Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

hannah - test girl so you know whether you can partake in the christmas drinks or not. i have done a few test myself but bfn thank god! as for the juice question owen hates juice, he drinks water and not much of that either! with my other 2 i diluted baby juice even the one that is pre-diluted. and owen could sit up a bit by 5 months 1/2 but not confidently until 6.

sarah and emera - hope your packages arrive.

amy - hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

frufru - glad joni i better!

owen is eating m&s black olive crackers. do you think that's ok to give him :shrug: he likes feeding himself and finger food. maybe i should've gone down the blw road rather than the tw. i am doing a mix of both at the moment.

drum roll.......................i finished my christmas shopping :) first time ever i think that i won't have a mad dash around the shops on christmas eve :haha:
Maybe -I am doing the same with Amy .. .a bit of both! Well done on finishing your shopping... I thought I had finished but now i need a few more bits which I was going to order on line but with the weather and more snow forcast I think I may tackle the shops! How are you?

On a excited note Amy's first tooth is coming through!!!! I can just see the very top atm and its really like a razor! Well I am just off to a friends for coffee if I can get the car off the drive!

Hope everyone has a lovely day. x x x
H&f - yey for amy's 1st tooth! :happydance: i'm still waiting for owen's :dohh: have a good time at your friend's! i am ok but feel really fat. OH has his passing out parade and party at the end of feb so i seriously need to lose some weight by then as i will have to wear a dress of some description! i hope you still want to be my ww buddy in jan! i will definately start then. i dont want to be a fat lump like this for summer!!!
Sorry have been very busy the past few days. Hope you have all been good :)

I finally put the ornaments and the lights on our tree. For once I passed DH's Christmas Tree inspection first attempt :lol:

I am looking into reusable diapers. I was lurking in the Natural Parenting forum and came across some info that made me want to try them. I have ordered a trial kit so we can give them a go :thumbup: Anyone here using them (I'm pretty sure someone does but can't remember :dohh:)? Any advice?

DH said he can see Bobby's third tooth in his gum but I haven't seen anything.


Sarah: Congrats on the new car! I am sure it was worth the wait! Good luck with work today :hugs:

Frufru: is feeling better :hugs:

Emera: Hope all your presents have arrived. I still have some missing ones thanks to City link :growlmad: and I paid for next day shipping :rolleyes: Sorry your Reading trip was canceled, but glad you had a relaxing day :)

H&F: Glad you had a relaxing weekend and Amy got to see Santa! Hope the tooth comes soon :happydance:

Hannah: I had a late period too about a month ago but it arrived about 10 days later. I was really panicked as well and asked my DH for pg test. My cycles have been about 37 days when they used to be 31. Bobby is pretty close to sitting I think but you can see its different with each baby. Bobby doesn't have juice either.

Maybe: Well done for finishing your Christmas shopping :D The olives sound fine to me! I seriously want to start losing weight as well. So so fed up with my weight now:growlmad:
Maybe - definately WW buddies ... I am having a break now over Christmas but back to it in January as I have another 3 stone ish to lose although I dont think I look too fat in the photos OH took over the weekend. How are things with your OH.Me and Dave arent speaking again! I think this is the longest we have gone without communicating since we got together but I am not going to back down this time he can apologise to me first.
Maybe - I want to test but I keep putting it off :( OH keeps saying there's no way I can be all the time and it's really not helping :( I don't know what I would do if I was because sometimes I feel like I can't look after Amelia let alone two babies under 2, plus it would probably ruin the whole wedding thing :cry:
hannah - dylan was under 2 when i had erin. you should test as it will prob be :bfn: and will put your mind at rest!!!

modo - join me in jan with the dieting! h&f is going to be my ww buddy! r u going to do ww?

h&f - i think you look great in your fb photos. i need to lose 2 stone. things with OH are ok for now, though he'll prob freak when he realises we are prob overdrawn this month :/
I was going to try and do it on my own. Don't they announce your weight at WW in front of other people? I don't think I could do that :cry: I have had a psycho relationship with eating and dieting (thanks to my mother :growlmad:) since I was 14. I wouldn't be able to do anything that public.

Thanks for asking hon :hugs:
modo - i am doing it alone, i just have the weight watchers books as i did ww at home in 2002! a bit outdated but must be the same :haha: that's why i need h&f to keep me on track as i dont have anyone to embarass me at meetings and make me feel bad about being fat :rofl:
Hannah - :test: at least then you know exactly where you are my lovely. As for another baby ruining the wedding, that would not necessarily be the case, I got married when I was 7 months pregnant and it was lovely :) Joni has only just started being able to sit up unaided for more that a couple of seconds in the last week or two. I offer Joni a sippy cup with water at lunch and dinner. For the first few weeks she would spit it right back out but she gradually got used to the different taste and will now take a wee drink in between her main course/pudding and when she has finished eathing at both mealtimes :thumbup: As Joni will drink water I have not bothered giving her juice.

H&F - yay for Amy's first tooth :happydance: just in time to eat her Christmas dinner :winkwink: Sorry to hear you and Dave aren't speaking again :hugs: I hope he comes to his senses and apologises sooner rather than later.

Sarah & Emera - any sign of those blooming parcels yet?

Maybebaby - yay for finishing your shopping :happydance: I think a cracker or two should be fine, you might just want to check the salt content as some of the M+S crackers I have had are quite salty. Talking of salty food I gave Joni some toast the other day topping with cream cheese with a tiny serving of marmite mixed into it, it is safe to say she is a marmite lover like her mama :mrgreen:

Modo - Sarahwoo uses a mixture of disposable and reusable diapers for Oliver so might have some tips for you. I always wanted to go down the reusable route and my cousin even gave me all her kit from her 3 girls so I did not have to buy anything. Then my year got turned upside down and I have never got around to it :dohh: I am glad your hubby was pleased with the tree :) With regards to WW I think you can ask them to keep your actual weight private and just announce how much you have lost or gained. Alternatively you can join a lot of the slimming clubs online now if you would rather avoid the public nature of the clubs altogether.

It has been so chilly here today :cold: It was a mere -6 at 10am :shock: By 3pm both Joni and I were getting cabin fever so I wrapped us both up and popped up to the shops for a few bits and bobs. Hubby was on another late today and Joni had real trouble settling at bedtime and kept looking around for him. She usually settles to sleep at bedtime in 5-10mins, if she is overtired might take as long as half an hour but this evening took about an hour :nope: Luckily hubby only works back to back late shifts every couple of months.

It is interesting some of you are having longer cycles post-baby. I am currently having a 10 day period followed by 10 days off :growlmad: it is just ridiculous and not to mention a pain in the ass.

I had a bit of a cry today. I am really looking forward to our first Christmas with Joni, but it is also the first Christmas without my sister :cry: I took my nieces presents round yesterday and their Dad had the Christmas tree up. I was so pleased to see that he has kept all my sisters decorations. Many of the ornaments are ones that used to adorn our family tree as children so have many happy memories associated with them. But at the same time it was a stark reminder that she is gone and there will be never be anymore Christmas's with her :nope: I miss her so much every single day :cry: I feel so blessed to have Joni in my heart as without her I think the sadness and grief of losing Hannah would be utterly overwhelming.
Evening all!

Modo I'm glad your tree is all sorted! Can we see pics? :) Ours looked lovely, Steve trimmed it up while Oliver and I watched and he did a great job. We then bought some chocolates for it and I popped those on and they look a bit poop :haha: Ahhh I guess we'll have to eat them all :rofl:

H&F Yay for the tooth!!!

So I went into work today with Oliver, he was very well behaved and everyone was lovely with him. It was kind of nice to see everyone and we had a bit of a laugh but I really don't miss it. I think my boss feels a bit bad about leaving me out of stuff, as I had pressies, cards, allsorts waiting for me which was sweet . . . I guess he's just unorganised! Which he is . . . I really knew that already :haha:

I think I am almost ready for Christmas. As always Steve still has things to sort out :wacko: All his family gifts are sorted except him mum, his son and his nephew. His son he's giving money to, so thats easy. His mum is getting vouchers, so again easy . . . his nephew Amazon vouchers, so they will just need printing. So all easy but still not sorted :dohh: and he only started writing Christmas cards today. Men eh! Ahh well, I'm not going to get stressed about it . . . I'll just make him a list :rofl: Then I just need to wrap some more (when it arrives . . . still waiting) and do the normal festive housework etc. I always have to have the house all perfect for Christmas, goodness knows why because its not like loads of people come here or anything :dohh:

Oh yes, Modo, as FruFru says I use a combination of reusables and disposables! What kind have you ordered? I use mainly Bun Genius V3's, Close Parent Pop In Dream Dris, and I just bought a BG Flip to try as loads of people love them! If you have any q's feel free to ask, I'm no expert but I'll help if I can.

Oliver is awake . . . I think I might go to bed!
I'm still waiting on parcels too it's really annoying :growlmad:

Did any of your LO's have really runny poos when they've got a tooth cutting?
I was just wondering because Amelia's got a tooth right there and she had a really really bad runny poo it was utterly vile :sick: just before she went went to bed and I'm interested to know whether this is connected with teething as I've read up and a lot of people said there LO's had really runny poos just before teeth came through.

As for the testing I'm really tempted to test tomorrow! I'm hoping in a way that i get a :BFN: as I really couldn't cope with another baby until Amelia's a bit older. :(
Been reading and running past few days as didn't have enough time to write a proper post.

Maybebaby :hugs: that is so sad about your friend, his poor family too. Did the kids enjoy the film? Not sure about the crackers, just check the salt, though if he isn't having lots of other salty foods then i am sure a cracker now and again is ok. Well done finishing your shopping.

Hannah cute picture of Amelia standing. Oliver just has water from a cup, other than that he is breastfed. He sat for the first time at 20 weeks, but only for 2 or 3 minutes at a time. He was about 5.5 months when I felt I didn't need to be right beside him when he was sitting, just incase he fell down. Ashton and Parsons is good for settling the tummy upset caused by teething. Hope you get the result you want when you test.

L-C how is Will? Teething pain is horrible isn't it.

Emera wow Rohan is very clever pulling himself up, shame he chose a moving object to help. Hope he is ok now.

H&F Is your tree all fixed again now? That's fab you can see that you have lost weight. Well done. Yay for the tooth.

Modo how is Bobby? Anbesol is fab for teething pain and really helps Oliver. Mind you nothing works as well as Calpol. Oliver gets excited when I shake the bottle and even more excited when he sees it being poured onto the spoon and all tears stop! At Slimming World they say how much you have lost/gained that week and how much in total but don't say what you actually weigh but not sure about WW.

Sarah :happydance: for the new car. You will most likely be one of few people hoping for more snow just so you can see what your new car can do. Hope your parcels have turned up. I am still waiting for my last two to arrive. If you use reusables at night do you find you get less leaks? I seem to have to do a complete outfit and sleeping bag change in the middle of the night (we use disposables) but they never leak during the day!

Amy :rofl: at your prediction for Christmas Day!

Frufru :hugs: that is lovely about the Christmas decorations but so sad Hannah isn't here to share Christmas with you. Hope Joni's tummy is more settled now.

Oliver's third tooth (one of the top ones) is so close to being through, past two nights the poor love kept waking up and being really sad and in need of Mummy cuddles, though tonight he hasn't needed Calpol so maybe it's through-I am resisting the urge to go and poke my finger in his mouth to check :lol:

Am I the only one not have seen any sign of a period since my pp bleed? My H keeps joking that I am going to be one of those women who turn up at A&E with some tummy pain and find out they are in labour :lol: Doesn't help that I didn't know I was in labour with Oliver, until I was examined and found to be fully dilated, though at least I did know I was pregnant!
Oh FruFru I'm just reading your post now (I got half way through when Olliver woke up). Huge :hugs: it must be so, so hard on you all having Christmas without Hannah. How old are her girls now? How are they all doing? I actualy had a little tear reading what you wrote. Christmas is such a lovely exciting time but its also a time when a lot of loved ones are so, so missed :cry: You have had such a year, you are an amazingly strong person. You know its really okay to sit and have a good cry sometimes :hugs: I hope you are okay :hugs:

Woo parcels arrived :happydance:

Knackered after work :shock:

FruFru - Just wanted to send you hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Its so hard isn't it. We lost Alex's brother 7 years ago now, 2 months after our wedding, and 20 days before Christmas. We were all very close, and that Christmas was very hard, and all of them since have been tinged with sadness, as we really miss him at this time of year :( Its part of why i always leave my Christmas shopping to mid December these days, as i still have thw gift i bought for him, wrapped up and in a box of rememberances in our cupboard, i still don't know what to do with it...I've felt even more sad since Roh came along that he'll never get to meet Guy, he would have been a wonderful uncle. When Roh is old enough, we'll tell him all about his uncle though. At least you have little Joni now, and you can know your sister will always be in your heart and your memories, and nothing can take the times you shared away. :hugs:

On a separate note, i've been having periods since 6 weeks pp, they are seriously erratic though. I've had a few 10 days on 10 days off jobbies too, not much fun :wacko:

Modo - I use reusable nappies exclusively. I use a combination of Fuzzibunz and Totsbots Bamboozles at the moment with motherease wraps, not sure what info you need, but i'm happy to help with advice if you want :thumbup:

Hannah - We don't give Roh juice, i tried him on it once and he didn't seem keen, so we stick to water, which he likes anyway :)

H&F - Yay for the tooth :happydance:

Well i'm sure i was going to say more, but i must go to bed, i've got work at 6.30am...i should be sleeping already, but i was putting my Christmas decorations up (finally) and got a bit too excited about it. Yaya Christams tree looks really pretty :D

Frufru I know how you feel - my dad died four days before Lu was born and while the hard times have been so, so hard I know they would have been impossible without her here to bring me joy. She was born with a big heart on her forehead that I took as a message from him. :)
Frufru: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Its so hard losing someone you love :cry: Your post really made me tear up. I can't imagine what you are going through as I have not lost a sister. My grandfather died at 60 when I was 14 and t devastated our family. It must be so painful to have lost her :cry:
I agree with Modo, it's really hard losing someone you love, I lost my mum 18 months ago and my nan not long after that and it's so hard seeing Amelia growing up with out 1 nanny and great-nan :cry:

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