Gah! I keep trying to post, but the world is conspiring to not let me... well i say the world, mostly just Roh who's having another patch with bedtimes

He's so great once he's asleep, but goes through phases when he can't seem to get past the first sleep cycle, so is waking up after about 40 minutes and then not going back to sleep for about 3-4 hours at the moment, that takes it to about 10-11pm

I want my evenings back! Seems like he's great for a week and then bad for a week. Ah well hopefully this patch will pass again. Thing is, he's not waking up really miserable, he has a little cry when he first wakes up, but then is all chirpy and bouncy. I'm as a loss what to do about it really.

Ah well, i guess i can't complain too much, as once he's asleep he wakes up at 6.50-7.30am every day, so at the least i'm getting full nights, but i'm tending to stay up too late, as i want some time to unwind once he's asleep
Was lovely seeing my friend the other day

its been far too long, we did crack out the wine, and i had far too much really

serves me right that i woke up feeling rather crappy, i thought i was hung over,but it never went away, turns out that
i've got an ear infection

never had one before, well possibly when i was little before i remember, but never since then, random
So what the heck is going on with all of our men at the moment, is it tidal forces or the moon or something?
Amy - I'm really sorry you're having such a tough time

Its great that work have managed to accommodate what you need though

Your OH really has a strange way with money, although if thats his way i guess its soemthing you can't really change. The fact that he refuses to discuss things with you though is really wrong! How can you have a good relationshp without communication? He really should appriciate his lovely family more! It must be so hard for you, knowing how much it affects the girls
Maybe - That poor netbook!

Honestly, men and their tempers, what a nightmare.

OH has put his fist through a door before because something he was trying to fix wouldn't fix!

He also destroyed one of my saucepans by hitting it repeately on the floor, because he was angry about something or other

That was a while ago though, he's mellowed quite alot in recent years and has a bit more self-control these days....mostly... Fingers crossed you get a macbook, or at least a decent replacement thats just yours, and then when Danny gets annoyed again he can just break his own stuff!
Sarah - Roh is super hazardous to have in bed with us now! I have always brought him into our bed in the morning for his first feed of the day and we tend to both doze off again, which is lovely, except now i'm woken up most mornings by "clatter, crash, bang, waaah!"

luckily our bed is pretty close to the floor and the carpet is quite soft

Even when he's asleep he wriggles alot. I think i'm going to have to stop feeding him in bed and feed him sitting in his room from now on.
FruFru -

You've done amazingly well to cope with everything to now, and there is nothing wrong at all with getting some help. What you described about being manic and almost overly upbeat and then just totally lost alternately sounds like depression and its absolutely the right thing to do to talk with people you are close to and get some further conselling and advice to help you along and get you back to yourself again, you are doing everything right

I lost 3 family members in th space of a few months a few years ago, and coupled with a very stressful job at the time. I thought i could cope with everything and didn't want to bother anyone with how i felt (including myself) and thought i could manage. I thought asking for help would be admitting defeat and would prove i couldn't cope with life. I carried on and carried on and eventually i had a breakdown and ended up having to take 6 months off work and have therapy. Trying to cope isn't the way to go

And the way i see it now, even if you can cope, why should you have to just "cope", why not get help anyway and share the load, so to speak? Cruse are fantastic, and they really helped me come to terms with the loses in my life. You are a strong person and a fabulous Mum, and clearly alot more sensible than i was to boot

I know i started to feel better just allowing myself to accept i needed some support and letting it all out
L-C - Will sounds so much like Roh! I need eyes in the back, sides, top and bottom of my head at the moment!

Quite apart from the standing against anything and the hurling himself about the place, he's also now worked out how to climb onto the sofa, and so consequently can fall off it at will

He too loves emptying things, i left him in the sittingroom for about 1minute yesterday and when i came back he had completely emptied a laundry basket full of folded clothes, and kindly unfolded them all and was romping about in the resulting pile

He's also started following me around the house, so there is a stairgate across the sittingroom door now, as thats about the most babyproof room in the house. When i was at the doctors today he was asking me loads of questions, because the first thing he noticed was the massive egg lump and shiny bruise on Roh's forehead

I was a bit suprised about that myself when i came home from work today

Apparently he was standing at his toy box (he's worked out how to take the lid off) rummaging about and then the box slipped and moved the blanket that is covering our marble fireplace and pitched forwards facefirst into the edge of the marble! Ouch!

OH got a filthy look for that one, but i can't really blame him, these things happen, i've taped the blanket down now. Roh is getting a little better at getting down though, slowly, and also starting to fall on his bum rather than just pitching over like a fallen tree!
Argh! All you skinnys stop complaining about your weight! Its making me insecure, i even bought a weightwatchers meal for my dinner tonight!! It was a bit boring though, so i grated some cheese on to it...

I don't think i really get the whole dieting thing

Ah well only errr...4 stone to lose!
Well its only taken me about 3 hours to write this what with Roh waking up (or rather not going to sleep) and all, i'm tired, i have work tomorrow and my ear hurts

I was determined to post though, so...i have!