Sarah - Oliver really does sound very wriggley, if my little wriggler is anything to go by it gets worse, he can crawl to the edge of our bed in lightening speed. Will has to be contained, he now stands up in his cot and gets stuck which is interesting!!
I have a whole catalogue of sleep books including the no cry sleep solution, they are all good but I found that none fitted exactly and so I read them, took all the bits I wanted and then we did our own thing, which worked perfectly. To be honest I think you can do it without the book, they are just common sense. I just comforted Will in his bed, whatever way worked, but without taking him out, he never needed to cry. I just reduced this over time. Now I put him in his bed, it always works at night and in the day it works about 85% of the time and if it doesn't I get him up and try again later. Hope this makes sense.
What a rude Mum!!! Glad you were all ok though.
Love your BNB vision, that has cheered me up!

H&F - Glad sitting with Amy worked, I'm sure the time will reduce too!
Maybebaby - Hope you had a nice time at the cinema. Well done Owen on the crawling front, I think I'd get the playpen back, I need so many things like that just to make it through he day, we have gates everywhere, I'd have a travel cot in every room too, just to keep him safe, more than anything.
Amy -

I agree with Sarah, that's not right hun, I think he is being completely unreasonable and out order talking to your friends like that! I'm lucky with my OH on the finance front, he keeps a very close eye on things but only to make sure we are doing ok. We don't have a joint account though. He pays all the bills as I'm earning peanuts at the moment, normally I give him some towards but nowhere near half!
I'm so sorry it's come to you thinking about leaving, life is too short and your gorgeous family deserve so much more, I think you should try getting him to go or do something to get him to have a rethink about his behaviour!
Rant away hun that's what we are all here for
Modo - I love the video of Bobby's crawling, he's so cute and very clever.
Frufru - I'm fine thanks for asking. My MIL bless her (and following the rivergate incident) went and fell on Saturday morning and has broken her leg through both bones in a nasty open fracture. She has surgery on Saturday and again today so we have been a bit preoccupied with that.
We've had a quiet weekend. I did manage to go to the gym yesterday for the first time in ages and quite enjoyed it. Think it's the first thing I have done for myself since Will was born. I actually felt quite fit, just a shame about the fat suit it looks like I'm wearing!
I too have been inflicted with dreaded muffin tops and am just generally saggy. I really do need to pull my finger out and shift this stone and a half. I'm going to get out in the garage twice a week on the turbo trainer (bike) and then gym every Sunday. I'm still on the wagon as far as the Freddo's (Modo they're chocolate frogs) go but I know I could be off at any time!
Sarah love the idea of your weight loss, without even realising.
Will is collecting an impressive number of bruises now he can't stop standing, he stands in the bath, in bed and anywhere he is not leashed down high chair and pushchair. He stands against anything too, swivel chairs, laundry, open drawers, which he has opened and emptied! I can't keep up, hopefully he'll learn how to get down soon, which should reduce the injury levels and his frustration. It's amazing how they develop though in such a short period of time and so much is inbuilt too, they just know!
Emera is Roh still doing the same, I felt quite relieved that Will's not the only one knocking himself.
Hope you all have a good day xx