Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

h&f - hope you have a good time flower shopping!

miss bump - sorry to hear about the reflux problem, sounds like not much fun! does she have medication for it? my cousin's baby had to have special thickeners for juice etc.

frufru - do the amber anklets work as well as a necklace? i dont really want to put a necklace on owen! i'm going to have a look and see if they will post to gib.

amy - i am glad your doggie is fine :thumbup:

well owen actually went down after a bf for 20 mins and has just fallen asleep for his second nap if the day about 15 mins ago so have about 5 mins til he wakes probably :dohh: i took the kids to mcdonalds and dylan and erin run off steam for over 2hrs in the play area there :thumbup: now we are at home and have just made us all tea and biccies, well just tea for me. i was naughty and had a mcdonalds but it is ok as what i had was within my weight watchers points for the day. still it feels naughty having a mcdonalds whilst on a diet :blush: well off to play with the kids for a bit with the wii. housework can wait :rofl:
Well today is going better so far, Roh is having a nice long nap. OH and i discussed it and we decided to get him up at 8am everyday, and then keep him awake and let him have one long nap after lunch at 1pm. It feels like a really long time to keep him awake though, and i have to admit that by 11.30am he was starting to look really tired. He stayed cheerful though and wolfed down his lunch. He also accepted booby this morning :happydance: and again after lunch just before his nap :D I was feeling really worried last night! Fingers crossed the one nap thing will suit him. I'll not be too strict about it after a week or so, but i think a set routine for a week will help him bring bedtime back into line. Fingers crossed! We are off out for some tea with a friend after i wake Roh up from his nap, the weather is lovely, so it will be nice to go out :)

FruFru - thanks for the info :thumbup: I think its worth trying. I see you like fantasy fiction, me too! We must swap reccommendations! :)

Miss Bump - Hope you are enjoying your lazy day :)

H&F - Glad you had a relaxing morning :)

Sarah - Really glad the fayre went well and you had alot of interest, and great news about the show in Feb! :)

Amy - I had a little moment when i read your post about the dog last night too! :haha: luckily i realised what you were talking about before i got emotional :rofl:

Maybe - Hope Owen gave in and napped for a bit! :hugs:

Right, going to wash up before i wake Roh from his nap! Laters! :)
emera - hope your routine works!

i am so annoyed with dylan as he's just woken owen up and now owen won't go back to sleep :grr: i am fuming!
Miss Bump - Does Evie have her bottom two teeth already? It is amazing how that sick stench will just linger no matter how much you try to wash it off sometimes :rolleyes: Joni suffered with reflux until she was about 5 months, it is so nasty :sad1: Hopefully Evie with outgrow it soon.
I know what you mean about our babies tiring us out, the only way I get time to read is to cut out tv and go to bed 45mins earlier than I usually would :lol: it is a really good book :winkwink:

H&F - It has been a lovely day thankyou :hugs: I hope you came away with some inspiration for flowers. I went against the grain and opted for no flowers at all for my wedding other than the little hairpiece I wore that cost £3 :haha: I am such a tight@rse when it comes to money :blush:

Maybebaby - I never thought about whether anklets work better than necklaces :-k My niece wears and anklet and it has worked fine for her. I would not have thought there would be much difference but I won't pretend I am an authority on all things amber :winkwink: If you wanted to try one and could not get it sent over I can always order one and post it to Gib for you.
It sounds like you had a nice day, sorry that Dylan woke Owen though.

Emera - I am a big fantasy fiction fan. In fact I rarely read anything outside the genre unless it is factual :blush: I just love to escape to different places and times in my mind :mrgreen:
I am going to be waiting with baited breath to see how the new routine goes with Roh :winkwink:

Joni and I have had a busy morning at home and then been into the city to meet a friend for coffee this afternoon. Joni had great fun gumming my friends handbag all afternoon :lol: I walked to the school with her at hometime as my niece goes to the same school as her kids so I got Gracie-love too which was just wonderful :mrgreen:

Joni had a long nap this morning but only fell asleep about 4.15 and 5 mins away from home for her second nap so I left her in the kitchen in her buggy when we got in. Speaking of Joni I can hear her awake so I best go and get her dinner on and extricate her from the buggy!!!

Not sure if I will get on again today so I will wish you all a lovely evening now :hugs:
Oh my goodness so many posts!!

Frufru - we have just ordered an amber necklace, should arrive tomorrow? Love the picture of Joni she is so cute and very cheeky looking x Are you using a monitor at all now, ours went off again so I've stopped using the sensor and just using the microphone but it seems silly as I can hear him quite clearly without.

Emera - I really hope Roh's sleeping settles down very soon, you must be exhausted, I was at a friend's earlier and I think it's quite common at this age, almost like another regression? Will is up every 3 hours still, we've done 3 nights of it so far.... as a consequence his naps are all over the place. Very well done Roh for standing so sorry you missed it, I missed Will roll over for the first time it was heart breaking.

Amy - that film is so sad!! How are things with you?

H&F - well done on the weight loss that's great!! mmmm beef stroganof

Hi Miss Bump nice to meet you, what a cutie! Sorry to hear about the reflux..

Sarah - nice one on the wedding stand that sounds great and at only a third of the price! Pizza sounds great, it's a huge success in our house too, I've been grating all sort of veg onto Will's and he loves them.

Maybe - how did the nap go?......or not?

Muddles - the messy play sounds great, loved the photo's. I'm glad my son is not the only getting most of his nourishment from cardboard, he has consumed so many corners he must have nearly done a whole book. Love the spider story! It definitely sounds like something he's eating, I can't give Will beans!

I really hope I've not missed anyone....I'm so tired I can hardly think.

Fingers crossed for a bit more sleep tonight for us all xxxx

Oh meant to say I collected my work trousers from my locker today and I can get them up but there is about 3 inches stopping my from doing them up! DH was in stitches...
sorry my pc is playing up and you have all posted again since I wrote this!

Glad Roh has been better today and that Owen had a nap x
Hi everyone! Sorry can't post butbmy brain seems to have gone to sleep :lol: I'll be back Tom.

Modo I hope your brain gets a good sleep tonight :hugs:

L-C Let us all know how you get on with the amber necklace! At least you get some new work trousers . . . if your uniform is anything like my old ones a good excuse to get new stuff is always welcome! The best one I heard was when one of the girls had a boob job and she couldn't fasten up her suit jacket anymore :rofl:

FruFru I'm glad you had a lovely day :hugs: Thanks for the info re the amber . . . I might give it a try :thumbup:

Maybe I hope you got owen back to sleep :hugs:

Emera I hope the routine works for you, it sounds like a good one :thumbup:

H&F How did the flowers go? Price wise . . . it really depends what you're having. If you let me know what kind of thing you are having and how much you are quoted I'll let you know if it sounds right. I'm sure you can do the invites!!

I got weighed again this morning . . . I'm now 8 stone 10lb . . . . I don't know if I should be worried :dohh: I have just been eating earlier, and probably healthier because of eating with Oliver, but I am still munching chocolates and things. I think I've lost about 3lb in a week. I feel okay, if anything I feel like I have more energy, but I am bruising really easily. I think I might start taking vitamins and see what happens. I'm glad to be loosing weight but I am a bit worried that it seems to be happening quite quick and without me doing anything. I don't really know much about weight loss . . . do you guys think it sounds okay? Typically Steve hasn't said anything :dohh: though a few other people have asked if I've lost weight so it must be obvious :wacko:

We went to baby club this morning, and I left Oliver's bunny :dohh: I don't usually take any of our own toys etc in but Oliver had hold of it when I got him out of the car so I let him keep hold rather than take it off him as he could have had a little tantrum :haha: Luckily when I telephoned this afternoon they had found the bunny and are keeping it safe with Oliver's name on it until I can collect it :happydance:

Apart from baby club, we also had a trip to the post office and some other pretty normal stuff. Oliver has been very cute all day :cloud9:

Right, I have to get some emails sent and things . . . busy busy :flower:
sarah - i wouldnt worry about the weight loss. you have been pretty busy lately so it may be that!

lc - managed to get owen to nap again for a bit a couple of hours after dylan woke him. are you resisting the freddos?

frufru - am going to try and order the anklet tomorrow. if i cant get them to post it over i may take you up on your kind offer!

well owen fell asleep in his buggy tonight :blush: i'm such a bad mummy! hoping danny will get me the cot down from his parents flat this weekend, that and the playpen and the hoover for the rug in the living room my mil gave us which is full of fluff :blush: oh well think am going to wheel the buggy to the bedroom and see if owen stays asleep! my guess is that he'll wake as soon as i put the lights out :dohh: night all :hugs:
Oooo - just realized Dillon is 9 months old today! Happy 9 months to my baby!
maybe - I thought Alex's 30 min on the dot naps were short - 20 mins! I bet you barely have time to boil the kettle when Owen naps! Not surprising you were annoyed Dylan woke him :hugs: hope you get a good night :hugs:

emera - I hope the 1 nap routine works out. What a relief Roh BF today :hugs:

frufru - sorry for confusing you (and others) :rofl: luckily Lyra is alive and well and going potty charging about with her ball at the moment :haha: glad you had such a nice day :thumbup:

MissBump - poor Evie, reflux sounds horrible :hugs:

H&F - I had a small wedding and my flowers only cost £110, that was for a bridal bouquet, 2 bridesmaid bouquets, 3 flowers men wear in a buttonhole (sorry tired brain!) and flowers on the cake. I know the flowers you chose can have a big impact on price. I had pale pink and white roses with little flowers mixed in for the girls bouquets. I loved chosing the flowers :) whats your colour scheme? :flower:

sarah - I'm also 8 stone 10 now :friends: dont worry I'm sure its just because you have been busy. I know my weight is down to flu and stress at home but my weight can really fluctuate up to 3lbs in two days. I hope you're OK, look after yourself lady :hugs::hugs:

LC - thats good you can get your trousers on :thumbup: just use a hairband to keep the top up :wink: are you still going to the gym? :hugs:

modo - hope you are ok and get a good nights sleep :hugs:

Well my car was playing up yesterday and Kerry actually tinkered with it and worked out whats wrong and got the part for me (except its the wrong part so he's changing it tomorrow). I know men struggle to apologise so I'm thinking that maybe this is his roundabout way of trying to make up for the way he's acted, even though he still thinks he's right :dohh: we still havent talked about anything but the atmosphere has gone.

Alex does have a snotty cold and has woken 4-6am the last two nights now :sleep: he also seems to be having a growth spurt, he's wanted BF all day! I am exhausted and completely empty! Boy will I have saggy sacks when he stops feeding :rofl: night all xxxxx
We have a power cut so I'm tucked up in bed :haha:

I keep forgetting to say hello and welcome to Miss Bump! I'm so sorry - I'm rubbish :dohh:

Happy nine months to Dillon!!! I remember you going to hospital too! Gosh its going too fast!!!!

Amy well done re your weight!!! I think I'll just tale some vitamins, I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm glad the atmosphere between you and Kerry has gone :hugs: Its just the same when we fall out - in fact I have been known to 'find' things that are broken to give him an excuse to be helpful and therefore clear the air :haha: I think it makes em feel all manly and good :rofl: I have to say I had a good laugh re the dog thing :haha:
Awww... thats funny you girls remember me going off to the hospital! LOL. I remember it like it was yesterday! I was sooooo happy to be done being pregnant!
amy - glad the atmosphere has gone!

lm - happy 9 months dillon :cake:

am so :sleep: owen has been a bit better but still close to 10 wakings a night on a bad night and about 6 on a good one. am popping into work today as some more posts have come out and going to apply for music co-ordinator in a middle school. fingers crossed. am meeting a friend who was music co-ordinator there til she got promoted at christmas and she's going to give me some pointers when we meet on tuesday for a drink :thumbup:
I'm off the Freddos thanks maybe (for now anyway), did Owen stay asleep when you wheeled him in?

Sarah - I can get new uniform, it's not very exciting though and I kind of have thins thing in my head that I can't ask for bigger uniform, unless it was for a boob job then I would be glad too ha ha. Glad you got bunny reserved for you!

Crikey that's good weight loss, does that make you smaller than before Oliver? I don't think I'd be worried unless it carries on, just eating differently and at a different time of day can do it.

Keep missing loads of posts some how and then I post and see more - Amy glad the atmosphere is better. I'm not sure the hairband trick will work, there's quite big gap with my gut actually hanging out of it. Hope Alex's cold is better soon x

A belated Happy 9 months to Dillon!!

Hope you all have a good day, we have sing and sign today x
LC - enjoy sing and sign. owen stayed asleep until i started to drift off to sleep myself and then he started to cry :dohh: so i put him in bed with me and bf him and he went back to sleep. after that he woke about 5 times. an improvement of sorts i guess!
L-C Pre-Oliver I was this weight on a bad day :haha: My weight had been slowly creeping up, I would like to be about 8 stone 5. I think I'd look odd if I was less than 8 stone, can't see that happening though :haha: I held out for ages before I bought any bigger things - I finally bought a few really lovely pairs of jeans in a size 12 recently and now they are too big :dohh: You have to get the new pants - you can't turn down new uniform!! :rofl: Argh I worked in hotels for too long . . . we'd do anything for new Uniform :rofl: You can always have the new pants taken in when you loose weight :hugs:

Enjoy sing and sign!! It sounds like fun!!

I was just adding up all my monthly outgoings and they are less than I thought. Now I'm wondering what I missed :haha: :dohh:

Oliver and I were going to take a drive to Ikea this morning and meet my parents for breakfastm but its so cold and frosty I decided we'd just stay here instead, mum and dad will call in instead. When Oliver and I got up the boiler had tripped out (I think due to the power cut) so the heating hadn't been on and its was flippin freezing!!

Right, well I guess I should go and get some housework done if Oliver will let me :haha:

I hope everyone has a lovely day!!

Hope everyone has a lovely day will post properly later ... but I was qupted £220 for a bridal bouquet, 0ne bridesmaid, one mini bridesmaid and 6 button holes. Colour scheme is ivory and berry and scheme of the whole wedding is roses!

I am off to the wedding reception venue and church with my mum as soon as she arrives and when Amy wakes up from her nap! Then out for lunch and hopefully back here mid afternoon for a cup of tea. Then mum should head off and hopefully me and Amy can just play for a bit!

Hope everyone has a lovely day.x

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