Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

LM: Great to hear from you. Glad Dillon is gaining weight :)

Frufru: glad Joni's cold is gone! Hope your DH feels better :) Hooray for the full night of sleep :happydance:

Maybe: Well done :happydance: :hugs:

Amy: Hope Alex isn't ill :(

Sarah: Glad the fayre went well!
Hi ladies

Hope everyone is ok - to the ladies who are dieting with me how are you getting on? I am getting very nervous about weigh in on Wednesday!

Just a quick update from me as I am sitting here crunching the fiqures and I think we have decided I am going to be a stay at home mum for the forseeable future as going to work is going to leave us no better off than me staying at home altho I think I am going to look into possibly starting up work from home.

Hope everyone is ok. x
Ergh, the sleeping is still dreadful...Roh went off finally at 11pm, only to wake up again at 3am, and then sort of doze until 6am in our bed. Tonight i've just settled him now. I know its because he's teething, i've got a feeling there are 4 teeth about to come through, the bumps on his gums are HUGE! :shock: Oh, and he's biting my nipples again, ouchie! Poor little man, it can't be fun for him. I'm absolutely mentally exhausted though, as i'm not getting any time to myself to unwind at all, and fitting it all in around work is tough. Especially seeing as i'm being reviewed this week to check that everything is going ok, seeing as its a new job role they've created. And the witch is here :( :witch:

All in all, ](*,) :grr: :cry::hissy: :shrug: :sleep: :haha:

Oh, and found out i'm going to be an Auntie again, another cousin for Roh :happydance: See its not all bad :winkwink:

Hope you are all well, i'm off to catch some :sleep:

Emera I hope Roh sleeps better tonight and that you get those teeth soon!!

H and F what kind of work would you like to do from home?

I'm stressed! I thought I'd finally sit and do my tax return tonight so that I could forget about it. I had a million and one other things that I needed to do, but I thought just get that out of the way first. So to begin with, I couldn't find all the documents I needed, so that took me ages and I've completely ruined my nails pulling out boxes and files looking for everything. Then I finally got what I needed, so I sat and filled in the online assessment. During that tax year I hardly traded at all so overall I made a small loss, so I expected not to have any tax to pay. Yet its says I do! Argh! Three hundred quid!! From what I can see, its saying that I haven't paid enough tax in my normal flippin job! Argh!!! I am so annoyed. I've got the money so I can pay it but that's my savings, its not for stupid flippin tax bills, its for nice things or paying for stuff when I'm skint :haha: ARGH!! :grr: luckily my sister is an accountant so I have emailed her, I'm hoping I've just filled the form in wrong, which is possible, but if not I have to wave goodbye to three hundred flippin quid.

And breath :haha:

Sorry to vent but I needed that :haha: I'm in bed so I will catch up tomorrow, just needed to have my rant.

Love to you all! Xx
:flower: lovely to hear from you LM :wave: sorry you've had weight worries, I had the same when Alex was 4 months - good to hear things are improving though, its amazing how quickly they can gain the weight back :hugs: happy 9 months to Dillon :happydance:

frufru - :haha: plenty of time for beaker trials :winkwink: I've defrosted a little EBM to see what Alex thinks of having it in a beaker - you've inspired me even if you cant be @rsed :haha::winkwink: :friends: Glad you had a good night but ouch for your poor wrist :hugs:

modo - does Bobby feed himself all his bottle feeds now? :flower:

H&F - great news you can be a SAHM :hugs: (jealous :haha:). Could you be a sports therapist and treat people at your house or something like that with your degree?? or an online personal trainer??

emera - really hope Roh's teeth pop through soon. Alex is so much more settled at night as each of his cuts through. The top two were the worst :hugs: I feel your pain :hugs: lovely news that Roh will have another cousin though :thumbup:

sarah - urgh poor you!!! there's nothing worse than unexpected bill :growlmad: especially when you've done so well being thrifty so you can stay off work!! fingers crossed you filled the form in wrong! :hugs:

We had a pottering about day today. Alex has been lovely, he's really found his voice again after being so quiet after the flu so we've had lots of lovely chats. He makes me laugh and then he laughs and then I do. Arent the little moments like that just the best :cloud9: I want to lock the memories in a little box that I can open and then just be back in the moment! I was getting all nostalgic today looking at car seats becasue I remember buying them for the girls and for so long I felt like I had two little toddlers and now they are all grown up and it happened so quick and I'd love to just go back and give them a huge cuddle and be back in the moment. I probably sound like a loon. time flies by too quickly.

on the kerry front - no progress. he says he wants a divorce but we just sit here and dont speak...

hope everyone else had a lovely day :hugs:
hope - Lucky you getting to be a sahm! I'm jealous. I know money might be tight - but in the end, it will be worth it! You can't get this time back! Stay home as long as you can possibly manage it! I hope you find something you can do from home to help you out in the meantime!

Emera - Congrats on becoming an Aunty again. I hope Roh starts sleeping better for you soon. Those teeth are dreadful. Dillon has been pretty unhappy all day today as well... I can only imagine its his teeth as well because he is usually so mellow!

Sarah - taxes SUCK. I'm anxious to do mine - expecting a good return, but worried it might be the opposite! Last year I expected $$ back and ended up owing! I am hoping thats not the case this year since now we have another baby to claim, and my dh has been out of work for a few months as well! If we owe I'll be MAD. Still waiting to get all my docs before I can file though.

Amy - I agree... time goes way too fast! I totally understand how you feel.

Anyone - I need a 9 month blinkie for Breastfeeding. Link please??

Okay - I'm trying to be better about keeping up with everyone... I miss you all when I don't pop in often! Stay well until next time I "see" you.
Just done a mamouth post and lost it!!!

Big hugs to you Frufru, what a year you've had hun, I glad that there was something positive to come from the notes, lots of love to you all!! Hope your knee and wrist are on the mend!

Maybe - well done on the weight loss, I fell off the wagon - 8 freddo's! back on as of tomorrow.

H&F - 4 am!!!!!! 10 pm is late to me.....glad you had a good one.

LM - Hi, yay to the tooth!

Amy - Big hugs, glad you're getting a argument break for now hun. Love the FB pic!!

Emera - mush sausages are a huge hit in our house, we have pregressed to salmon and pork and apple! not together.... Hope Roh's sleeping gets back on track soon x

Sarah - the Fayre sounded great, well done!!

Will is as active as ever and moving from furniture to furniture now, he is scarily good at it too!

Sorry if I've missed anything... hope you are all well, lots of love xx

Did this last night and thought I had lost the second one, but it's here miraculously.
LC - danny was offering me biscuits last night as i told him i had points to spare but i resisted, or rather i had some diet biscuits :haha:

amy - :hugs: i hope you and kerry start speaking (not arguing) soon! he is an idiot and doesnt deserve you :hugs:

have just been to the management company of our estate and reported the dire condition of our flat. we have mould growing in all our bedrooms. it is disgusting but i have let it grow for the past month so i can take photos and hopefully they will do something about it :growlmad: we pay enough service charges!!! i took photos and emailed them to the management company as i want to clean the mould off, even if it does grow back. it's worst in erin's room and is growing on her bed :sick: it's really annoying as the block has been reclad as there were problems with the damp but they only painted the ground floor for some reason :saywhat: and as we live on the ground floor we have been buggered!
Modo - I hope you had a nice weekend :hugs:

H&F - Wow, thats great that you can stay at home with Amy. If you could find a job you could do at home that would be the icing on the cake :mrgreen:

Emera - :hugs: for the poor sleep and biting :hugs2: Hopefully Roh's teeth will make an appearance soon. Yay for your new nephew/niece :)

Sarah - Well done for sorting out the tax return. I hope you managed to get your home insurance sorted too. How frustrating about the tax owed :growlmad: that happened to me last year.

Amy - I think I am going to leave the beaker for a little while, I just don't think Joni is ready for it yet. You will have to keep me posted on Alex's progress.
I am so pleased that Alex has found his voice again :mrgreen: It is just lovely when they giggle and chatter with you all day :cloud9: I know exactly what you mean about wishing you could preserve memories perfectly.
I don;t know what to say/suggest on the Kerry front. I can however offer lots and lots of virtual hugs :hugs: :hugs2:

LM - fingers crossed for you and taxes this year.

L-C - I hate it when you lose posts :hissy: Those damn Freddo's! I had a really poor eating day yesterday too. I am hoping to make better choices today. It sounds like Will is really coming on with his cruising. I found Joni with her bottom half under the futon yesterday :haha: she can;t crawl or wriggle forwards but she is very adept at shuffling backwards :haha:

Maybebaby - I am outraged on your behalf about the mould :growlmad: that is terrible. I would expect them to sort that out pronto as that is a real health and safety hazzard. Perhaps they should reduce your rent as a goodwill gesture until it is sorted too :winkwink: Well done on resisting the biscuits :thumbup: As I mentioned above I ate dreadfully yesterday :blush:

I don't know what is going on with Joni's night sleep and naps. Last night she woke at 12 and eventually went back down at around 2 :nope: I just don't know why she can self settle and sleep through one night and not the next, it just seems so hit and miss :shrug: Her naps have really gone sideways too :confused: She really does still need at least half an hour in the morning to see her through to her lunchtime sleep, but yesterday she went from 6.10am - 1pm before taking a nap :shock: it is safe to say she was exhausted by 10am and spent the next three hours screeching and crying because she was overtired but point blank refused to nap and got herself into a right state everytime I tried to get her to nap. I guess it could be teething :-k who knows? I think I am going to start making a note of her sleep/nap times and activities for a couple of weeks and see if there is any pattern.

Well despite being tired Joni has refused a nap this morning too. I have been trying to get her down for just over an hour now!!!!!! I think I may pop her in the buggy and go for a wee walk in the vain hope she might take a little catnap so we don't have a repeat of Moaning Monday :haha:
maybe - thats terrible about the mold! And its a health hazard really! I hope they fix it for you ASAP! It can make you sick!

L-C - Is Will cruising already - like standing up and holding on to furniture walking??? WOW if so! Thats impressive for an 8 month old! I think Logan was doing that at about 8 months - but Dillon is nowhere NEAR ready for that yet! He is still learning to SIT UP on his own without tumbling over, and he JUST started bearing some weight on his legs if we hold him up in a standing position. My little slow poke....
LM: Here's the link for the blinkies! Blinkies/#!cpZZ2QQtppZZ16

Dillon sounds so sweet, good to hear that his weight gain is going well!

FruFru sorry to hear about Joni's sleep / naps . . . Oliver is a bit more all over the place than normal too :dohh: He woke twice during the night last night and both times he was absolutely wide awake and wanting to play, it took over an hour to get him back to sleep both times. Usually a quick feed and he's sound asleep again! He has also refused his morning nap a few times and been very cranky and not wanted his lunch as a result . . . . its so hard to know what to do!

I did get the house insurance sorted thankyou! It was a little last minute though - I had a great quote but wanted Steve to check it over first, forgot about it and then remembered when I was in bed on Sunday night - I needed the cover to start at midnight so I had about 30 mins to spare :haha: I was really pleased with my quote though, I saved over three hundred quid on the renewal!!

My tax return is now with my sister, I'll let her work her accountant magic and see what it comes out at. Fingers crossed!! I messaged her last night and she thinks I must have filled it in wrong :haha:

Maybebaby thats terrible about the mould!! I hope the management company sort it out asap!!! that really is such a health hazzard and also so annoying!! Our bathroom steams up really badly and we get mould spots on the ceiling, it used to really annoy me but now I have some really good anti mould spray and anti-mould paint, and I have a great cleaning sponge on a huge long pole that I bought from Lakeland and they are just the trick. Our ceilings are sooo high, the pole is a must have :haha:

L-C Will is so clever!! Oliver is still not crawling properly but is really, really getting about and keeping me on my toes!!

I am feeling like I need a plan! I have so much to do, I think I need to write some lists! I was thinking about having different days to do different things . . . so certain days for laundry, certain days for 'work', etc. How does everyone else keep organised?

We have no plans for today as yet, I think Oliver and I might just have a lazy one!

Oh also, Oliver seems to be going through a phase of spitting his food out!! He doesnt do it all the time but he happily put things in his mouth and then just spits them out again, sometimes right away and sometimes he'll keep it in his mouth for a while before he spits it out. Is that normal?!?! He sometimes does it with his water too.

Also, when do your babies have there last proper meal before bed? Oliver goes to bed at six, he has breakfast when we get up and then a snack at lunch (pitta pocket etc) and then tea at about 4pm, but since it takes about an hour he's still eating an hour before bed? I wondered if I might be better off just giving him one meal at about 14.00 instead?
Frufru we have been through funny nap periods and still are really, I think they are torn between playing and sleeping and hey don't want to miss anything! I'm sure I miss Will's cue to and he gets past it?

Maybe the mould sounds horrible, they really sould get on to it, well done on the diet biscuits, I back on it today. Despite Will being up all night with his teeth...

LM Yup he most certainly is, my OH was the same as a baby so it's not really suprising.... it's so funny watching him with his 9 month old friend, they are so different. It all evens out in the end though.

I have just been into Exeter and done some 9-12m shopping. They had grey gap fleeces for £5.99 so I bought two, 12-18 and 18-24. They were reduced from £19.50 so quite a bargain.

Sarah we feed Will at 5 pm ready for 6:30-7pm bed and it seems to work. I like to think I filled him up with solids and milk to see him through the night (yeh right!!). I think it sounds like you're doing it at the right time.

Amy I'm sorry Kerry is still being an arse, does he really want a divorce hun?
sarah - owen has breakfast about 8am (porridge) lunch between 12-1 a teatime snack at 4 (yogurt and a biscuit) and dinner at 7ish. then bath and bf at about 8.30-9 which is supposed to be bedtime.

frufru - we own the flat so are paying an almost £900 mortgage a month to be living in mouldville :dohh: i guess i could try and see if they will drop the service charges until it's sorted. we cant even move as who'd buy a mould infested property :hissy: the flat beside has bad problems with mould too.
lc - good bargains in gap! keep on the diet wagon! it'll be worth it when we start to see results!!!

sarah - forgot to say owen went through a spitting stage too. it has passed for now though!
Emera: Sorry Roh's sleeping is not great right now :hugs: Congrats on being an Auntie again :D

Sarah: sorry the taxes were so annoying and the fact you still owed money is pretty infuriating :growlmad: Hope your sister find out you don't have to pay :hugs: Bobby had his "dinner" at 3.30.

Amy: today with me he has been drinking his bottles on his own but with DH its a different story :lol: Inspired by Frufru I bought some NUK trainer cups will let you all know how is goes :) I love my "conversations" with Bobby :cloud9: and I know what you mean about the memory box :) I am sorry that Kerry is still being a jerk :growlmad:

LM: Take care hon :wave:

LC: I hate it when that happens! Its true how they are all different :)

Maybe: I hope the estate sort of the problems :growlmad:

Frufru: Thank you hon I hope you had a nice weekend too :hugs: Sounds like you, Sarah and Emera are through the 8/9 month sleep regression :hugs:

Our video monitor broke and I am so annoyed :growlmad: it was only 4 months old and the video bit won't turn on anymore :(. I bought a new samsung one and its pretty great :D

Bobby now can sort of stand up leaning against a surface or his walker and stay like that for a while. Its so cute seeing him do that! He seems so much more grown up now :) I bought Bobby a customised sock monkey and he seems to really liked it! I was watching him on the monitor and he was holding the monkey whenever he rolled over, he would take the monkey with him and sucking on its arm or leg.
Hey all -

sorry for not responding properly but I have had an awful day and my parenting has been put down all day and basically someone I know says I am a terrible mum for not working (she is going back 4 days a week in May) she said I wont give Amy everything she needs and said Amy wont get the social stimulation she requires to grow and develop. That I am lazy and should just get of my arse, send Amy to nursery and work like the rest of them.

Sorry for the rant I just feel like an awful mum. Amy is now crying to - off to get her bathed and ready for bed.
H&F :hugs::hugs::hugs: you are a fantastic Mum!!! That is such rubbish, I would give anything to stay at home with Will, I'm sure she is just jealous, I talk about the social interaction but only because it makes me feel better about going to work snd leaving him with strangers. I'm only doing it because I have to. That's made me really angry don't worry at all hun it's her insecurities!!

Hope Amy settles nicely for you xxxxx

Will is in bed please not every 3 hours tonight, you're a big boy not a new born!!
Just a quick one, I will be back to respond properly later.

H and F take no flippin notice!!! I bet she is just jealous that she is going back to work and you can stay at home. My plan - if I am able to stay home with Oliver - is to take him to play group etc once or twice a week to socialise, and maybe when he gets a bit older for him to have a little time in nursery to prepare him for school. My mum never worked when I was young and she never left me in nursery and I had no problems at all. I justy remeber all the really great fun stuff I did with my mum and I just so want to give Oliver the same. You are a great mum Sarah - don't take any notice of those who tell you otherwise!!!
Thanks girls -

To be honest we go to baby yoga, joining sing and sign, do rhythum time and once our yoga time changes will be going swimming and going to a mum and baby group once a week. I think she will get more than enough social interaction!

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