::cry:

I hope you are all well, lots of love to you all xx
Amy thats really rubbish about your mum - the cost of childcare is basically why I cant work days (also I really dont want to leave my little muchkin!) I guess I will have to see if anything comes up! Thank you for your comments on facebook ... I think she is gorgeous but I am biased!

Amy has finally settled bless her she is so bunged up its like she cant breathe. but good news for my parents they have decided to go away so we are off to theirs for the weekend to look after their dogs and watch lots of films on their tv in hd and go to my favourite chinese for dinner tomorrow! (not that I am excited or anything! )

How is everyones preparations for christmas going? We went to a friends today and she has bought so much stuff for her baby for christmas and Amy has like 5 presents so now I feel like an awful mum!
Sarah - we started putting Amy down for a nap in her cot in the afternoon and now I finds she sleeps more soundly for longer and seems a lot more settled in her cot at bed time. Saying that last night all she wanted was cuddles so she ended up back in my bed!

Im possibly looking for bar / waitressing work for now but I really have no idea what to do!
Amy I think you are right, it could be his teeth. He just seemed to be very clingy. When he was crying he was really, really crying but he was also asleep really, as soon as I picked him up he was fast asleep. Dr wasn't at all worried about the head shaking and said its just another thing he's learnt to do and thinks it fun :haha:
Haha, yeah my Dad likes his cars :haha: He has a Freelander, well its my mums but as soon as it snows he puts his car (Saab 93 convertable, his baby, not allowed out in bad weather :rofl:) away and 'plays out' in the 4x4.
I'm really sorry that your mum is been that way :hugs: Do you think she will change her mind? I wish I could say something that would help :hugs: Families can be so hurtful.
I hope the girls had a great time at their disco!

The mum and toddler group sounds a bit rubbish . . . well done for giving it a try though!! I haven't been to any others, I stick to the SureStart one. I might try the library one but I'm not sure. Are you having a Christmas party at your baby club? Our is next week, I can't wait! I'm going to dress Oiver uo as an Elf :haha:
Back to our normal ways then Amy :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hahahahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :laugh2::laugh2:

good to hear Oliver's ears are ok :hugs: cant believe that bloke didnt turn up!! idiot! Alex is still in with us and even if we did have somewhere else he could go I wouldnt want him to! Do whatever feels right for you all :hugs: it might have been a one off bad night but at the same time you need your sleep :hugs:

H&F - nom nom, I so want chinese now! I've got Alex 5 presents and a few little bits for his stocking. You're not a mean mummy, they get overwhelmed if they have too many pressies :hugs: i've asked other people to give him money for his trust fund!
sarah - :rofl: and again!!!! I cant make our babyclub party nex week because the girls will be off school :( do post some pictures of Oliver as an elf!! how sweet!

Thats really good that Oliver just likes to shake his head! Maybe he'll be a DJ!

How useful to have a Dad that can give you good advice on cars :thumbup: my Dad used to be good at fixing mine but he thinks thats kerry's job now :haha:

My mum is very hot headed but once her mind is made up thats it. I just wish I could go back to nursing and work nights again! unfortunately i've lost my registration so i''d have to do a 6 month return to practice course.
Well we have got her a rocking horse, a walker, a teapot toy thing, a teddy bear and something else. I want to get her some stacking cups as well ...and I have got her some clothes! But I know that her aunties and my mum and dad will have bought her things and she has got some clothes from secret santa!

I would like something little to go in her stocking but cant think of anything that would be small enough to go in there!

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