Sarah - Bless Oliver starting to sleep on his tummy. Joni could roll from back to front from 3 1/2 months old and was sleeping on her tummy from 4 months. Joni is not crawling yet either but her acrobatics as she tries are hilarious

On the sleep training front I tried the baby whisperer shhh/pat and pick up/put down and neither worked for Joni. I tried staying with her beside her cot and easing myself out of the room but this seemed in-effective too. I would spend hours trying to get her to sleep and in the end after a lot of net research and book reading, a long discussion with hubby and our hv we decided to give controlled crying a go and it pretty much took one night and a day for Joni to learn to self settle

It was almost like Joni wanted and needed to be able to settle herself to sleep and our presence and input was actually interfering with her learning how to do this IYKWIM? I never thought I would be one to go down the CC route but after >6months of three hours broken sleep per day I was at my wits end and no longer had the energy to function. Looking back now I have no regrets. To be honest I think when it comes to sleep training all our babies are different, try the methods that appeal to you first and if you don't think they are working for you and Oliver then you can always try another technique.

yay for your unexpected weight loss

I hope you had a nice afternoon with your parents.
H&F - COuld you maybe try putting Amy in her cot and sitting with her, maybe holding her hand or stroking her to try and reassure her? It is odd how one week they are fine sleeping on their own and the next week they aren't
I love my slow cooker! We made a beery beef barley broth on NY day and it was lovely
Lizzie - lovely to see a new face on the thread

From your avatar it looks like you have a gorgeous little family there. We are a friendly bunch on here, I don't know what I would do without the support and guidance from my BnB pals some days
Maybebaby - Yay for Owen's backward crawling

If I were in your shoes I would just get the playpen back and put it up, like you say it is not Danny that has to be at home trying to entertain and contain Owen. On the assistance front, do you think you could bring up the subject of him helping out with the kids/around the house more? Maybe you could tie it in with a conversation about when you return to work? He can;t seriously expect you to do everything you are doing now and work full time, that is just crazy
I hope you had a lovely time at the cinema with Erin and Dylan.
Emera - I hope you had a lovely time with your friend, what a lovely suprise
Amy - Yep Joni loves her creature comforts

she is just like her Dad in that respect

She is a sociable wee mite and loves being out and about, but she loves coming home. The smile on her face when she see's her playstation when we come home is priceless
I am sure we will all achieve a full nights sleep again eventually! Joni's sleep training really helped but she still wakes 1-2 times on average a night. Sometimes she will settle herself, sometimes she needs a couple of ounces of milk and sometimes just a cuddle. For the moment I am just please she is not waking 8-15 times a night like she was before!

to you for your work/life balance mission. It must be really hard when you seem to be getting put down by your boss and Kerry. However, from what I have seen you are a very strong woman Amy and I know you will find the best compromise possible for you, the girls and Alex. Whenever I think about Alex and the girls I hear Holly's song about Alex and his little hands in my head
Modo - it sounds like Bobby is making superb progress with his attempts to crawl. I love the spinning tummy time vid on FB. Joni does the same thing sometimes and it is hilarious

Tonight while Joni was having nudey play time before her bath, she had managed to wriggle off the towel onto the laminate floor, so I picked her up and put her back on the towel. But when I put her back down she would only go down with me putting her on her knees with her arms fully extended and she stayed like that for a good five minutes
Hannah - Aww you're not a bad mum hon

there was no harm done and now you know how agile she is you can hem her in with cushions or stash her somewhere else next time.
The general advice about babies sleeping on their tummies is that if they roll onto their front's themselves then it is fine
Great deals on ebay

Good luck with the viewing tomorrow.
L-C - I hope you are ok and have had a bit of time to yourself to relax over the weekend
We have had a nice day. We had a lovely walk around the local lake this morning, then came home and had lunch followed by an afternoon nap

This evening I have
finally ordered our new washing machine and kettle

Hubby and I have also had a long chat about my return to work. I really have to start getting organised on so many different fronts with regards to going back to work
Righto, I really should finish up and get to bed just in case Joni decides to be a midnight monkey again tonight

to you all x