Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Sorry . . . Oliver woke up :dohh:

I can see him on the move again now . . . . oh no I think he's settled himself!

Maybe thats a good idea re the bed . . . I might have a word with my mum as they would need to move the room around. I sure they wouldn't mind though. Thankyou!

Amy I agree with Maybe. Kerry is a twat. He doesn't deserve you. He's so damn mean and tight I think he might actually need to see a man in a white coat - its not normal!! Steve said the other day that he would sell his Banksy if thats what it took to mean that I didn't have to go back to work. He loves that picture, I wouldn't let him sell it, but thats how a man should be with his wife and the mother of his children! Steve gets a large bonus once a year and he always treats himself to something, and then buys me something, and the rest we decide together what happens to it.

Do you think you will move out with the kids? I am sure they will be fine you know as long as they have you :hugs: Do you have anyone to advice you about practical things? :hugs:

You know where I am if you need anything :hugs: I think you are wonderful and an amazing mum :hugs:
Oh, and Amy, we got married in 2007 :) I weighed about 8stone 5 in those photos, maybe a little less, it would be nice to be that weight again though I seem a whole different shape now. I think pregnancy really pushed out my ribs as they seem to really stick out now and they really didnt before!!
sarah - do you have a big long maternity pillow? when i put owen on the bed i try to put him near the wall and then put the big maternity pillow down the bed as a barrier. if you don't have a bed rail then you can also put some chairs if need be beside the bed as another saftey net. that's what my mil does in her bed when dylan stays over as he still falls out the bed! erin has only ever fallen out 2 times though. girls are cleverer i think maybe :haha:
sarah - pregnancy does strange things to our body. i bounced back quite well after dylan, it took a lot longer with erin and this time i think even if i lose the weight the muffin top will remain :( oh well i guess they are battle scars to remind us of our gorgeous kids :)
Very true Maybe :) I don't mind having funny ribs :haha:

I do have a long pillow! thats a great idea!! I think I'll do that, and get mum and dad to move the bed. Gosh you're good! Thankyou so much!!
Thanks Sarah - I would definately move to my mums for a break if my sister wasnt living there! He wont go to his mums so we're just stuck here.

I have sticky out ribs too! I always thought it was from playing the clarinet as a teenager but maybe it was having Emily - so long ago I cant remember! Its weird, I got most stretchmarks with Emily, some with Holly that crossed over the Emily ones :sick: and then none with Alex. I was a different shape with each pregnancy too. I look a state naked :rofl: :rofl:
Roh is still asleep! :happydance:

Amy -Just wanted to send you hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm sure that despite the fact that things are going to be complicated and new that the reducing of all the stress the bad feelings and rows you've been having to cope with will make life feel easier for you. Its always hard for children in these situations, but no harder than seeing their parents arguing regularly i think. Even with only one parent at home, once things settle you'll be able to give them more stability than they had in the environment as it stands with all the arguements. You are such a fab mum, and Kerry is clearly blinded by his obssession with money. Its not normal and you shouldn't have to put up with it! I can't believe he's demanding a divorce but wants you to wait 2 years to save his precious pennies!!! Sorry but thats nuts, don't stand for it hun! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm off to Reading tomorrow to meet up with my Dad, both my brothers and my SIL and neice :happydance: My Dad and little brother haven't seen Roh since he was 6 days old, it will be nice :)

Night night, have a good weekend everyone :) x
Also i played the clarinet for 14 years and my ribs seem average? :haha:
Amy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I wish I could offer some advice :hugs: I know you will be fine though - you are a strong lady!! I think you should get a lovely little place for you and the kids, and then leave Kerry with an empty house, his xbox, his car and let him sit there counting his money. He's an idiot to loose you all over this but he is the one loosing out the most :hugs: I hope you can screw him over for maintainance too :haha:

Go Roh!! I can hear that Oliver is awake again . . . third time tonight so I think I'll go to bed myself.

I can't believe he's demanding a divorce but wants you to wait 2 years to save his precious pennies!!! Sorry but thats nuts, don't stand for it hun! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
that sums it up well and reading that makes him sound nuts :hugs:
fab news Roh is still asleep! I've been up to Alex three times so far x
well some good news owen slept 12-5 :happydance: 1st time ever!!! :wohoo::dance::yipee: after that he just dozed waking about 5 times between 5-7 but at least he did a longer stretch! i am not expecting a repeat performance tonight though!!! :haha:

the comments about the clarinet playing and sticky out ribs made me laugh and then think as i have sticky out ribs i think and played the recorder when i was 6 and after that progressed to the flute, which i dont have much time to play now with 3 kids but i hope to get back to it at some point as i miss it. have played in the same band since i was 15 but having kids has meant having to leave it. i used to go when dylan was about a year old til i had erin but after that had no time :nope:

amy :hugs:
:happydance::happydance: Well done Owen!!:happydance::happydance:

Really hope you slept to Maybe!

:hugs::hugs: Amy you poor thing, what a cheapskate, won't even pay for a divorce, sounds like you are better off without him hun :hugs::hugs::kiss:
Hey guys, can't believe I haven't been on here in ages :shock: I will catch up on everything eventually.

Maybe - I can relate to the mould, we have lots of it in our house been there since we moved here and they wouldn't do anything about it :growlmad: They just told us to sort it out ourselves, we bought this cleaner that is supposed to get rid of it but it hasn't really worked :( Just so glad we're moving out of here soon.


Anyway Amelia's 6.5 months old now can't believe it's gone so quickly :cry: She's finally on 3 meals a day and attempting to get rid of the jars and use normal food :) And her tooths finally cut through and about half showing now :)
LC: If its even anything remotely like street cops then you deserve lots of :hugs: :hugs:

Emera: I wouldn't have listen to the HV either because her advice sounds like poo :haha: I don't even get Bobby weighed because I can't stand them TBH. Bless Roh with new friend :) Glad he is sleeping better again! I am not looking forward to this phase with Bobby but shall remind myself that it will pass :)

Sarah: I think falls are going to become more common now. Bobby was standing up in his playpen for ages and I was right there watching him. The second I stood up to take him out he fell. He cried for a bit and then he was fine. I was trying not cry myself in front of him :cry: but it was hard. I felt guilty too :( The travel cot sounds like a good idea Sarah. Wish you lived closer as we have one we never use. Our loft is also filled with baby stuff that I have now started eBaying. We were going to keep it for the next baby but there is just too much! I am also so NOT broody!

Amy: I don't know what to say about Kerry. He is just unbelievable :growlmad: I am also so sorry to hear that hon :hugs: As you know we are all here for you 100% :kiss:

Maybe: I cried when I read your post! I am so happy for you hon :hugs: I really hope this is it for you now :hugs: If he doesn't than at least he has shown you that he can!

Hannah: Glad Amelia got her toothypeg!
Hello lovely ladies :hugs: thanks so much for all your support.

maybe - WOW!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm so pleased for you!!!! :happydance::happydance: well done Owen :happydance::happydance::happydance: I played recorder too :haha: my girls have both played it at school and it was fun to remember how to play and have fun with them :hugs:

Nothing's changed here, we're just not talking. He was upstairs watching TV this afternoon and Holly is really into dancing and I have a bit of a thing for 70's music :blush: so we put on one of my cheesey CDs and had a bit of a silly boogie which was funny and made Alex laugh. Hope you all had a lovely saturday :hugs:
Hi all -

Amy - hope your ok. Glad you had a laugh having a little boogie!

We have spent the day with Dave trying on suits for the wedding and now we are trying to decide who are having the 14 rooms at the reception venue and who is going to have to get a taxi about 5 mins to another hotel!

Hope everyone has had a lovely day ... we are hoping Amy settles tonight as she spent half the night last night in my bed!

Amy I'm glad you had a nice day :hugs: The dancing sounds fun - Oliver always laughs like mad whenever I dance about :haha:

H&F Sounds like you're getting loads of wedding things done!!

Modo I'm trying to ebay a lot of stuff too, I'm only keeping the baby things I can't bare to part with and there is still loads :haha:

We had a nice quiet day, just popped to the supermarket this afternoon. Its been nice though and I managed to get quite a bit done. I'm trying to be really organised re my big wedding show in February . . . . there is quite a bit of stuff I need to order. I'm dressing a full table and I need to decide on colour, centrepiece, favours, etc etc . . . . I just can't decide :dohh: Its like planning my own wedding tables :haha:
H&F - I feel so exited for you about your wedding! What kind of suit did you and Dave decide on? I'm sure people wont mind getting taxi's to a hotel 5 mins away and they can group up! At least you get the best room :winkwink:

sarah - I can see why you love weddings! just dressing your table sounds like fun :haha: yey for your nice day :thumbup:

I meant to say! Hannah - I'm glad that tooth of Amelia's is coming along - any sign of the next one? Did you find a new place for you all to live in the end? Is Amelia sitting yet? x
Maybe - Yay good boy Owen!! :happydance: At least you know its possible now, even if he doesn't do it often :hugs:

Amy - Boogying sounds fun :)

H&F - You sound so busy with wedding plans! Glad you are getting so much done :)

Sarah - I think dressing a whole table sounds alot of fun! You should just enjoy that part, it won't be often you'll actually get to decide on those things, so have fun with it! :) When in February is the show?

Modo - I never really listen to the HV either, i was only there as i wanted to weigh Roh to see if he could use my neices carseat or not this weekend (he couldn't he's about 400g to light :dohh:) and she was telling me that we have a developmental review coming up in the next month or so, so she was asking about stuff. Not looking forwards to that, i bet they make Roh jump through a load of hoops....rubbish! (not literally! I just had a funny image then :haha:)

Well, I've had the most lovely day! :) We went to Reading to my brother and SILs place. Its always nice to see my neice, and the growing bump, which they've nicknamed Elroy for some reason :shrug: My Dad and step mum came along too with my little brother (he's 11, yes, its a MASSIVE age gap :shock:) My little brother is so taken with Roh and my neice, its so cute! Roh was absolutely loving all the cuddles and attention :haha: He was a complete angel all day, and behaved really well on the bus and the train, and was adorable and smiley all day :cloud9: He's also been very good this evening, as we ended up getting home really late at 8.30pm and he settled down in bed at 9pm, had a little grumble at 9.30pm and is now snoring away :) He slept 7.30pm - 7.30am last night :happydance: I'm hoping that sticking to this routine will keep him on track now, he's so much happier since we started it, always smiling away :)
I also had a nice suprise today, as i totally forgot that when my little brother was born i gave him my first teddybear, who i had when i was very little to look after him. Well, as he's nearly 12 he's kind of alot more into his xbox than teddys, so today he brought my little bear back and gave him to Roh :cloud9: Its so cute, Roh is really taken with him (he's called Baggy, never did know why :haha:) and he cuddled him all the way home on the train :) Hah, i'm feeling very soppy and i may be suffering some sort of cute meltdown!! :rolleyes:

:hugs: to you all!

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