Hey Ladies!
I'm here Amy, bless you for missing me
L-C I have the same ear thermometer as Emera, I get really paranoid about Oliver having a temp. I really hope Will gets better soon
I would be sleeping on the floor too.
Emera four teeth! Poor little Roh, I hope they don't give him too much trouble
Katie YAY!!! Good to see you back
Daisy is such a advanced little super cutie!!!
Hannah great news re the house!! I hope you can move soon!
Modo Oliver sooooo has object permanence
He alsi has an obsession with wires, laptops, TV remotes, mobile phones . . . . the cat. Basically anything he shouldn't have, I'm constantly removing him from things and trying to distract him with toys while I take something off him
The other day he crawled over to our big floor lamp, which has a dimmer sliding switch thing, and he was sliding it back and forth making the lights go up and down - he thought that was AMAZING
Oliver gets quite grumpy too, I think its frustration and to a point been tired but refusing to sleep
H&F It sounds like you have really got to grips with the wedding planning!!!
Muddles I'm glad you had a good night out!! I hate sat nav
I always prefer to drive and not drink . . . I can't imagine having a hang over and a baby to look after!!!!
I'm glad that Kerry is been a little more reasonable
Do you think that at some point you might be able to have a chat to him about things? Maybe see if there is a reason he's such a soooo tight with his cash? I'm rubbish at 'talking' but after your advice the other week Steve and I had a chat (in a 'not having a serious chat' way IYKWIM) and it made me feel soooooo much better. So thankyou
and I'll say the same advice to you
You deserve to be happy, and I can't help but think that if Kerry wasn't so hung up about money he would be happier too
We have had a lovely quiet day - we watched 'Avatar' which we hadn't seen before so that was nice. We had a nice Sunday Lunch and I got some house work done, so its just been a nice relaxing day! This evening I've been trying to get everything ready for tomorrow as Oliver and I are off to stay at my parents for the night, while Steve is in London. I've tried not to pack too much but well, you know what its like
I think I'm going to take my netbook with me so I'll be able to post, if not I have my phone
Not such good news is that I think Oliver might be starting with a cold
He has had a runny nose all day. I've propped him up in bed and he's sleeping okay, bless him, but he's very snuffly.
Hope you are all well, thanks for all you lovely comments re the wedding things
You're all so fab!