Emera well done with the routine! Fingers crossed Roh has a good night tonight! Like you say though, its obviously working so even if he wakes up now it must be working

Bless Roh liking the baby group lady

Lunch in the pub sounds yum!
Amy I hate it when that happens
Modo the deli sounds great! I wish we had somewhere nice like that close by . . . we did have a gorgeous one in town but it closed down

Bobby is so clever standing!!
Oliver is crawling around all over the place now and keeping me very busy

He also rolled off the sofa today

He was just falling asleep and I popped him down and before i could catch him he had rolled off. Luckily we have a very thick rug and I had been sitting on a cushion on the floor which he rolled onto, so he was absolutely fine. I did feel awful though
We just had a quiet day, Oliver seems to be needing more naps now he's getting so active . . . I guess thats normal? He didn't really eat much today. I've been a little bit worried that he might be a little off colour but I can't put my finger on why. I'm going to be calling in at the surgery where my mum works on Monday so I might see if one of their doctors might give him a quick once over. I think I'm just been fussy, but I'd feel better if someone told me he was fine
Steve is going away for the night on Monday

He's going to London for a meeting and an exhibition. He'll be going first thing on Monday, and won't be back until late on Tuesday. I think Oliver is going to really, really miss him. i will too obviously

I'm going to drive down to my mum and dads on Monday afternoon and stay there Monday night, and then on Tuesday mum has booked the day off so we can all go out for the day. I haven't stayed at mums with Oliver before . . . . I'm a bit stuck with where he should sleep? I was planning on popping him in the spare double bed with me, but I'm used to having the co-sleeper cot to pop him in, and when I'm in bed he can't really fall out. At mums, firstly if I see him starting to crawl about on the monitor it will take me longer to get to his room, and secondly I'm a bit worried about him falling out of bed. I'm wondering if I should get a travel cot. I could use it as a playpen too, and if we go on holiday we could take it. I'm not sure he's sleep in it but it might be worth giving a try?
I have tidied Oliver's room up tonight, and sorted a whole lot more stuff out to go into the loft. We have sooooo much baby stuff up there now!! I do sometimes wonder about when it will be coming back down. We were all sat eating breakfast the other day and out of the blue Steve said to Oliver 'Awww, you need a little brother to play with don't you?'

He's always wanted too close together, but I'm in no way broody again just yet! maybe in a year . . . I can't even really think about it at the moment. I had a great pregnancy, a great birth, Oliver had been an amazing baby, so nothing as put me off, I'm just not broody yet. I think Steve is though
Oh, and I keep forgetting to say 'Hello' to Miss Bump!! As soon as I post I realise I haven't said hello!!! Sorry!!!
