Maybe - That's such sad news


to you! I totally understand what you mean, its always the most heartbreaking when you think of the family left behind. Thinking of you
L-C - Will sounds so cute! So funny about him and your foot! Roh is always attacking my slippers

Sorry his teeth are hurting him, poor soul

Its amazing how quickly things suddenly progress with them isn't it. We dropped the cot down only a few days ago, as i'd said to OH that it looked like Roh was trying to reach the top bar of it, and i didn't want to wait until he actually falls out of it

Well today, he decided to pull himself up to standing. Unfortunately he chose the stool of the glider chair, which also rocks to do it on. I turned round, and there he was, clinging on for dear life and on one foot and one knee, trying to stand!

I rushed over, but too slow, as he pushed up onto his other foot the stool moves and he tipped over and landed quite heavily, and bonked his head on the floor

He wasn't very happy about it, but calmed down fast, we have a reasonably thick carpet, so not too much damage done i think, just a bonk and a suprise. Bless him. Its very scary to think that in just a few months i'll have a toddler, not a baby

he's only just started to crawl!
Modo - I'm the same, we didn't celebrate Christmas when i was young either, although we did if we went to my aunt's or grandparent's house. I always got so excited by the decorations and festivities. Although my parents did buy us gifts for christmas, we didn't have all the other stuff to go with them. I want Roh to get excited about Christmas too! I remember staying with my Grandparents one year and my Grandad rushing in to wake us up really early, saying that Father Christmas had just been, he took us into the hall and showed us a set of snowy footprints. I don't think i'd ever been so excited in my life!

Thats how i want Roh to feel
H&F - Good luck with the house sorting! I really must do the same!
Well, had a nice day today, went into the city and met a friend for lunch and then managed to finish off my Christmas shoping, apart from a present for my neice, which i know is in one of the local shops, so i can pop there after playgroup tomorrow. Really pleased i got it all done! Only glitch so far is that my Amazon order still hasn't arrived

It said it should be delivered on the 15th. I guess the Royal Mail are just dragging their feet, as the tracker said it has been received at the post depot. If it doesn't come tomorrow, i'll start panicking i think

I even managed to buy a couple of emergency presents as there was 3 for 2 in M&S , so if anyone pitches up unexpectedly, i'll be ok

Its annoying having to do OHs shopping too, i hate buying for my FIL, i just never know what to get

ah well, he ended up with a locally brewed beer gift set

The only thing OH has to do is take Roh to get his little present and card for me. I'll be seriously miffed if he forgets, seeing as i got my own present from him