Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


Well Roh's second night in his room was a disaster! :rolleyes: He never settled properly and i was in there every hour or so settling him down, until 1am, when he decided to wake up properly, and didn't go back to sleep until 4am, when i gave up and bought him through into our bed for the rest of the night (3 hours :dohh: ) Argh, so tired. I'm seriously hoping tonight will go better :wacko: I'm not sure why he was so unsettled last night, and i suspect it didn't have anything to do with him being in his own room. Only thing is, if he was still in our bedroom i would have just lay down with him and had a feed and a cuddle until he was asleep again, and then if i hadn't fallen asleep myself, he'd go back in his cot. I can't do that now, as there is only a chaise longue in his room, and i draw the line at sleeping on the floor with him! Bleh, i guess we will both get used to it after a while :shrug: Finally seem to have settled him tonight after 2 hours of trying :dohh: keep your fingers crossed for my sleep tonight!

L-C - thanks for the tip i'll have to get down to the chemists :thumbup:

Modo / Sarah - I'm a chef, i have been for 12 years since i quit the film industry (couldn't get enough work, and everything got digital which wasn't really my skillset) I had my own restaurant for a few years, which was pretty successful in its way (as in, i made money) but then i had a breakdown, as i was working 90+ hours a week! I took this job with a local chain of cafes, and i was running there outside catering dept. Catering for weddings and business meetings etc. as it was a breeze compared to my old jobs. The role they've made for me now is that i produce all of the cakes/ muffins etc. for the 3 stores they have in Bristol, they save money, i can work reasonably flexible hours and its something i really enjoy doing, so its win win :thumbup: Only problem with it is the money isn't great, but then i already took a massive salary cut when i started working for them, so i knew what i was getting into.

H&F - Good luck with the job applications! Shame you have to look for something before christmas...i wish i'd organised myself better and gotten pregnant a month later, so i could have gone back to work in January instead :haha:

Sarah - I doubt you are doing anything wrong with Oliver! :hugs: its rubbish when you're up all night isn't it! :hugs: I keep going back to what my SIL said to me a few months ago when Roh stopped sleeping through. She said, just don't change things, always stick to the same routine, sometimes it will work, some times it won't, but if you change things then you won't know what works and what doesn't anymore. If you do change anything, do it very gradually and do it for at least a few weeks before changing again. As for getting babies to sleep, i liked her advice, just do whatever it takes. If you can put them down and walk away one night and they drift off, great, if you have to hold them all night the next night to get them to have some sleep, then not great, but thats how it goes :winkwink: Its made me feel alot less stressed about departing from the sleep training when it seems neccessary. The only thing i can think of though is are you more worried about getting Oliver to sleep when Steve is home, do you feel more stressed about it, and are you expecting there to be problems? If you are then perhaps Oliver picks up on it, and that part of why he struggles to settle? Maybe stop worrying about it and that might help. I often find if i stop trying so hard to make Roh sleep, he often falls asleep easier, as i relax more :thumbup:

Oh well waffle waffle waffle from me tonight :haha:

:hugs: to you all!
H&F Thankyou, I really think I might start trying that with the daytime naps.

I have gone a bit mad with the Christmas pressies for Oliver. I have been buying stuff for a while though. Off the top of my head so far Oliver has: a rocking Lottie ladybird, a Fisherprice shape sorter, a Fisherprice animal parade, about four 'Thats not my' books, some other books, some puppets and finger puppets, a crawling ball thingy, fisherprice stacking cars, Lamaze Sir Prancealot, some little cuddly toys, a few more toys . . . . oh my goodness thats not even half of it! I think we've gone a bit mad tbh :haha: Can you tell how excited I am? :rofl:
Amy - my degree is in Sports Education and now I have no idea what I can do with it!

Sarah - maybe I need to buy some more stuff for Amy!

Emera - really hope you have a better night tonight. I find some nights Amy is just unsettled it is such hard work tho when they are in another room!
H&f - a rocking horse! wow thats so cool! we've got Alex a baby walker, some bath toys, some funny egg things and a lights alive thing for the cot. For his stocking I've got some little books, a little car, a little snowglobe with his name in (for him to look at but not touch :haha:) and again, a few more bits i cant remember! I've only done the stocking because the girls always have one and they still believe in Santa.

emera - sorry you had such a crummy second night! i put Emily and holly in their own room at 4 months and i wonder if its just sort of separation anxiety that makes it worse when they are older? :shrug: another reason for me to keep alex in with us :haha: I hope tonight is better for you :hugs:

doh Alex is awake! x
Emera thank you so much, your advice makes so much sence! I really appreciate that :hugs: I think you could have hit the nail on the head re me stressing out about waking Steve too. Your job sounds great! Its lovely that you do something you enjoy :) I hope you have a better night tonight too!

Amy thankyou too, you are so right. I think I might start working on the daytime naps but keep him in with us at night.

You girls are so fab, where would be without you eh? :hugs:

H&F I bough Oliver some stacking cups today - from Poundland of all places!! They have just opened in Pontefract so I went in for a nosey :haha: They are really cute little stacking cups, I remember having some when I was little and loving them! For a pound I thought they were a bargain!
What baby walker have you got? ahh now i'm looking at more pressies and dave is getting angry! he keeps saying she has enough stuff and we havent got enough money! hmm I just want something little!
H&F no really, I've got way too much stuff - I think Oliver will still be opening pressies in February!
I've been so awful with Christmas this year, poor Roh hasn't got anything new from me! I just have a box of hand me down toys that i was going to wrap up for him :blush: He does have a rocking horse though from my MIL. I'm a bit annoyed with her to be honest though, because we really have nowhere we could fit it, so i don't even know how he'll be able to use it :dohh: Its not that i'm ungratful, just i wish she'd think to ask about things she's getting for Roh rather than randomly buying things :rolleyes: ah well, not so scary as my mum, who hinted she had got her knitting needles out for Roh's present this year, last thing i think she knitted was about 20 years ago, she did a jumper for my Dad and the arms were about 10 feet long....
On the plus side i picked up my christmas cards from M&S today, i got 40 for £3, and they are really, if i can do the rest of my shopping for £3 i'll be fine! :haha:
Oh Emera I bought some Christmas cards in M&S today too! Half price - bargain!!

:rofl: at your mum's knitting!

I am sure Roh will LOVE his pressies!!!
I know she will get so much stuff ... I am actually going to have a look at my mums at just how much she has bought and then decide I would just like to get her something special ... I really love this music box from John lewis and possibly the matching snow globe!
Ooohhhh thats lovely! There are some gorgeous things in that range!
Yeah ... I was thinking that music box the snow globe and a book in her stocking! Dave isnt convinced! Oh well we are near John Lewis tomorrow so can go and look!
H&F - that is so gorgeous and such a good price!
my laptop is dead! they cant take it in to fix til jan! i have read the past three pages of posts on my phone and cant remember what i wanted to say to everyone now! and its 1am!!! will try again tomorrow on my netbook though its far slower than my laptop!
Amy no top teeth yet, but the bottom two were just below the surface clearly visible for a while before they poked through so hopefully the top wont take much longer. Did the girls enjoy the disco? I often have trouble with my Mum for similar reasons so I can sympathise :hugs:

Emera hope Roh is back to 100% very soon. shopping whilst wearing pjs is so much nicer than traipsing round the shops! :lol: What fab advice from you sister in law, it's pretty much what we (I) do. :lol: at the knitting! My Mum has done some cute bits for Oliver as has my Granny. I love babies wearing knitted stuff.

LC any teeth? Hope they come through soon if not. Anbesol is fab if you haven't tried that but sure you probably have. Ashton and Parsons are good too, especially if he gets a bit of a sore tummy.

Sarah :lol: at Oliver in your room until he is 5! My Oliver is still in our room too, and will be until we move to a house that has more than one bedroom!!!!! :lol: Sorry the car shopping wasn't a success. Does Steve make a lot of noise or wriggle a lot when he sleeps? Or does he wear strong smelling aftershave of something, it could just be that the room noise is different or it smells different and that makes him unsettled. Oliver usually naps in his buggy in the lounge as he doesn't often settle in his cot during the day. I wouldn't move Oliver Woo if you and he aren't ready yet.

Frufru my friend swears by Pickled Onion Monster Munch and full fat coke for hangovers! Glad you had a good time.

Modo the food sounds yummy! We do that with the spoon too, and his toothbrush! Well I brush his teeth then he grabs the brush and mainly pokes at it with his tongue :lol:

H&F hope you get interviews for at least one of the jobs you applied for. What have you applied for?

Maybe that's rubbish that they can't fix it for so long!

Today I took pictures of Oliver in his Christmas babygrow with a Santa hat so that we can put them in with some of our Christmas cards. Will add them to Facebook for those that are interested. He got bored after a while and pulled the hat over his face :lol:

I was out tonight and as always happens when I am not in Oliver woke up and when he saw and heard it was Daddy who had come through to him he quickly changed from his cough cry that he does (which stops as soon as he hears my voice) to full on loud screaming. My H phoned me and all I could hear was screaming, it was so loud that I could hear it from outside the house as I got out of my car! Poor baby was so sad and the little monkey stopped as soon as he was passed to me and cuddled in. My H said he had been screaming for 20 minutes whilst he was holding him. My poor boys, I don't know why Oliver does it as he loves his Daddy and smiles at him lots and is happy with him as long as I am somewhere in the house too. So far it has happened everytime I have been out for more than one hour, which is still an improvement as to begin with I was lucky to get 10minutes before he wanted me. My H says he stares at the door watching for me then gets more and more upset when I don't appear. Bless him.
:cloud9:H&F hope Amy is better today and you managed to get your job applications done, evening work sounds great, that’s what I am hoping to do! Hope you have a lovely weekend at your parents, we had our first Chinese since Will last night it was lush. We have only bought Will 3 things as he will be so spoilt by his grandparents, we are so skint and would rather go mad in the following years….

Amy – our dog is horrendous on the lead, he gets walked on the river every day (ish) and we only have to walk him down our road to get him there. All the neighbours laugh at my FIL as he is tiny and gets taken for a walk by Bono! We got him a halti, when I got pregnant and he’s much better, but spends the whole time rubbing his head in your crotch – not sure which is worse :dohh: When he was little my DH used to run away from him and so he’s really good at coming back, in fact he hardly runs off he’s such a wuss :haha:

That’s a shame about you Mum, it’s a bit mean really. I think I’d have a paddy about it :brat: the sleep deprivation is making me very adept at it!

Sarah – Will’s routine didn’t really change at all, apart from I feed him in his room before bed and I used to feed him downstairs and then take him up. Now he has his bath, Daddy reads to him and then I feed him and then he goes to bed. Exactly the same every night! We did have the added nightmare of taking the dummy off him the same night he moved into his own room, but he barely batted an eyelid for either! Although it was daunting at first he has been much better and I have slept much better. I was more tired to start with as I wasn’t used to proper sleep!! Napping in there first sounds like a good idea..

I’m glad you both got on ok at the Dr’s, it’s funny that Oliver has been shaking his head, Will has been doing the exact same thing and looking at things with his head on the side, as if it looks funnier that way. I had him in the sling in Tesco yesterday and he was looking at the bloke on the till with his head on the side it’s so cute :cloud9:

Can’t believe the car bloke didn’t turn up, how annoying especially after ringing :grr:

Emera – I hope last night was better! Your jobs sound great, you’ve done so much! Love your Mum’s knitting, that is so funny. I love Will in his knitted stuff but he’s fast growing out of it.

Muddles – not teeth yet but I can suddenly see two perfect white little teeth at the front of his gums at the bottom. They don’t seem to be at the surface where they’ll come through though. I haven’t tried Anbesol, being using Ashton Parsons, will get some today x

I bet Oliver looks lush in his Elf outfit, I want to get one for Will but we are too skint. My DH has just been reading this over my shoulder and laughing because I missed typed Oliver and it comes out as Olives, sorry if I have done that before and not noticed. Bless Oliver he’s a real Mummy’s boy, that’s quite nice in a way though.

Maybe gutting about your laptop, that seems ages away. How's Owen's sleep at the moment?

Will's crawling is coming along nicely, he crawled into the bathroom last night ready for his bath :cloud9: His trousers seem to hinder him though! :dohh:

Hope you all have a good weekend, I'm so excited about X Factor and Strictly, things have got very sad! We are having pizza with it :happydance:
Well, last night was much better, Roh slept from 9pm to 7.30am :thumbup: :happydance:

Oh and happy 8 months to my lovely little man! :flower:

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