Emera awww thats so sweet of your little brother!! I'm so pleased that Roh has been better with his routine! I think I might consider doing something like that with Oliver . . . he's so much happier when he's had his naps. What a great night for Roh last night!!
Amy I haven't checked my lottery numbers yet - if I've won lots you don't have to go back to work

Or if not the lottery, I might need to take on as assistant at some point, move up to Pontefract and work for me!! You can bring Alex to work
I'm glad the table dressing sounds fun

I just can't decide!!!!!!! It's to showcase my stuff, so everything has to be things I can get more of / get in different colours / get cheap enough to be able to make money on. So far I've decided on my colour scheme (burgundy - the wedding show is in a catherdral and apparently burgundy looks great in there. Plus I have a wedding coming up in burgundy so I figured it would be a practise for parts of that

). I need to decide on placecards, favours, napkin dressing, and possibly also menu cards and a table number. I'm thinking of going with a diamante bow theme, kind of like this:
I also can't decide if I should drape my exhibition stand. Its one of those normal corporate box exhibition stands and its 3m x 4m. I have my round table all dressed pretty with chairs etc, and a table with other samples etc. I just think if I draped the walls in white organza or something it might look more 'bridal'.
I'm thinking out loud now

You are all my guinea pigs - please tell me if a) you think my ideas are poo and b) I'm boring you
This is the show by the way . . . .