Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Awww Emera - bless your little brother!!! how sweet and thoughtful! Wow - how old is your mum (if you dont mind me asking?). Kerry has 1/2 brothers by his Dad that are 7 and 3 (Kerry is 33) and he's never considered them brothers :( It sounds like you have a lovely bond with your brother :cloud9: how sweet that Roh loved the baggy - I feel soppy for you :hugs: and its brilliant Roh has taken to his routine so well! I've got to get Alex into my work routine (first feed at about 6am) ready for when I go back so I might start setting my alarm early this week as I only have a couple of weeks left :sick: bleeuuurrghhh
Amy - Booooo for going back to work :nope:

My little brother is lovely! A very sweet boy, my other brother and i have always really spoilt him when we see him :blush: He's a half brother really, but we've never thought of him like that at all, its very pleasant in my family, my mum and step mum get on very well, so we often all get together, well, whenever we can. My Dad is 61 and my stepmum is 57, there is a 25 year age gap between me and my half brother. Its hard now really, as my stepmum is in remission with cancer and my Dad's health is going downhill too. I feel for my little brother, i think he'll lose his parents far earlier than he should, iykwim? My Dad just made my brother and i his legal guardians today, which makes me feel a bit better about it.
Emera awww thats so sweet of your little brother!! I'm so pleased that Roh has been better with his routine! I think I might consider doing something like that with Oliver . . . he's so much happier when he's had his naps. What a great night for Roh last night!!

Amy I haven't checked my lottery numbers yet - if I've won lots you don't have to go back to work :hugs: Or if not the lottery, I might need to take on as assistant at some point, move up to Pontefract and work for me!! You can bring Alex to work :hugs:

I'm glad the table dressing sounds fun :haha: I just can't decide!!!!!!! It's to showcase my stuff, so everything has to be things I can get more of / get in different colours / get cheap enough to be able to make money on. So far I've decided on my colour scheme (burgundy - the wedding show is in a catherdral and apparently burgundy looks great in there. Plus I have a wedding coming up in burgundy so I figured it would be a practise for parts of that :haha:). I need to decide on placecards, favours, napkin dressing, and possibly also menu cards and a table number. I'm thinking of going with a diamante bow theme, kind of like this:

I also can't decide if I should drape my exhibition stand. Its one of those normal corporate box exhibition stands and its 3m x 4m. I have my round table all dressed pretty with chairs etc, and a table with other samples etc. I just think if I draped the walls in white organza or something it might look more 'bridal'.

I'm thinking out loud now :haha: You are all my guinea pigs - please tell me if a) you think my ideas are poo and b) I'm boring you :haha:

This is the show by the way . . . .
Awww Emera bless your little brother . . . I can see why you would feel a bit upset about that. I guess thats the downside to having older parents. I bet he is very grateful to have you and your brother though, he knows he will be looked after if anything awful happened :hugs: Its great that you all get on so well!
Oooh Sarah , i think the theme sounds lovely! :) I also think draping your stand would be a good idea, it will make it stand out and look classier, and like you say, more bridal.
emera I hope your stepmum stays in remission :hugs: I think its lovely your little bro is so close to you and your brother becasue he wont feel alone when he's older :hugs:
sarah - I'd love to be your assistant :thumbup: I'm sure its hard work but it sounds so much fun. Burgundy sounds like a great plan - its such a popular colourscheme at weddings :thumbup: the diamante bow theme is gorgeous, really classy!
a: your ideas are inspiring! you're so creative!
b: not boring me! I love this kind of thing.
organza drapes sound fab - it will make your stand eye catching :thumbup: x
emera - glad you had a good day yesterday and hope roh gave you another good night's sleep!

sarah - your job sounds so exciting!!! have fun!!! you are not boring me, i like hearing about your ideas! i had burgandy/wine colour theme at my wedding.

h&f - owen spends all night in my bed :dohh:

hannah - glad the tooth came through :thumbup:

well owen didn't do a 12-5 stretch again but there is a definate move in the right direction. he was asleep from about 9 and woke twice between then and midnight but settled really quickly. then he slept about 12.30-2 and then the same pattern of waking quite a lot til we got up but at least he now goes down for the night around 8-9 so it is progress. now i just have to get him out of my bed!!!

had a bad diet day yesterday as we went out for lunch and then had an indian takeaway in the night! but i have been good the rest of the week so am still hoping for a weight loss of some sort when i weigh in tomorrow!!!
Amy: Glad you had fun dancing with your girls :)

H&F: Sounds like you are getting a lot done :)

Sarah: I did about 3 exhibitions a year and I know its really hard work. It must be great doing it for yourself though :D I really like your theme too!

Emera: My brother is 18 and we have a lovely relationship despite the 13 year age difference. He sounds like a lovely boy :) Its really nice that he gave Roh the teddy bear. I have a toy dog called George that my grandfather gave me on my 4th brithday, George was about my height at the time! Since I lost my grandfather 10 years later, George means so much to me and I want Bobby to have him one day :D (he is too big for Bobby right now :lol:)

Maybe: Glad Owen's sleep is improving hon :hugs:
:hi: I have been so busy that last few days and have had to read and run :sad1:

I am off out again soon so I am not going to attempt my usual gargantuan posts.

I just wanted to post some :hugs: for Amy, I can't believe that Kerry is so blinkered when it comes to recognising what a wonderful family he has. A kind caring family is worth more than all the money in the world, it is a shame he is unable to see that :nope: I giggled when I thought of you boogying, it is good that you are able to find fun and laughter even though things are tough :)

Oh and Emera, I got all mushy and teary eyed at the thought of Baggy being passed onto Roh :cloud9:

Got to go. :hugs2: to you all xxx

Emera that is so cute about Baggy!! :cloud9: how lovely....glad Roh was good on the train and bus and that his new routine is working. think one is required in our house, things have gone to pot...again.

Well done again Owen that's a great move in the right direction, when he's in the cot you won't know yourself :thumbup:

Yay for a boogy with your girls Amy, that sounds so nice! :happydance:

Sarah, when you said burgandy I wasn't sure but now I've seen your links I think it'll look amazing! :thumbup:

H&F well done on the wedding prep, I'm kind of jealous, we booked all of ours in an afternoon :haha:

Crikey, we are having a tough couple of days.....

Will had his first nap yesterday and work at 1130 and refused after that, so went to bed early at 6:30, he stirred at about 9:30 pm and then again at 1 am but settled himself. Then at 3 am he needed a feed but was so hot, tried to take his temperature, with great difficulty only have the forehead strip. He definitely had one so I stripped him off and put him in his summer sleeping bag, then I fed him again at 5 am and he got up just before 7 am. I was awake the rest of the night pannicking that he was overheating. He doesn't have a temperature today but just is too uncomforable to sleep, I really thought we would have at least one top tooth this morning but no progress :cry:

I think he has just gone off now, first time since getting up! I've have to keep him calpol'd up today and he has had his amber necklace on but he's in a right old state.

Anyone else had a teething temp?? Ordered an ear thermometer today, hate not knowing exactly what his temp is x
L-C - I've got an ear thermometer now, as i had a head strip one too and it seemed to be rubbish, the doctor told me off a bit and said to get an ear one. I have the Nurofen one which was on offer and cost me £10. I think its not the best, but its definately better than the strip.

Roh didn't sleep too badly last night, i spent a few hours in his room from 4am, as he was a bit unsettled. Happily he seems to settle down now if i just murmur to him, so i can do that and snooze on the chaise longue in his room, my back is a bit stiff though! He's napping now, after a slightly disasterous lunch where he turned down everything i offered him, even his usual favourite stuff, i managed to get him to eat an orange, a yogurt and a slice of toast with butter and jam. I've never given him jam before, as its pretty sugary, but i really wanted him to eat something, naturally he loves it :rolleyes: I checked in his mouth after lunch, and no suprise that he was being fussy, he has bleeding patches where 4 teeth are coming through, one has broken the skin and the other 3 are clearly close! Hope they all just get on with it, so he can have a rest from teething for a while!

We've been pretty busy this week, so today is a lazy day, as OH is back at work tomorrow (he's been off all week) and i'm working for the next 3 days too, so we are having a nice family day in! :)

Oh my goodness Emera poor thing 4 teeth!!!! that sounds like a good amount for lunch we didn't get anywhere near that....

Modo meant to ask how's bobby's crawling coming along??
Hello wondeful ladies :kiss:
I finally have a working internet connection AND a laptop :wohoo: So I can pester you all again.
Hope you're all well, I've been keeping up with you all via facebook although obviously I don't know as much as I would if I'd been better at coming on here..
Hope Rohan and Will are feeling better soon :hugs:
Sarah, burgundy is lovely. I'm highly unartistic so will leave my advice there :rofl:
Daisy is now standing up and starting to cruise, and she waves and says 'hiya' :cloud9:
Amy- :hugs: :hugs: I feel awful for you, you don't deserve the way he treats you at all.
Amy - No sign of another one yet :( The first one's coming through more each day though :) I can feel teeth in her top gums but nothing yet. We have found a house they're just sorting everything out and waiting for them to give us a date when we can move in, it's supposed to be the 1st but not so sure that we'll be moving then. And yes Amelia's sitting really well at the moment, she can sit up for a good few minutes confidently playing with her toys :happydance:
LC: Poor Will :hugs: I hope he has been better today :( Bobby hates crawling now all he wants to do is stand.

Emera: Poor Roh getting 4 teeth at once :hugs:

Katie: Wow that's amazing! Daisy is doing so well :D

Hannah: Hope you get to move soon!


Bobby is such a grumpy baby! He hates crawling now and being on the floor. All he wants to do is stand but he can't pull himself up yet so we have to stand him up and wait by him in case he falls. Whenever we put him on the floor he cries and we have to distract him with toys :(

I think he now has object permanence and gets really upset when we take things away from his (like wires) and sometimes we can't distract him with another toy. He is also drinking less milk but eating more. The only time he seems to be happy is at mealtimes or when he is jumping on our laps. I mean he does enjoy playing for a little bit but gets frustrated easily I think its because he can't do what he wants to do (like get around).

Is anyone else going through this? I just want my happy little boy back :cry:
Sarah - your ideas are wonderful, and I love hearing about your wedding stuff! Everyone must get sick of me ranting about wedding plans!

Maybe - Hope your weigh in tomorrow goes ok ... we had chips for dinner last night but I think I was still within my points I am hoping for a loss on Wednesday.

LC - Hope Will has had a better day today - Amy gets a bad temperature during her worst spells of teething but it has normally passed by the morning.

Emera - I really hope Roh's teeth come through soon - 4 at once is horrible - which four are they?

Katie - Hi! glad your back - Daisy is growing so well she is so gorgeous have seen some of your lovely pictures on facebook.

Amy - how are things?

Hannah - Hope you get to move house soon.

Modo - Amy is having grumpy times at the moment, she doesnt want her milk in the middle of the day but I am so worried I am over feeding her to be honest I dont know how much food she should be having. She also wantss attention all the time and screams if we take anything off her that she shouldnt have ( she is constantly after the phones or plug sockets or the dog!) I am putting it down to her being frustrated and generally having a temper but hoping she calms down again soon.

As for us we have had a lovely day - we went to Dave's parents for lunch and altho I am on a diet his dad made a roast of pork belly which is so fat and he served me a portion with about an inch of fat on top and loads of crackling which I just politley pushed to the side of my plate and explained ... Dave then cleared my plate! Amy has been well behaved all day, we went for a walk and she had a go on the swings at the park. We are now still trying to work out who to give rooms at the hotel to for the reception and I think we have 3 left now because daves parents dont want to stay!

Anyway I better go I promised my mother I would right directions for her to the church and from church to the reception! And I am having my hair done and eyebrows shaped tomorrow I am so so excited!
Modo we have gone through a similar thing with Will he won't go in his play pen and hated the jumperoo, just wanted to do his own thing. He's getting better at it now though.

We've been to the out of hours Dr this afternoon as Will was bright red and burning up, he has a slight temperature and they have checked him and he seems fine. they think it might be a virus. He's really not very happy today, the fact that he's only had 1/2 sleep doesn't help! So early to bed tonight with a neurotic Mummy sleeping on his floor!

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