FruFru - Glad the toys are on their way back!
Maybe / Sarah - I hear you on the tiredness! I may not get woken in the night that often these days, but we've had a few bad nights this week, i've been running about non-stop sorting christmas, cooking for family etc, and working too, and then OH said to me he's tired and can he have a lie in?!?!?
Ok, sure you can honey, as many as you want, right up until i keel over from exhaustion
To be fair on him though, he did actually get up last night when Roh was awake at 4am, and told me to stay in bed, so he gets a few brownie points. Think thats about the 3rd time ever he's gotten up, and the first time he's done it without complaining
Sarah - Yes, Roh will burst into tears if i take something off him these days. Its only going to get worse, distraction is the key with that one, you just have to find something else to attract them, and then they forget about the last thing
Also your other question....yes Roh quite likes meat. I mostly give it to him in purees as its easier, or rather, mushy stuff, like cottage pie, etc...not so helpful for BLW. Sometimes i shred chicken up with 2 forks, so its all fluffy and give it to him in a pile, he seems to manage that quite well, just the same as he'll scoff grated cheese. His favourite is a little recipe i came up with though. I shred chicken really fine, and then mix it with pureed sweetcorn and mashed potato, then i mix in a few breadcrumbs just to make it firm, and sometimes i add a little grated cheese too. Then you can roll it into little sausages and bake them in the oven just until they start to get a bit of a skin, if you know what i mean? Anyway, once they are cooled down they make great finger food, Roh loves them, and you can sneak all sorts of things into them
If you need a more exact recipe if you want to try them i'm sure i could write it down next time i make them. Terrible chef habit, i never work to recipes, just put things together until it feels right
Well, Roh finally settled at 10pm tonight
poor little man, he's really suffering, he woke up in the middle of the night last night and was burning up, soaked in sweat
His temperature went up to 40c this morning, so i took him to the doctor, and he has flu
Its good that i have the vaccine, so hopefully i won't get it too, and if its swine flu then OH has had it too, so we should stay fit to look after him
Its awful though, even when he had Bronchiolitis he wasn't this miserable, he's spent all day either just crying or lying on me and staring at things, and changing his nappy makes him cry, as he must have that horrible aching all over thing, i really feel for him. Even more it makes me feel for Amy!! So horrible for both of you to have the flu, i hope you're starting to feel better!
I really hope Roh can get some sleep tonight, he really needs it, he's struggling to sleep, and he needs the rest to get better
Honestly, he's really had everything going these last 2 months, roll on the better weather so there aren't so many bugs flying about!