Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

emera - gold star for your hubby!!! :thumbup: I can imagine how hard it is adjusting to seeing less of Roh but it sounds like you know he's happy and well looked after which is brilliant :hugs:

hannah - what are you apologising for silly!!!! :dohh::hugs: we want to hear about Amelia! finally the tooth is coming thats great! I cant believe she is 5 months already, seems like only yesterday you joined us and she was only 4 months :hugs: goes so quick doesnt it :flower:
I'm so crap at keeping up in here :(. Sorry, I miss you all when I don't post! I have been reading but not had very much positivity to report from here so been keeping it to myself/GS etc. Going to make myself a doctors appointment I think as Daisy doesn't need a depressed Mummy!
I'm glad you're all doing well and all looking forward to Xmas. Amy I'm sure it will be better than you think :lol:

stupid me i missed your post. we miss you loads Katie :hugs: we all moan so you dont have to post positive stuff :hugs: you're very brave and also very sensible to see the doctor. I did the exact same thing "when I was your age" :cry: now I am an old bugger :cry::haha: being a mum is so rewarding but also so hard. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amy - I know it's gone so quickly :cry: She'll be 6 months a couple of days after christmas!!

She's getting stronger each day and can sit by herself for a little while when she can be bothered to :haha:

She's not my little girl anymore :cry: I lifted her up to stand today and she stood by herself holding the coffee table for a couple of seconds :D and I managed to get a piccie :cloud9:


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aahhhhhh how cute, bless her!! she'll always be your little girl. I still say that about my girls and they're 9 and 10! they love to hear it xx
I was quite shocked when she did it, I thought they weren't supposed to be able to do that for a while :shock:
OMG the time!! I should go to bed, i'm such an eeejut. I always do this when I am stupid tired! Dh is playing on his x-box :( I blame him :haha:

hannah - some of the babies on here were doing that early :hugs: she's a strong little lady! x
I agree Amy I better go to sleep now as I'm going christmas shopping in the morning :) need to get my ass in gear as I've got a lot of presents to get!

I probably won't be on until tomorrow evening so have a lovely day tomorrow everyone. :cloud9:
Sarah: I just got the Christmas Labels, you have done such a great job with them they are so lovely! I will be using the labels with all my presents this year :D Glad you got your tree up, we will be doing ours tonight :)

Amy: I hope your Christmas is great! I really hope everything goes well and there is no fighting or peeing :)

Emera: That's really lovely of your OH!

Katie: I am sorry everything has been so difficult :( Well done for going to the dr's and Sarah is right we are here for you!

Hannah: Glad Amelia is getting her tooth soon :hugs: Well done to her for standing up holding the table :)

I have almost finished wrapping Bobby's presents. I still have to do some of DH's and I will soon be done!

Christmas is more for DH and Bobby once he gets older and understands more. We didn't celebrate Christmas growing up. When my brother was born (I was 13 at the time) us siblings decided to put up a tree so he didn't feel left out.

When I first started dating Ben (7 years on 22 December!!!) I started putting up a tree in our flat. I do enjoy it though, its just not the same connotation to me as to someone who grew up with it. I really want Christmas to mean something to Bobby :)
hey all-really sorry for the quick post!

Sorry havent been on much have been running around like a mad woman getting ready for christmas - My aim is to get the lounge, bedroom adn Amys room sorted and tidied up before christmas so I have somewhere to put the pressies Amy gets!

Currently I am cleaning the lounge whilst Amy is asleep, Dave should be home from work soon and I dont think he is even going to notice the difference in our lounge when he gets in! The place looks like a bomb has hit it tho!

Hopefully catch up properly later. x
h&f - i am the same! reading and running most of the time and trying to sort out my flat/xmas pressies/kids etc out most of the time!

well not much time to post as it's almost dinner time for owen and he's starting to whinge. OH has had to go and see a post mortem being done :sick: poor bloke was not looking forward to it at all. so i am on my own probably til after the kids bedtime! got to go. owen is calling. will try and pop back later. :hugs: to all xxx
the guy i told you about that i know who was given a year to live has died today :cry: i wanted to go to the funeral but had to take erin to a party. feel bad about it. his poor parents, wife and baby :cry:

We have had such a manic few days, but it's all done, well apart from food bits that I can't do yet! You all sounds organised too, I love the train letters!

Oh maybe that's such sad news, :hugs: to you, I can't imagine what his family must be going through. Hope you OH was ok at the post mortem, I went to one when I was pregnant with Will.

glad you have found a car - just in the nick of time to :thumbup:

Amy I'm sure your Christmas will be lovely. How handy to have a sister who's a Dr.

Emera your OH sounds lovely! :cloud9:

Katie, sorry you've had a such a hard time, you have been through so much and are doing a fantastic job with Daisy she is gorgeous. Like everyone else says moan on here as much as you like we really dopn't mind :hugs:

Frufru :haha::haha: at the puking incident, that sounds gross but priceless, I have been willing Will to do it to the OH but alas nothing! The beer sounds lush!

OMG Will has been in awful pain with his teeth today, they are all red and bumpy, I really hope it puts in an appearance tomorrow, really thought it would today! :nope:

I went to the Dentists today and Will was really good and sat nicely on my knee. He really has gone through a huge developmental spurt, the new things he has learnt in a week are unbelievable really. I really think he'll be pulling himself to standing very soon, he probably could do it now but he just doesn't realise it yet.... it's so cute to watch.

He was sat next to my feet last night and he went to grab one and I moved my foot and he nearly jumped out of skin bless him, we managed to capture that on video to. Felt a little bit mean after :blush:
Maybe - That's such sad news :cry: big :hugs: to you! I totally understand what you mean, its always the most heartbreaking when you think of the family left behind. Thinking of you :hugs:

L-C - Will sounds so cute! So funny about him and your foot! Roh is always attacking my slippers :haha: Sorry his teeth are hurting him, poor soul :hugs: Its amazing how quickly things suddenly progress with them isn't it. We dropped the cot down only a few days ago, as i'd said to OH that it looked like Roh was trying to reach the top bar of it, and i didn't want to wait until he actually falls out of it :haha: Well today, he decided to pull himself up to standing. Unfortunately he chose the stool of the glider chair, which also rocks to do it on. I turned round, and there he was, clinging on for dear life and on one foot and one knee, trying to stand! :shock: I rushed over, but too slow, as he pushed up onto his other foot the stool moves and he tipped over and landed quite heavily, and bonked his head on the floor :cry: He wasn't very happy about it, but calmed down fast, we have a reasonably thick carpet, so not too much damage done i think, just a bonk and a suprise. Bless him. Its very scary to think that in just a few months i'll have a toddler, not a baby :wacko: he's only just started to crawl!

Modo - I'm the same, we didn't celebrate Christmas when i was young either, although we did if we went to my aunt's or grandparent's house. I always got so excited by the decorations and festivities. Although my parents did buy us gifts for christmas, we didn't have all the other stuff to go with them. I want Roh to get excited about Christmas too! I remember staying with my Grandparents one year and my Grandad rushing in to wake us up really early, saying that Father Christmas had just been, he took us into the hall and showed us a set of snowy footprints. I don't think i'd ever been so excited in my life! :) Thats how i want Roh to feel :winkwink:

H&F - Good luck with the house sorting! I really must do the same!

Well, had a nice day today, went into the city and met a friend for lunch and then managed to finish off my Christmas shoping, apart from a present for my neice, which i know is in one of the local shops, so i can pop there after playgroup tomorrow. Really pleased i got it all done! Only glitch so far is that my Amazon order still hasn't arrived :( It said it should be delivered on the 15th. I guess the Royal Mail are just dragging their feet, as the tracker said it has been received at the post depot. If it doesn't come tomorrow, i'll start panicking i think :wacko: I even managed to buy a couple of emergency presents as there was 3 for 2 in M&S , so if anyone pitches up unexpectedly, i'll be ok :thumbup: Its annoying having to do OHs shopping too, i hate buying for my FIL, i just never know what to get :shrug: ah well, he ended up with a locally brewed beer gift set :haha: The only thing OH has to do is take Roh to get his little present and card for me. I'll be seriously miffed if he forgets, seeing as i got my own present from him :haha:
Crikey Emera Roh is really adventurous! glad he bounced back quite quickly, I'm trying to be cool in those situations so will doesn't cry at everything. Our cot is on the lowest setting and the side is down, keeping thinking I should put the side up at night, it's just so hard to find him in the dark!

I know what you mean about having a toddler, it's really begining to whizz by now!

Glad you had a productive day, fingers crossed for your amazon order tomorrow x
I hope you are all ok.

Maybebaby :cry: :hugs:

As for me :growlmad: :gun: :grr: that is all I have to say this morning. I am off to sulk.
Morning all -

I am having another day in the house ... my car has run out of fuel and until OH decides to pick me up a can from the garage and put it in, i am stuck at home. Probably not such a bad idea tho as I have lots of tiding to do at home. I am on a mission today to get the lounge tidy and put the Christmas tree up today! I managed to convince OH that silver, white and pink decorations would look perfect because we have a little girl! I have also just written a list of things I want for christmas and I am leaving it in a good place so OH can see it and pick it up!

I will update properly later ... my laptop battery is about to die.

But maybe really sorry about that news - his family but be heartbroken. They are in my thoughts at this sad time.
morning ladies!

Frufru I agree!

Is there anyone on here who I don't have on facebook?

We are just on our way to the trafford centre. Steve wants to go to Selgridges :dohh: I hope its not too busy!!!
LC - wow i dont know how you managed to go to a PM. i would've puked i think! OH was fine and cameback telling me the gory details whilst i was dishing up dinner! he said it was really interesting. he's from a science background (is a qualified pharmacist) so i guess it's up his street!

emera - my amazon delivery arrived a week late but i'm overseas so hopefully yours wont be so late!

h&f - hope you get the tree up!

like sarah said is there anyone else here on fb who i dont have as a friend. emera do you have fb?

i picked up my SIL from airport and we have been having a gossip. she's taken erin to pick up dylan from school now and owen is toddling around in his walker. he threw a glass off the table before :dohh: have to be really careful!
H&F: Well done for getting organised :thumbsup: I have a cupboard full of crap that I should go through :doh: Well done for convincing your OH mine refuses any ornament that isn't green, red or gold!

Maybe: I am so sorry your friend passed away :( :hugs: It so sad that he had a young family :( Hope you have a nice time with your SIL (must be nice DH only has brothers).

LC: Bobby has been the same with his top gums. Isn't it horrible? I feel so bad for him :( :hugs:

Emera: Glad all your shopping is done! We done to Roh! You must be so proud :) How was the playgroup? Delivery companies seem to be taking the piss! I paid extra for same day delivery, stayed in al day and they never arrived. I am still waiting now :growlmad:Your DH better not forget the present after making you by his!

Frufru: I hope you are ok :hugs:

Sarah: Good luck at Selfridges, you are brave!


Bobby woke up last night at three and I had to give him calpol. He is so cranky today, I can't seem to leave him for a minute. The pizza bread I made for lunch was sorta burnt because I couldn't get a chance to check on it. He had a hard time sleeping so I gave him some Teetha.

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