Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Had a fairly hectic day and am shattered I almost shouted at said friend today as the only thing that seems to matter is her child ... we ended up having coffee I went to the counter to order leaving Amy with her - when I turned aroiund she had her back to Amy and was walking away with the pram and basically leaving Amy on her own. I wasnt far and was keeping an eye but immediately ran over. She then said she would go to the counter whilst I watched the babies and instead of leaving her child somewhere safe so I could keep an eye on both she sat him on the table?!? Why would you do that? I am fuming she keeps going on about how he snt normally grumpy or crying and how she doesnt know whats wrong with him when he is quite obviously so over tired he just doesnt know what to do with himself.

Anyway rant over I am going to go have a large hot chocolate ... btw I lost 3lbs this week.

Sorry for not replying to everyone individually tonight I really just need to calm down.
Thanks for the welcome girls

H&F09 - sprry about what happened with your friend, but leaving her baby on a table!? tut tut did you actually say anything to her?

well done with the weight loss

OMG H&F your friend sounds awful! Who leaves their baby on a table? How dumb is that. Well done on the weight loss.
frufru - hope you had a good day despite missing baby singing :hugs:

muddles - Alex loves playing with cardboard boxes, thats funny Oliver likes to eat it :haha: Poor Oliver falling off the bed, the same thing happened to me with Alex, boy did I feel bad! :hugs: Alex also wakes up needing a huge burp despite my attempts to wind him before he goes down. Maybe its just the combination of new food and their digestive systems adapting :shrug: Glad you had a nice lunch out :thumbup:

H&F - yey for 3lbs loss :thumbup: that "friend" of yours sounds extremely selfish!

Not much to report here, just another day that went too quickly *sigh*. We're watching "I am Legend" but if I remember rightly the dog dies and things like that make me cry so I'm trying not to look!
Oh yes, Alex was really whinging in the early hours and then had a massive windy vomit all over my bed. He then decided 5am was a great time to have a little chat so I am pooped! He has REALLY upped his breast feeds at the moment! Maybe they have a growth spurt at 8ish months which is why their routines/sleep gets topsy turvy :shrug:
Oh my! How rude of me :blush: welcome Miss Bump!!! lovely to meet you :flower: cakes and cookies sounds wonderful :winkwink:
:hi: Hello and welcome Miss Bump. If you bring cake and cookies how could we refuse :winkwink: Evie looks like a real cutie :mrgreen: Bless her kissing the carpet like that, Joni just shuffles backwards at the moment.

Modo - I am still so impressed that Bobby is able to feed himself his bottles :thumbup: I used NUK bottles when Joni was in NICU and they were fab. Joni took about 40mins to go down tonight, I think her teeth were bothering her, a little anbesol and a soothing cuddle did the trick in the end.

Muddles - I am suprised that the playcentre wanted you to leave you buggies on the street, that is just plain crazy :wacko: It is good that you had a lovely afternoon anyway. Bless Oliver diving off the bed. Joni is still ok if I sit her up in the middle of the bed and hem her in with cushions while I potter around but I guess it won't be long before it is a no-go. I am glad that he is ok after his tumble :hugs:
A couple of times when Joni won't settle I have picked her up and she has done a huge burp and then settled down with no problem. I think for burping it is her milk that is responsible. As for the farting things like beans, eggs, cauliflower, lentils etc are usually the main culprits, is Oliver having many of those?

H&F - well done on 3lb :happydance:
As for your friend :nope: she sat her baby on the table :shock: :wacko: I am not suprised you are fuming. Enjoy the hot chocolate, it is well deserved :hugs:

Amy - I hope Alex sleeps better tonight and your dreams are of the sweetest variety :hugs:


Joni's new sleepsac arrived today and it is just lovely :) The amber necklaces and anklets I ordered on the weekend came too, except one of the items was wrong as they sent a bracelet when I wanted a necklace :dohh: I emailed them and they responded in under 2 hours. The chap that emailed was really apologetic and is sending out the necklace today with an sae for me to return the bracelet. Ok, it was a bummer the order was not quite right but the level of service they have provided when I contacted them really impressed me and I would certainly use them again :thumbup:

Joni and I went for a lovely walk this afternoon to go and drop off the amber anklet off to its new owner. The little boy in question is cutting 6 new teeth at the moment and is really suffering bless him. Hopefully the amber will provide him with some pain relief and his Mummy with a little more sleep :winkwink:

Just for a giggle this is Joni practicing her backward shuffle:

I think I will look to go get ready for bed myself and curl up with my book :)

:hugs: to you all
I didnt say anything but everything seems to be a drama with her at the moment!

I'm very upset she left Amy on her own and then I had to hold onto her son rather than looking after Amy (fortunattely Amy was happy to play with her linkies whilst I was busy!) But yeah I have no idea why you would sit them on the table ... apparently he would scream if you leave him in the high chair (he doesnt he moans a little and then you can make him smile whilst playing peep po but she doesnt realise this!)
I know! I don't mind leaving the buggy outside at baby group as it is on a school site so only people who are coming to the school or children's centre will be on site, they have a proper gated buggy park and you see everyone going past as one wall is just big windows so much safer unlike this place that was just the street! Oliver hasn't had beans or lentils, isn't remotely interested in egg no matter how I try to disguise it (though he did eat some banana cake from the BLW recipe book).

That is good service with the amber things, sorry you didn't get what you expected hopefully the replacement will turn up soon.
frufru - love the photo :haha: Alex does that, he backward crawls himself under chairs and right into corners :haha:
Phew, i'm shattered from work, its been really busy this week! I still have no clue whats going on with Roh, he's all over the place. One meal he wants to stuff himself the next he's not interested at all, one day he'll nap for 3 hours+ then next he only wants one nap, or he'll have 2 really short ones. He's not sleeping until about 11pm most nights at the moment, and would likely sleep until 10am if i wasn't getting him up. Now today he refused booby both this morning and before bed :( He had a bottle in the middle of the day whilst i was at work, so i know at least he's had some milk, but i haven't BF all day now, and i'm not happy with that, i hope he doesn't keep refusing :( ... i'm at a loss! :confused:
I can only assume its a combination of things, like teething (hurry up teeth, seriously!?!?!) the transition from 2 naps to 1 nap, and developmental things all coming together and just messing everything about :shrug:
Ah well, hopefully it will all blow past before too much longer. On the plus side, i managed to get Roh to sleep by 9pm tonight, as i left OH with strict instructions on how long he was allowed to nap for and meal times. Its definately not helping that OH seems to be really struggling to follow the routine Roh usually goes with when i'm with him :dohh: He's never been good at timekeeping, or doing things efficiently for that matter :haha:

I'm feeling a bit sad, as OH said Roh let go of the sofa today and stood there in frontt of it for about a minute without holding on, so he stood unsupported for the first time and i missed it :(

H&F - Yur "friend" sounds a nightmare, sitting a baby on the table is quite dangerous, even if you were right there. Hope youd on't have to see her tomorrow, it sounds like you might end up thumping her if you do! :hugs:

Miss Bump - Hi! :hi:

Amy - :hugs: hope you get more sleep tonight! That bit in I am Legend made me cry so much! :cry:

FruFru - Glad you enjoys your walk, and that company does sound like it has really goos customer service! Even if they did make an error, companies like that deserve repeat business :thumbup: Does the amber necklace help alot? I'm considering getting one for Roh, but as i don't really understand how they can work i'm a bit sceptical.

Muddles - Roh likes cardboard alot too! He was a little sick after breakfast the other day (he's a piggy sometimes and gets carried away with eating :haha:) and before breakfast he'd been playing with a cereal box that OH had given him to keep him occupied whilst he cooked breakfast. Anyway, when he was sick i freaked out as there were all these bright red lumps in it, when i looked closer i realised there was some writing on the lumps, and they were lots of nibbled bits of cereal box :dohh: The thought of Oliver eating a spider made me giggle, can you send him round here, i hate spiders! :haha:
Oh, and i've not been able to leave Roh on the bed for months, he's off it like a shot!

Right, i'm off to have the bath i've wanted for about a week whilst i have the chance!

:hugs: all round!
The dog just died :cry: :cry: edit - the dog in the film not ours :)

emera - hope you enjoy your bath! Emily was like Roh at 9 months, I think its all down to the things you said and also them struggling to gain dependence :shrug: I hope its just a phase for Roh, Emily refused breast from 9 months for good :cry: I really struggled to get her to take any milk from then on. But I was 3 months pregnant with Holly by then and I've read that can change your milk taste so I think that was part of it... sorry rambling on here!

I've got the munchies so bad tonight...!

I think I've missed you all, its been nice and busy in here tonight and I missed it! I'm on my phone as I'm in bed :haha: so I will try to remember what I wanted to say, but no doubt I will miss loads out :dohh:

Amy - I'm so crap with sad films, if I watch top gun I have to fast forward the part where goose dies, I know now whe to start and when to stop :haha: I'm glad you had a nice day, they do go so fast and I imagine you are feeling that even more so now :hugs:

FruFru I am the same as Emera re the amber, I'm tempted to try it but skeptical too :haha: do you have a link to the shop you used? Maybe I should try an anklet or something. Joni is so sweet, Oliver was crawling backwards for soooooo long :haha:

HandF I think your friend sounds awful I think if it were me I'd just be busy from now on. Life is too short to spend it with people like that. Have you known her for long?

Muddles I might suggest messy play at our sure start centre, they are always asking for ideas in baby club, thankyou!! I love the Oliver and the Spider story :haha: Our cat tends to eat the spiders around here so Oliverwoo would have competition :haha: he does love paper and cardboard though!

Emera I hope Roh has a good night and wants boobie in the morning :hugs:

Gosh I've had a busy day!! I've been quite busy dealing with emails and enquiries from the show at the weekend (yay!) and also speaking to a lady who is organising a big three day wedding show in February. She saw my stand at the weekend and liked what I had done, and has had a cancelation so offered me the place. As it stands I will be the only exhibitor doing chair cover / venue styling so if it stays that way I will be thrilled! It would normally be far more than I could pay but I did some negotiating and got a lovely huge stand for a third of the normal price!! I'm so pleased, but also now need new pop up display banners, flyers, and my display, so its a lot to think about, design and put together. Argh! But fingers crossed it will be worth it!

So apart from 'work' Oliver and I had a lovely walk today, it was such a gorgeous sunny day! We walked into town and Oliver had a long snooze :) it was gorgeous to be out in the sun and fresh air. Then we came back and I made baby friendly pizza and chips which Oliver loved :) I was quite impressed too :haha:

Well my thumbs hurt from typing :haha: I had more I wanted to say but it will have to wait. Night night everyone, hope you all get lots of sleep :hugs: xx
sarah - yey for the wedding show!!! well done :happydance:

emera - hope roh settles down :hugs: you must be shattered!

amy - hope all is well :hugs:

muddles - it does sound like it could be a food thing, maybe something like cauliflower :shrug: owen loves cardboard/paper. dylan fell off the bed at 8 months too so i am really wary of leaving owen on the bed. dylan literally managed to go over a barricade of pillows and over onto the marble floor. i felt soooooooo bad. he couldn't even crawl so he must've just rolled over and over! it happens so dont beat yourself up about it :hugs:

frufru - cute pic :)

h&f - well done on the weight loss :hugs: that girl sounds a nightmare!!!

miss bump - welcome :flower:

well owen is sat in his buggy but refusing to nap :dohh: may try a bf but he is always fighting naps! why all my kids have an aversion to sleep i don't know! will catch up with you all later! :hugs: to you all xxx
Oh my goodness Amy, I totally freaked out when I read you post about the dog dying, I thought you meant Lyra :shock: :dohh: but of course you meant the dog in the movie, I am so silly sometimes :blush: :rofl:

Emera & Sarah - Joni has worn an amber necklace since she was about 4 1/2 months old. As soon as she started wearing it the amount of drool she produced went down and her scaly red cheeks dissapeared. Don't get me wrong sometimes when she has a bad bout of teething she still dribbles like a fiend and will get flushed cheeks, but nothing like she used to before the amber. I never have to give her any pain relief for teething during the day and at night if she is really bad I might have to give her a single dose of calpol or anbesol to help her get to/stay asleep.
Like both of you I was skeptical but figured even if it only helps a little it was worth a try and if it did not do anything at least it looked pretty :haha:
Joni's necklace came from
The order I have just received was from, the only reason I changed the supplier was that mamageo only do necklaces of one colour of amber. This new supplier offers a choice of different coloured amber and does bracelets/anklets too :thumbup: They also do adult necklaces, the bracelet they sent in error is actually a necklace for me and I ordered a mother and baby necklace set for my SIL who is pregnant :mrgreen: The anklets are only 3.99 + £1 P+P, and they sent me a code (RPT10) for 10% off, so if you did not think it worked for you it is not too much to lose moneywise and you could always give to to someone else to try. Anklets have the advantage of being worn 24/7. It is recommended you don;t let babies sleep with the necklaces on. Personally I am content to let Joni nap in hers, but at night I loop it round her ankle.

amber teething necklaces are made of Baltic amber which is distinct from other types of amber as it contains succinic acid and it is this compound which gives amber teething necklaces their therapeutic quality. Succinic acid is naturally occurring in every cell of the human body and has many functions; analgesic (for pain relief), expectorant (to decrease mucous in the nose and chest), anti pyrectic (anti fever), anti spasmodic (reduces the diarrhoea from an over active bowel) and anti inflammatory (reduces the red cheeks and dribbling).

Poor Roh sounds out of sorts, it is probably as you say Emera, that it is a combination of all kinds of things. Hopefully those teeth will pop through soon and things will settle down a bit.

Sarah it is fantastic that you have had so much interest after the wedding fayre :thumbup: The new event sounds like it could drum up a lot of business too :)
The baby friendly chips and pizza sounds yum :p I made some banana muffins last night and made some in smaller cases for Joni which I will give her later.

Maybebaby - I hope you manage to get Owen to nap. I will be attempting a morning nap with JOni shortly. Wishing us both luck :winkwink:

I am re-reading 'Magician' by Raymond E Feist at the moment, it has been long enough that I have forgotten enough of the storyline to get really excited at the plot develops :mrgreen: Having such a good book to look forward to at bedtime is encouraging me to get to bed a bit earlier :thumbup: An early bedtime is definately a plus while Joni is still waking most nights.

Better go, have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
Thanks for the nice welcome :)

Wow its so hard to keep up with everyone so here goes.....

AMY - sorry about your dog, i know how hard it is when a pet dies :hugs:

MAYBEBABY - How did the nap go? Its a pain when you know they are tired but they wont switch off

FRUFRU - I wish i got time to read books these days :( Evie really knackers me out and she isnt even crawling yet :haha:

SARAHWOO - we had a nice walk yesteday too to feed the ducks but we actually got stalked by them as we were the only ones who had bread!!!

EMERA - We have a teether here too i think her 2 top front teeth are trying to come thru she keeps running her tongue around her gums there and looks very funny lol

Evies reflux is playing up again, she projectile vomited all over my boob, the bed, her face, the matress at 5am this morning bless her. I gave her a bath but he still pongs of sick a little lol

Doing SOD ALL today!
We were meant to have a play date with Evies cousin who is 4 months but she cancelleed as they are ill so i called my mum and she is ill too and everyone else is at work or ill!

Hey all -

Amy - oh no I am so sorry for your loss, I hope you and the girls are ok. How is everything at home?

Frufru - Hope your having a lovely day. I have ordered a amber necklace for Amy really hoping it arrives soonas I think her top teeth are about to make an appearnce!

Maybe- Hope Owen napped in the end and is feeling in a better mood now. How is the dieting going?

SarahWoo - yay for the wedding show thats brilliant news. I am seeing my mother tomorrow to see if we can make these invitations. We are also visiting the venue and the church again tomorrow (first time for my mother at the reception venue) to decide who will need rooms at the hotel and a few other bits! Sounds llike you had a lovely day yesterday ... I really need to get out for more walks!

Emera - Hope Roh is better with feeding and sleeping today. Amys naps went mad when she was teething and now the next ones are on their way I am dreading it.

Miss Bump - hope your having a nice day not doing alot! Sorry about Evies reflux - Amy had reflux but grew out of it once she started having solids.

Well we have had a relaxing morning I had planned to get loads of cleaning done today ready for my mother coming tomorrow but instead we are off out this afternoon to get some prices off a lady who might do the wedding flowers. Sarah you might know this but how much to people normally spend on flowers?

speak later I need to get my beef stroganof on before I go out!
:hugs: Will post properly later but I can see I've confused everyone! Dont worry our dog hasnt died :winkwink: it was the dog in "I am Legend" :haha: I hate sad bits in films like that! sorry for worrying you all! :hugs:

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