Hannah -

at least then you know exactly where you are my lovely. As for another baby ruining the wedding, that would not necessarily be the case, I got married when I was 7 months pregnant and it was lovely

Joni has only just started being able to sit up unaided for more that a couple of seconds in the last week or two. I offer Joni a sippy cup with water at lunch and dinner. For the first few weeks she would spit it right back out but she gradually got used to the different taste and will now take a wee drink in between her main course/pudding and when she has finished eathing at both mealtimes

As Joni will drink water I have not bothered giving her juice.
H&F - yay for Amy's first tooth

just in time to eat her Christmas dinner

Sorry to hear you and Dave aren't speaking again

I hope he comes to his senses and apologises sooner rather than later.
Sarah & Emera - any sign of those blooming parcels yet?
Maybebaby - yay for finishing your shopping

I think a cracker or two should be fine, you might just want to check the salt content as some of the M+S crackers I have had are quite salty. Talking of salty food I gave Joni some toast the other day topping with cream cheese with a tiny serving of marmite mixed into it, it is safe to say she is a marmite lover like her mama
Modo - Sarahwoo uses a mixture of disposable and reusable diapers for Oliver so might have some tips for you. I always wanted to go down the reusable route and my cousin even gave me all her kit from her 3 girls so I did not have to buy anything. Then my year got turned upside down and I have never got around to it

I am glad your hubby was pleased with the tree

With regards to WW I think you can ask them to keep your actual weight private and just announce how much you have lost or gained. Alternatively you can join a lot of the slimming clubs online now if you would rather avoid the public nature of the clubs altogether.
It has been so chilly here today

It was a mere -6 at 10am

By 3pm both Joni and I were getting cabin fever so I wrapped us both up and popped up to the shops for a few bits and bobs. Hubby was on another late today and Joni had real trouble settling at bedtime and kept looking around for him. She usually settles to sleep at bedtime in 5-10mins, if she is overtired might take as long as half an hour but this evening took about an hour

Luckily hubby only works back to back late shifts every couple of months.
It is interesting some of you are having longer cycles post-baby. I am currently having a 10 day period followed by 10 days off

it is just ridiculous and not to mention a pain in the ass.
I had a bit of a cry today. I am really looking forward to our first Christmas with Joni, but it is also the first Christmas without my sister

I took my nieces presents round yesterday and their Dad had the Christmas tree up. I was so pleased to see that he has kept all my sisters decorations. Many of the ornaments are ones that used to adorn our family tree as children so have many happy memories associated with them. But at the same time it was a stark reminder that she is gone and there will be never be anymore Christmas's with her

I miss her so much every single day

I feel so blessed to have Joni in my heart as without her I think the sadness and grief of losing Hannah would be utterly overwhelming.